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This tweet made me realize that WWE isn't for me. I've no idea who these people are nor do I have the time to keep up with black zoomer culture.

It's been like this since (((Endeavor))) bought WWE. I'm out.
>WWE never had celebrities until 28th June 2024
Your time is up boomer
>these two are considered celebrities
its the equivalent of rodman/malone in the nwo
It's just Rovert being a disingenuous dickless faggot because God crippled him
The fucking NBA isn't black zoomer culture you fat fuck. Stop watching anime, it's destroying you


Good one
Since when did NBA stars start looking like black teenagers
More white people watch the nba than black, and these are two of the top 25 players in the world (one in the biggest media market).

If you weren’t lonely, bald and probably friendless or foreign, you’d know this. Lay off the simping for fake fighting 4s and leave the house you blimp.
Bro they are literally just basketball players who played against each other in a 7 game series in the playoffs. It’s not “zoomer” shit.

And Halliburton is an unironic smark that plays for Indiana, who WWE just announced a big deal for. He was also at Fastlane in Indianapolis
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do i have a show for you to watch, tranny
These days NXT looks like a show that airs on BET. White people simply aren't cool and don't draw on American television anymore
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you probably enjoy speed, ksi and logan paul appearing though
You better be early 20s because if you're in your 30s and know this then you need to seriously grow up
You watch fake fighting; you don't have much of a ground to stand on
Only complete faggots don’t know stars from the major sports in their country. You don’t need to watch 82 plus playoffs to know who they are. It shows a lack of knowledge of popular culture and a lack of friends/hair.
nigger Rodman was bigger than every single modern NBA team combined
>no shaq or lebron
kek what a small fed
I know plenty of cricket players though
>consolewarring fags will pretend to know who these people are
Yeah let me go out of my way to watch pro sports that shove BLM and trannies down my throat. Real based.
bro more people watch the nba than all wrestling in the world combined
I have no fucking clue who these two are. I assume some NXT fags they are trying to make a big deal. This is some Tony Kahn gay ass shit here. Two flippy boys.
you have to be trolling
>I've no idea who these people are
Why don't you just Google it? Is it that hard? Literally 5 seconds no? That's all it takes to Google people you don't know.
can't believe how stupid some of you guys are holy fucking kek
Them having a staredown got a big pop in MSG so they must be well known to some degree.
I googled El Hijo de Vikingo and got the menu for Taco Bell.
have you ever considered not being a terminally online geek? maybe getting a time machine and being a jock growing up instead of a friendless bullying victim?
I googled Rush and got MJF.
I'm trying to focus on what's happening on the telly not browse the internet

