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Next shows:
6/29 Sendai (VOD)
>United National Championship Round 1: MIRAI vs Miku Aono
>Passion Injection Match: Nanae Takahashi vs Chika Goto
>Utami Hayashishita & Mai Sakurai vs Nagisa Nozaki & Zayda Steel
>Kouki Amarei vs Victoria Yuzuki
>Natsumi Showzuki & Nao Ishikawa vs Bozilla & Myla Grace
>CHIAKI vs Komomo Minami

6/30 Miyako (VOD)
>MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs. Utami Hayashishita & CHIAKI
>Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace
>Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto vs. Nagisa Nozaki & Zayda Steel
>Miku Aono vs. Victoria Yuzuki
>Natsumi Showzuki vs. Komomo Minami

>7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>7/13 "Marigold Summer Destiny 2024", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo (PPV @ 2:30 PM JST

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


Previous >>15071998
love Gochika
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
If I sign up for Wrestle Universe tomorrow will I be able to watch everything up until now?
This is definitely the thread
gochika gochika go
I find Gochika to be quite charming
Anyone know of bars in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area broadcasting the Sendai show tonight? I don't have a WU subscription.
Yes, and don't even have to use Wrestle Universe.
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whats her ceiling if she actually gets better at wrestling?
250 for her solo show at shinkiba
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Rossy groomed your Mom's hairy pussy, faggot.
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Cookie is a genderless player, CHUD.
Biden lost, its ok to be normal now.
She's just pretending because she thinks that is how you make it in America.
>op's anti made a false flag thread and now seethe in it by himself
I love the smell of Gochika ass in the morning
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Why is the spic seething over nothing?
Watching MIRAI v Miku in Shinkaba, I could swear MIRAI has been studying Bret Hart. Loved both of their matches and to see what they have in store for match number 3.
Guess Yuzuki isn't good enough to make the poster.
Nao is gonna seethe for months
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she's so good. everything she does. they had a great match.
WWE's Nanae Takahashi
Fuck she has such great hips
so uh is utami vs iyo or giulia vs sareee for the world belt?
giulia might not be ready in time so they are waiting to see before announcing.
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Komomo has no hobbies. This is her house.
After all iyo vs utami is the attraction.
Giulia will wrestle not ready.
They are background, blind anon.
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what do you think the average IQ of /Marigold/ is?
too big to be a japanese house
Also 50% of the poster
no Nao no watch
they wouldn't be building Sareee vs Giulia over and over if Giulia wasn't going to wrestle. Chances are that'll be for the belt.
IYO vs Utami is an attraction match.
being so obviously sexually dimorphic and calling yourself genderless is kind of a based move in a weird way. i want to see a they/them that's just a dude who looks like ryback. the 20 year olds with ugly dyed purple undercuts don't have that dawg in them
if she wrestles with her wrist still injured she's retarded. so i fully expect the match to happen.
You don't have to cope. It's obvious to literally everyone that Utami and Iyo are the main attraction of this card. We don't have to pretend it's anyone else.
it's a big show, brother
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little peach
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This is how touching grass first time in years feels.
More like BOOTYGOLD!!!
>WWE Logo
Fuck you traitors. I'm with STARDOM and TJPW. Enjoy your slop.
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Stardom is in bed with the tranny slop
Sometimes Giulia just looks so fucking ugly
she doesn't look ugly there
I want to drink her ass sweat.
No Gochika on the poster, no watch.
>I want to drink her ass sweat.
Yeah, I'm much preferring Gochika. Her tag partner Kouki just seems a generic hot girl who has no actual personality.
need to set up the Twin Star title match. Gochika and Kouki vs who?
Dead thread
Dead fed
we're all watching stardom right now
>Kouki has that dimes look and aura but lacks the in ring skill
If she actually gets better at wrestling and learns English like Giulia told her too, she'll be in the main roster (WWE) by 2028
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Anon, TJPW will work with WWE too, they're already working with NOAH, and DDT is working with them right now
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DDT and Noah have already joined WWE, it's only a matter of time before TJPW jumps abroad. Off to /stardom/ you go, WWE is affiliated with all of Cyberfight & Marigold.
>TJPW will work with WWE too
You're genuinely retarded if you believe this
>TJPW won't work with WWE
You're genuinely retarded if you believe this
we are watching stardom right now
unfortunately a lot of people who have no idea about the joshi scene post here. famously isolated tjpw isn't about to take nxt nobodies kek.
erm I'd like to see Roxanne vs Toga
So you really think every single CyberFight promotion will work with WWE, except TJPW?
Koda takes in the ugliest and most unknown gaijins you could comprehend. of course he'll book someone from wwe if offered
i can very much see Kana working TJPW so she doesn't have to work Marigold
i'm not sure why you're being intentionally obtuse but using Meiko in a street wrestling match very obviously isn't "working with wwe" in the way you're trying to portray it
He's retarded, don't bother with AEW trannies who larp as Stardom fans larping as Joshi experts.
>using Meiko in a street wrestling match very obviously isn't "working with wwe"
Using Meiko in DDT who is actively being labelled as "WWE Superstar Meiko Satomura" isn't working with WWE? WWE has to approve every single of her appearances outside of WWE's television which is why she had none in years until very recently, you retard.
She's literally billed as WWE Superstar Meiko Satomura by DDT, after CyberFight announced they plan to work with WWE
Fair point
this dude is really having a meltdown because tjpw won't work with wwe kek
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why is she dressed up? Doesn't she know its just a house show
Wtf where's Yurie
this dude is really having a meltdown because tjpw will work with wwe kek
Is that a butt?
Must be a day ending in y
You better believe it is
watching the stardom live stream and why are there people wiping down the ring during an intermission? i never seen this on a marigold VOD. is this a stardom exclusive thing?
She's more than just her butt, bitch
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wear your pajamas to work day
Emaciated player
rossy showed up for work today
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Imagine being this poor girl having to site with all the smelly old uncles
I'm convinced Marigold's audience are old uncles who were banned from other promotions for taking lewd photos of the wrestlers. This is their second chance. Thank you Rossy.
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No brace
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I appreciate her casual vibes
For real.
When people discussing pro wrestling use the word "joshi" everybody knows it means a Japanese women pro wrestler.
"Lucha" isn't a wrestling word either, but same in wrestling context we all know it's referring to Mexican wrestling.

