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Double Duty: PLE x PPV Edition

(Iyo has 2 huge matches in July, MITB on WWE PLE, and Summer Destiny on Marigold PPV, kek what a primary player! Plus Damage CTRL attacked the Lesbian Witches with Iyo dressed in full Io Shirai mode, do they want Tag Team gold to go with the briefcase?)

previous: >>15037487

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
Iyo Sky is the greatest woman to ever live.
Iyo the ugly
I imagine they're going to have Iyo protected and not take any dangerous crazy bumps so she doesn't risk injury before the Utami match.
Divine Masami powers ACTIVATE
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Iyo the beautiful
>>15076370 the closest homosexual
I’m attracted to Iyo but I’m in love with Masami
Imagine she unzipped that top and flashed the hardcam
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Bro is going to be sweating watching everytime Iyo gets near a ladder
WTF is this real?!?!
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Iyo fucking ROCKS lol
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Iyoist niggas be like
What is Iyos toughest challenge in the WWE?
Unironically the English language, she has everything else to get booked well
Afraid so, she's a divine being after all
damn, he ugly
Kek, you tell them Homosexual Titan, it's pride month right now, this is your time
When's she getting slimed?
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Idk but she needs to do so in a bikini like pic related.
Having to get over as a top talent when her faction does nothing but job every single time.
imagine walking up to her standing with her back against the wall and slowly pulling the zipper on her top down while she just smiles and lets you do it
Dacutie is having a meltdown on her stream.
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This inevitably happens to non-Asian women that spend too much time next to superior, radiant beauty.
she’s just mad that Paul didn’t want to give her a paid vacation to Japan

