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Next shows
June 28th, [CMLL x LADYSRING x Mexico Tourism] "LUCHA FIESTA2", Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo, 7:00PM JST
>Amapola (CMLL) vs Momo Kohgo (STARDOM/STARS)

June 29th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Jun.2", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240629_korakuen/?mc_id=994

June 30th, "STARDOM in SHINJUKU 2024", Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall, Tokyo, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240630_shinjuku/?mc_id=1029

Previous >>15022872
Zoomer squad assemble
those two better not make Mei fat
Slopdown was cancelled
nice of the fat camp to let Suzu attend the show
anon, this is Slopdom
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Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle players
This is the unit
Kitto is the oldest one kek oh they’re in trouble aren’t they
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Is kogumaschizo back?
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weird looking bananas
STARDOM will soon get the Inabas, Honoka, Saran, Miran and Nanami as regulars
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Need more tanned players
she only needs my banana
I can't decide if she's attractive or not
Sometimes she's hot and sometimes she looks like a man
they shoot roids up their ass at the rice farm
kurara but she is a chickenshit heel
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That's not how Mama Kurara raised her...
Cosmic Angels is a heel group
She's not attractive. It's just that she's kinda jacked and activating your submissive tendencies.
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just watched the saori match and i thought people were saying stardom doesn't react to outsiders and only supports their players. crowd is chanting iwata for minutes after she wins
why is a tranny right next to a kid
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The uncles in the audience typically don't react to anything, it was a surprisingly good crowd for a Stardom event. Even had a heckler at the end of the Saori match lmao
Mina said Club Venus hold meetings to discuss problems within the unit
he was not interested in the tickling theater that was unfolding
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nobody here watches the product. edrones come here too shit on stardom because of aew
>Korakuen Hall has to make schedule inquiries on a yearly basis, so for 2024, Harada is at his discretion
It's still Harada's fault btw
Edrones don't care about Stardom and theres been bitching going back a year
they do care because it's part of their proxy war especially now with marigold and wwe in cahoots
Mina wants to team up with TJP or Zack Sabre Jr at Historic X-Over 2. She also asked the hosts who would be the best partner for her and Reg said Hiromu. Wasn't there a rumor they were dating at some point? https://youtu.be/iBVD811QZMA?t=866
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She used to be hotter
Need more sweaty players
>Even had a heckler at the end of the Saori match lmao
Notice that there wasn't a heckler when AZM was crying and playing out her storyline. It's almost as if she did it actually well.
Only Mina, and even then we've always bitched about her wrestling.
>People finally cared about something
>just had to kill off a unit to do it
>now we have another round of Natsuko trying to win the red belt
I thought poi’s promo was good, she’s just naturally comical
>Wasn't there a rumor they were dating at some point?
Yes. And he seems enough of a cringelord for some women to find him attractive so it might've been true.
I wonder if it was legit or just the usual 5ch headcanon. I don't remember seeing any pic of them together.
>I thought poi’s promo was good
The words were good but she doesn't know how not to overact and was so fucking shrill. It's aggravating.
Lol wut
Does Suzu's shirt say hate fuck Suzu Suzuki?
Well that’s just how her voice is
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>hate fucking Suzu Suzuki
Looks like The Fury Suzu Suzuki
poi's squeaky anime voice is fake
listen to her talk casually and it's like an octave lower
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Damn she's like genuinely hot here
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kurara is young enough to like limp bizkit
The koguma schizo
no one in the slk unit is tall enough to ride rollercoasters
that's because she was paler & better hair
Is that blood or red mist?
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Mist, courtesy of Dump Matsumoto
she used to be before she got older and started juicing
because it is a promotion that books a shoot pedo
>Looks like The Fury Suzu Suzuki
she's furious because the fat camp doesn't let her eat more
I simp our wonder of stardom oja
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More joshis should take the tan-pill, it's a highly underrated look
Always taken aback hearing Tamu and Poi's real voices, they're surprisingly low
I love WWE.
I love Stardom.
I love TJPW
I am loving Marigold so far.

