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>they want me to fail
he in one day has revealed himself to be one of those it's never my fault the world is out to get me bitches.
the state of this guy's ego to think Vince needed some 'reason' to dislike him or see him for the dimeless retard he is
i'm starting to believe he's one of the nxt posters
>it's fake fighting. You can make up any shit you want
This fag has the Young Bucks mentality. No wonder he couldn't crack it on the main roster.
Sounds like the average /pol/cel.
>a whole paragraph of it's not my fault Vince was just out to get me.
welp. What's worse is certain people will claim people are only shitting on him now because he left WWE, but that is only true because while in WWE he didn't have the balls to speak out and the moment he has started he revealed himself to be fucking retarded beyond belief. I don't want him in any company I watch.
Typical of a leftist
holy shit dijak fuck off from this board no one cares
>all of this to impress my boss
yeah that's working in basically any field ever wagie or not dipshit.
>offtopic seething about /pol/ out of nowhere
Here are two things that will never be a woman:
Hello tranny. Keep your fag shit on your containment board and I dont mean /pol/.
>its fake fighting
is this guy retarded? He speaks exactly like the clowns in AEW
He, swear on my mother, said yesterday that he learned how to call a match based around hypothetical this is awesome chants from the Young Bucks. Not one mention of anything learned in NXT, just that he learned from Matt and Nick.
AEW shitters just don't get it
They think wrestling is a joke and the fact that the audience is in on it just makes it better.

You can argue Vince is senile but the man is trying to teach you something Dijak, put aside your ego for a minute and listen
He admitted he works matches for chants, that he learned it from the Young Cucks, and that he goes to twitter and vanity searches himself after a match.
No wonder they fired this dork. Imagine being 6'8" and behaving like a 5'5" indie shitter.
I hope the Cucks don't actually get him hired and he dies in some mexican ring
The cucks are loyal to their friends and are fine fleecing Tony, so chances are Dijak gets hired by AEW
And to actually think about it, he would fit right in the aew habitat with ease. He has that clown characteristics that would make him a favourite of the young cucks
Well at least it's a big guy this time instead of some random mexican
Daniel Garcia needs a big dumb fuck heater to eat his pins.
Book it Tony.
luckily this retard got blacklisted by kenny
This sort of stuff has happened multiple times under Vince including one where the women were made to redo the match, Dijak acting like this is something specifically aimed at him is some retarded shit
this was the empty arena era
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he got fired because he wouldn’t let roxanne eat his ass
Dijak is a notorious libtard, so process that, faggot.
I hope Tony signs him to a huge contract so I don't have to listen to his whining again.
Bucks literally are bringing in someone Wednesday lol
Oh so it was still being broadcast to the thunderdome audience meaning people saw or it was really empty arena meaning he had no way of knowing how the match would be edited with commercials and such so he wouldn't know if it was airing on TV or not. Basically either people saw, or he had no clue and assumed.
This dumb faggot belongs in gAyEW with his "Hurr it's fake who cares" mentality and whining
Vince won't rape you
Am I the only one who thinks he's right? This 100% sounds like Vince just fucking with him because he doesn't have a BBC he can watch slam million dollar whores.
This nigger was crying, tears fullstop, on Manny's twitch channel.
Well, at least I know why they shit canned him now. Guy is a fuckin' dink.
Why do you want me to fail
This is exactly the problem with Dijak - he doesn't know how to work like a big man and is far more interested in doing flips and cool moves.

He'll love AEW.
Hey edronebros can we like call a truce on this guy or can you maybe take him back? Or just don't let him get too close to us down here
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He's not dimeless and he's a million times better than the Young Bucks. If anyone didn't watch NXT, I'd recommend going back to watch his match with Ilja to see what kino potential he had. I do agree the smarky indie attitude can be a problem and I wish he wasn't saying all this stuff now, but he is an amazing talent.
Doesn't matter who saw. Dijak fucked up and was trying to teach him how to work. I'm sure Vince was a dick about it, but can you blame him? Dijak is supposed to already be a pro, not a work in progress
and this is why this guy and others are eternal jobbers
Ilja hard carry
That and HARD JUSTICE was 100% a Shawn thing. Dijack was talking about how he want to go to Japan and put on 7* workrate bangers with Naito. Evidently he hasn't seen Naito work in the last few year and think the Japs would be interested in seeing his young buck solo tribute act.
It's funny how fast and how hard dronies have turned on Dijjak as soon as he left their cult
Dijak would fit well in AEW as they don't do criticism over there.
true, any shitter will look kino with Ilja
Show me one pro Dijak post from anyone on this board. I'll wait
I'm not an edrone though. I'm an aew fan extending an olive branch to edrones asking to keep him away from us
I used to root for him in his hard justice era, but that was pretty much the opposite of this mark ass bitch shit he is doing now.

