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love Meltzer complaining they had all these guys on last night that wouldn't be at the show kek
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>Hiromu wasted on this throwaway shit match
Legitimately dimes match holy shit
Thank you TK
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>when in doubt throw in mistico
I will now watch your PPV
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CM Punk won
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>Hiromu and motherfucking Mistico on zero hour
This feels like a joke
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>I will now watch your PPV
Hiromu exists to job to Mistico
sorry but we dont say PLE in this household ya CHUD!!!
That can't be real
this should be on the main card
Imagine having access to Mistico and wasting him in a pre show match kekaroo
Better than over half the matches on the main show
Tony is retarded
Wrestling "journalists" absolutely BTFO.

And this kills AAA
>zero hour
Rush probably crying right now
Hiromu is the 2nd worst guy in the match
Why the fuck is this on the preshow?
lmao if you think he's not better than both the lucha bros shitters combined
I don't want the dirty disgusting trannies to get their eyes on based finna
They'll try to poach him and turn him ice cold like they have done to everyone else
He better than penta I'll give you that. It's not 2017 anymore though lil bro
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AEW preshows are treated better than WWE preshows and this will get plenty of time.
>It's not 2017 anymore though lil bro
Yeah, and in 2017 your Rey shitter wouldn't lace Hiromu's boots either
AEW retirement home contract strikes again!
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>lucha bros and mistico
Fucking lucha trash

>motherfucking Mistico
He's not appearing on aew for throwaway matches right now, you don't have to pretend he's good anymore.
>still pretending to hate mistico in 2024
Trannies don't deserve Tsuji
You will watch ALL the matches
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know what? think I will
Tony is going to sign him and you can't stop it.
this is a CMLL match
Mistico was massively, insanely overblown as the "Cena of Mexico" when he had a top drawing stint of like, 3 premium years.
He then went to WWE and hasn't been worth a thing since
You're marking for him reactively because of anti-WWE sentiment so you can say they misused a legend when in reality he was just a top guy for a bit and has worked the midcard since.
He's gonna turn him ice cold just like he did Okada, Ospreay and Jay White and you can't deny it.
>Second most popular guy in NJPW
>Tony books him as some goofy job guy
Always the same shit.
No, retard
Mistico was a big star in Mexico
He flopped in WWE, and part of that was on him and everyone knows it
Now he's a big star in Mexico again
Nothing to do with WWE
We're making fun of Tony right now for wasting Mistico on the preshow. Quit trying to make everything about your favorite company, you faggot
>and hasn't been worth a thing since
You quite simply don't know what you're talking about kek. He's been one of the most over wrestlers in the world for the last 2 years. He's completely rebuilt his image and brought CMLL out of their ice cold period of the late 2010s. It's fine if you're clueless, but don't sperg out when people call you out on it
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>lucha bros
God I hate these shitters so much
This zero hour is not skippable.
>Mox not in G1
>Naito saying he'll give Mox his G1 spot if he loses
>all of LIJ at the event

They couldn't paint Naito as the winner more if they tried, it would be a clown facepaint covered gigaswerve to not have him win
for people doubting, this is Mistico right now

Tonikan, I kneel
All of this attention paid to a guy who is not even a draw in the US. You are saying this like it's obvious, and it is, to a smart mark. However, the casual audience they should want to garner knows none of this and is wondering why some random Japanese guy is main eventing against Dean Ambrose let alone beating him.
based finnerman
Tony is such a horrible, horrible booker. And human. Hope he dies painfully
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>Hiromu misses out on teaming with Sting the first year due to illness
>gets relegated to the pre-show for the next two years
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>Rush probably crying right now
Shouldn't have stood by that CHUD cuatrero
Also for people wondering, Penta and Fenix are not AAA wrestlers
Don't forget The Lucha Bros already did the impossible, working in both CMLL and AAA at the same time
yeah, but that was a weird era.
They both renounced to AAA for this to happen, Penta even had an interview about this a few days ago
looks amazing
where the FUCK is dralistico
>sees the updated historic card
>zero hour

i want to fucking slap tk so bad.
Can't wait bros
>the team of Literally Who, Literally Who, and Literally Who vs the washed up Lucha Bros. and Sin Cara
fucking KEK
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>zero hour is better than half the main card this year
hope tk caves into the fans, decent chance
All 6 man wrestling
If he does, he'd better swap it out with something else. Show is already too long.

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