I hate AEW.
Too bad.
Genuinely surprised to find out she's 28
no fuck non-fat Spudzu
regular fuck fat Suzhuge
great slim body
her face is mid
This but I don’t watch TJPW and I’ve only seen the marigold debut. And I used to really like AEW but not lately
She’s over with me. Nice bobs too
do not insult your white belt champion like that
kid finna break her neck doing that
Nah I’ll blow her back out
i'll blow your asshole out faggot
Yeah right I literally dare you
u-uh, DM me…?
What about the rollercodester?
None of them are dark enough for that ride
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Not even Mika?
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Mayu and Saya Lida went on a roller coaster once when it was Saya's birthday
>Thunder Dolphin
I don't think Mika is in the zoomer unit
It's the Tokyo Dome roller coaster
Oh yeah I forgot what we were talking about
i think starlight kitto will win the 5* this year
>She's not attractive
turn your monitor on
Starlight Kitto x Jeff Jarrett
I rewatched Maika vs. Xena and I've come away feeling the same as the first time -- just an incredible match between these two.

It's undoubtedly the best match of Xena's career and will go down as one of the best from a foreigner in STARDOM history, but it's also a tremendous career highlight for Maika, who adds a second great defense to her reign that I felt she needed.

I'll talk more about it later this week, but these two hit a home run in a spot that many didn't know what to expect from it. Xena is a player to anyone who didn't know prior. Those chops set her apart from many.

Great, great world title match.
why are slurpers like this? It was a good match (that went at least 5 minutes too long) and nothing more
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>bouncy negroes
>bouncy mayus
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Fuka Kohgo, yum
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Des the actress playing Mayu have any wrestling background? Or did she take up some wrestling school in preparation for the role? Because she honestly impressed me a little bit in that short stint she was in the ring with Syuri
Kitto coming out to MY WORLD would be yen
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she trained with Syuri to prepare for the movie
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That was the birthday where Mayu ribbed Gori with a trip to ribera
She's be saying 平手打ち and 私ってすごいじゃないですか before you know it.
where can I watch Mayu's Ice Ribbon match?
she'd be gorgeous without that corn hair
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no comment
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Imagine how visual they will be in 5 years
>When asked by announcer Yoshida of Kagayaki Radio "When did you decide to betray DDM? Did you have that decided from the beginning? Or during the match?" Natsupoi was hilarious when she was speechless for a moment, and that she didn't mention Julia's name and just said "leader".
So you're saying the host is an asshole for bringing it up
Jeez Louise
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Why the fuck doesn't Taro allow the fans to throw streamers.
I doubt he knew
Senjo announcement after Raw. It could be Stardom related.
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They announced the full card for 7.15 https://sendaigirls.jp/schedule/47512/
No Iwata vs Anou yet
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The absolute state of QQ
And Maika
and Xena too
Florida Kittos finished the story
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Mayu is Stardom. She leaves and the company dies.
Pretty rad
Nobody wants to give prominence to soya's story. Anytime she had, was off the coattails of Utami.
>was off the coattails of Utami.
who can't even be bothered to give a shit anymore even though people keep asking for her opinion
The Loose Cannon Sayaka Kurara
oh for FUCK’S sake
it was pretty good, especially coming from a xena match
when will these fuckers take a break instead of begging for attention for themselves
the marks are on social media feeds
lore > karate
Everything has to be an epic moment. Not enough just to say hey they put on a good match, check it out.
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Let's be real here for a second brothers.
Don't you think zoomie deserved to be the one remaining in QQ more than saya?
She was io's lil sister, the one truly carrying the legacy and worst of all now zoomie is about to play not even second fiddle it would be more like third fiddle to her rival new unit.
Saya was more suitable to create a complete new unit around her.