"Poo-row" for Japanese men's wrestling is shit though because it's just bad pronunciation.
I always said "pure-o"
This was even better when Marty moved in after getting kicked out and was like "you know this place has an entire 2nd floor?"
This chick might break the joshi autism scale
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>Sareee not on the next two shows to taunt Giulia some more
When Japanese say it, sounds more like that fiction detective's name - Poirot.
There's no hard break between the プ and the ロ
So sounds like "Pro" with a small hitch
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looks like another 995. congrats Rossy!
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Hearing Momo collapsed from exhaustion running the ropes. Maybe she should hit the treadmill instead of watching TIktok.
they should start a youtube series of komomo minami and victoria yuzuki reacting to wwe matches
congrats to Nanae signing with WWE. I'm sure the NXT trainees will appreciate the Passion Injections.
This might be the ugliest image I've ever fucking seen.
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Kouki undefeated streak continues over winless Yuzuki.
poor Yuzuki
>no victories
What did Rossy mean by this?
lol he fucking did it
another 15 minute TLD
Extra 5 minutes ends in a draw. Match is now at Sumo Hall and the winner will face Bozilla
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this thread is going to get funny today
kneel to the hatfather
We getting cooked on 5ch.

>Seriously? Rossy is so stupid.
> It's a mess
>It's messy.
>Tournament first round (fourth round)
>How long are they going to keep doing this? Bozilla will join in. Go 3way. Or something.
the did do a lot of time limit draws in the showa era joshi wrestling
Why don't they just make it a fucking triple threat so Bozilla doesn't need to be pinned???
>Shallow roster
>Runs the same match three times in three different cities.
>Now making you pay $50 for it on PPV.

Greatest carny ever.
why are they even fighting for the midcard belt when they could go for the top belt
>>Tournament first round (fourth round)
in theory the secondary champion is next in line for the main title
[spoiler]Miku going to beat Mirai.[/spoiler]
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I could understanding doing the double draw finish once, that makes sense to build up the tension for the second match. Even the second draw was fine, but each time you do it there are diminishing returns. Hatman went too far doing it three times in a row. It just makes him look stupid and indecisive dragging this out so much.
Another thing, where the fuck is the Twin Star title match? Start setting that up, asshole.
And decide if Giulia vs Sareee is for the red belt already. There's no point in dragging that out, either.
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>currently doesn't have a match for Summer Destiny
rambo players
TLD me once, shame on you
TLD me twice, shame on me
TLD me thrice, I don't even know
>Yuzuki vs Komomo vs Rea
get the three rookies to face off. Yuzuki gets her first win in Marigold. Even if Rea is too menhera to compete, Yuzuki vs Komomo will do just fine.
>Gochika and Kouki vs CHIAKI and Nagisa for the Twin Star championship
underwhelming opponents for the Twin Towers, but it's the best we've got
>Mai vs Myla vs Zayda
obligatory comedy match
Dire card
Marigo the distance
still plenty of other matches to carry the card
So they'll have the rematch and the title match with Bozilla on the same card?
Retarded booking, just make it a three way - it spoils Bozilla going over, probably in a squash, as well
The Miku & the Mirai
2 Miku 2 Mirai
The Miku and the Mirai: Sendai Drift
Miku & Mirai
Miku 5
Miku & Mirai 6
Mirai 7
The Fate of the Mirai
Miku X
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cute wolf player
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Hilarious booking
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Oh fuck, short hair Mai is back
Lady Mai mogging here
Average Miku enjoyer
Royal x Noble
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>>Tournament first round (fourth round)
you're a retarded faggot
To be completely honest I would go out with either
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“Please don't post a close-up of the herpes under my mouth because I don't know how to get rid of it”

