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>"MJF is gone and he’s never coming back"
>"Wardlow will become World Champion, do the right thing, forfeit the title and give it to me"
>"AEW needed change. The Undisputed Kingdom starts a new chapter here in AEW, and the Devil is here to stay, bay bay."

Tony fumbled Wardlow beyond repair
He needs to go to WWE or just retire
Greatest wrestling story arc in History. just wait till MJF acknowledges The Undisputed Kingdom again. Devil vs MJF at Wembley
>CM Punk returns to WWE. Still hasn't had a televised match
It's almost like injuries fuck up plans in wrestling or something and no wrestler or promotion is immune to it
>goes to AEW
>gets brain damage and his body destroyed
>probably will never wrestle again
Should've waited for the Paul Era
In that time punk has continuously been used in promotion and storylines. When big nose said they couldnt be happier with punk, he meant it. That first drew match is going to have people rushing the ring.
So has Cole. It's just that no one gives a shit because Tony is a shit booker and forgot about this stable as soon as he debuted Ospreay
people wonder why the ratings are going down
this shit was the only intriguing storyline aew had for latter half of last year
it's like if hogan came out as the third man
and then never appears again and glacier suddenly gets the title
>like if hogan came out as the third man
Nah, it's more like if Disco Inferno was the third man
>glacier suddenly gets the title
I see what you did there
>January 3rd
Cole will return to open the Wednesday January 1st 2025 Dynamite, come out to his BOOM theme, looking exactly the same as always and do a baybayface promo with an emotional, lip quiver moment and finsh by putting the locker room on notice.

He'll tear a muscle by March.
>In that time punk has continuously been used in promotion and storylines
In that time Drew McIntyre has all but single handedly carried a feud. You can count the appearances Punk has made on one hand
The Drew and Punk feud has one person out hurt for an extended period. Both MJF and Adam Cole were out injured. Adam Cole still isn't even fully back. How the hell do you pull of a feud where both guys not only can't be wrestling but need to be away for surgeries and recovery and all that? Not one to defend AEW nor am I saying it was going to be some great feud but they were dealt a really shitty hand with that one
>this shit was the only intriguing storyline aew had for latter half of last year
This entire angle was completely panned by everyone during the time it was going on
>Still hasn't had a televised match
PDS is a hell of a thing
Everything Adam Cole touches, turns to shit. Including Britt Baker's career. Send him back to WWE.
Where's the derangement? If I'm wrong show me where I'm wrong
No, that story is what helped practically kill AEW. The entirety of 2023 was the worst of AEW. The didn't draw a single milly that whole year, and MJF's face run was the worst drawing ever until Swerve. Think about that. MJF had the entire scene handed to him. Mainevent status at All In, and he was still the lowest at that point.
>Including Britt Baker's career
Britt Baker is shit herself though. No one in AEW likes her
Why the fuck they picked Cole to be the devil is just insane to me. They were building to a heel faction and it should have been Jack
>a-and one more thing
>y-you see
I'd say it was worse given Cole was literally written off completely when Max came back lmao
Cole will tear his quad as soon as he steps foot in the ring again
The reveal took way to long and Adam Cole KWABed himself months prior and Tony is too stupid to pivot
>It's almost like injuries fuck up plans in wrestling or something and no wrestler or promotion is immune to it
AAAAHH oh no COLEbr0s we got QUAD get for a torn QUAD! just like KRN!
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>CM Punk out of nowhere
Why are you stupid trannies so fucking mindbroken about him? He's not even in your gay failing 502k company anymore
not the anon but the one they're replying to is making it sound like punk has been around weekly despite being hurt when the reality is he's made a handful of sporadic appearances and it's drew who's been doing all of the heavy lifting and keeping the heat there and making things work while punk has been out injured all of this time
Why are you seething? They brought up an angle that got interrupted by injury 6 months ago and someone did the same. Sorry that Punk is made of real glass anon
Imagine if Wardlow was given Orange Cassidy's push.
Atom Smol was already injured though
Sheldon style promoing.
But you can clearly see wwe made it work and kept the angle hot
>muh injuries
That excuse doesn't work. There's no excuse for the Devil storyline falling apart like it did. Cole got injured but so what? He was clearly set up to continue being an onscreen character. He had henchmen to do his bidding and wrestle on his behalf, so his injury wasn't really a problem, but the entire fucking storyline was abruptly dropped and forgotten. After fucking months of build, after Cole was revealed as the Devil, after all that bullshit, it's all just memory holed with zero payoff. AEW revolved around this story at one point. The incompetence of this entire debacle is staggering.
He got injured in the middle of the angle still though. They were trying to make it work similar to how Punk and Drew have been able to but then MJF got hurt too. Injuries suck
Yeah because Drew McIntyre has been on and wrestling and involved in other things for Punk to be able to pop up every couple months and do something with. If Drew was hurt too and had to be off tv for an extended period then things would be very, very different. I'm not sure what's difficult to understand about the differences there
You're seething
Punk's angle injured is better than Adam Cole's LMAO
This gay fucking stable doesn't even exist anymore and Punk is still doing a feud with Mcintyre for like 6 months also since getting injured.
Nah, I'm astonished and amused at how Tina could fuck up this badly
>bragging about punk needing to be carried through a feud for half a year
No one gave a fuck about Mcintyre before Punk started working with him.
You're absolutely seething
if anyone needed any further reason not to take you seriously you just gave it to them
I dont live in the imaginary reality where other things happen. I live in this one where punk vs drew is the hottest feud going and the devil shit disappeared
Kek in your deranged mind what do you think I'm seething at? I'm not an AEWtist so there's no reason for me to be bothered by Tina botching the Devil storyline
punk is in one of the hottest angles in wrestling tho
Read what you posted here out loud >>15030288
Tell me you don't sound upset
Show me where I've said otherwise. You're trying to force some point that has nothing to do with what's actually being discussed just so you can feel right about something
Nah he was over as fuck
Okay and? Who said anything otherwise anywhere in this thread? You're arguing with yourself over that one
the retards that can't separate the difference between
>both guys in an angle together get hurt so it falls apart
>one guy in an angle is hurt so the other can help it carry on
is staggering
That's not really a critique or analysis though, it's a faggot observation. It's something a literal faggot would do when a group of men are sitting around in a room complaining about a call in football or basketball.