Guy will never get a clue. 5'5" indie shitter trapped in the body of an actual star.
I watch pro-wrestling for the characters
If I wanna watch actual wrestling I'll watch the dagestanis on UFC
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I hope he takes that gimmick with him to Japan. It would be even more dimes there. I don't follow NJPW but I'd subscribe for Dijak.
This is why Bisexual Undertaker has a belt and Donovan Dickhead has a pinkslip.

Kek, I liked Appolo's Nigerian warlord gimmick. It was fun.
His character segments are part of what made him so good.
You could say this match put both of them on the map for the audience but of course, this was just slightly before Priest went with Edge for Judgement Day because he couldn't get another one of Vinces stupid retard strength gimmicks to go over. If JD didn't happen, Priest would have been sacked next.
Oh right, everything is ALWAYS his fault is it. Everyone can do whatever, it's all good but hold on one second.. if it's not fine, it's all HIIISSSSS fault. You're one of them, cool OK.
He's not going to take it because the gimmick wasn't just glasses and a leather jacket, but a complete way of working and carrying himself. It was stiff, deliberate, and powerful moves, not the spotfest bullshit Dijak thinks will get him over. It emphasised his size and strength and made him seem like a genuine threat. And since the spots were so rare when he was working HARD JUSTICE it made them actually impressive. Dijak fundamentally doesn't understand wrestling and his his self indulgent post-ironic wink wink nudge nudge shit doesn't just devalue himself, but the sport that feeds him.

He learned absolutely nothing from his time in NXT under Shawn and is going to go right back to the stupid shit that got him bumped down to NXT in the first place.
kys rovert
see, told you they would claim it's because he left WWE.
hi Dijak.
what? I don't know if you're arguing, agreeing or lost.
He is ironically posting in the snarky self-pitying bitch way Dijak does on twitter. Probably trying to bait someone into accusing him of being Dijak so he can kill a couple of hours on a Friday night
Hey Dijak, go fuck yourself.
Nobody turned on Dijak until he started crying and exposed himself as a bitch nigga.
what a grimdark mark
Final is All Elite
shitlibs are always like that
You guys are going to feel so stupid when he's wrestling at Wembley this summer. His high praise of the Bucks is his ticket in.
Better chances of those happening than you ever being inside a woman.
Dijak would be a pretty good get for AEW. It's WWE's loss really.
>patterning yourself off guys who became millionaires without signing to WWE is bad
That's right. I hope Tony is reading this because he should sign Dijak to a huge contract right away. Maybe put him in the Elite as an enforcer guy.
>that clown characteristics

This is why Smackdown was CANCELLED
You're joking, but a The Elite have needed a heavy.

Also do people not know Dijak worked alongside our EVPs for years?
The Young Bucks were millionaires prior to AEW
Honestly I think Okada and Jack Perry are intimidating enough, but yeah adding Dijak would instantly propel them to megadimes tier.
Yeah I know. They're on my personal Mount Rushmore of Wrestlers.
Nah he sounds like a whiny bitch, Vince gave him thorough attention and saw this guy half assing his work because it was during a break when you had the freedom to have fun for a few minutes before going back to paint by numbers.
That should have been the wake up call of 'hey you want more aggression? Then you'll get it boss'
who lol
Dominik Dijakovic, dronie. Don't pretend you don't know who he is. I swear when he turns up at AEW all you dronies will be crying piggy tears.
You're forgetting that Vince would bury people for sneezing weird.
Is Dibitch still crying here?
Yes ;(
Now type that without crying.
Cole & Steen or Dragon & Roddy?
Vince was literally never wrong about anyone he ever buried. He could probably sense people were dimeless shitters by their sneezes.
He should go to AEW. He would never have to worry about being seen on TV or by a crowd.
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>it's fake fighting. You can make up any shit you want
Whenever someone who's supposed to be a fan of wrestling says this, it comes across as wildly insecure to me. Like you're embarrassed of wrestling in some way.
>The crowd
It was during COVID ya mark
Why does literally everyone who does the Cross Rhodes do it better than Cody?
No it wasn't. >>15074750
Vicky Woodhouse was blacked, you could have saved her hymen Trevor
>learned from Matt and Nick.
Seems like a bad idea
I can't figure out anyone he was wrong about
meant for >>15076488
kek poltards do be like dat
>it's fake fighting
HE DOESN'T RESPECT THE BUSINESS. He just blackballed himself.
more like DSPjak
>someone typed something i don’t like
>they must like the political party that i don’t like
throw yourself into a tub grinder you seething faggot
Him and Brian Cage can put on all the "5* classics" they want on Rampage.
Be real he probably gets thrown onto the RoH containment program to eat jobbers and put over anyone above the midcard
How long until we can say this about
>that other guy
Dijak sounds like the pro wrestler equivalent of the so-called "nice guys" from the sub-for-sub YouTuber community where they get all disgruntled if they don't get the success they think they want.
Can I get some uuuuuh timecode? Just curious to hear how retarded he really is because the excerpt someone posted on twitter was just "listening to the crowd" which is really basic.
a loss of 502k to be exact
>and Jack Perry
nigga i think at least half this thread's posters could wash him effortlessly talmbout intimidating kek
Covid still had a crowd for the majority of the time, Thunderdome was watching the show, that said, it wasn't COVID dipshit.
probably not since it was on twitch no clue if it's even archived.
>it is Vince's fault Paul did not renew my contract in 2024
Believe it
It took until this post in this thread for me to even be able to put a face to the name. I kept trying to remember who Dijak was, but Lance Hoyt's face was what I kept remembering. WWE won't miss anyone that it takes that long to remember.
looks like a gay porn flix.
it is fake fighting. are you retarded? do you think it’s real?
hell, even cm punk was trying to teach them ass enema wussies something, they just clearly won't listen to anything but their "I'M TOO ABOVE ANY OF THIS TO LISTEN" attitude the zoomers have
and how much are those guys drawing lmao 502k perhaps???
At this point it's really TKO, they got rid of everyone in NXT with a main roster contract. Scrypts and Van Wagner also got no new contracts after escaping the first mass releases.

