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holy shit
Is this the power of 502k?
holy FUCK
Grindin' (whoa)
You know what I keep in a lining (whoa)
Niggas better stay in line when (whoa)
You see a nigga like me shinin' (grinding!)
Grindin' (whoa)
what went wrong unironically
Tony Khan.
They had a bried moment where they fooled some people into thinking they were cool.
Shortly after most normal people left after a few weeks you slowly lost your audience of sickos.
Now all you have is the sickest of the sickos aka wrestling fans no one wants to associate with and whoever fell asleep to big bang re runs.
It doesnt help that the hoes that work at AEW complain about being raped by the audience
tony mostly, but the type of fan they attracted pushed away any chance of them being a draw long term due to no sane human being wanting to interact with such undesirables
Tony Khan’s awful weekly booking, tripling down on the antidraw Young Bucks and creating an Us vs Them (WWE) mentality with his Twitter antics and calling WWE the world Weinstein company
>Dave meltzer
>Bryan Alvarez
>Tony Khan
none of these guys know shit about pro wrestling, so nobody should be surprised that they're all wrong about this literallywho bong nobody
>Arena's Empty Wrestling
Will The Grinder Ospreay drawing the house!
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>Wrestling's hot right now
WWE is.
Jesus. I didn't watch him in the nip fed. He wrestled in front of more people there right? Is this noticeable to him unlike some of the indy shitters on that roster?
Tony not knowing how to book and him being a complete retard on twitter alienated most fans.
so how long till we see a downgrade to hotel convention halls, high school gyms, community centers and unironically bingo halls?

or do you guys think his ego won't allow him to downgrade to smaller venues after bragging about wembly for so long?
full house
someone needs to post the meltzer ospreay webm
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>b-but cable viewership is down everywhere. AEW is fine!
Not wwe its been gaining viewers across the board lately
All the trannies who kept saying everything's fine, look what you helped happen. LOOK AT THE WEBM IN THE OP. We tried to tell you it was heading in the wrong direction in 2023.
Where can I watch AEW in 2025?
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NJPW is aware of the reality of how big they are and doesn't book venues that will have humongous fields of empty seats
Your average mediocre Dynamite is equivalent to like an upper-medium size NJPW show, but the NJPW show will be in a building that is mostly full so it's not depressing looking
NTA but my money is on either twitch or youtube as a webshow. the only way AEW dies is if papa shadman cuts tony off or tony ODs on coke and dies.
honestly though how can anyone sit at a show like this comfortably knowing that the opposite side is just barren and empty
i'd feel so embarrassed to be there
Everything was perfect at first. Everyone was looking forward to AEW, from smarks to marks and even Cornette. It was what everyone was was asking for: a solid alternative to WWE who were at their lowest at the time. You basically had the top guys of every non-WWE promotion there like Kenny, Kingston, Penta, PAC etc. AEW raped Haitch's NXT so hard they changed their broadcast days.
And then for some reason Tony hired EVERY SINGLE GUY from NXT despite beating them. Cole and his lackeys were at the top of NXT when they were getting 92'd by AEW and Tonikan thought that it was a good idea to bring them to AEW and made them top guys over the talent he already had.
But for some reason fate favored Tony and so he was given a second chance with the signing of Danielson and Phil, arguably the two biggest draws of modern wrestling. And yet he did nothing until they were ice cold things just went downhill. From the locker room fight to brawl out to Tony shooting himself in the foot by showing the footage that exposed him as a bitch fearing for his life when Punk just yelled at him.
Was the "Grind" even worth it?
Dave pandering
muh wwe promo every week
tranny pandering
most importantly tony and the way he took criticism as personal attacks and having aewtists praise him for his shitty decisions.
small indie company, please understand
midget community theater
Why is this clown staring directly into the camera?
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>only bleached his top teeth
huh? this nigga really think nobody will notice his yellow ass bottom teeth?
Ultimately it was Tony. He couldn't book the shows well enough to keep interest. Tony let the Codester leave and become the biggest babyface in 20+ years. He let the backstage drama go unchecked because he believed it creates more intrigue for fans but of course it led to Punk leaving and talking shit the whole time since.
Tony Khan being a fucking pussy a shoot retard.
the paki cunt killed his own company
HHH crying in his sleep about letting this megadraw get away
zero project, outside being a "WWE alternative"
Because the bucks whole gimmick is that wrestling is fake
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The indie show I was at over the weekend may have had a bigger crowd unironically
If Tony was a smart man he'd do a studio setup like NWA had and he can emulate all the 20th century wrestling shit he wanted, hell you could commission a whole property to your desired specifications if you have the money he does
I think Tony books these 20k seat arenas months in advance thinking that by the time the show happens that he'll have turned things around and they'll be full
He better start looking state fairgrounds at this point
Just book smaller venues, your main audience is the TV people anyway
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it was embarrassing from the start
Cody got less involved and Tony got more involved. He should have stayed as a passive investor like in 2019.
>AEW raped Haitch's NXT so hard they changed their broadcast days.

