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Why doesn't Tony want her?
ass not fat
Her whole identity is Gaijin Giulia. She's not that good.
she is a 4'11 australian
lightbulb head
doesn't sound like theklamania is running wild in here brother
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Tiny is a mark who only likes people who've been pushed before.

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Her main upside to AEW, other than dressing cute and making her own gear, is that she's willing to sign with AEW. And, well, so is literally every other gaijin in Japan that isn't an Islander.
If AEW did dedicated women's tag wrestling (nah, can't have that despite the entire women's division being booked around two-woman alliances, gotta have multiple worthless men's trios titles and 7 different midcard singles titles instead) she'd be someone you pair up with someone taller. Otherwise she's just another jobber to get lesbian dominated by Athena on ROH shows no one watches
This is a very good fake
She’s model 544Z226 it’s not like she is the only one with that look
Another shrimp for the bar-bay
>watches half naked men all day
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She’s too punk for him and gayew
I'll take her.
>that video
this lady looks like she could beat my ass
Seeing as entrances are the only thing that actually matter in modern wrestling, if Thekla joined AEW and came out to music that sounded like this instead of some Mikey Ruckus slop with a built-in chant, she would immediately be the most over woman on the roster
KWAB, that's what you get for burning bridges Kekla
It's well known that she originally trained by wrestling crocodiles in the Outback
and Ruby Soho?
lol you mean “babies first punk band” the wrestler?
Deep down she still loves loves Giulia, and he wont stand for that.
She looks like the Chud
He's scared of women with higher test levels than him.
You can tell it broke him when Giulia turned him down. Just like it broke him when he lost Punk.
Tony is the type of passive aggressive vindictive fuck that takes out his rage not on the one who spurned him, but on those connected to them who happen to be under his power. His meltdown once Dynamite inevitably gets cancelled is going to be one for the ages.
she's turkish
Nah, she's Georgian.
Twitter basement marks haven't "discovered" her yet.
Post more pics
Is this reel?
she makes my penis very hard. so I guess that means tony is a shoot homosexual.
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I get that it would kinda kill the gimmick she's working rn but she should start an OF
no way this is real, we never get lucky with full on soles like this from wrestlers.
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this is not her, this is some slut @lucydangel
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she might be a man that or it's just a really unfortunate actual face. Thekla's face looks better on her.
Ruby is as Punk as Bob Backlaund.
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She looks so ready to fuck here
please whip me
God like pits. Would love to sniff them.
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She'll probably be Toni's next feud after Mina
No Turks allowed, he's Pakistani

Never thought of this but you're right haha
What a PAWG
Abbadon and Ruby are already the resident arthoes of aew
Thekla in heat
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Theks is not for femdom.
>Me behind the camera
Except she’s not fat like flabbadon and she’s actually punk unlike ruby
She so pretty and petite. Her and Britt Baker are my two wrestler crushes.
Not toxic enough for him obviously
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She is going to NXT to make Mafia Bella with Giulia and join the DAneglo Family
So this is why they moved to Netflix, so Mafia Bella can continue shouting "fuck you" during moves.
is this video supposed to give me a boner? If it is, it's working
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Thekla's best gear. Ponytail also the best hairstyle for it.
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she calls herself a spider, but i never seen a spider doing that
if only she looked as good as that picture
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she's a spider because she has a designated corporeal area for sticky white substances
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This bitch is fucking hot
pukola, gain taste you retarded coomer fuckwads, turkla is hideous
Does she ever smile???
yes, a lot
big zit
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Theres enough toxic people in AEW
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You worship bugs
Need the camera a little lower to get a shot of those legs in jean shorts
What's so Thekla about her?
her kaischauri
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racism outside of /b/
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You are gay
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This to an extent. I wouldn't say she isn't good. But a big part of her selling point is being a gaijin in Stardom. Take her away from there and she doesn't stand out anywhere nearly as much
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She is standing out a lot on he own. And "gaijin Giulia" is not something you would came up if you were watching the shows. Her style is trashy, and has been way more trashy since Giulia left.
sex with theks
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She’s so punk I bet she takes it in the poop chute
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joshi bump
Cute dimples and sexy thighs
cannibalism is a deal-breaker
>Why doesn't Tony want her?
Tony wanted Giulia but Giulia didn't want AEW. She wanted WWE. Thekla wants AEW and has shown her cards way too early by saying that she doesn't want to join NXT but Tony doesn't want Thekla because Tony wanted Giulia. In short, Thekla played herself and now she is stuck in Stardom with both AEW and WWE's doors closed to her.
America has enough butterface woman wrestlers
don't need anymore.
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Mediocre player has mediocre career.
Many such cases.

Stardom fags are the worst joshi fans and have been for years
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He still plays with toys.
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so tiny
is she some type of turk?
Big nosed swarthy mountain people, like Stalin.
No she's a white from Austria
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this thread is still up
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we all love theks
toxic board
Evil fucking board.
It's OP bumping it. Nobody cares about this thread. Same with the Maika ones.
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>Make a big show of saying fuck you to Rossy, Zoomie joined in too
>Tony doesn't even care and they are both left in the trash
based bumpchad

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