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On WOR Bryan and Dave were discussing the “catastrophic rating” this past week for Dynamite and Dave delivered grim news . He said that never ever in the history of pro wrestling in North America have two companies thrived and do well at the same time. He says he racked his brain and went though the decades it always ends bad.
> thoughout history , no two companies ever do great for too long. After a while the number 2 company eventually collapses because the number 1 is doing so well. I don’t see a scenario where they come out of this number one
He basically said that demise is going to happen and that Tony is in a bad way at the moment with negotiations.

Talk starts at 18:00
You should get your GED, your reading comprehension is at a grade school level
>Gotta defend the Kotaku of wrestling
that'll be $14,99, please
Hey Dax
>Wrestle observer radio
>Your reading comprehension
Nigga what? Who reads the radio?
>the smartest aew tranny
listen...AEW sucks. OK? It's just bad. The wrestling, not the best. It's ok for an indie show you'd go to once a month. But every week, and for like two hours?

I don't know man. It sucks. And the audience who really likes, that's the real killer, because those people are weird and unpleasant to be around, even on the internet.
So that's it. Yesterday it was 6 stars and a half, and today we need to get ready for a "catastrophic KWAB"??
What a traitor, those Tone bucks could have been invested in more toys... maybe the next one was drawing a milly for real
Fuck this, fuck everyone, this is not happening. Aew will survive, to the infinite and beyond!
>the problem is aews matches are just too good
14.99 folks
He didn't mention anything about negotiations, but he is not so subtly saying AEW is ice cold. But it's funny he says they're ice cold because AEW matches are so good that people are used to the quality so they tune out
One line I liked he said is
"Will I enjoy watching it when it's on? Yeah probably. Does anything about it make me want to watch it? No"
He's basically acknowledging it's a show booked solely to produce 'bangers', even down to the thin stories they have, and it's engaging no one because the crowd that was once eager to watch good matches in the schizovince doldrums of 2020/2021 don't care anymore because there's better booked 'bangers' on the other show.
dave don't miss
The real question is whether AEW were ever a real #2 or whether it was all novelty
I too enjoy reading the radio.
It's fucking bizarre hearing them try to tie themselves into knots to avoid mentioning the total viewers
>The last quarter was so insanely low...
>it was only 0.13
who talks like that?
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>better booked 'bangers' on the other show
Wasn't Dave saying about 3 weeks ago that negotiations were going well and AEW was getting a massive increase?
>Two companies can't be hot at the same time, I checked the history
Territories, Crockett and WWF, WCW WWE and ECW, Japanese companies at multiple times in history, the top companies in Puerto Rico, AAA and CMLL have been 'hot' at the same time, etc.
To be 'hot' by Dave's standards AEW only needs 1 milly and about 5-6k average attendance. It's really not that out of reach, and the biggest issue is obviously the dogshit booking.
They'll blame anything for AEW's low attendance and ratings except AEW itself. >It's WBDs fault for not playing big bang theory before the show!
>it's WWE's fault for being too popular!
>it's the women's college softball league's fault for having a game this wednesday!
It was always doomed to happen
Tony is to fuckin stupid to run a wrestling company
Didn't anywhere from 15 to 30 promotions get along just fine for decades, often doing steady business?
This is fake news. You are fake news. Dave did not say this.
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>You should get your GED, your reading comprehension is at a grade school level
Those weren't national.
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>doubting Tony K
You dumb motherfuckers. AEW is #1 in the world with Nooj in a solid but distant #2 within 5 years.
You talking about the territory days?
yeah because they were all staying in their own little areas and cable wasn't a thing yet.
so they weren't competing with each other
He literally just said North America get ya eyes checked tranny your eyes are transitioning to blindness.
>It's really not that out of reach
It shouldn't be but it is, the obvious no milly issue aside they've made literally zero positive growth within any single avenue for well over a year now, everything is dwindling. Historically speaking on a national level when there's been a two company war, one always ends up the 'cold' one, the one that people stop watching not just because it's shit and booked terribly but also because its reputation is in the mud. WWF and WCW were both this at different points and the hardest part is reversing the trajectory, like WWF had practically a whole year of good booking with super over guys through 97 and it took till 98 for the tide to turn. Tony doesn't have even a month of good booking left in him, we all know it's fucking over.
Tony can easily turn things around once Kenny and Hangman come back.
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>catastrophic rating

wait wait wait
so is 500k catastrophic or what they expected? make up your mind magoo
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TNA never died. Shit just keeps going and going and going these days. We will get 200k viewer AEW chugging along.
>grade school level
awfully generous
I love how the ratings have gotten so bad that now they have to pretend they never even got a milly so it doesn't look like they have lost half their viewers.
Dave has such a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that the majority of people who watch pro wrestling don't actually watch it for the wrestling. It blows his mind how people don't give a fuck about muh workrate and muh flips.
They started at 1.5 million viewers a week. It's actually 2/3rds and Tony expects to get a raise on the new deal whoch is why he spent big money on free agents. At some point his dad is gonna tell him to figure it out and make some money.
Why is he acting like he didn't aide and abetting Tony's booking style all the way with Booker of the year awards and constantly complimenting of "Great shows and PPV" because they were targeted directly to Dave's narrow view of wrestling

People have been saying this for three years and were met with hater, e-drone and my favorite "Hey don't you like wrestling" now it shows that people were actually giving sound advice that could have helped more than "But look at cagematch and Dave stars"
Tv ratings aren't real
>Dave says AEW will collapse soon.
That's not what he said at all, you retard.
quit exposin' the damn business
>with Booker of the year awards
to be fair i do believe those are decided by his message boards and not him. i remember when tony got his last one dave came out and said that triple h really should've won it. truth is they were both wrong because it should've been hbk.
ok but listen... slopdown got cancelled
AEW exists so Tony can play booker. If they aren't on TV he'll pay for some other way to distribute it.
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W after W for the E, baby!
New Japan and all Japan competed against each other for years trading number one spot back and forth multiple times
>IF they rebound
And there it is: Dave admits AEW has already fallen.

Yes, they'll probably still be around as long as the Khans bank it, but AEW is going to the way of TNA now. It's not a strong "challenger" promotion but increasingly an irrelevant thing that yet persists.
>5 hours, plus at times battle of the belts. Now add 4 hour PPVs once a month
That's a lot of hours at the best of times, but when you fill the time with the same style of an unnecessary long match with characters who don't feel like "must see" and matches who don't have much buzz going into or coming out of it, being "good" doesn't have much value

He books like PWG or some indy company, which the Meltzerverse loves, but just appeasing that section of a potential wrestling audience, there is just not enough of them to fill 25 hours and 9 TV tapings a month

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