Let's not get carried away. They beat NXT by like 200k viewers.
The problem is Tony Khan is a rich arab who can buy whatever he wants and Vince McMahon at least grew up in a trailer and had to experience life a little before he took over his father's wrasslin' company.
tony needs to step away and let someone else take the reigns for a bit. they have to start booking smaller arenas until shit gets better. go back to jaxonville’s 2000 person arena.
Rich Paki, that's even worse than a rich Arab
Back to back kwab
Same exact things that killed WCW. Giving power to the worst people. Running out Punk was the point of no return. I don't care about your ya seething or slopdown got cancelled or Punk sucks reply, he objectively took with him at least 200k viewers and pissed a lot of people off
When Tony signed Ruby Riot to AEW you knew he had no idea what the fuck he was doing
The Young Bucks isolate Tony from everyone else and he was stuck using their bingo hall ideas and their bingo hall talents to try and fill venues much larger than the bingo hall crowds that actually want to see the young bucks.
Claudio and Ruby tier signings who end up in the exact same predicament in their new company is always hilarious
Remember aew fans popped for Ruby Riott
WWE becoming better and feeling fresh and cool at the same time when Tony Khan and AEW got exposed for their amateurism with the punk situation.
I was at the finals for the inaugural TBS champ tournament and my first thought when she did the job for jade was "she's lower midcard for life isn't she"
Tony being literally worse than Herb Abrams
Tony and NXT shitters
AEW was built on anti-wwe sentiment. That kind of product has a shelf life. It never had any sort of identity of its own other than wwe bad. Now that WWE is doing better there’s no reason to watch AEW. AEW claims it’s where the best wrestle but it’s full of people who do overly choreographed fake shit and people who wink at the camera and tell you wrestling is fake and nothing matters. People literally get set on fire in aew and shrug it off like nothing happened.
My grind’s bout millys never been about tarps
I genuinely enjoy laughing at aew and tony's failures
It is a fun little pastime isn't it?
mix of tony khan and the evps
why did he have good looking ring gear when he was with NJPW and suddenly once he joined AEW he switched to thin ugly ass aquaman looking pants?
Tony Khan
>get paid millions to work 1-2 times a week before jetting back home to the UK
if im Ospreay or any other talent theyre willing to pay im taking that cash. if aew fails most of these dudes will find a job especially someone like Ospreay
All of this really
Will they? aew is turbo devaluating their image, at the same time inflating salaries
what do you think will happen when aew goes tits up?

Tony killed the indies and is gonna kill himself, all the while making retards believe they deserve getting payed by the millions
For real though why don't they just run small buildings like early ECW? Their shows would come across so much better.
People got tired of gay manlets with no personalities doing faggot dance routines and extreme parkour. AEW has no stars and no stories. It's boring and a complete waste of time.
Hard cam side, droniE.
somebody will buy it aew and save it. top talent could be kept, they could move back to indies to tna/wwe, theyll find work but not for the money they make now. thats why im saying cash out on tony now while you can. no one is gonna say mjf is the reason aew died. its all on TK
its really funny how at the start there were lots of indie shitters and botches but it was good tv because the booking and stories were fun and interesting. Now the roster has tons of enormous names but nobody cares because the booking is dogshit
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Holy fucking shit hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha people defend this too hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
This masturbatory smark fed getting what it deserves brings me great joy.
Tony Khan drags out storylines for 8 months for feuds in which you know the winner 99% of the time. If he booked his show on turbo speed AEW would be by far the best wrestling show. Feuds should last a month, culminate at a ppv, then move the fuck on.

