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If you were tony, who would you put the strap on? AEW has a roster of like 9001 guys, so do you think swerve is the best guy to have the title/be the face of the company? and if not who would you pick and why?

hard mode: no sheldon cooper
is this based on them in their current gimmick/role? or do you get to re imagine them?
why is he swearing at us?
Wardlow. The feeling needs to be restored
big bill
hes 7 feet tall and you cant teach that
Honestly I think he fucked it a bit. Here's how I would have booked it since the whole Punk thing
>Punk is stripped of title
>Mox v Danielson for the title is booked
>MJF Cash's in the Casino chip to turn it in to a 3 way, Danielson and Mox beat the shit out of each other then MJF pins Mox after Regal betrays both Danielson and Mox
>MJF aligns with Regal for around month then betrays Regal during the Danielson match, his first defence
>MJF continues mostly the same but they build the Omega match over a month, MJF still wins
>Cole betrays MJF during the Jay White match, Jay White is the AEW champ from November
>Jay White beats Hangman, Joe and Swerve over the next few PPVs with heavy interference from Banger Ganger
>Build to Double or Nothing is Ospreay and the Don Callis Family v Bullet Club Gold, Danielson doesn't wrestle Ospreay but Danielson gets the International Title
>Don Callis family try to cheat on Ospreys behalf, but they end up getting both their own guys and Bullet Club Gold removed from ringside
>Ospreay fully turns face by leaving the Don Callis family, TV matches against Fletcher, Brian Cage, etc
>Build to Ospreay v Danielson at All In, bill it as their first match and winner takes all
>Ospreay beats Danielson at Wembley
>Then you build some of the other matches such as Okada/Elite, Hangman, Kenny, MJF gets the title back at Full Gear 2024

After that I dunno
depends what you want
do you want to use it as a pure storyline thing, then okada
if you want it to be on the charismatic guy who can draw the most money and come out and cut promos, maybe mjf
if you want it to be on a legit intimidating guy then of course it needs to be on the bad ass billy gunn
they need a long running dominant heel champ more than anything in the world. not like roman level but one who holds it maybe like 9 months and is clearly the big boss of aew
that giant indian guy
book him as khalis son
tony becomes a insane heel gm like vince was, the giant indian can carry tony around on his shoulder and tony can control him and give him orders.
That's good shit, pal
The ferra-torr booking
the best wrestler in the world, Tyson Smith
>Honestly I think he fucked it a bit.

o rly?
Ospreay. He's the one who doesn't completely shit the bed in the TV quarters. And the crowd always pops for him.
Swerve was fine until he turned face. Nobody wanted bitch babyface Swerve, they wanted him to stay gangsta nigga with attitude Swerve.
Jeff Jarrett. 3 upsets in the Owen tournament, then wins the AEW World title at Wembley.

AEW fan will go to the show to drown him in boos and hijack the shows
AEW TV viewer will rage at the show then rush to social media to bitch afterwards (record engagement numbers)
AEW Content Creators will spend weeks begging Tony to take the belt off and stop playing around (cringe kino)
WWE viewer will tune in to see the shit-show and see shows get hijacked
TNA/NJPW/etc viewer will tune in to say "I told you so" to those who signed the mark contract

It's a win no matter what way you look at it. It can't go for 12+ months because then it'll legitimately run off viewers, but 3-4 months of interference and Dusty finishes and bullshit? Massive ratings spike.
Swerve was going to be a good champ. Him and the acclaimed are the only guys who actually got over in AEW. Unfortunately he was made to look like shit after he won it.
Before they even ran a show, AEW should have trained a roster because most of their guys could use time in the PC and aren't even NXT ready.
this is one of the real problems with aew. tonys favorite wrestling era/fed was bischoffs wcw, aka cool heels, and everyone with any power/control in aew wants to be a cool heel. nobody wants to or even can be a good babyface in aew, theyve got a roster of heels. swerve, mjf, so many good heels turned face and became shit in aew already, and almost no main event faces even get cheered by the crowd. darby can do it but hes a turbomanlet so can you really have him as the main event babyface
Swerve was never over. People liked the hardcore match he had with hangman, they didn't like him.
If he leaned more into the hardcore garbage match shit he'd still be over but he's trying to be le fighting workrate champ which isn't a role he fits
i wonder what would piss off the aew fans the most. is there anyone theyd hate having more than jarrett? maybe jericho. or big show but hes not really a wrestler
>ynr eddie kingston

i mean the fact they were using sting as a main babyface in 2024 proves that.
Colt Cabana
That would require me going back in time to before Hangman won the title & even really prior to Kenny winning but that’s where the initial cuts were opened
>Kenny drops to Danielson
>Danielson drops to Christian (better ex E-guy feud than Punk & Moxley)
>Christian drops to hangman
>Hangman drops to heel swerve
Around this point I’d of probably had Wardlow or another prospect finally get a nice run
If they didn't fucking bury all of their monster characters then I'd have one of them beat Swerve in January next year and go on a short tear before having Ospreay beat them at Wembley. Then have him do and open challenge for the retarded PPV the week after and have Takeshita beat him in 8 minutes.
Brawl out probably doesn’t happen in my fantasy since Hangman never is champion for the workers rights promo but around Danielson or Christian’s run id of ran the Elite vs Punk feud. Most of AEW’s failure is waiting too long. Whether it be title runs or storylines people would be interested in
Well yeah, pretty much every one of the pwg guys has their own budget version of the nwo
john cena is a free agent right?
imagine the heat
Christian should have won the title last month. Swerve is a complete nothing.
Christian should have beat MJF for the belt instead of Samoa Joe, and then the Wembley main event could've been the biggest heel (Christian) vs the biggest babyface (Ospreay) for the belt
Agreed, but it was too late for that. At least last month could have semi-rectified it.
Jarrett wins the Owen Hart tournament and then the belt.

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