>also if you’re over 35 and not getting pushed you should probably go get a real job
She's going to Japan dude, she's advertised for the shows
No title?
Real Iyoists know we don't use that name here.
Masami McMahon
Masami Khan
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Iyo has brown nipples
small nipples, which are the best
Imagine being in a faction with Iyo and Asuka and thinking you're going to he the one Paul pushes
>IYO SKY (wwe)
Utami the Handsome
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only one of these statements is accurate
maybe she got the news that she was staying home kek
>card subject to change no witches
Utami is so ugly wtf
Kek speak your truth Homo Goliath, happy pride!
Sadly, when never gone full nude, so we don't have any verification of that.
>Jelly Janella goes to Buc-ee's
Do we have to worry about him using this as a way to woo Iyo?
He's fucking Megasus
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there will always be something to celebrate, title, rumble, mitb, etc !
I also have no idea how to even convert it yet lol
Iyo is a beautiful woman
I'm not sure why a pretty lady like Kairi got into the business, but she did. But now she got some work done and doesn't look like this. Why did she go under the knife?
I don't really think she's had any surgery, she's just 10 pounds thinner than she was back then
Kairi is bogged. Iyo and Asuka are natural
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
giving IYO a career ending pregnancy
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it would just inspire her to go to even greater heights
Iyo seems like the type that would kill her child
Nah that's Kenny Omega
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too bad your mother didn't kill you, anti
Nah that's Becky Lynch and Liv Morgan.
She was small and lithe to begin with, so there's not much more weight that she could drop.
It's wild that, despite Iyo wrestling for so long in often skimpy ring gear, there isn't a single pic of her nip popping out
>he doesn't know
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That baby has a big head.
If that is Xios baby then it has the trademark Odate moonface.
That's probably her sister's kid.
I need to ask my future mother-in-law how much she's pestered Iyo about joining her sisters in the mother club?
Ejaculating inside Iyo Sky while she's on Birth CTRL for the purpose of more sex
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replacing her birth control pills with a placebo
Career ending pregnancy doesn't make much sense anymore. Becky got pregnant and continued her career. Alexa probably will soon too.
Iyo has been in WWE pretty much as long as she was in Stardom. By the time her contract expires in 2027 she'll have been in WWE longer than any other promotion.
>Alexa probably will soon too.
her baby has problems, kind of doubt she'll come back soon
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soft, smooth, hairless
Iyo Sky is currently on a weight watchers program
my wife masami odate
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yeah, she's watching a large amount of weight (my dick)
You just know
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this is a fact
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rematch when?
>Iyo looking directly into her butthole
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How many women backstage have been jealous seeing these oriental beauties walking past them?
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Entering Iyo's back door, because why not, seeing that she's on birth control, and do it frequently. Because you're caving in her crap crack on the regular she stops taking birth control because she realized the money she spend on that she can spend on more bags of Beaver Nuggets. When you notice that you go right in her vag coat her cervix and nine months later your bundle of joy enters the world.
Io is da goat
I would never want to hinder Iyo's personal career goals, so I would nut inside her exclusively on Birth CTRL until asked otherwise
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
Let me make this clear, if I ever got to be near Iyo's completely hairless anus, I would never remove my mouth from it
Daily reminder that Iyo is on a winning streak.
Iyo's asshole is for Kairi and Kairi only
asian goddess
yeah we're watching it go back up to NXT 2.0 level
Iyo is very cute! I hope she wins mitb again. Imagine her vs rhea for the title a few months down the line. Then imagine Rhea going to do a stinkface to poor Iyo, only for the genius of the sky to reverse it and do one to the goth mommy! The crowd would go wild.
I'm asking you to please respect Iyo
respectfully making out with IYO's pussy
I can't wait for my queen M O to become the AEW's Women's World Champion.
Why not just watch her in the WWE?
Momo? That's a weird choice, Iyo would be disappointed that she's involved with such a low rent secondary shit hole like AEW, Iyo only respects players that desire primary status in WWE x Marigold
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>502k PPV tonight
There's going to be a lot of spam, Iyobros.
If only, brother. If only.
Hunter needs to let Iyo recreated this photo. And seeing as she currently doesn't have a title, that means we'd get confirmation of the size and color of her nipples and genital grooming habits.
What if she created it with the World Championship?
Dakota's look of >deep goncern
It would be nice, but cover more as the WWE title belt is significantly larger than the World of Stardom belt
The Toni, Mina and Mariah storyline should be recreated with Iyo, Kairi and Asuka
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24 hours until we see more Iyo :)
Marigold press conference for Summer Destiny later. Not that Iyo would be there
okay how you know?
She'll likely have to be on RAW tomorrow.
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>Mina, Riho and Shida get a Dome match and Iyo doesn't
KWAB! Enjoy the show from EVIL's couch, ya fat bitch!
>He doesn't know
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>in a 80% empty sumo hall
This poster makes 502kers mald like crazy.
>20% = 2200 attendance
Kek that's more than Dynaslop
I need to get booked in a three way match with Yuzuki and Iyo.
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Imagine coming into the Iyo thread to seethe as soon as the pissant fed has an announcement kwab
Kek what a grim existence
Masami's smooth vagene
Summer Destiny press conference in 15 mins, might get word about Iyo
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>I regret to inform the thread of this fact
He's fucking Megasus, she probably knows her
no IYO at the Marigold press conference
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new graphic for IYO on the match card
they need to change iyo's render on wwe's website, this picture is from 2022
When will she pee herself during a match?
When will she finger herself during a match?
Iyo looking chonky
>iyo won't be at the Tokyo Dome
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy wrestling Fatami in an empty Sumo Hall!
You forgot the I.
Reminder, the opposite always happens when obsessedfag spams his headcanon no matter what it is. I expect WWE to announce a Tokyo Dome show shortly.
>I expect WWE to announce a Tokyo Dome show shortly.
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>I expect WWE to announce a Tokyo Dome show shortly.
How many years have you guys been saying this now ?
Ryogoku Sumo Hall is their ceiling in Japan. 10,000 seats. And that's fine.
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>10,000 seats. And that's fine.
See you at Tony Khan's HOF induction ceremony, lil bro.
They sold it out a month in advance with no card as a house show. Its obviously not their "ceiling" you retard
Paul won't rape you.
Then why haven't they ran any other building besides Sumo Hall for 10+ yrs now?
They do a weekend double shot there once in the Summertime and that's it. That's their ceiling in the Japanese market in Tokyo. Has been for years. Nothing wrong with it.
Not sure what you are crying about here.
>WWE won't sell out the Sumo Hall (said months ago)
>WWE won't have a Tokyo Dome show! (You Are Here)
>>WWE won't sell out the Sumo Hall (said months ago)
by whom?
I was told nobody in Japan cares about WWE.
where ?
by whom?
shut the fuck up
You can't lose if you pretend your losses never happened.
They had the Japan tour booked 9 months ago, it's already planned
Iyo feet
The WWE x Marigold x NOAH x DDT x GCW x TNA partnership's really got the troons boiling eh?
Afraid so. The WWE/NOAH/MARIGOLD Tokyo Dome show gonna make them 41%.
Daily reminder that Iyo is the GOAT
She never main evented at the Tokyo Dome so she isn't even in the conversation.
every other joshi player in would trade careers with Iyo in a second

Iyo wouldn't trade careers with any other joshi

simple as
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>Iyo wouldn't trade careers with any other joshi
Yes she would.
True. Other Joshis worship Iyo.
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That's why they're all lining up to sign with AEW and Stardom. KEK! Stardom's current main event scene are all bigger stars in Japan than Io ever will be.
>That's why they're all lining up to sign with AEW and Stardom
they are?
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Indeed. Remember that big exodus from Stardom that never happened? Now they are all hyped about wrestling in the Tokyo Dome.
>Remember that big exodus from Stardom that never happened?
nobody said that, though
>in Japan
Glad you specified this because Iyo will continue to be the bigger worldwide star. Bushiroad is also losing money and is ice old. So is AEW.