was that not enough for you?
>on the telly
So why do you tweet and post here during shows?
wtf do i google if i dont know who they 'black guy on smackdown rn'
I thought the NBA was exclusively suppose to support AEW
Fuck you and LeBron james
“who are these skinny nobodies on Smackdown?”
>wtf do i google if i dont know who they 'black guy on smackdown rn'
Oh you don't have to worry since your main issue is English.
We’ve come a long way from Elvira and Liberace
Neck yourself you slop consuming NPC fucking faggot
>what do you mean you dont know who these le heckin niggers are
I assume any black celebrity that shows up in American media is either a rapper or a apehoop player.
considering they told you in explicit detail on the show you must be retarded anon
>its the equivalent of rodman/malone in the nwo
I remember that. It's interesting that even as someone who didn't watch or play Basketball, back in the 90s everyone knew who Malone and Rodman were because the wider culture was unified. Everyone had access to the same TV shows, same sports, and pop culture hadn't balkanized into little islands where you could genuinely not interact with anything that wasn't of your interest for decades at a time. The fact that this is a modern-day equivalent of Malone/Rodman just shows balkanized pop culture has become.
It's just a bit of fanservice for MSG. Brunson plays for the NY Knicks and the taller guy, Haliburton, plays for the Knicks. Knicks fans hate the Pacers for an angle that happened a while back involving a player named Reggie Miller and Haliburton plays for the Pacers who also just had a tight 7 game playoff series against the Knicks this summer where the NBA writers ran an angle which basically replicated the Reggie Miller angle, having the Pacers go over the Knicks so Haliburton is a top heel in New York now and, as such, he was perfect for a little cameo. It's not that serious, wrestling's always had basketball player guests.
I don’t watch Eslop, Trannymite, or ape hoop.
>Haliburton plays for the Knicks
Meant to say Pacers
>I don’t watch Eslop,
Then why did you make this thread OR (here you go) why are you in this thread? Troll better or just don't post.
im a britbong, 9/10 times i have no idea who the guys they trot out are. i learned to ignore that shit decades ago
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WWE is going to lose the 35 to 64 demographic with this stuff and they make up a big chunk of their audience. Imagine the boomers that have been habitually watching WWE since the early 90s seeing this shit lol it's off putting as fuck
its the nba anon
He thinks that because the NBA tanks AEW ratings. But so does the NFL. And NHL. And MLB. And the WNBA. And golf. Tennis too. Men's kayaking does the same thing.
>Martha come in here quick don't those two gentlemen look like our granddaughters' boyfriends?
Turns out the only thing AEW fans tune in for is TBBT, Sheldimes draws the house.
They are jogger ballers
The one that got the pop is a knicks apparently and going off how madison square garden treated him I assume he was the current star of the team.
They were selling wwe merch made for the guy there.
The other ones a dude from the pacers. Know that only because fuck you pacers.
I didnt have commentary cause I was there live
>Shaq admitted that on a team of him, Kobe and rodman, rodman was the biggest star
>Rodman got the most tail despite going to the clubs after games without even showering.
>Befriends best Korea leader
What a chad
>look at these two black men starring at each other, BRILLIANT, CINEMA, I AM SEATED
This country is so fucking gone
It’s over
They aren't exactly superstar basketball players, so don't worry. Very few outside of Knicks or Pacers fans would know them.
>I don't know what I'm talking about
Brunson was top 5 in the MVP vote this year on one of the biggest market team.
Wrestling fans be like
>who are these real athletes?? Never heard of them.
It didn't used to be this way.
the saddest thing is knowing the girl that said "there's no connection" and "I've got a bad gut feeling and this is gonna be toxic", is getting fucked by another guy and calling him daddyy
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Is this just a part of getting old or are modern NBA players just not that famous anymore? I played NBA Street and NBA Live as a kid/teen so maybe it was just that, but average people seemed to be more familiar with the players back then. I might be wrong but that Brunson guy is a Knick, and the Knicks sucked in the 2000s but people still knew who Stephon Marbury was. People knew who T-Mac, Steve Nash were. Vince Carter, Allen Iverson, Yao. Not Jordan or Shaq level talent or names yet you wouldn't draw a total blank if they showed up on a 2005 SmackDown.
these men get paid more than 6x what Roman gets paid
you're on 4channel brother thats like 90% of the demographic.
>Is this just a part of getting old or are modern NBA players just not that famous anymore?
A huge part of it is the NBA refusing to give coverage to anybody not named LeBron for 20+ years. Also, zoomers really just want to worship LeBron and don't really care about the game anymore. Think of it as Hulk Hogan circa 1999 in WCW holding down all the young up and coming talent.