But why can't a storyline end in one month? Because he books blackpool combat club vs. 3 jobbers from mexico/japan every single fucking week instead of using that time to progress a story. Then on collision he has jack cartwheel and black bountry hunter who makes le weird face instead of the people actually on AEW's roster that are part of storylines.

It's an abhorrent fucking show. Dynamite, Collision, Rampage, all of it.

I guarantee this wednesday's card has a trios match between one of Tony's favorite toy factions (BCC, House of Black, etc.) vs. 3 jobbers from a foreign country, or 3 random indie shitters. We'll hear from MJF, Mone, etc. in which nothing will happen. And 6 months from now Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale will still be fucking feuding.
too many things to list
Afraid so.
Unironically this. Especially Dave Meltzer.

Keep in mind that Dave ADORES the Young Cucks. But he HATES Hulk Hogan. That should tell you everything you need to know about Dave's mind for the wrestling business.
The majority of their fanbase has a 41% suicide rate.
Jesus Tony hired a Cody impersonator?
the best thing about all of this is meltzers preferred style of wrestling being indisputably shown to be niche bingo hall shit
Is this Balding Buck?
AEW is not Dave's preferred style. He's gone on the record a bunch of times about how he personally hates Mox style garbage wrestling, but still rates it highly when it is done well.
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This, with the addition that even when it's not an outright predictable feud that lasts that month or two they are still watered down to random additional match ups and segments that make it feel like it ran an extra 3 months and all of the parts were some trickled in there like some connect-the-dots puzzle to make it look like a feud to begin with.
Then some jackass references that feud as a reason for this new feud 5 months later like anybody would give a shit, just before another tournament for some flimsy excuse to have them like a 3v3 qualifier to a eliminator match gets thrown on that shit.
Remember how long it took for JAS to finish up their break up angle? Geeezus
Nothing. AEW was always designed to kill interest in non-WWE wrestling, which had considerable momentum before AEW was founded.
This is what I don't understand about movez marks. There are people who are actually good at acrobatics, gymnastics and parkour. Watching a shittier irony-poisoned version of these is pointless when the real things are way more entertaining.
Seconded. Whats the point of doing an impressive move exchange ( like the 1 out of 100 that isn't just hitting air and flipping for 3 minutes)and finishing it with a superhero landing pose to underline how fake it is? Waste of breath and practice.
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kek based
You really waited 2 hours to bump this, you POS?
Absolutely Nothing
County fair mud show had more of an audience. Have they ever tried no audience, taped shows? I mean, fucking hell. Imagine going out there as a wrestler who actually cares; that shit would hurt no matter the money involved.

Maybe that's why the show is what it is. I don't see how anyone could consider THAT the apex of their career. The talent quits caring, "At least I'm working the money mark." I wonder how many people thought AEW was gonna be a good move for them, only to get there and either never wrestle, or wrestle in front of 20 trannies. Fucking grim, indeed.
holy grimola
WWE stopped being so bad and tony is bad at storylines
why ya cryin?
Do you guys think the wrestlers care that half the arena is empty? I wonder if it's demoralizing or worrying about the future of whichever company they work for. I don't necessarily exclusively mean AEW.
The Young Cucks couldn't last one full year without being in the spotlight. The very first year of AEW was so unbelievably kino but everything after is the cucks wanting everyone to know they're the boss and Tony sucking up to them constantly
What do you think Okada thinks when he see these kind of crowds?
hadoo camo sido, baka
AEW was never good. They just had a ton of goodwill from the fans. People started to see AEW for what it was (garbage) after the honeymoon period ended.
Vince McMahon sharted diarrhoea doo doo over a woman's hair.
he doesn't care since he got 2 billion yen
WWE was fucking terrible.
Vince got ousted, HHH for what its worth just focused on one thing (Bloodline) and it worked for him.

