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Thank you Will. 800k soon
honestly i really like this answer out of him, shows he isn't blind and actually maybe kind of earnest about helping aew
based pragmatic willy
the double edged sword to AEW allowing guys to essentially do whatever the want is modern wresters are largely normal ppl who don’t really want ti do anything. thank God Willy is fucked in the head and will actually put effort into being a top guy
>think out the box
>does a flip sequence, lands on his knee, and looks around the empty arena in you're path
It doesn't matter what the wrestlers do when the everyone in the world knows that uninteresting booking and characters are the problem.
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>800k soon
AEW could have the best product in the world and some people still wouldn't watch it because it's not WWE. It's what it is.
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>tanks the ratings in you're path
Reminder this thread was made by a e-drone. AEWGODS do not care about the ratings.
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Sadly it's not even that simple. Say Will, here, gets a clue and has the most bombass promos, character and storylines going forward. It's still surrounded with ironic indie gimmicks that obly work making jokes of things, washed up wwe guys who were never draws, manlets and twinks that dress, look and act like children pretending to be tough, nonsensical highspots that ruin the shit actually being done right in other segments, and womeme shit thats either ok or horrible.

I mean, how does any of this get fixed knowing whos in charge and ultimately the final say?
twitter trannies are not people. get better material you fucking loser.
Good answer.
>*flips outside the box*
>w-why didn’t that work?!
I agree and despite WWE being miles better under HHH some people won't watch it because of the bad taste the end of Vince's era left.
Are you calling Tony a twitter tranny?
CRACKS turning into REGRETS
It's official, they've hit Reset Button™ #12
I thought he was supposed to be functionally retarded, this sounds halfway smart
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>Good wrestlers
Ok, I give you that. They have some great ex WWE professionals like Buddy Mathews and Malakai Black.
>Good product
Absolutely NO. The production and the in-ring performance for a serialized tv show is gargabe. The book is trash too. Wrestling is not about acrobatic circus, but the narrative capacity. Less is more. If you make 5 Canadian destroyer in the same match the move becomes irrelevant.
Sadly Tony Kwab is never going to be humble enough to understand this.
>actually maybe kind of earnest about helping aew
Doesn't help when the retard in charge doesn't listen to criticism.
He’s seemingly the only one who cares. Because none of the elite care about the perception aew has. None of them have ever done anything outside of the show to help promote the show.
I like laughing at AEW, but I don't think I've seen another talent that wasn't seriously coping whenever it came up.
Maybe. But not even AEW fans have been wanting to watch it, so it's moot point.
Guarantee they know they can't speak to the media without flopping, so they say "we'll let our work do the talking".
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Maybe Ospreay could pop a rating if he stopped doing gymnastics and learned how to wrestle
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Bad week lol?
Tony sat and listened through the whole punk thing. Then gave punk a show. Regardless of who you agree with of course they’d be over the company and Tony after that.
Even before then no one ever did anything to help promote AEW besides Cody and Punk. The bucks have never cared about the success of the company and are just using Tony as a way to get themselves and their friends paid.
That's the harsh reality most won't accept.
Including Tony.
Phil told Tony that Collision was a bad solution and it wouldn't work. And he was totally right.
I've watched every episode of Dynamite this year and all but 2-3 Collision (taped ones with bad line-ups), and of course every AEW PPV. Raw/Smackdown are AWFUL to sit through, I will watch the WWE PLEs if I remember. Altogether, my watch time for wrestling, I've watched nearly as much AAA+MLW (YouTube) as I have WWE. AEW is about 85% of my wrestling watch time.

I'm still on here calling Hogwheels a fucking faggot because he is, and he makes AEW fans look terrible. So does Ojama with his bitching and crying and >kek nonsense. I defend AEW constantly, just not in the way you and others would prefer. I'm not going to glaze Tony just to keep people like you happy.

AEW is good, but with the budget and goodwill it has, it should be great.
thank you will plz save AEW
thank you God AEW finally has hero
im the exact opposite fuck the fed i will give any non wwe wrestling a chance if it’s on actual television
sounds like you haven’t watched aew before if there’s good shit happening usually all the boys get jealous and start trying
Its not just a one time thing, he sinks ratings every time he's on screen
TK install a system where you only award the based carnies who actually care about AEW
AEW bros did we really run out the two people who care about AEW besides TK?
Afraid so
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Pretty much. A tiny handful of other AEW talent might care to a degree but they have no power. Punk and Cody really, really wanted AEW to be something more than PWG with a budget and they had the power to push for it. So of course they were alienated and run out of the company by the PWG shitters. Well, now the Young Bucks and friends are free to enjoy all the low ratings their hearts desire. AEW is in shambles. They won!
I really don’t believe Cody when he says him and the bucks are closer than ever
I'm sure he gave them a shoutout when he won the title for nothing bro. Without them he would doing a Shawn Spears run in NXT bro.
He's falling into the Shawn Michael's trap of thinking that kow ratings means he needs to be better in the ring.
You can put all the memeeltzer 8 star matches you want, you would still not draw a single dime
I don't believe it either considering the dirtsheets kept saying Cody wasn't actually that close to the Elite. And who was feeding AEW stories to the dirtsheets? The Bucks.
Ospreay does need to be better in the ring. Because right now he's fucking atrocious. Of course he'll probably totally miss the point and think better means "I've gotta do more gymnastics bruv!" and become an even worse anti-draw.
The best outcome from this is that Ospreay would lean and be willing to slow down and sell his match, then a lot of people might tune in to watch his match again.
What about all the gAyEWtists that change the channel when literally anything else is on tv?
AEW fan won't even watch Collision, it routinely gets 1/2 the audience of Dynamite.

Most of the gap between Raw/Smackdown viewership can be explained by broadcast vs network TV. Almost every house in America with TBS also has TNT.
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Indie shitters need leadership and good booking if they ever want to not be indie shitters
and they dont have either of those.
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>we shouldn't ignore criticism
>has a mental break down on TV due to random comments made by someone in another wrestling promotion

This guy is so fragile it's pathetic.

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