the 'Oh, you're going to the main roster on the draft' is a bit fucked, though. Really wonder what that move was about, was it seriously a money making move to have him at catering at RAW as opposed to the PC?
I wonder if Drew Gulak was also on the chopping block because of this, and what Ronda said about him just pushed it over the edge.
I wouldn't be surprised. Saving money is saving money, if they've got an excuse to cut someone they'll take it.

Gotta wonder if anyone else is in danger on NXT, anyone know if Ridge's contract is up anytime soon?
>Really wonder what that move was about, was it seriously a money making move to have him at catering at RAW as opposed to the PC?
The following is headcanon, but they'll soemtimes put guys in spots that they're not ready for, whether that's talent side or management side, to see if things will finally click.
Famously, Brock Lesnar, while talented, wasn't quite clicking in OVW. But the pressure of the main roster immediately made him step up his game. Maybe Dijak was main roster ready in several ways, was still rounding out in NXT in other areas, but wasn't seeing the growth they wanted, so they called him up to see if that'd change.
And maybe if he was still making NXT money, they would've held onto him longer, but he wasn't so they had to look at it in those terms.
But he wasn't on TV in any capacity when he got called up this time, he had one dark match (several weeks later) and a speed match
I have no idea, but I think Ridge is probably safer that Giovanni Vinci unfortunately.
Yeah, which means the problem was probably not with his ring fundamentals, or ability to work to their production setup. It probably was a personality issue or something along those lines.
I doubt that. TKO had a real "Left hand doesn't talk to the Right hand" problem as seen by releasing Ali right before he was being promoted being on a PLE. I think they just wanted to save money as they were paying Dijak main roster money, so they just moved him to main roster on the draft, and as the RAW team had nothing for Dijak, they really had no space for him to do anything until his contract ran out.

Creative really doesn't have anything to do with the bean counters at this point.
I think this is 100% right. It's frustrating as an NXT fan. I was really looking forward to that Ali match too. But that does seem to be true, that the money people aren't really concerned about the storylines happening in NXT.
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This nigga named after mustard LMAOOOO
I don't think so. Like, if the bean counters were just looking at money, there's a glut of guys you could cut that don't hurt the brand, and aren't moving a shitton of merch. I think NXT creative takes a much greater backseat, because the most important aspect of NXT, always, is to develop talent. Any money they make, PLE's they do, etc., is just gravy.
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Nah. NXT creative doesn't matter. It's probably something like the money guys going to whoever they need to and being like
>hey, this guy's contract is coming up
>he's in developmental making main money, is this a way for us to cut costs
Then whoever they spoke to goes to NXT and was like
>hey, how's it going with dijak
>"oh, he's excelling at x, but could maybe do better with y"
>well let's bring him up and see if that changes and we can get our ROI
And then it didn't, and he got cut. I think that could easily be the case.
Can't tell if Edge or Lash Leroux...
Do you lack perception of intent?

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