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Holy fuck, Punk was suspended and sent home after he did the smackdown segment
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Oh no bros.... not again...
thought this dude was fattie kingston when I saw it in the catalog
no you didn't
So a double turn then
He's your problem now, sloppers
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yeah I did
I wish Drew would stop referencing Punks AEW run
Holy shit this is fucking DIMES
I don’t, this shit’s hilarious.
1 year ago someone says to you

>Next year Punk and Drew are gonna be working one of the best feuds in pro-wrestling.

how do you respond to them
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Lord Kirk
>and it’s all thanks to Drew’s savagery on the mic
That’s how
Sorry, Drew and Cody aren't kissless disgusting virgin redditor console war cucks like you
I'm fine with it because he's only doing it on twitter and shit. He doesn't bring it to TV so he's only broadcasting it to the people that would get it, not the casual RAW viewer
I tell them they're dumb and that Punk isn't going to WWE nor is Drew going to AEW
Drew your beard looks a lot better when you don't dye in jet black you faggot
huh. what are you babbling on about
So you don't know
i can only assume you think i want drew to stop referencing punks aew run because i hate aew or something. why else would you lash out like that lol
punk was scared of millennial cowboy.
drew probably fights like a girl too but that's a big fuckin girl, punk will not try. watch him scout out some little NXT guy and rough him up.
I tell them they're nuts because Tony will never fire Phil
Damn Drew is so good. He really needs a belt.
He'd have the strap right now if he celebrated with his wife instead of weirdly crawling on the announce table to shake his ass in front of Punk
>Drew and Punk’s feud is just Drew making AEW references
I like how this subtlety implies Drew thinks punks a bitch for how he acted at the scrum. You don’t throw shade about a guy if he was acting like a badass kek
Yeah okay mark
do you think aj gets wet at these videos?
aj is asexual
This fella looks like he should be bagging my groceries
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drew is not subtle about his contempt for punk
subtle is for the passive aggressive gayewtards who are afraid to say anything to anybody's faces with their levi's 502k jeans
drew is gonna work himself into a shoot at this rate
Even in kayfabe Punk is a bitch. He snuck out in a ref shirt to screw Drew instead of just confronting him and attacking him. He got bullied into the corner and had to low blow Drew to save himself. All in Drew's hometown while his wife was in for surgery.
I tell them they're wrong and that collision will beat NXT in the ratings
T. Limp wristed sissy talking shit about people on 4chan
i would talk shit about you irl as well but the person in question is drew vs a typical gayewtist and drew is not some limp wristed sissy
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>I would talk shit about you irl
Yeah when the person wasn’t in earshot kek
(prefixed by 502 that is)
I don’t care how much you weigh anon, I’m simply telling YOU. You won’t do shit :)
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Glad you know
i can't hear you through the BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH
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I don't think I can explain to you how happy I am that scottish psycho drew is finally back now after clash. he's straight up talking about murdering people, threatening WWE managment, refs, its awesome after him being such a pushover in 2022
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if you look closely drew is wearing punk's wristband of his wife and dog that drew stole
so who wins this feud?
drew hopefully.
either way it would be kind of based if they made a faction together after the feud
why would they make a faction together after the feud
that's like aew booking
Well yeah AEW is WWE Lite, but that's definitely something that WWE would do and has always done.
wwe at least TRIES to make sense of it
even if it doesn't appeal to anybody in the audience
aew just throws it at your face and the fans tell you to google the reasons why it COULD make sense if you spin your head around from drinking dxm for 40 hours straight
WWE is now using AEW creative to make money just because it can
Honestly it's a tough choice, because there isn't even a title on the line.
You got Punk, the cynical old man who just came from a disastrous exit with AEW who thought he found a place that would appreciate him, only to find the place he returned to after being much more welcoming than a different way. In kayfabe he said he's here to make money, and the consequences of his past in Drew had shown himself to still be angry at Punk.
Then you got Drew, who basically went on an exile from WWE, came back, and has had the run of his life currently, though ironically I think he's lost every time he went to his home country. His insecurity of not being good enough seemed washed away until Punk arrived and it all came flooding back, and he let his demons win and cost himself the belt with Priest cashing in, and then again slips from him with Punk trying to fulfill his vendetta.
If I were going with more long term booking, I'd have to say Drew. I think Drew coming out on top would put him even closer to the upper echelons of a legendary superstar, and to be frank: Drew has a great body and constitution than Punk and more years left in him. I dunno how long Punk signed for, but I assume the max was 2 years. Punk's old and getting more brittle, and I think he just wants to have a main event at WM at any means. So as long as he gets that, he'll be fine with anything.
Nice false flag you dumb aew faggot
>His insecurity of not being good enough seemed washed away until Punk arrived
actually this should be called back to in some way because there is a video of punk streaming where he's told that drew won the championship belt and punk is like "good for him" and "i wish he'd stop being so negative about himself"
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they should drag this feud out to survivor series and make drew and punk team in raw's team up to take on smackdown's team
Sheamus booking....
He should've tagged it with #RealGlasgow
Oooh, that's pretty good. I doubt WWE ever takes idea from this dreck of a place, but I hope they steal this one. God knows that would open the floodgates though.
found it
>uses punks insults at the brawl in press conference
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Good summary anon. How long Punk has left in the tank is a large factor in who goes over.
Literally just quoting Punk half the time. Truly savage.
>casual viewer
You retards are something else
Because they are clearly in love.
Imagine if this pivots into a gay romance angle
No. These two need to fucking hate each other until the end of time. Even if they both end up baby faces, they should hate each other. If they end up on the same survivor series team or something, they will cost their team the match through their infighting. With a rivalry like this you don't do a "will they won't they break up" tag team. There's no respect, no grudging approval. These two should hate each other until the day they die.
How based would it be if they kept this kayfabe rivalry going into retirement? Drew attempts to sabotage CM Punk's Hall of Fame induction. When Punk is GM of NXT or the newly WWE-owned TNA, Drew shows up to fuck him up now and again, just because he hates seeing him succeed.
>I wish Drew would stop referencing Punks AEW run
cheap pops online that live crowds never understand