How many matches you think will be on the card? At most the Stardom players will be involved in two matches if that.
don't reply to that tranny, retard
>Bushiroad is also losing money and is ice old. So is AEW.
don't reply to tranny
don't reply to tranny
don't reply to tranny
What will Iyo be doing on RAW tonight?
Don't worry bros Iyo is currently scouting out Joshi talent that will come out during the royal Rumble.
i was unironically thinking about this a few hours ago. i think utami is guaranteed to appear on next year's rumble, mayu could too if she moves to marigold
HHH got in contact with Rossy when he called Stardom to offer them spots in the 2023 Rumble, strangely there were suddenly no more available spaces for Stardom after Rossy said he was planning to leave and start a new promotion, weird coincidence
>Comparing local Japanese talents to global players who made it to (and succeeded on) the world stage
Every single wrestler in Stardom rather be a successful wrestler in WWE. The only reason someone would sign with Stardom or AEW over WWE would be because they don't think they can make it in WWE. It's like playing basketball in the Euro leagues or China vs playing in the NBA, and only a disingenuous mark or a retard would dispute that.
I just pray that Paul does not create a Japanese women’s vortex similar to the Latino vortex because that would be truly awful
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
holy fucking shit IYO is a goddess???
First off good morning SIR
It's genuinely hilarious to see that the over the top delusional stereotype of some wwe fans isn't actually a stereotype, some(like you) actually live in that bubble and can't see out of it kek
you are a literal pedophile
>First off good morning SIR
after all, every iyofag is a pajeet
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The cords did not like this post.
In some rare cases, you can get paid more in AEW but for the most part you are correct
Iyo lacks body hair
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Does she really?
Yes all players would prefer worldwide fame and minimum $350k per year in WWE, instead of niche twitter fame and $40k per year in Stardom
Masami In The BANK
We need to protect the M.O. Zone
I wonder how much players like Iyo make. You think she's at the milly a year range yet?
There's usually a built in increase each year, especially for top champions, so realistically after 2 years on the main roster we're talking $650k - £700k
I need indisputable first hand evidence. Therefore I need to ask her to drop her drawers the next time I see her.
Is she's such a big star why hasn't she wrestled at the Tokyo Dome?
No Tokyo Dome for Io Sky? KWAB!
>Yen at multi-decade lows
>Iyo stacking WWE main roster dollars
kek what a financially secure player
Why did this get deleted? Wrestlemania is the biggest wrestling show in the world. Iyo has competed twice and will most likely compete more times.
No Wrestlemania?
No worldwide fame?
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Stardom joshi have no need for PedoMania and are worldwide famous. They have Wrestle Dynasty and the Tokyo Dome aka the Pro Wrestling Holy Ground.
...... You don't know who that is do you?
Holy fuck this troon is clueless
Iyo's gonna go nuts later
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I feel like the chances of Iyo repeating aren't that crazy. I wouldn't be shocked if she loses but she's probably the strongest booked person here.
I feel like the only other ones in the running are Tiffy, or Chelsea for the comedy factor, so Iyo has a good chance
This is honestly a good match up because you won't know who will win. Well except for the fact that there's no way Zoey is winning
the most logical winner is Tiffy. The SD title currently doesn't have anything going on. Raw has Liv vs Rhea that will take up some time.
Also, with Damage CTRL they're doing the "they all suck now and it's going to lead to a breakup soon" story, so IYO most likely isn't winning.
Tiff Lyra will cost Iyo
Well can they hurry up with it and break them up already? It's making them all look worse
6 woman tag next week
>Well can they hurry up with it and break them up already? It's making them all look worse
there were about a dozen times where it made sense to break up Damage CTRL for good and it just never happened. The faction has completely outlived its usefulness.
I think it's gonna be Chelsea. Her gimmick is tailor made for MITB
She could get some funny heat threatening to bring back the Diva's belt lol
she's there to be the fan favorite that comes close but loses. They do it every year.
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New Iyo render
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I didn't mind Lyra previously, but this week was the first time I had a negative reaction to her. It's time for IYO to put this fucking bird bitch down for good. Sick of her fucking disrespecting the goddess IYO. Enough is enough
I think Damage CTRL could break-up next week.
Not next week, Kairi and Dakota are on the Japan tour and ringside at Marigold, if it happens it's after SummerSlam
I will be shoot seething if she wins MITB. If it isn't Iyo then Chelsea should get it
You are out of your fucking mind. Dakota and kairi are not being flown out to Japan to stand at ringside.
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They are already going to be there for the media tour, they have interviews booked on the same day
Birdbrain isn't winning.
Shouldn't you be checking on your alpacas?
Mouthy, chicken shit heel Chelsea with Piper as her muscle would be more entertaining that Tiffany with the briefcase.
Tiffy has the same thing going with Nia. Either way, Tiffy or Chelsea should win it.
huge pop!
Chelsea already had beef with Bayley so her winning the case makes great sense and she's not the strongest booked wrestler kayfabe so a briefcase would be her best chance to win. For me if SD wins it's Chelsea. If RAW wins it's Iyo.
Iyo is quickly becoming irrelevant and will never be champ again. The womens tag division calls for her KWAB
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>MITB ladder match AND a big partnership match
Kek what a relevant superstar who will most certainly be champion again!
Primary Player Shit
Iyo is quickly becoming EVEN MORE RELEVANT WITH WWE'S JAPANESE EXPANSION PLANS and will REGULARLY be champ again. The womens TITLES IN EVERY division IN WWE calls for her LMAO

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