AEW wise? They were never that good, kind of peaked in 2021-2022, and then Tony just started signing and bought ROH. I would say buying ROH was the biggest mistake he made because he was barely booking one show all that good.
It has to bother Edge.
That's part of his entrance and he basically left stadiums for an empty audience.
Christian ribbed that nigga like crazy.
This is the guy Hunter supposedly fumbled LMAO
Yeah, buying ROH and Wembley were the turning points for AEW
This is HHH cultist revisionism. The WWE Bloodline focused turn around started while Vince was still in charge.
Tony is an awful booker and the only long-term project for the company was being a WWE alternative, and then WWE became good again.
Nah. Only the marks care. The true workers know that the only thing that matters is the money and miles.
Especially when her ass alone got more attention for aew than anything in 5 years. That one guy was kind of a dick tho.
Stop bumping this thread you fukcing loser
Surely this is from a house show back when COVID was a thing.
Nope, unfortunately it’s from sloplision
Tony's ego won't allow it. In order to grow as a business man, you have to accept your failures.
I do love laughing at AEW and it’s failures lmao
kek grim lol
Holy shit I bet there were more arena staff working the show than actual fans in attendance
Get a life bitchtits. Stop bumping this thread.
ruff stough
You stupid retards always obsess about empty attendance. Let me tell you something, not everything is always gonna sell out. There soccer games, football games, even fucking concerts that don't always have a full crowd. So not everyone showed up, who gives a fuck. What about the people who are already there, that didn't enter you mind now did it? Shut the fuck up and enjoy the show as it is.
except the noise the crowd makes matters in wrestling. Big arenas that arent full sound shitty. If they keep selling so few tickets they should get small arenas with better vibes. hell the cruise ship episode of aew looked and sounded better than most 2024 aew crowds
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Paul was right.
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im just saying its a fair thing to be annoyed about, big empty arena's make the product less fun to watch
Obviously there's Tony. But the smark journalists and smarks themselves are also to blame. The foundation of AEW is built by people who somehow felt slighted and insulted that WWE sucked so much that they want to antagonize it on every chance they have instead of just abandoning the brand in peace and going for greener pastures.
Pandering to a niche group of an already niche group of an already niche hobby

AEW basically only appeals to the midwit smark, with the emphasis on midwit. The other ends of the bell curve despise AEW for either hurdur it’s not like wwe or because they see Tony khan is legit killing the indies.

The worst part about this specific audience is they are also the most obnoxious. Like AEW DOES have its own appeal that you can’t typically find on WWE. Most wrestling fans don’t want AEW to shit itself and die (well maybe they do now so they can set some of the talent free lmao) but every aewtist always has a permanent stick up their ass. They have base level intellect and think they aren’t cattle.
holy dire
I'm not going to read through every reply but I guarantee there is one tranny parroting
>everything was fine and everyone liked each other in the locker
>then big evil meanie punk came along and ruined it all by just existing!
Ultimately I think fans fucked over AEW more than Tony. It’s like they tried gatekeeping and it “worked” for them but not in the way they intended. Nobody really wanted to associate with those trannies.

And Tony being the pushover that he is, just goes with what his shitty fans want. And the fans don’t actually want good booking, storylines, or even matches. Really all the AEW fan wants is the ability to be a contrarian faggot.
Dear god
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>I guarantee this wednesday's card has a trios match between one of Tony's favorite toy factions (BCC, House of Black, etc.) vs. 3 jobbers from a foreign country, or 3 random indie shitters. We'll hear from MJF, Mone, etc.
Okay, now I'm starting to feel sad for them.
>The Allure of empty arena matches
Eric Bischoff has been burying it hard lately, Tony Khan made him angry he is at least partially to blame for that ruined relationship. When you anger the powerful elders you lose a lot of support you would otherwise need
I’ve enjoyed the last few AEW pay-per-views, but their weekly shows are atrocious. And Tony has had one last chance to build a star in the form of Ospreay and will probably fuck that up too. Also please stop trying to make MJF a thing
can't let you slide
Yeah, he should've kept Bischoff and Russo sweet, to be honest. Instead, he publicly repeated IWC rumors and lore about them when he doesn't and didn't know them personally. Big mistake in the big wide world out there.

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