plus it makes him look obsessed with Punk, like he secretly wants to have sex with him
should be phil.
any time they try to elevate mcintyre beyond the midcard he flops because he's too generic.
although realistically phil will get injured again before they can finish the feud.
Yeah, it pretty obviously implies that he's obsessed with him because why are you quoting him, why are you watching his oeuvre of work at all if you hate him so much? He's just Punk Derangement Syndrome manifested, which he also acknowledged way too obviously by putting Eminem's Stan on one of his social media videos about Punk. The sexual nature of the obsession is also pretty blatant from calling him a succubus to crawling over the announce desk like a bitch in heat, and now constantly talking about how he's owning Punk's ass or making him his bitch. It's the classic story of a sexually confused man lashing out at the thing he desires like those guys that fuck male whores and then kill them to ungay themselves.
If they went this direction it would change wrestling forever
It would be a hell of a way to write off Punk.
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Tough call.
This is Punk's first program back, and fans will still want to see him in a couple others, like against Cody. And internally, I'm sure there's guys that Punk wants to work, and some that'll politick to work with him like Seff. He's a main event guy that needs main event credibility.
But Drew, on the other hand, is on the run of a lifetime. And while the beatdown on Smackdown was as good as they could've done it, I don't think that's enough to sell how obsessed and violent he's become.
I guess it depends how many matches they have. You could maybe, maybe have Punk go over if you do a couple matches where Drew really brutalizes him.
Ultimately, I think I'd pick Drew. Have Punk move down the card just a bit right after, have him beat, but give the rub to someone in the midcard, before bumping him back up. And then have Drew go on a bit of a tear and eventually collide with Gunther in the title picture.
Its pretty funny though. Everything about AEW is a laff
If he breaks down in there first match they can call an audible and have Drew sodomize and strangle him to death.
Since it's partly a replay of the Punk and MJF feud, in some regards, I'd do it the same way. Drew wins by a mile in the first match (Max cheated in his, Drew could just be disgustingly brutal), Punk wins in some gimmick rematch, dog collar or cage, or strap, because Drew is just too mad to focus and old vet Punk is ready now. Maybe a third match in-between that ends in disqualification to drive home how little Drew can control himself.

Punished Drew disappears for a bit to take care of his wife. Comes back for a huge pop. Punk in the meantime has turned more heelish and this time Drew goes over fair and square, no longer brutalizing Punk because he's a cured man.
online shitposter drew is mega over with me brother
The best part about Drew's character is that he not only hates Punk but he's coming off as obsessed with Punk, to the point where now he's weaving multiple parts of different famous promos. The uncomfortable as you can is from the pipe bomb, the empty headed fuck part is the brawl out promo and the satan himself part is from his promo with Drew himself. Incorporating all of that is making it seem like he thinks about Punk 24/7, that he keeps insisting he's the good guy in all of this is making him come off as self righteous in his actions, that he's provoked in all of this and that Punk isn't a good guy.