Also, you're just not watching NBA anymore because if you were then you would know both of these guys. They had a very heated 7 game series in the playoffs. Both guys were all-stars. Brunson was top 5 in MVP voting and Haliburton is on the US Olympics team this year. It's partly your fault for only caring about the washed up Boomers like LeBron and Steph.
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Also to add to this, this probably played better for the live NY crowd given that Haliburton became a total heel to them in the playoff series this year. He was shit talking their crowd all series and wore the Reggie Miller choke t-shirt in the press conference after game 7. The Knicks-Pacers rivalry was huge in the 90s too.
since forever, ya fuckin tard.
>laugh at wwe "being the boomer" audience
>cry when they appeal to zoomers
You can't make this shit up.
Neither of these guys are stars though.
It's all about cardio these days. The giganigga bully ball days are over. Again, you can blame LeBron for this. He cried to the league to get them to soften the game up so he could look better and pump his offensive stats up.
>stare down
he's looking at the floor
Americans worship
they're staring down at each other's cocks
Do you really think the average person knows these two on the same level as Lebron, AD, Curry, Klay Draymond, Durant, Tatum, Jokic, Kyrie, Giannis, Luka, Butler, Wemby, Kawhi, Paul George, Chris Paul or Embiid? Because I don't.
The NBA in general has retconned half of the players post Jordan for a variety of reasons. Peja was top 5 in MVP voting, his jersey sold well but he was a part of those Kings teams Stern buried. Jermaine O'Neal was a dominant big, would crush it today but was on the floor during the Pacers/Pistons brawl etc. It's definitely my fault for not knowing ball, but I find the sport too pretty, too refined today. Not enough experimentation out there. Everyone is a great athlete who can shoot threes, it's soulless to me.
I'm not Amercian so thus do not worship black people and watch basketball, so that means I do not know who these guys are at all.
looks like elvira held up better than liberace
No because these guys are both under 30 and the guys you named are washed up 40 year olds who have been in the league for 20 years. You didn't know Kevin Durant in 2010. You didn't know Steph in 2014. You didn't know Giannis in 2019. You didn't know Jokic until last year.
Man just look at these guys and compare them to the little niglets pictured in the OP.
Good to see that "stars" not looking like stars anymore isn't limited just to wrestling.
>man just look at these two Power Forwards and compare them to these two Point Guards
Hell, more people with the wnba now than wrestling thanks to based Caitlin Clark

Then they aren't superstars. Wembayama's only in his first year and a bunch of casual fans and maybe even non-fans know him.

I've been watching the NBA on and off since about 2001.
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>This tweet made me realize that AEW isn't for me. I've no idea who these people are nor do I have the time to keep up with black zoomer culture.