Do you have something to add other than faggot comments and nonsense?
>after all that bullshit, it's all just memory holed with zero payoff
i'm still waiting for that big roman reigns vs goldberg wrestlemania main event payoff. surely you are too right?
>WWE out of nowhere
Just say you have nothing man. Listen to yourself. All you can do is be angry and seethe. You haven't made one point to argue this
>It's almost like injuries fuck up plans in wrestling or something and no wrestler or promotion is immune to it
You're just pissy that I brought up Punk and used him as an example. That's the real Phil Derangement Syndrome
the entire thread has been about both companies you seething illiterate dipshit
Fucking KEK. An entire Wrestlemania main event memory holed but you won't hear them say a word or keep up the same energy about that one
Quads of truth
because they thought he was an elite ally and found out he wasnt. nothing more or less.
Cole showed up at the last PPV only to have MJF attack him, stomp the mask, and Cole roll away. What is Tony gonna do with all the guys in that group? Even Roddy has been sucked into this stupidity.
Yeah ok fine kek. I admittedly forgot this even happened. Or I guess didn't happen
Why are you wasting time segueing into faggot minutia and back again, do you have mental issues? Are you on cocaine? If you have an argument then stick to your argument. What's the point of being a stupid bitch - then when someone calls you out on it, immediately going back to the argument YOU YOURSELF derailed?
It really is crazy how rapidly the decline has been. They stubbornly held on to at least the same million mark range that TNA in the 00's was at. The booking was never good, but 1 million marks will watch any pro wrestling I though
>the feud with Sheamus and Boogs was so fucking good actually!!!
fuck off retard
Luv Britt, simple as.
Wait. So it's not a new era, the Undisputed Kingdom era? But Adam said...
>He got injured in the middle of the angle still though.

he got injured 2 months before the reveal so no, he didn't get injured in the middle of the angle, he got injured 2 months before the angle
Why would I be upset about AEW botching a storyline?
TNA was/is 2 hours per week and not 5, which becomes exhausting to follow. Rampage/Collision have shit cards so nobody watches. It's as if Tony is paying wrestlers on some inverse proportional basis -- if the show does a .25 rating, no salary bonus. If it does .20, 50% bonus. And if it does .15 or less, 100% bonus. Why else would you fill these matches with jobbers, enhancement talent, NWA rejects and so on?

Swerve has had 1 match in the month of June. It's June 24th. How do you not find more matches for him? How does a wrestler become a draw when you only use him for interviews? You can't CREATE a star and a draw when they're barely known but given a part-time schedule.

Young Bucks - 1 match in June.
Jack Perry - 1 match in June.
Trent Beretta - 0 matches in June.
Takeshita - 2 matches (0 singles) in June.
Taven/Bennett - 0 AEW matches since April.

What are we doing here? Why are these people all over TV but not in the ring?
Good points.
Tony watched rise and fall of wcw and then did the Thunder secondary show over saturation to himself.
After hot shoting matchups for 4 years, now he pivots to jobbers, squashes and inconclusive finishes.
He needs help.
Fuck NXT. Should have never signed people like Smol, Roddy, and Keithly. They killed AEW
Ask yourself that. You reacted that way
Wardlow sucks and his name is stupid. He had one of the WOAT matches ever with Samoa fucking Joe. The dude should be fired.
I was trying to figure out a tier list, this is what I came up with

1) Main Event
2) Upper Mid Card
3) Everyone else on the roster
4) Enhancement

Tony Nese may not WANT to job to Swerve in 5 minutes, but that's what the company needs - not 17 minutes where Swerve gets his ass kicked 65% of the match. They need at least 6-7 different levels to make a roster this size work, to keep their stars in the ring, to give the paying customers a chance to see all their favorites in action when they go to a show, not just 2-3 if they're lucky.

Action Andretti vs Jay White announced for Dynamite
What should happen: 4-6 minutes, Jay White wins decisively and cuts a promo after the match letting everyone know playtime is over.
What would happen: 10-12 minutes, PIP break, no promos before/after, interference win, Jay yells at a muted mic while announcers throw to the back

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