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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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What is objectively the worst style of professional of wrestling?
>the answer is obviously worked MMA
Gimmie a fuckin mic. “Shoot style” is the most dimeless wrestling style O.A.T. and also the gayest. There are literally 6 moves (armbar, kneebar, kimura, americana, heel hook, ankle lock), plus like 2 suplexes and 2 gay chokes. It’s like taking the gayest part of MMA and literally making that the entire wrestling match. No one with a BMI under 40 has ever enjoyed a shoot style match
Lucha libre is unwatchable if you're not drunk
agreed shoot style is awful
lucha is fucking atrocious. just complete dog shit
Womeme wrestling
WWE PG style
AEW's style. The 502k style.
Is that why Will Ospreay is so dimeless?
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Worked MMA can be cool if the guys involved have a clue but the caveat is that the guys involved never EVER have a clue. See Moxley, he's one of the softest workers I've seen and he's having Bloodsport matches, it's fucking embarrassing.
The cringe nu-lucha/american indie splice which is just 2000s DG but 100x gayer is probably my least favourite.
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Nah, it was cool and even drew gigadimes in Japan back in the day. Bloodsport is a meme, but it's booked to be a meme.
There is an objective worst style of wrestling. It's untethered to any current culture war grievances and something no one ever talks about on here for good reason. It's the fucking British boomer Johnny Saint shit
this shit do be gay fr
i'm an E-chad thoughever
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>obviously worked MMA
fucking hilarious that one time how shinsuke nakamura and alistair black were presented to be mixed martial artists
zack sabre jr, maybe marty scurll?
Timothy Thatcher, as anti-dimes as he is, has been the MVP of Bloodsport cards for me. Was shoot upset he had to work le murder grandpa at the last event.
this is objectively the answer
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>danielson wrestling johnny saint in front of a bunch of fans who have no fucking clue who he is so he can check it off his mark bucket list like a queer
Peak larping going on right here
Lots of seething piggiEs ITT talking down to real pro wrestling.
E-Slop style from the pig pEn is objectively the worst and various pro wrestlers have referred to it as a parody of pro wrestling. CopE and sEEthE about it, swinE.
tag team/trios followed by random tournaments/ royale .
Like what? RINGS? I disagree. Can you point to an example? Lucha is worse.
>What is objectively the worst style of professional of wrestling?
I hate
>bad mma
>fake brawling
>weapon shittery and deathmatch garbage
>coordinated gymnastics routines
>plodding puro-shit
>ruleless joshi tagshit
>gag fests
>lawless joshi tagshit
because I swear you will watch it and wonder what exactly are supposed to be the rules or logic behind anything happening

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