Taro and hatman have something in common, they really love tall bitches despite her abilities on the ring and KWABing zoom zoom.
Neither Saya nor AZM seem like leaders tbqh
Whereas Oedo had like three in Tora, Momo, and SLK
its a never ending duel of who can one up the other and wax poetically about the most mundane shit
No because Zoomie is a midget
Tsukka broke her arm to get the cover and continue the burial of Kamitani
Nah, this time she just had a good main event nothing more really. Saya/QQ is the one that was giga KWABed
Maika is a champion with no commercial appeal And nobody really cares about QQ at this point
abid post the ice ribbon show
Maika should have won the strong title instead. Seems more suited to her style.
Anon just because it's called Strong doesn't mean that it's a belt for hosses
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this cured my yellow fever
Just post more Mikas
Strong is just the brand name that New Japan gives it foreign belts
considering every girl in that photo except Utami is mid, you cannot be blamed
Midka shouldn't have won the world of stardom title. Nobody buys it.

Even a wonder of stardom title reign would be hampered by her unsightly stomach fat, however. She also doesn't have a marketable personality nor a real ability to tell interesting stories.
Poi with her girlfriend Sareee
Sareee/Poi vs. Takumi Iroha/AZM at Sareee's show on July 29th
>Don't you think zoomie deserved to be the one remaining in QQ more than saya?
>She was io's lil sister, the one truly carrying the legacy
This. This isn't about Azumi's quality as a wrestler, because at worse she's about good enough. It's about that tenure credibility combined with the attitude and presentation the group is supposed to represent.
Soya is a newcomer and a clumsy, goofy, fawning retard who also evidently cannot keep her cool. She's not an actual good fit for Queen's Quest, let alone being the leader of it, which only happened because 1) she was Utami's sidekick/lapdog 2) she's older than Azumi 3) she's the only one that's won an actually important title 4) she's otherwise the tallest, none of which sufficiently qualifies her in the esteem of the majority.
It wouldn't matter if players were hesitant or unwilling to join Azumi's Queen Quest, because the vibe she'd have established would be a restoration of its true intended nature as an exclusive club for people who are serious about wrestling; it'd have not only still looked good and serious and believable with Azumi as its member, but even further with her as its *lone* member in contrast to it being filled with kawaii-uguu shitters.
Under Soya it's just a joke and a farce from every angle possible.

>Saya was more suitable to create a complete new unit around her.
With what theme? With what purpose? You can't build anything but a comedy unit around her. She's not credible as a serious player.

>worst of all now zoomie is about to play not even second fiddle it would be more like third fiddle to her rival new unit.
There's no actual hierarchy nor sense of unity within the budding midget zoomers group. There's no reason to believe that it'd be a typical unit in how each member's relative importance shakes out.
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beaucoup de texte
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Saori Anou - exclusive Oz Academy player
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Kek imagine being this much of a Stardomfag
If your name isn’t Sonny you should cut off your cock for this post
pulling out Mayu's buttplug tail while she's not ready for it
Based future Marigold granny
Mayu is so beautiful
stoned icon
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was she co-workers with Hazuki?
it's Saya's story, I think AZM should get the Highspeed title, eventually defect to Oedo Tai out of spite that Saya ruined QQ(and to oppose SLK), have Momo oust Natsuko as the leader, then have AZM fuck over Momo in the finale so Saya defeats her

I'm just glad there's at least something to look forward to as far as story paths
Thanks she’s really growing on me
there is a koguma thread on the catalog
kog on the 'log
Kog's logs
she told me to have a good day and now I've fallen in love with her
You're right, fuck the other idiots.

First they came for Watanabe, now they've come for AZM - Fuck Bushiroad.
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what a cute couple
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Hazuki, Momo, AZM, spinning wheels third-wheeling
the cuteness is downgraded due to poi's garish blondeness
You just know Sareee slaps her around
I’ll break your neck
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like this
Hazuki's is by her own choice, she left just as they were going to kneecap her. She then chose to come back and play enabler to a dimeless fat comedy 'wrestler'. No sympathy for her.

