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This is the destination for all based webms, brother
On tonight's docket: NJPW SOUL, NOAH Grand Ship and Go Shiozaki's 20th anniversary show, plus even more hard hitting pro-wrestling action!
The Great Kidd?

I'm starting off with Grand Ship, it's been sitting for a little while now and I didn't get much of note from the NJPW shows over the past week so this feels a lot more major. Still working on webms, so the tempo might be slow, but I'm doing my best to keep up!
a request from last week - from 0:34 to 0:41


and the Styles Clash by Mia
Will do! Like I said I'm still working on webms so it'll be a bit before I can do requests, but remind me if I forget.
Based webm poster. The babyface of /pw/.
This shit is black magic. Llave scares me so much, bros.
I'd be nothing without you guys popping in to my threads. Happy to have you here!
I love this retard so much it's unreal.
I fucking love the little hook he does with the foot to pull his opponent out of the corner. Looks awesome.
My converter is absolutely fucking shitting itself and I'm not entirely sure what's causing it. I hope it's just my file and that it'll ease up.
I really like this DDT. Daga's hold on the ropes SLOWLY drops and then the DDT itself is super heavy.
Fucking Christ. Damn near Otani'd him.
>hits him with a shoot cornbuckle
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Kidd's really aided by Kaito already bleeding here. Looks great.
Based Sugi
GOJUUSANSAIIII > Hashimoto brainbuster
fite me
I really like the buckle dropkick as a setup for blood. Helps that Kidd gets SO much out of it too.
I disagree, personally. I think the slight delay and perfectly vertical drop Hashimoto does makes it look far more brutal. Don't get me wrong, I like the 53-Sai, but Hashimoto's spike ddt is one of my favorite finishers of all time.
Dead weight will always look more brutal to me than a vertical drop, because you're not giving as much time for the other guy to tuck, and the fluid drop is also more like Karl Kox's original
Hell, Koko B. Ware arguably does the vertical drop better than Hashi
You could give the guy years to tuck and it doesn't matter much when the landing looks like this.
This isn't spit, this is a full-on loogie.
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Here you go! Sorry for the delay.
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Thank you!
can you do Kairi Sane and Dakota Kai's entrance?

I'm onto Limit Break 3! This delay really put a wrench in my plans, but I hope to finish this before I head off today.
I'll try to do that tonight. If not, I'll have it done tomorrow.
>more than 50 years old
>less than 5 minutes into the match
>outside super fly through a table
God, I love Tanaka.
This guy made a strong impression on me. Looks good in the ring, but I'm especially fond of his gear. More guys need to do the boots + trunks and no kneepads look.
video game tier smooth, dude is too nice with it.
I fucking capital L Love the FBS, it's been put over super well and always looks great. Easily my favorite part of Jake Lee's whole kit.
>crushes his own skull

