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It's confirmed
USA and FOX make them sensor stuff, this won't change much. They still wanna market to kids and won't change things up much outside of a few curses and fake blood.
hhh is a complete edgelord though, you never know. and rock was cursing nonstop when he came back so you have to assume hes an edgelord too
Is your point that you are retarded?
No he’s just scared that once this happens, GayEW’s remaining fans will go back to WWE.
I'm glad we won't have to deal with "Holy _____ Holy ____" and promos getting silenced because of Asshole chants anymore
and the black screens every time a fan on camera throws up a middle finger
paul is a boring old teetotaler
i doubt they would have even done the edgy rock stuff if their original plans didnt fall through
and smackdown and the ppvs are still on comcast
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>No nipslip black screens
This will likely be the most of it. They still have all of the same sponsors like Mattel on board. So no the PG era isn't over. Smackdown is still on USA and will adhere to the same rules Raw currently does. It's hilarious because if WWE's product is so genius and the best it's ever been then why are so many people so desperate for some new fake Attitude Era? Any drop of ketchup or peep of a swear word has them foaming at the mouth over it
because it is good but it can always be even better. the blood in the cm punk angle was based because wwe doesn't use blood often (although they have been a lot more lately)
I don't care how much people say shit or bitch, just let Chelsea flash her titties
How's spamming cursing and blood and middle fingers working out for AEW?
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If you look up what was actually said, he's only talking about holy shit chants
All of those things are based to me
The problem with AEW is that they overdo it. Hopefully HHH can find a balance
>Uncle Howdy, get your DAMN ASS out here right now!
>e drones start yelling and clapping their hooves together
NXT will be the PG show now because its on broadcast OTA TV. OTA channels have more regulations.
Did you actually read the quote in the screenshot? It's just one example. He literally brings up Rock promos in the same quote.
next wednesday house of black cuts a promo
>we don't have no rabbits in the house of black... and the house? it always wins... bitch!
>sensor stuff
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>Ospreay, get your nigger kid raising ass out here
>no one claps because no one is in the audience
Rock is literally a member of the board, a millionaire AND one of the two biggest WWE stars of all time. If he wants to say "fuck" on live TV, he literally can, and can maneuver it politically AND monetarily. It's a non issue. But given Rock's notorious ego, it's also easy to see how it might be him taking advantage of his role while the other workers are forced to stay to a friendlier script.
this makes a ton of sense and is a great compromise for all involved
With that RAW just became the A show.
Anon, Fox has censored Rock segments
>you can't tell rock what to do
Holy based
>great compromise for all involved
No it's not. All the hottest women are in NXT. If CW makes Lola Vice stop shaking her ass I'm gonna be pissed
Uncle Howdy strikes again
It already has been since the draft.
WAAOW! now they can say the heckin B-word 15 times a show and not just 5!

Are there so many zoomers here at this point they don't realize this is the exact promo Austin did to get giga-over?
What's your point? Did you forget the time he was very not censored and said "fuck" on live TV? The type of language still matters, even if it's censored or done through gestures. Why do you think DX was so controversial?
>HHH can find a balance
hhh works with a big creative team now that includes heyman, gewirtz, ryan ward, regal and jeremy borash
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Me and my /pw/ pals watching RAW next year.
This will be around the time /pw/ becomes a red board.
>swearing is edgy
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>we're actually going to get ruthless aggression 2.0
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>mfw e-chads were the sickos all along
>retard doesn't understand what a compromise is
also, you know she's not gonna be on nxt forever, right, and that moving her to a non censored platform will allow her to do more of that shit?
My issue is with "great". Its a compromise, but not a great one. Also Lola was just an example. NXT is a revolving door of hot women.
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you just KNOW. crowds are going to pick up on this and start getting wilder for raw.
we're in for kino
thanks for your valuable insight
>sex, racism, homophobia, transphobia, real main event stars
>in 2025
Goofy ass board if you actually think that's happening
Huge pop!!
bro people were calling seth a crossdresser just like 3 months ago
paul heyman literally calls the tongans subhuman savages
That will continue because it wouldn't reflect well on the company in light of the Vince stuff.
>showing gay tranny LGBT shit is ok
>showing a guy getting killed is ok
>showing sex is ok
>can't say fuck though on tv
shut the fuck up moral gatekeeper
How hard you gonna be worked into a shoot seething when the crowd chants
>WWE currently black screens or cuts scenes entirely due to Holy Shit chants and middle fingers from the fans
It really is for kids, isn't it?
How can e-drones defend this shit with a straight face?

You gonna defend playing with your action figures next, Johnny Gargano?
Well their flagship show got 502k this week so... oh yeah, it's total shit. Good point.
I wasn't saying any of that is bad. I wish culture was still like that. It just isn't.
because of faggots like you keep clutching your pearls
Pigvert you're crippled because God hates you
Strange. Didn't a "kids" product sell out the most profitable wrestling event ever with WM40?
...how is AEW doing, again?
Canceled sadly
it is tho
This is the only thing that he's talking about. Anyone who thinks they're going to be dropping F bombs and having women in thongs again is delusional.
Rock is the only one who can do that. And they'd prefer if he didn't but he'll go into business for himself.
you mean like the multiple f-bombs and women in increasingly skimpy outfits we've got lately?
I just told you I wish culture was still like that, how am I clutching my pearls? You need to cool off brother.
It's still a show for kids and families. It would be retarded to suddenly turn into a show that kids wouldn't be allowed to watch. What Liv is doing now is as sexual as it's going to get, and even then she's not really showing anything.
what about lola vice and sexxy red having a twerk off
I highly doubt that was approved ahead of time.
Bro twerking is considered normal now that was literally nothing
but booker t literally asked for it on twitter and then it happened in a pretaped interview
Pretty sure it was live
>twerking is considered normal now
I fucking hate this world.
>Posts that will age like milk
How would it make business sense to take a show that lots of kids and families watch, and then alienate a large portion of your audience and drive them away?

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