Momo and Zoom have been actively sabotaged & buried, consistently, for years.
Need her to shove the index finger of that glove up my ass, then put it in her mouth
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lol chihiro vs a roided ma,n a match that has already happened, is a special singles match while momo jobbing to dash is just a singles match
Need Mika feet in my mouth, forcefully if possible
all true sadly
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I need sex with the three on the right
Risa has released her schedule and she's free this Saturday. Stardom appearance?
Nah I’m having her put her butthole in my mouth that night
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we don't want more plodding shitters
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Next shows
June 28th, [CMLL x LADYSRING x Mexico Tourism] "LUCHA FIESTA2", Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo, 7:00PM JST
>Amapola (CMLL) vs Momo Kohgo (STARDOM/STARS)

June 29th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Jun.2", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>June 29th (Saturday) Korakuen Hall, Tokyo
>High Speed Championship Match: Saya Kamitani (Queen’s Quest) vs Fukigen Death (Oedo Tai)
>Goddess of Stardom Championship Match: Hazuki & Koguma (STARS/FWC) vs Syuri & Konami (God's Eye)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (Oedo Tai) vs Nanami (Diana/God's Eye)
>Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Rian
>Tam Nakano & Saori Anou & Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Ami Sohrei & Saki Kashima & Ranna Yagami (God’s Eye) & Hina & Lady C
>Starlight Kid & AZM & Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki vs Natsuko Tora & Momo Watanabe & Thekla & Ruaka (Oedo Tai)
>Maika & Xena & Waka Tsukiyama & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Mayu Iwatani & Hanan & Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)

June 30th, "STARDOM in SHINJUKU 2024", Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall, Tokyo, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>Maika & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Saya Kamitani (Queen’s Quest) & Rian vs Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>Xena (E neXus V) vs Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V) vs Lady C vs Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Ami Sohrei & Saki Kashima (God’s Eye) vs Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Syuri & Konami & Ranna Yagami (God’s Eye) & Hina vs Natsuko Tora & Thekla & Rina & Ruaka (Oedo Tai)
>Starlight Kid & AZM & Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki vs Mayu Iwatani & Hazuki & Koguma & Hanan (STARS)

Previous >>15031072
Thank you based king
Hina and C in Gods eye and AZM/Miyu with the zoomer looks pretty set, no dragging it out. And Tam is there the 29th but gone the 30th
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>Maika & Xena & Waka Tsukiyama & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Mayu Iwatani & Hanan & Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
return of the wak
Tam and Momo will miss the Shinjuku show. Forbidden Door starts 38.5 hours after the Korakuen show. Both were in the US during mania weekend so it makes sense to send people who already have a visa.
Takumi is so cool
If they were going to FD they would be missing both shows like Mina. Its a lot for one day
It's just a tag match on the pre-show. They will be in the ring for 5 minutes, maybe less if the it's something like AEW/STARDOM/CMLL vs AEW/STARDOM/CMLL
Doesn't makes sense for Momo Watanabe and Tam Nakano to tag
Thought her arm fell off
Guess this answer the question
Rossy discarded Momo for Arisa before Bushiroad's failures. She didn't help herself with the weight gain either
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STARS - April 2025
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>Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Rian
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>There's no actual hierarchy nor sense of unity within the budding midget zoomers group.
Don't try to bullshit us brother the Hierarchy is clearly there.
Kitto > Suzu > zoomie > mei > Miyu > probably one of the rookies as a pin eater

The hot angle was zoomie getting mad at saya for losing QQ ending up with saya turning heel and joining OT that makes sense after the angle they did with momo teasing her plus you can get a good tag team heel run with momo.
Let zoomie work the lonely queen gimmick carrying the banner with pride building neo QQ from scratch then you can have the match again with OT having the climax with zoomie winning.
taro can have kitto work the WM40 Seth Rollins/roman spot with tora.

After that you can make another angle with momo/saya blaming tora and make an OT civil war that gives tora a good kayfabe reason to retire and get married.

but guess taro think that having saya carrying the QQ banner like a schizo while crying is better.

>Inb4 you can work a main event angle with AZM because she's a midget.
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Certified felony twins (and Hanan)
>Nah, this time she just had a good main event nothing more really.
True. Maika came out of that title match pretty good; you could even argue that a great title reign has some of those kind of enjoyable matches which beforehand people think are gonna be shit.
please don't slap Azumi, she doesn't have many teeth left
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>Good evening!

>Today marks six months since Sayaka Kurei's debut!!

>It's only been six months, but it's already been six months.
>It was such an intense time and so many things happened.
>I will continue to push forward with even more effort.

>Thank you for always watching.

