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Cute Couple Edition:

Sareee announced the card for her Sareee-ISM Chapter IV show. She'll be teaming with Poi in the main event.
IYO has qualified for the MITB ladder match.
Kairi lost her qualifier, sadly.
Damage CTRL attacked the Unholy Union.
IYO is increasingly unhinged and wants Damage CTRL to change. What will this mean for Kairi and Dakota?
IYO appeared on Marigold and challenged Utami Hayashishita to a match at Summer Destiny.
Giulia had surgery to fix her fractured wrist to recover for Summer Destiny for her match against Sareee.
Meiko returned to the ring at Fortune Dream 9, which will air on June 27th.

Asuka is recovering at home and continues to expand her gaming collection.
Kairi is looking sexo.
IYO is winning again.
Giulia is recovering her wrist while on her way to WWE.
Sareee is the SEAdLINNNG Beyond the Sea Single Champion and carrying multiple promotions.
Meiko is running SENJO shows.
Xia and Wendy posting is allowed, they're just not officially part of the Klub.

>Giulia vs Sareee. Marigold Summer Destiny, July 13th.
>IYO SKY vs Utami Hayashishita. Marigold Summer Destiny, July 13th.
>Sareee & Natsupoi vs Takumi Iroha & AZM. Sareee-ISM Chapter IV, July 29th.



KanaChan's Surgery:

Previous: >>15025373
they need slime
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Inoki approves of these lesbians
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It is sleepy tiem bros
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I have to pee first.
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Inoki would be proud of these cute players
peak mombod
built for cuddles
Inoki would be ashamed of these two traitors who betrayed their original promotions
Inoki died because Sareee was poorly booked in NXT
As the days drag on I feel there is no good content from these vacation photos that would set the world on it's ear.
Sareee’s run in Chase University was cute. I bet Inoki thought it was cute, too.
>He enjoyed seeing Sareee being trashed by that tranny
Inok would slap you for that.
>pretending that Inoki wasn't himself a traitor
by your retard logic Inoki "betrayed" the JWA
you pee sitting down, bro?
Kairi the former slut
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Day 203 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
onlyfans when?
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Bump they trying to push us off bros
Who is the booty queen taking the picture
Xia Li
>He's not actually in Mental Communication with Asuka is he?
} } ::laughs in stereo:: { {