>It's been like this since Khan bought AEW. I'm out.
502 lol
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WWE has had retared "celebrity" appearances for years.
>no one in the 90s knew who Stockton, Penny, and Tim Hardaway were!
Fuck off and kys zoomie, has nothing to do with the position.
Did you not read what that guy was responding to?
>Wembayama's only in his first year and a bunch of casual fans and maybe even non-fans know him.
That's because the media talks about him constantly because they're trying to expand into Europe. Wembyana didn't even come close to making the playoffs. In fact, his team was 3rd worst in the entire league. That's all that is. Ironic given that Euros are the ones itt not knowing who these guys are. Interesting how that works, huh.
>Stockton, Penny, and Tim Hardaway were!
Those guys were all small too, dumbass. Brunson is actually taller than Stockton was.
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>WWE Is Not For People Like Me
its for children. vince has said it many times. its still better than aew and the way they constantly openly embrace and promote faggotry
How exactly do you think the Spurs got the #1 pick ? As a reward for winning the championship the year before? You dumb goddamn retard foreigner.
Literally only Burgercucks care about the NBA
Anyone who isnt a moron realized what you meant. So like a little under half the board.
Best rebounder
They are reverting back to pre-slave days, only reason there are gorilla blacks is because of selective breeding by slave owners, so a majority of big blacks today should thank the white man for their size, because size kills when chasing down gazelle for miles upon miles.
Thin ankle 7 foot centers don't do too well in the NBA. Just look at Embiid. Funny that these two guys have already made it further in the playoffs than Embiid has. You only know Wembyama because NBA is trying to expand into Europe. He will be injured for most of his career. Giant Gonzalez tier career incoming. Hyped to the moon, will never win shit.
I stopped watching WWE when they gave Kofi the belt.
Between that and the awful womeme wrestling I couldn't take it anymore.
Think of them as Mbappe Ngubu but their sport is actually fun to watch and doesn't end in a 0-0 tie.
>More white people watch the nba than black,
Those people aren't "white" nor "people". They also are most likely leftists/democrats, which further drives home that they aren't people.
>crashes the boards and the 43rd national assembly
jesus christ, is wrestling the only sport you people watch? these two are professional superstars in their sport. it's like not knowing who tyreek hill and nick bosa are.
The thin frame will pro-long his career, he is already demonstrating he dominance on the defense side of the ball, and his offense isnt far behind. You must be a Mavs or Rocket fans seething at being the Spurs bitches again for the next 15 to 20 years
>tyreek hill and nick bosa are.
>it's like not knowing who tyreek hill and nick bosa are.
Kek. These faggots don't know these guys either. But they can tell you the names of some obscure uWu anime characters made for 7 year old girls in Japan.
>it's like not knowing who tyreek hill and nick bosa are.
Next you're gonna accuse them of not knowing Aaron Judge or Bryce Harper. Modern smarks are embarrassing and I'm glad WWE is moving away from them.
Ugh are those basketball americans
Eternal console war. They have to pretend to not know who these players are and/or pretend the players don't have bigger followings than wrestlers, otherwise WWE looks even more like an unbeatable cultural juggernaut
>But they can tell you the names of some obscure uWu anime characters made for 7 year old girls in Japan.
they should be able to do both. I don't watch that shit religiously, but I know some of those stupid characters by face.
>Next you're gonna accuse them of not knowing Aaron Judge or Bryce Harper
how can you NOT? both are talked about constantly on sports television.
>how dare you not know about the goyslop apehoop players!
Im not surprised that WWE fans love other jewish entertainment.
Nick Khan's doing. He's the guy who's actually running the company. It will get worse, NXT is nothing but this.
why are they both so short and thin?
Keep bumping your thread faggot, we're still going to shit on AEW all day long and all day tomorrow during Forbidden Snore
I shoot don’t know who tariq and jerome be
oooh scary
Your karma will be affected if you keep this up
how does crying about a wrestling company you don't like all day affect your karma? i'm sure you're living large brother
Im just giving you a warning
When I was a little kid I didn't watch the NBA but I still knew who Michael Jordan and Scotty Pippen were
ITT: crusty old white neck beards lament pop culture passing them by
Don’t even try and compare Jordan to these guys. That’s either a troll or you’re born after 2000.
thats why we call them niggiEs
It's not WWE's fault it's society's fault for over correcting. There are no longer any low level white celebrities anymore maybe outside literally who football players.
>There are no longer any low level white celebrities
There are plenty. Again you guys just watch gay. Logan Paul is literally holding a belt in WWE right now. Stop watching cartoons that are specifically made for 7 year old girls in Japan.
There aren't. Logan Paul isn't a small celeb.
Logan Paul isn't a low level celebrity or white. He's talking about white celebrities who're small enough to appear in WWE and he's right, there aren't any.
>I'm going to take time out of my day on a Sunday to shit on a fake fighting company that's supposedly not competition to the other fake fighting company
Glad I'm not you buddy, I'll be boating with my friends tomorrow.
>Do you really think the average person
You had no idea who any of those people were until they started winning and getting MVP votes. I'm sure you totally knew about Steph for the first three years of his career. And you were totally following Draymond's career from second round pick to starter. You don't know sports. Just move along and stop pretending to troll on this.