What did Fuka mean by this
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they're going to hold a contest for vip members for a free dinner with utami, but you have to pay for the alcohol and any other lesbians, transvestites, or freaks she decides to bring with her
So Stardom really is dead now? With Bushiroad and NJPW, it's only a matter of time before we get AEW's shitters and they take the top names.
>shortcut Mai
Oh, fuck. It's over. Nobody can compete.
If I were you I would focus more on the dogshit Rossy booking instead of thinking about Stardom, but that's just me
>dogshit Rossy booking
The siz consecutive tlds in the tournament for one
Ladies ladies, stop fighting
BOTH companies fucking suck lmao
It's mad, but keeps Mirai and Miku looking equal. Neither is weak here.
Hard disagree. Stardom has turned into something it never was or should be. It's too early to tell with Marigold, it's still enjoyable.
Yeah, both are equally shit
Mirai is a star and a pillar of the company. Miku is Ace material.
one tld would have gotten the point across imo. just feels like rossy has nothing for these vod shows so he booked this little fued but i don't think it actually helped get either one over
Maybe, but having so many matches and drawing in all of them shows that they're currently on the same level and equals.
It also cements both as top contenders.
Stop coping bro, it's fucking dumb, it doesn't help either
big time slurping hours
People need to stop using this retarded shit whenever someone says something they disagree with. Is it totally necessary? No. Does it protect both wrestlers and show that they're evenly matched? Yes.
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Is she really the only Joshi aside from the witch that had a baby that has an actual ass without relying on lordosis
No. Lots have nice asses. Utami, Mai, Io, Lady C, Risa Sera...
>Debut gear Utami
>White shorts C
>Any Sera
I want to grab the pudge popping out the straps
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Ice cold promotion. Especially considering it's their first time there.
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Why is he acting like it's the biggest show of the year?
What were they doing together?
Miyako city!?