what's this moved called
I kinda wish Fujita had given Higuchi a bit more in this match, because this match has huge potential if they'd gone a bit longer and more 50/50. I still think him bulldozing Higuchi is pretty funny though.
It's a sloppy bridge, but it's a bridging german. Idunno, I don't think that bump is anything crazy.
Man I've been watching the wrong japs, I'm switching. Fuck Nujacucks, I'm a NOAH CHAD now.
the dudes entire body crushed his head lol
brother its not even close
If wrestling's taugh me anything, it's to be EXTREMELY worried whenever a wrestler grabs someone by the ears.
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Here you go! Sorry for the delay.
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Haha time for the best thread of the week (missed last week's thread)
That's all I've got for you today. I'm happy with the output despite the delays on my end, and I hope tomorrow goes a bit smoother. I'm gonna start with NJPW Soul, and then hopefully do some GLEAT catching up because I'm almost a solid five shows behind. Thank you all for hanging out tonight! I'll see you all tomorrow. Goodnight, bros.
Happy to have you here, brother. Thread's in your hands now.
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Goodnight, based webmbro.
>Happy to have you here, brother. Thread's in your hands now.
I'll try to keep the thread bumped through the day.
thanks as always webmCHAD
Sleep tight, webmchad
Shiozaki's hand always turns red from the very first chop and it freaks me out. In a bad way. Dude's gonna break his hand or something.
Maru chops with s limp arm too, I think they're on something over there
>I'd be nothing without you guys popping in to my threads.
The best poster and he's humble too. If I was a bird I'd marry webm anon.
Looking at the webm closely I think he's just got his wrist taped very tightly on purpose to numb it, Ishii does the same thing
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Any ELP webms from Rampage? Looking to expand my GDQ spam folder
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This dude went from top of the world to lower on the card than Orange Cassidy
Shiozaki's arm isn't limp, it's a regular chop but from the first one he does his hand gets super red.
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>top of the world
I was just saying that Maru also does weird shit when he choppas
I shoot believe webmchad is the reincarnation of Tanaposter
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I'm back! Happy to see the thread's still up, thanks to all of you who made that happen. I'm gonna start out with NJPW Soul like planned, but I entirely forgot I watched Bloodsport Bushido and I'll probably post that before I get to GLEAT. I should have time for both, though.
If you've got a request in mind I'm sure I could get that done for you.
The NJPW camera team are on my Rushmore
Advanced technique inside, watch with caution
Just a really good sell from Newman. I might end up rooting for him to get in if it comes to it.
Based Chase on the case (The case being selling his ass off)
>it's another "random young lion decides to commit suicide by ishii" episode
I fucking love when this happens.
Holy fucking kino.
Christ, this landing.
>akira trying so hard to corpse that his stomach ulcer practically bursts
I don't even understand what this bit is but it pops me every time.
Why is he like this, bros?
Next up are some webms from Bloodsport Bushido.
>you lockup me? no, I punch you
I love Abe, bros.
fuck lol
I'm a little disappointed this didn't get more time. It was my favorite match on the card, didn't feel deserving of curtain jerking.
This fucking rocks.
Holy fucking based
Do you have the finishing sequence Callum did for that match, looked good
Pure fucking kino
I can make it for you! Gimme a sec.
Here you go. I kinda wish I could've gotten a webm from his underdog sequence in the tag match on day 2, but it's not really webm-able. Really great sequence, though.
That would make sense. Do you reckon all the best posters on here are actually just the same guy? One man saving us from simp generals, nash posting, and console wars...
NTA, but I am incredibly flattered by the kind words and the comparison. Unless DGbro, the OSG webm anon and everyone else who bumps these threads are the same person, I'd argue there's more than one good poster on here.
God, I love Saku, bros.
It's called a Chaos Theory Suplex. Doug Williams named it.
This is so stupid. I can see Tony doing this in AEW very soon.
I really dislike the tendency of Bloodsport's main events just turning into standard pro-wrestling. This one's a particularly bad offender.
>actually pooling
Mox needs someone to check in on him.
>is that my... yeah it is
>fuck it, it's on now
Super Crazy has been working NOAH for a couple years now
>fulton marking out in the background
I watched this with Japanese commentary, so I didn't get to hear them mark out over Lenne Hardt announcing, but I popped for the both of them, I'm sure.
Next up is, as promised yesterday, GLEAT! This is from LIDET ver. 4, continuing the shoot style trend.
Fucking hell.
Where are the modern shoot stylists emulating Ishikawa and Ikeda?
That would be Abe and his bros. This >>15081870 is EXACTLY how Ikeda would answer a headlock attempt.
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>thanks to all of you who made that happen.
You are welcome. Got to make sure the only thread worth on /pw/ stays up.
This fucking rocks.
So does this, though. Ito's German is as good as ever and it's a great end to this match.
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That'll be all I have for this week! Knocking out one GLEAT show means I'm only three or four full shows behind by now, so that's progress, if nothing else. I'll have more catchup and whatever shows happen during next week by the time those threads roll around, and maybe some more King's Road if I find the time! Thank you all for hanging out tonight. I'll see you all next week. Goodnight, bros.
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Thanks as always, based webmbro.
thanks as always webmCHAD
Holy shit Bloodsport looks incredible visually compared to how it used to. Love the judges table addition and is that the PRIDE lady on the left? Fuck I need to watch this show.
The production is unironically just way better because it is in Japan. Fite or whoever handles it in the US has the most indie production values ever. It SOUNDS a lot better too, no more of that 120 decibel ring thundering every time someone takes a step.
Could still go without the fucking MASSIVE overlay though kek
>and is that the PRIDE lady on the left?
Yeah, it's Lenne Hardt. Popped me like crazy
this cracked me up when I saw it the first time
I think Gman and Kidd wrestled in RevPro or something ages ago

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