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Milly on deck.
Not even on Planet Retard
I could drive to this but none of it looks worth watching live and I imagine it will smell quite bad!
Will and his black son vs The Dudline
Gay White vs Luchadork
6 whore tag match
Max Jew Fryed Man does another dead promo
Will be heralded as successful rating
>MJF in Buffalo
Not gonna lie, I'm tempted to watch MJF fuck a buffalo.
>mid jew fag in buffalo
So? Why advertise this of all things?
*Half milly on deck
supernatural spooky dogshit got the piggiEs feeling some type of way
This shit might pull sub 500k, holy fuck
I mean, it looks interesting, but it's no Wyatt Sicks or Judgement Kino. Call me when Kenny's back.
He's going to stick it to the Buffalo Bills!!
>ass vs tits match
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>Will and his black son vs The Dudline
Mina is on the wrong team
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>S2 starting
wtf is gates of agony
I just don't understand the thought process behind booking Gates of Agony on TV. Nobody is watching to see if bruv and Will's cousin can co-exist to overcome the jobber team
Just threw up in my mouth seeing this card
GayEW just gets worse and worse. Fucking hell
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I'm Buffalo.
God they need to even follow wwe everywhere they go its grim dude
Tony has accelerated his descent into peak senile Vince booking with not just one but two "these guys are going to be opponents on the PPV but tag team partners now" matches. just needs a random eliminator match
>forgotten snore stay-home show
Good luck going against the Mexico game lmao
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>forgotten snore
Kek, I'm remembering that.
Forbidden Door will be the reset AEW needs for a strong lead up to All In season.

AEW chads, we're so back!
They used to blame the women for drawing shit but now it’s the other way around.
I can't fucking wait for All In, brother
Ospreay getting his big moment in front of his family and friends in England? Gonna hit like fucking CRACK shooting in my veins!! HOLY FUCK I LOVE AEW!!!

meanwhile epiggies in scotland just watched their hero lose and chanted bullshit on their way out hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I wish so badly Tony could go back in time and book a month of the attitude era.
>Austin and Undertaker vs the Headbangers
>Eliminator match European champion Kane takes on Al Snow
>Trios match The Rock, Brian Christopher, and Essy Rios vs Mankind, Taka Michinoku and Val Venis
>We'll hear from D-Lo Brown!
I stopped watching weekly but tune in to see Mina every fucken time now.
Tony's surely gonna steal her from the japs right?
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Company value?
2 billy
TV Ratings?
We gettin milly

Best wrestler in the world?
We got Willy
E dronies?
Oh they gettin silly

A E W?
We won the war sweaty
Vinny McMahon?
Still the KWABOTY

Black Panther sucks dick
Raw & Smackdown?
E-piggie sloppy shit

Forbidden Door?
Trendin on Twitter
New Japan?
Full of shitters
holy grim
Hearing from dlo popped me
Looks like 70-0 to me. Real question is can it break 600k?
Just like last week's record low?!
What happens if its lower?
>I think Josh Allen SUCKS
Daniel Garcia had a video package recently about growing up in Buffalo, AEW decides not to fucking book him.
Checked my tv guide and it looks like Big Dimes Sheldon is back in action!
I was there at the beginning.
And, if this is it, lads, I'll be there at the end as well.
The wrestling world is a better place for this beautiful dink fart of a fed and you know deep down it's true.
Tony has to ask permission from his wrestlers (Claudio, PAC, etc) if they're OK losing to Garcia in his home town.
If they all say no, then Garcia will beat Cartwheel Jack or some other jobber.
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Milly on KEK (what a Bitch)
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>blackie and bruv team up to face a tag team that has never won a match on dynamite! will the world champion and the all-atlantic champion be able to put aside their differences and beat the team that never wins anything?
>gay shite takes on gay penis in the shart foundation tournament
>six women in their mid thirties try and act like sexy teenagers! it's a laught riot!
>midget jew faggot is here! just like he was last week, and the week before!
holy grimola going to spewola
>Milly on deck.
Her name is Mina anon, not Milly
No milly, but they could see an almost unprecedented skyrocket with a solid 750k-780k
Tony should hire a wrestler named Milly, it's the only Milly Dynamite will get anytime soon.
It won't be, this week has arguably the most solid Big Bang Theory lead-in in the history of the AEW/BBT tag team.
>local sports team sucks man in state with local sports team!!!
>Two "can they co-exist" matches

>we'll hear from d'lo brown
Okay. That got a sensible chuckle out of me
>Tony's now relying on "can they co-exist"
Holy fucking shit. Grim times.
Another thing they used to make fun of WWE for, but have to defend.
>doing a "can they coexist" tag match

oh no no no
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Legit feels like old school 2021 dynamite, AEW has been firing on all cylinders the past few months and it feels like they're finally turning a corner back to what they used to be.

AEW has been terrific this year, legit their best year top to bottom since they started. That's coming from someone who's watched since it began
... Are you being genuine or sarcastic? I honestly cannot tell
Those caliber of people over there have absolutely 0 self awareness
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>Legit feels like old school 2021 dynamite, AEW has been firing on all cylinders the past few months and it feels like they're finally turning a corner back to what they used to be.
>AEW has been terrific this year, legit their best year top to bottom since they started. That's coming from someone who's watched since it began
BBT will get them a gigaskyrocket but it's just papering over the cracks.
>Austin and Undertaker vs the Headbangers
I feel like this one could've happened in a WILL THEY GET ALONG? match. Presuming Austin and Carder didn't try and get it shot down.
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>Legit feels like old school 2021 dynamite
Yeah, Dynamite was shit back then too. lol
The only good thing in 2021 was wwe guys like Punk, Bryan and Christian coming in. The overall show was the shits then too but having those big names come in was exciting and gave people hope that the WWE was finally being challenged for the first time since the nineties.
Of course that went nowhere because AEW fucking sucks and everyone there is more interested in jerking off than making a popular show
>No womeme whore matches
Based and accurate do more
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I hope they bring back the funniest nigga on the planet back.
Didn't know Billy had another son
They should print that on the card, it might actually draw people in
Actually a decent card.
I'm gonna be so hard for Mina.
Tony has to treat him like a big deal so that he feels important. Nobody gives a fuck about an MJF segment. It's not a selling point.
"MJF in buffalo"

What does this didn't mean? It sets 0 expectations. Might as well say "character in this show will be on this show". Obviously.
What the fuck is this
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You know Tone? Maybe I'll watch this week.
>no CEO
don't care
You could yell out absolutely anything and it'll be heard crystal clear by almost half a million people.
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Bro looking like Elliot Rodger in this pic
Is he on Rampage?
CaN tHeY cOeXiSt?!
I fully expect Gates of Agony to win because Swerve and Will can't get along for one match (because tensions high!) and /pw/ talked about no one winning an Eliminator match, then lo and behold, The Acclaimed won one over The Young Bucks.
>trots down the ramp
>still kwabs himself
this was 2022
MJF looks so sad in his new render.
I have never watched an episode of this am i missing out? I think the last sitcom I watched was My Name is Earl
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Now that Christian is Collision-exclusive again, there is absolutely no reason to ever watch Dynamite.
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>almost half a million people
>AEW is now×dependent on specific high drawing BBT episodes
>this nothingburger of a card the week after you get btfo

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