It's good that the fans are resonating well with it, because these two are putting out great stuff.
Normally the references can be overplayed, but when Drew's gimmick has become PDS incarnate, it works here.
>plus it makes him look obsessed with Punk
woah almost like he's the heel and that's literally the story being told
I don't think anon was criticizing the direction.
Two of the three times Punk has screwed him over were also entirely on Drew losing his focus and going after Punk when he could just have not done any of that. It really was Drew screwing Drew and reaping what he sowed.

It's interesting to think about where they go from here with Drew. Will Drew finally get Punk and experience carthasis over his destruction (which would not acknowledge that there's something wrong with his obsession in the first place) and how far would he have to take it? Will we have a classic bittersweet revenge where Drew realizes that defeating Punk was never going to give him that satisfaction and now he's feeling empty and rueful? Will we just have the tragedy of Drew screwing himself over and over again, or will he learn and grow eventually? It's a good opportunity to really put him over as a face.

Also on the other side Punk was acting like a trickster, being petty over Drew mocking him, actively inviting him to chase him. Now with the theft and assault it's more than a game, I'd like to see if that makes him more devious or more of a straight up babyface.
How do you get the quote wrong?? It’s empty headed dumb fuck. Come on Drew.
They could have dragged it out by having the Wyatt Sick lynch Drew and Punk and not Chad fucking Gable and Gunther.

Force them to work together against the Wyatt Sick, who are tired of dealing with primadonnas like Punk and Drew getting every break imaginable from Vince and Hunter, while guys like Dexter and Gacy struggled outside the WWE system for years before getting noticed and the case of Bo and Rowan, get in on the system but have to deal with Drew AND Punk (but especially Drew, since you can make a huge case that he's a hypocrite like Punk who went away in disgrace and then came back thinking he should be treated like hot shit) get preferential treatment because they cry the loudest about how unfair shit is (Punk) and force Vince to basically give Punk what he wants to shut him up (and even then Punk not being satisfied and demanding more shit) or in the case of Drew, because he's more attractive than long haired hippie Bo Dallas or Rowan, who's got a hideous unkempt beard that is literal chick repellant and both being told they were "too ugly to be a top guy"....

You get a lengthy storyline of Drew and Punk getting the shit kicked out them by the WS, using cinematic matches to circumvent Punk not being able to have real matches, and play the WS as OP as fuck (and Punk as the skeptic and Drew as the one who believes in the magic of the WS) and the two having to work together to stop them only to fail because Drew can't forgive Punk even if Punk DOES forgive Drew.
>and Gunther
Gunther wasn't attacked by the Wyatts. The only non-extra they attacked was Chad.
Drew is the meta face of this feud.
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This feud gives major “Special…” vibes
>ryu vs akuma
>Phil is Ryu
He's Dan; built a cult around being a great fighter on par with the other Shotos, is actually kinda crap at fighting and seen as a joke by pros.
We know that Owens, Zayn, Drew, and Styles are in the anti-Punk faction. Who is pro Punk besides Cena and a bunch of zoomer women?
Haitch, Cena, Heyman, Orton, shit, basically most the people who have pull lol Reigns is indifferent as far as I know, and Rollins hates him
I wonder
I wonder
He's everybody's pal and so he's no one's pal.
I bet he loves him for the podcast burial that made him get boo'd for years and the way his Shield mates talk about him
HHH has a clean slate with everyone and has to put aside his issues with people to run things. Punk is making them good money and helping out with the shows, so HHH likes him.

Cena definitely likes Punk, has no problems with him. Heyman for sure too. Orton is cool with him. Reigns probably doesn't care anymore but maybe doesn't like him.
Punk had little to do with Reigns getting booed. At the time even the mainstream fans were hyper aware of forced pushes because of the whole Daniel Bryan situation. In this one interview Reigns said he’s a business first guy so he probably doesn’t really care one way or the other about Punk
shalt culiminate in a drew macintyre vs gunther chair shot at wrestlemania where he chooses to hit cm punk instead and loses the belt
Want haitch sucking punk off at that presser in glasgow
kek smark terminally on trancels seething about how casual fans with lives 100000% support Punk and only reddit and other obsessed nerd geeks support Drew (no dimes ever)
I got it bros