This is big
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Love me some joshi ass
koguma, ram, goto, rhythm, tae honma, mirai, yukihi, eel, kohaku, io, aoi, azm, shoko, misao, fujimoto, hanazono, saki, takase, buta, nodoka, c, saori, inaba, utami, wakana, yoppy, etc
Lots of egregious names on there but none more so than maya yukihi
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Now that's based + true
please go back to r*ddit
Mai is so sweet and cute
love rossy making movies about mirai/miku. he's showing marigold is a movie about wrestling and not a wrestling company
But enough about AEW
false fan coomer spotted
more than scardom once again
based ass enjoyer
Stardom was on a Friday
So 273 in reality
so glad Rossy won't let Tony poach Marigold talent to do HLA angles with Toni Storm. Over here, we do the poaching. Feels good to be a Marichad
Has the obese piggy Utami lost any weight yet in preparation for her big match?
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make the call rossy
all the photos on twitter show huge empty spots in the stands. no one will ever know.
Rossy learned from HHH. Include everyone in the building in the attendance figures. The wrestlers, staff at the venue, people selling merch. Technically they are all in attendance.
She has in fact gained even more weight
They really need to send that piggy to the abattoir already, I can't believe they are wasting Io's return on her
Homo falseflag tranny doesn't watch the show, because Utami has clearly lost a little weight based on the recent show
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you sure about that? from last night
Look at how much the ropes are straining when Utami is standing on them. This is not normal. Must be a day ending in a y!
Wow you really showed me by posting a fully covered up Utami in a giant robe
if I had a dime for everytime I have seen a retard post on here that a fat joshi has 'lost weight on the most recent show trust me bro' I would have all the dimes
If only she was wearing a bag over her head. Then maybe you'd be correct.
He even said as much when he was crying about the 1st Ring shows
Drossy Lost LMAO
If I fancy xer, does that make me gay? It's clearly not straight to fancy someone who is genderless.
That's one fat hog, someone tell farmer Rossy to stop feeding it so much
suzu looked slim last night in her 5xl t shirt
A lot of low T posters in this thread
I wonder why exactly Iyo vs Utami is causing this rampant seethe.
Utami does not have love handles, she's so fat that she's got straight up armrests
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Licking Utami's gunt crease.
Posting so much about fat women you expose yourself as having a fetish for them, I'll let you know that
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Marigold 985 vs Stardom 946
Nice cherrypicked image.
Stardump? Thought that shit was canceled kek
What does cherrypicked image even mean in this context?
i will punch out ten skinny white women to walk my way to an overweight lady of the asian kind
i could fight your mom and win
it is one of a number of words the esl ironic midrai schizo uses without understanding
Is it possible for you to answer literally any question without invoking some made up boogeyman that only exists within the confines of your shrivelled little brain?
sorry liceman I don't have time to play with you today x
there's literally a match happening in the ring kek
Upiggy Hayaslopeater sucks
Stardom lost
Kek, more full than an episode of Dynamite, MariGODS just keep winning
Rossy can't keep getting away with this.
if you keep doomposting you will get called fat
Giulia cheering outside of the ring, promised real Utami is not beautiful, and Kuoki's popularity is a hoax.
Its over.
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>Kuoki's popularity is a hoax.
Woah, steady on there, m8.
Does she have dandruff titties?
Not counting you anon, of course.
there is a mirai thread on the catalog
Just want this tag team
Mentally ill zoomers tag
Italy getting fucked harder than Giulia during her escorting days
Giulia wasn't an escort.
I didn't fully appreciate her until I saw higher res pics of her pits. She's a goddess.
She just sucked dick at the bar. Never technically escorted anyone off the property.
as expected for a marigroomer
Not true.
I was told that Giulia was a shy girl who made espressos at her dad's restaurant
I have the documents and read all the white papers. Sadly it's true.
a john took her to her first joshi show, this is well known unless you are a newfag
She had foreign kick boxers running trains on her
taking a whore to a joshi show is not a boss move
You don't.
How Kurara got into wrestling too. A "customer" took her.
Not true either
Literally true. A customer gave her tickets and then gave her the D on the Korakuen stairs. Took her to the Denny's outside after.
It is probably easier to list the wrestlers who didn't start their life as a prostitute.

All I can think of.
all your waifu is whores, being a joshi fan is inherently cuckold behaviour
>all your waifu is whores
I see the Tsujischizo lolcow is still online and spazzing.
I see Utami is still a fat sweaty pig
i dm'd kouki on her non-wrestling X account and sent her 23 of my favorite mike portnoy youtube clips (all in individual messages) but she hasnt replied yet
She's not allowed to actually talk to people. Her agency handles controls every thing she does in life.
does she even play drums
The schizo lolcow says shit like this >>15077832 but followed Mirai to Marigold and spams every two minutes.
>replying to an hours old post
Just ignore it if it makes you seethe
Could say the same thing about you and Mirai and Marigold, friend.
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Nobody likes talking about Mirai more than an ironic mirai anti.

She probably does get very sweaty with all that fat on her
liceman discovered the term lolcow in 2024
this but ten skinny asians for an overweight white
That's what you are. Come on, start samefagging and doomposting.
Melty time
Natsu Sumira has a similar story, except instead of it being a John it was one of the other whores at her club.
pro wrestling is a form of prostitution
it is gaijin shitters, don't waste your time
Sonny setting his sights on Zayda. Yuzuki must have said no.
Great content, Sonny.
zayda steer is at the age where you are naturally drawn to the guy with a camera
>why are you at the venue so late at night? hehe
why the fuck are YOU at the venue so late at night, Sonny?
Yet, she was getting away.
Setting up the sound.
zayda was looking for a john to finesse
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They have to setup at 11pm because Rossy booked the card to start at 6am for some reason.
could mewtwo beat bozilla?
Anyone got HQ scans of the Mai bikini photoshoot?
go be black somewhere else
女子プロレスRING PLUS 桜井麻衣
This one? Some gigachad posted scans a few threads ago.
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Sticc Mai
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Merger imminent?????
at first marigold was going to be a worked angle
>3 seconds
Get a life
Tsujischizo shoot sits on here and Twitter all day. This is to be expected.
Melty time
i don't see any chairs
Next Thread >>15080884
I saw it on /marigold/ so don't shoot the messenger
dumb spic
I wish Mirai had come to my school and let me feel her muscles

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