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I don’t like this fucking bitch
I just wish she didn't have such... STRONG facial features.
I want her to shit in my mouth
Cute body, butterface
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Imagine the smell of tacos and Alistair black semen
But she smol
She's hot, but sometimes she's not. It's weird
Me too
>[33] years old
Absolutely burying the wall to still have a body like that. Meanwhile Liv gets progressively fatter
I would eat cornflakes with milk out of her asshole every morning
liv is a brat!
>real life brown Imp Midna
How does a Satanist dweeb end up landing someone like this
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I think she's kinda neat.
latinas only secretly want tall blond men
I want to fuck this cugly goblina so bad.
Massive chin. Melikey Blacks loves trannies.
I have a coworker who has the exact same face, but she is from some islamic country like Tunisia or some thit
>we have Mercedes Mone at home
The dweeb would fuck you christcuck lardass up
Punch her in the sternum and see if it makes your dick hard.

What's with her nose? She half Jewish?
in a 69 her humpty nose will tickle ya rear
get off 4chan and get some air
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how is it possible to be this short
her mic work is awful. she tries to hard to ad lib and it just sucks
Her promo last night was unironically pretty good relative to other womeme in the WWE. She talked circles around Liv
agree to disagree
bogged herself with a ton of shitty tattoos after getting together with the satanist
shut the fuck up Trooth Cuck
Liv is pretty bad on the mic so that isn't hard
She only likes white men btw
Her promo was just her being herself
her great great great great grandmother was raped by the jewish conquistadors!
She was great as Andrade's spicy smol manager. She sucks in the LWO but that's just an LWO thing.
Goblina looks like a witch without makeup
Good thats kinda the point innit
She's one of the best mic and character workers of all the women. People were surprised that she cooked Liv but she's always been good
Would shoot hit that
If her Satanist husband came after me I'd just scare him off with a crucifix
kill yourself on twitch, transbomb
damn. this made my white johnson (4.7 inch) rock hard.
That's why Liv is so bad at promos and acting natural -- she should just be playing a straight-up retard.
>Meanwhile Liv gets progressively fatter
by being Latinx
Looks sort of like a skinny Laurie Vargas there
>Has an Inuyasha tattoo on her leg
The least surprising thing, since spics for whatever reason LOVE DBZ, Saint Seiya, and Inuyasha
She's alright
liv is the hannah hays of wrestling lmao kwar (kek what a retard)
Zelina is sexy
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>Bird face
>Fake tits are 2 miles apart
>Shit worker
sorry ur gay :(
your dick is not even passed your belly button lmfaoo
Her only flaw is her outtie belly button
purto riccans will never be white, shes looking kinda funky with the blonde
She used to be hot in TNA, what happened?

Patel, you have a tiny dick and shit in the street.
yo, this nigga small
You're the color of bird shit
She's such a fucking geek, to the extent that it gets annoying. Maybe she'd actually be over if she stopped being a shoot cosplay wrestler.

She's belongs in trash along with New Day, Kenny Omega and Adam Cole.
She looks like a homewrecker. When I was 14, I walked in on my dad cheating on my mom with a girl who wore glitter rouge.
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Wonder how much truth there is to this
Did you leverage that shit on him?
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She's my favorite woman on the roster but that's only because I dated a tiny spicy latina in highschool and have been addicted ever since
Any woman who isnt a smol latina simply disgusts me
I don't like that I'm not fucking this bitch
hookers don't count as cheating anon
She acts too reddit sometimes
That's demon slayer not inuyasha bitch
I believe it
She knows wives of mexicans become fat lard goblins so she's just trying to get dom's dick hard
I'm finna believe it
Apparently it was a smear campaign.
>smear campaign
By who and why?
Unironically, grifters. I hate using 4chan forced buzzwords, but that's what they are by definition. I guess they picked Zelina because she was much more open to working with people running their own businesses and she didn't have as much star power, but I dunno why she did that when she could just have WWE's costume department do it for her.
She's still hot
we know, Liv.
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Why did she change her mind?
That's all women kek
She's only vaguely less white than liv
She walked Liv last night in their promo battle
So what’s her character then? That’s the point. She’s just herself
Malakai Black is a lucky man.
Kek what a scamming ugly goblin bitch
Bitch needs to fix her nose, chin, tits and belly button
because she realised that wrestlers will turn on each other for a push. Wrestlers have been buck broken to lick their employers boots and say they enjoy licking said boots.
we don't sign our posts here
Nobody wants sashit in their home. She will die alone
>how is it possible to be this short
Ask the AEW roster

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