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People like what?
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every wrestling company has always used pro sports players and celebs to boost engagement and eyes on the product when they can, you're a mark
wwe needs to work on their strengths and branch out to showing more and more athletes and celebs
tony khan is proving that the "wrestling" isnt the thing thats gonna save wrestling
Only Americans watch niggerball. White people have no idea who these mutts are.
>I don’t know who those sportsball guys are
You’re so trans you invented your own pronouns
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>small celebs
Not even sure what this cope even means.
>You must be a Mavs or Rocket fans seething at being the Spurs bitches again for the next 15 to 20 years
Naw, I'm a Pacers fan. That's why I'm defending my boy Haliburton. Dude is an amazing athlete and should be getting crossover appeal like this. If only millenials weren't obsessed with sucking on LeBron's crusty old nuts for another 20 years. Wemby will probably be injured early and often, but good luck with him. Seriously, the game needs new stars already.
based pacers fan appreciating his team even when they've been in a slump for the longest time
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there is way more white people, that's a dumb argument
A lot of posters here don't realize that non-Americans don't know about American sports so to them NBA stars are nobodies.
>and should be getting crossover appeal like this.
He gets cross over appeal on faking his voice so he doesn't sound like the fag he obviously is.
>zoo animals are posting apehoop clips now
this board should be nuked
Lead the way
Where are the celebrities in that photo?
Yes, it is you faggot wigger
I felt this way when Logan Paul became a thing and I was supposed to know the niglets hiding in his juice bottle costume.
But enough about your cuck fantasies.
This cuck is angry that not everyone worships their precious nogs like they do. I bet you're a boomer too
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>the fag he obviously is.
fine speech
No one cares
>Not even sure what this cope even means.
I explained it, Taylor Swift for example is too big to show up in WWE, who're some white celebrities who actually would? Americans are too obsessed with niggers.
>just google "who were the moon crickets on smackdown" bro
I don't think google will help
>uh you can't just view threads on stuff you don't watch
I can and I will and you can't stop me.
/pol/ has literally rotted out whatever's left of your mind.
>who're some white celebrities who actually would?
I said Logan Paul, and you responded that he wasn't a "small celebrity". So I really think you're just grasping for copes.
No one cares wigger
Oh wow, the guy who fakes his voice would for sure not fake being straight in any other way!
And I said Logan Paul isn't white.
>Says he doesn't watch Smackdown
>creates a thread about Smackdown
Keep up the great work brainlet.
>Logan Paul isn't white.
And as I said, you're grasping for copes.
JELLY ROLL feuded with the judgment day for an episode
I am not whoever you think I am. I didn't make this thread, that was my first post in this thread in fact.
I don't however watch wwe or aew, its trash. Do better.
I don't know who those faggots are either and i'm not going to watch a "sport" full of uppity nogs who hate me and my country. Stay mad
This is what made you realize? Not the PG? Not the Disney mentality, not the CG cartoon entrances.
the confederacy lost
Tyrese is 6'5
I'm american and NBA "stars" are nobodies to me
I respect your opinion but it has no sway on reality
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Kek this broccoli head MALDING
Tell a Jew he has white privilege and see how quickly he tells you he isn't white.
>I am not
>I don't however watch wwe or aew
>creates and comments smackdown thread
Keep it up brainlet.
You're black so your opinion is invalid.
Sure it does. Not everyone worships these fags line you do
>noooooo you can't just heckin post in threads unless you watch what they are about
Nah I'm still going to post in whatever threads I want and you're going to cope.
Kek nobody on the planet fucking cares about that shit you dickhead
>Nah I'm still going to
>admits everything he said was cope
You're on a roll brainlet.
>believing anything Jews say.
kek. DNA doesn't lie, though, and ashkenazi jews are 100% european. it surprises even them sometimes, and DNA tests are banned in Israel for that specific reason. Because if they're of european origin, their headcanon about being semites and israelites shatters.
So you don't go on /pol/?
You just got this way all on your own?
>y-you're a brainlet
kek sorry no one wants to post in your threads champ
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Kek, this is hilarious
>If you know about someone that means you worship them
I guess you worship those anime dolls you keep in your room too eh?
Why are you trannies like this? Serious question. Is it like a chemical imbalance or did your parents hate you or?
>kek sorry no one wants to post in your threads champ
>Nah I'm still going to post
>Admits he's a nobody
KEK amazing streak you have going brainlet.
You don't have to know them. It's just a cringe flex to brag about not knowing them while knowing every ugly female joshit "wrestler".
I'm not the guy you were relying to originally. Only a faggot redditor would think someone can't make up their own opinions without a website telling them. I bet you worship meltzer too
>Why are you
Don't cry, dry your eyes.
white people
Swing and a miss
I don't know who those are either you seething faggot
nobody blew a gasket when jose mourinho or wayne rooney showed up at a wwe event. you just don’t want watch the nba and it’s fine to admit that without being a faggot about it.
Oh so this is your thread now? You posted it? Good to know.
>Can't answer a simple question
So you saw two basketball players you didn't recognize
Got angry about it
Took a screenshot
Came to 4chan
Posted said screenshot
Have been replying to everyone who calls you an indiot

