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Jim Ross is about to die and none of you care
I don't know him so why should i
still Vince
He's a traitor, I hope he does
Just wish it was that fat guy who co-hosts his podcast instead
He's been a walking corpse for at least ten years. I hope he makes it to the afterlife soon because it's no doubt better.
We watch this shit for fun. When he croaks we won’t be happy, but fuck off with this helpless empathy guilt tripping, none of us are his doctor.
he's FAT
Living long enough to be in such pitiful condition because you fear your mortality is no way to live
Damnit Jim, I'm a drunkard not a scientist
>Living long enough to be in such pitiful condition because you fear your mortality is no way to live
That's what happens in a society founded on atheistic evangelical principles.
I don't understand people who are so addicted to social media that they post this type of thing. Imagine your heart is failing, you're on your way to the hospital, half dying, but still making the effort to freaking twit about it...
Does he just, as someone famous, want to keep his fans updated to every news? Or is he seeking for attention? Or is it just a weird habit? Having to share every moment of your life on social media seems to me like something you'd talk about with a psychologist.
I could (and will probably die tomorrow) but none of you will care.
Dumb fuck
I will do my best to remember you and your post anon.
Rossbrothers I don't feel so good.
it'll likely be a fall at home that does him in like Scott Hall
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>Difficulty berathing
Dang ol JR done got cum lung. I'll tell you what
He's not helpless. He's an alcoholic. Stay away from liquor, kids. The shit is poison.
This shitter wants me to help him and I can't even help myself
Reminds me of that night when my heart was failing and these retarded nurses at the hospital kept trying to make me admit that I was on heroin because I had a mosquito bite on my arm which they thought was the mark of a syringe... A good fifteen minutes had passed before they at last went waking up a real doctor. '-_-
but enough about you
Thanks brother, I will try to get off the sauce tomorrow.
This post is veiled in cope, just admit you're a piece of shit that doesn't respect our legends
He didn't get vaxxed, this is on him. Gotta own up to it
sorry you don't have actual people in your life that care about you :(
Tony trying to kill off JR to get 800K, sad!

(But for real, it will suck. He was the voice of my childhood).
Why the fuck am I supposed to keep track of and get upset over the health and condition of people I only tangentially know from tv who don't even know I exist? Sucks for him and those close to him. Guess what, everyone has bad stuff happen to them all the fucking time. If we had to experience every tragedy in the world as hard as the ones in our personal lives our brains would melt.
I would care more if JR has stayed retired but all traitors get what they deserve eventually.
I care he's the only one good at calling matches in AEW. They need Kevin Kelly back now more than ever.
He's like 80 years old. Almost all of his friends are either dead or dying like he is and he probably barely leaves his house. Old people are incredibly lonely and just enjoy talking to anyone anyway they can. My grandpa used to answer telemarketer calls and have a conversation with them because he had heart disease and could barely move around without running out of breath and needing to take a nap so he just laid in bed or a chair all day.
good luck fren. do your best.
Can't Jerry die first instead, yeah JR is a horndog but at least he wasn't a nonce.
This is 100% a work
Chain smoking fatso
>lets fight
Is that what he said to the tranny dominatrix
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did they?
Didn't he get fucking fired from WWE? How's he a traitor?
To be fair, Jim was never exactly the pinnacle of health, and was always plagued with health issues.
If you're going to fuck a tranny, at least fuck one that looks like a woman. Not this goddamn science experiment gone wrong
What am i supposed to do exactly
virtue signal on twitter how i give a fuck, like it will do anything.
Is he? He’s dying and you insult him?
Does WWE only do a video package? I mean he seems like a guy you can do a whole show on seriously. He's a giant part of WWE history.
we don't sign our posts here
Tony rubbing his hands together, here comes that milly from the tribute show!
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I've seen vids of him smoking cigarettes on his podcast. He should have quit that shit by now. But I hope he's ok.,
I’m helping a dialysis patient for the past 6 weeks. He’s a useless piece of shit that won’t listen to anyone on how to be better. He’s making everyone’s life miserable. Fuck JR. I’m assuming he’s the exact same.
>inb4 annual Jim Ross memorial tournament
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>Old people are incredibly lonely and just enjoy talking to anyone anyway they can. My grandpa used to answer telemarketer calls and have a conversation with them
>Reminds me of that night when my heart was failing and these retarded nurses at the hospital kept trying to make me admit that I was on heroin because I had a mosquito bite on my arm which they thought was the mark of a syringe
the replies in this thread have me legit ROFL
did another tranny hooker punch him in the eye again?
>beaten to death by prostitutes

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