>Punk wants to main event WM
>He wins the WHC at some point
>Beats Drew and sends him packing
>Is adamant he will main event
>Rumble winner picks him
>Punk is set for the main event, has one last stop at EC
>Defends the title
>Drew returns and screws Punk out of the title and out of the main event
>They finally settle things at WM41
i don't think he cares about the title
i think he just wants to have a main event at wm
and then he'll retire and train up the nxt guys
Punk should bury the belt they made for Rollins just to be petty
Sure but it'd be part of the story, of the two guys continually destroying each other and dragging each other down. Drew's had his storybook moments denied by Punk so he has to return the favor.
Cena, Heyman, Orton, Rey, Kofi, Big E, Pearce.
Sorry, forgot you said Cena but Cena. Oh, also the Rock.
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Jey too
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Also at least in kayfabe Cody although I personally believe they have more of a slightly hostile truce since they are both sociopaths and recognize it in each other.
Thats kinda gay. So Punk takes it from
Yeah, but think about this, Batman, what's gayer, looking at sheets while you're having your prostate massaged a little or staying hard while you're balls deep in a guy's ass and looking at his bald spot?
Why do they keep bringing up AEW? WWE is so vapid of ideas they steel from Tony. What a dead fed
>WWE is so vapid of ideas they steel from Tony
reminder drew got beaten up by his first wife and went to the cops
This is dimes. However, Does anyone know why Drew was crawling on the announcers table towards Phil like that by the way lol
Punk had little to do with Reigns getting booed. At the time even the mainstream fans were hyper aware of forced pushes because of the whole Daniel Bryan situation
And that was caused by the pipebomb shit and burying him as just a pretty boy who he implied to be a bad wrestler and a guy who took a spot from on of his indy buddies Chris Hero.
What does the pipebomb shit have to do with it? Do you think that was a shoot? And pretty boy and bad wrestler, where is that even coming from?

Also learn how to quote.
The pipebomb was in 2011. Before reigns ambrose and rollins were on the main roster. also cena was getting heat for shoving down the throat at the time too
Submissive and breedable.
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If Hangfag mind fucked Punk how badly is drew going to do it?
The pipebomb has everything to do with introducing the idea that the WWE pushing people on the grounds of what is profitable for the business is somehow a cruel betrayal of “the boys in the back”. It spawned the shitty fans that thought an entity like AEW was feasible, and it’s only recently thanks to it going to shit that people are realizing the WWE was right all along.
Drew won’t shoot on Punk like Hangman did because Drew is a professional, unlike Hangman and The Elite, whi just want to play with their friends
Damn right, Jim, you tell them.
Except Drew doesn't come off looking like a bitch in the segment. You can tell that Hangma'am is sawft. Drew doesn't give off pussy energy.
This feud is homo erotic

95% of the audience don't even get it
>Reigns is indifferent
Top lel you know nothing Jon Snow
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good promo
i don't. care to fill us in
When Phil did that podcast 10 years ago with Colt ribbing Ryback, he mentioned that WWE went out of their way to make Roman look strong. He was joking around that the instructions for every match that involved Roman were, "Make sure he looks strong" The way he was saying it made it seem like it but he was exposing the business.

The IWC picked up on this, and started hating on Roman. At the time people really loved Daniel Bryan and wanted him to keep getting pushed, and when they saw that Roman was the new project, they booed him incessantly for years on end until he became the tribal chief 4 years ago.

In a recent interview, Roman said that Punk made his job a lot harder after that podcast.
Corporate Punk would a funny heel run
It was about the 3 vs 1 match against the Shield specifically, and he was complaining that they kept pestering him about making Roman look strong yet somehow Punk was going over.

The delivery was funny so it became a meme and the meme hurt Roman's feelings and run inadvertently. Although it didn't really expose that Roman was getting pushed, smarks could tell that without the podcast, it did add oil to the fire.
We'll never know what would have happened, but I think Reigns would have been booed regardless of Punks podcast. In general, fans of that time were more sensitive to forced pushes as you mention, because of Bryan getting shat on despite being by far the most over guy in wrestling
I don't think he would have....Fans were behind Roman when he was tag team champs with Seth...That podcast ruined all of that momentum and he started getting the Cena treatment and remember this was the time when the IWC had so much power they forced Vince to change the WM30 main event....
If a podcast from a dude who left the company after a thrown together heatless feud with Kane can ruin Reigns' momentum, he wasn't the guy at the time.
True, but back to the original question Roman could still blame it on the podcast, so Phil, because that's how humans are.
You clearly don't realize or remember just how influential podcasts were 10 years ago

Plus at that time, Punk was the longest reigning WWE champ while Reigns was just some NXT rookie....
Reigns wasn't a random rookie at that point. The shield was pure dimes and when the split reigns was the least over
>because that's how humans are.
fair enough, that much I agree on. Finding someone else than ourselves to blame is one of the things our species does best kek
Cause Phil buried him
feud of the year no cap
Drew McIntyre is Donald Trump and CM Punk is Joe Biden
You're saying Trump is a mark who pays $11.99/mo to be fed the opinions of some dirtsheet merchant as his own opinions?
so they're both retards but the only meaningful difference is that one's brain isn't fried yet
and the split completly exposed that Roman was not ready for the position they were going to put him in so he got booed for 7 years

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