>Please continue to watch over me.
What did Hina do?
Good for them. They would've been the easy KWABOTY if the Edmonton McDavid's pulled off the reverse sweep.
Kitto unit already with 2 8 man tags together. We’ll see how they get booked strength wise
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it is time for movie mayu to become a real joshi
top quality attire
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>I'm Ai Hoshino of the professional wrestling world
You can't take seriously the Seven Dwarfs Squad.
3 days until Stardom becomes NJPW's property
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Young Lioness-chan
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antonio poinoki
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of course Okada's there can't have an event without the star of the promotion
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the true shindie shitters
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Sometimes I just wish I was born as a ring rope
this all happened 3 days ago, you can't summarize the angle of QQ's revival in "Saya carrying the flag and crying" there is a lot to happen in the next few months with 5 stars and DQ
Batowl would have loved Azusa Inaba
I can love her enough for the both of us
Dicks out for Batowl
>13 years ago today was my debut match!
>At that time, I loved practicing and would practice morning, noon and night until I was exhausted!
>Right now I hate practicing so I spend the morning, noon and night just laughing.
>I definitely don't want to move from now on!
>Thank you very much
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can't believe Bushiroad hates Momo so much they're putting her on forbidden door. can anyone stop these monsters
Sorry brother but “Bushiroad actually likes Momo” isn’t going to catch on. Being a nothing pre show tag that’s not even booked currently won’t change that
Momo fans coping once again that THIS time is the one
>nothing pre show tag
>not even booked currently
Do you have inside knowledge
Momo anti really didn't like this one lol
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Please tell me what else it would be if she made the card. It’s called not being a retard
>they have 9 matches booked already
>2 womens matches
>Momo has not been mentioned in any programming

What other kind of match would there be, if there’s one?
Momo and I are having an abortion that day and that is why she is off. She isn't at forbidden door, but we should have used the forbidden hole to prevent the pregnancy.
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Aren’t they wrestling the day before?
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Fuck The Cops
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For me it's kurara being normal then instantly going killrara mode and start blasting elbows like crazy.
Tamu is not going to be able to contain her in a few months and she's going to start spearing everyone bron breaker style.
Is there a new Osaretai https://x.com/yoppy228/status/1805604625896325628
No cheers/no reaction comments are blatant lies for the most parts.
It's not even a Momo anti, he's an anti Momo-has-it-bad. This dude sucks off Stardom so much he'll defend the past 4 years of Momo's "booking" lmao
Momo will beat down Mercedes and Tam will save her because she has no other friends backstage
No its generally true for most shows. Lets not lie
The actual wrestlers have talked about it. Of course its a thing. The bald uncles dissapoint and they were all in awe of fat Americans actually paying attention when they went there
Yeah, but when anon in this thread says something like "X got no reaction", especially when show is on, he lies.
japanese joshi fans are not vocal because they feel it's a form of bullying towards the wrestlers
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>Online harassment from online fans drove Hana Kimura to suicide
Are you okay?
I thought it was the terrance house people that did it
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This was a shoot
kek what a bonked bitch
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death match vs. tam and onita when
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kurara is the protagonist of stardom
I want to be her slave
The girl in yellow probably shouldn't have been giggling when she was getting whacked.
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Shindie Kitto
Nah Moker is one of a kind, plus Kitto never played rugby I don’t think
many fans are clamoring for a momoka hanazono and saran tag team
>The girl in yellow probably shouldn't have been giggling when she was getting whacked.
It's Kawahata you casual
does that mean shes allowed to giggle
she has ''haha'' in her name
>whole act is suruga mei at home
>one of a kind
I wonder how AEW fans will react to Momo
the character of momoka hanazono is way more sexual than mei suruga apple girl character
The baseball bat will help get her over
it is impossible to play a sexual character when you look like a hobgoblin
where can i watch this
Throw your life in the trash
momoka is a nobgoblin
momoka the gobbler
She'll get a storyline where she beats Tony Khan with the bat and steps on his Gundam and that triggers Mina to protect him
getting her tits out in the old toni storm gear is the only way momo gets over
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shindy slop
NEW >>15043133
310 for opetty being a pathetic cunt

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