: Yeah? Well Asuka's a Good Fibber.
She embraced the culture of her new home and I immediately don't like her.
xia is not /kabuki/. never was and never will be.
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fraid not
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what's your point
everybody loves the Punkster
Surgeons and PT rehab facilities especially love him. He's putting all their kids through college.
Looks like the recovery is going well
still a little over two weeks until Summer Destiny. Even if she's not 100% she'll probably be cleared.
backstage he walks around with a cardboard "free starbucks gift cards" sign hanging around his neck
Why does Sareee love Inoki so much? What's the connection there ? Did he train her ?
not sure what the deal is, but apparently Inoki liked her as well. She does a lot of the Inoki events.
She's a long time wrestling fan, and liked Inoki, she also got to know him a bit in person
Simon Inoki was her connection to getting in to WWE as well.
this image always pops me huge. The shocked look on her face.
if this drawing was of Kairi she'd have definitely RT'd it right ?
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Kairi and Iyo let's this info get back to Hazuki and Starlight Kid and they'll sign to NXT just for that.
Hazuk bazooks
Sareee and Natsupoi are very clsoe friends.
girlfriends, that is
On my TV frequently is a draw.
Some would say friends with benefits.
perfect friends
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love that busty cute chipmunk player
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what a heel
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>sareeeeeeeee and starslop in the OP
This fucking faggot thread has never been more dead
>22 hours
>67 posts
>probably single digit poster count
>Starslop spam
RIP Kabuki 2020-2024
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hoes mad again
reminder that /Kabuki/ was in far more dire straits in late 2021/early 2022 when Asuka was hurt, Kairi hadn't returned to Stardom yet and IYO was wallowing in NXT. The general would routinely archive. You're a newfag here.
The Asuka injury was very dire
It is routinely archiving. Fact is this dump is unmodded and most posters just don't bother anymore because of the rampant trolling and shitposting. /asp/ was better.
>It is routinely archiving.
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sweaty paizuri
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When did Iyo say this?
in Stardom. She spent a lot of time around Mayu
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Why didn't Kairi come out?
Mmmmm.... Wouldn't want to mess with her.
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rematch when?
I have faith
Day 204 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
need to see Asuka's boobs in all their glory
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>tfw its another blacks are arguing outside my apartment over some black shit at half past midnight episode
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She did it all for the cookie!
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the Kouki
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Asuka training after her knee surgery
your post is off-topic and you spammed the same thing on iyo thread too. we are not your friends, this is not your diary, go fuck yourself.
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i'm gonna coom bros
get raped
glad to see mommy rehabilitating
Daisuke strategically placing himself in every shot so he doesn't show up in the mirror
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Already did
sweaty mom butt
I would gladly eat her sweaty asshole after this. Then fuck it
I would nut on that butt
my nose
mommy's butt
Very beautiful player.
I would nut in that butt.
>I would gladly eat her sweaty asshole after this.
: [Me As Well.]
: Old Joker.
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Ya got me...I be lovin' this most powerful rider/rocker/roller
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Kairi rocks! \m/
>one day 16 hours
>110 replies
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I didnt knew poi was kabuki member , today is a great day
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We love love love Poi here!
Your homo gaylord threads
>5 replies (all you)
>Archived after 3 bours
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I wonder if Kairi hits up the Voodoo Donuts shop at the Universal Citywalk no that she's living in Central Florida again?
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Captain Lamelord: It's Assbeam Man!
why do lesbians have such terrible fashion sense?
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hopefully we get more content like this from Asuka
We have to get back to this.
yes I agree its good to have public figures promoting physical exercise for better health and fitness. She should do 1000 more workout videos like this.
And the Government should pay her to. It's a public service really.
Especially in America.
by the way, Meiko's match at Fortune Dream is available to watch on VK
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make sure to keep cool and stay hydrated, it's hot out there
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what a fucking heel
I need more Kairi in my life bros. Should I ask her to post more than just workout and pre show pics?
why is she biting the title
she thought it was a pancake
testing it's authenticity for real gold. Old pirate technique. Land lovers won't get it.
It is very important for players to replenish their nutrients after a game
she went feral
her hair looks so good in the thumbnail
Poirate Princess
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just reminded me of when this happened and everyone thought Kairi was pregnant
She must have told them she was going back to The Fed.
Yeah looking back on it that makes the most sense
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Never not on point
Sure. Ask her on twitter and instagram
How does she keep the blue so blue??... With most blue-haired girls you see it go that awful teal colour fast.
lol what the fuck
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Interesting Meiko is billed as WWE Superstar, confirmd she's still signed, and makes me think she'll show up on the Japan tour
real Forbidden Door shit
I wonder what she's still signed to do.
Giulia didn't wear the brace on the Marigold show
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Day 205 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan

Probably cause she doesn’t buy shit product
Asuka used to (or still does) own a hair salon in Osaka and only goes to that high priced Japanese hair salon in America, she knows what's good and what isn't.
I love Asuka's fake smile here.
at least there's an attempt at a smile, unlike when she was in the same room as Rossy kek
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I will always laugh at this
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Giulia please return to blonde hair
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Red belt Giu is peak aesthetics. Shitty English or not, she's hoovering in dimes if she turns up to NXT looking like that
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Agreed. This is the look. Her hair is awful now. She's extra gorgeous as a blonde.
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Giulia's done a lot of classy nudey photshoots eh
>2 days
>still under 200 replies
Goodness gracious
>1000 days
>still seething
Goodness gracious
If Iyo wins MITB back to back she'll become the female CM Punk, except she smokes weed
>nignog hair

https://youtu.be/zViIajZwH-s [intensifies]
Dakota is being cringe and causing problems on social media. Her heat is going to rub off onto Iyo and Kairi.
Except that never happened
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>Except that never happened
Watch the stream, she wasn't crying or begging
>tears running down her face
>whining about being a jobber
S-she wasn't crying!
You know how the New Day used to have pancakes? They should give that gimmick to Kairi.
yeah, Giulia's hair looks like shit when she does that.
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need Roidlia to come back
Dakota should be lucky she even has a job in WWE and she gets regular TV time.
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>Red belt Giu is peak aesthetics.
truth. Such a shame her reign wasn't longer, though I think that's in part her fault because she wanted to have salt games with her friends instead of real feuds.
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Petite Princess
>Iwn have Kairi toes and cute, small boobs in my mouth.
Life is pain.
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our Pancake Princess
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Kairi's pancake butt _ with _?
Asuka is pregnant
with my child
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Day 206 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
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some Giulia and Sareee webms I made from the Marigold 6-23 show
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covering Giulia in marinara sauce and licking her clean
this is turning me on
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Too quiet around here. Someone post lewds.
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I prefer Alfredo
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>3 days
>still barely over 200 replies even after shitty webm spam
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poor Kairi
Today is the last day of the year I can post this.
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support your local gay kabuki wives
Far cuter couple than Sareee+Poi
they're swingers

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