But you're calling other people insane?

I wonder what your day-to-day life looks like.

What do you do for work?
Trump is a criminal and your race is being wiped out while you shit post on the internet
You're the one being a faggot and throwing a temper tantrum though
>Oh so this is your thread now?
>Thinks someone else is claiming for the thread he said he didn't make
>gets mad
>continues posting
KEK you're on fire brainlet.
>this retard thinks I'm the OP now
LMFAO this nigcel is having a melty
Seek help tranny before you shoot up a church or something
>continues projecting
>doesn't know everyone is laughing at him
>thinks anyone is mad despite people finding him pathetic
>continues posting
Brainlet indeed.
nah this my first reply in the thread. you should step away from the keyboard and take a breather, anon.
How much time over a 24 hour period would you say you spend thinking about trannies?
Sure thing tranny
>thinks anyone is mad
>admits to being nobody
>is so mad starts using other terms
>so upset can't proof read his sentences
KEK epic run brainlet.
that’s one weird way to cope but I’m here for you, anon.
This dude is like half the replies in the thread and they are all schizo posts. I kinda respect it.
I can't think of anyone being so demented, other than OP, that they think OP has a point.

Don't you have actual things to care about in your life outside of who the suits choose to bring into their kid's Mandrama skit?
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So now you're responding to yourself with this weird shit to bait people into defending their race when this has nothing to do with open borders. And you call other people Jews?

Yea, I'm out. Haligoat is becoming a superstar and there's nothing you can do about it.
>who are these people
kek it do be like that though
>says he doesnt watch the show
>says he doesnt know who players are
>gets mad and comments about both
>admits he's no one
>continues seething in thread
KEK nothing can stop you but you brainlet.
That's not what people are telling you. If you had a triple digit IQ you'd be able to see it.
>two stars in a North American sports league showing up in a predominantly North American entertainment company
>shocked that you don’t know them
are you asking to be called retarded? weird gimmick if you ask me.
He thought he'd start a race hate thread lol
It's a pathetic retard attempt to tank SEO, as if Google is going to rank 4chan high enough for his faggot complaining to matter. This segment will be carried in far too many outlets and platforms to reach the first 20 pages of results
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lmao at goys ITT having a melty
do you have a new spot you could show us instead?
>I don't watch smackdown!
>I don't know who these people are!
>You're all having a meltdown!
>Ahhhhh ahhhh! stop laughing at me
KEK Olympic level performance brainlet.
NBA is already sports entertainment anyway glad to see they're finally embracing it
We're all laughing at him
this thread is edrones malding over the fact no on knows who these dimeless basketball americans are
Hate niggers. Simple as.
>this thread is
>refuses to leave the thread
>keeps swearing he'll get the last word
>just one more post!
KEK don't stop now brainlet.
You missed discord pings.
>I dont watch smackdown
>or the nba
>I dont care
>you're having a meltdown
>no you're on discord
>ahhh ahhh please let me have the last word
KEK Hall of Fame run brainlet.
Uh oh the tranny bot broke.
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wonder why
>i dont care I swear I swear
>no yoU!
>stop stop laughing at me
KEK Go for broke brainlet.
what the fuck are you talking about retard?
Dude's been havin a melty for awhile now. Bot broke, brain broke.
>what the fuck
>Dude's been havin a melty
>I don't care that's why I keep posting!
KEK Grand strategy brainlet.
Good. Pop culture was already starting to circle the drain in 1988, and now, three-and-half-decades later, everything being pushed as popular is full off niggers and trannies. It's all being done by kikes who drink baby blood and worship Saturn/moloch
>It's all being done by kikes
Same as before 1988, then.
The population of America is 333 million but only around 3 million watch any given game of the NBA and some of the faggots in the thread, mostly basedjacking black worshipping whites, expect you to know who these nignogs are. Fucking ridiculous
I googled Ugly Niggers on smackdown but no results
Why are you so obsessed with interjecting the word "worship" whenever black people are involved?

Because you watch Mandrama, is it safe to say that you worship MJF and Roman Reigns?
>The population of America is 333 million but only around 3 million watch any given game of the NBA
what a logical flashbang lmao.
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Btw- the shirt is Tyrese 3:17 because 317 is our area code in Indianapolis. Just to let you know.
>only around 3 million
So... more than 6x the average AEW viewership?
Are you heckin kidding me?
How do you not know Quantarvous Singleton and LeMartavian Priester?
closer to 450million + 50m~ illegals
Here's a pity bump for your lame thread that will 404 in a few hours then you'll make a new one
>Jalen Brunson
>Tyrese Haliburton
RPG Name Generator ass dudes. but also as good and popular as these dudes are, the nba hasn't had the same mass appeal as it used to. but that's because everything can be niche now etc blah blah
nah nah thats tyronicus landry jamal walker III and jamarius devonte landrell, duh newfag
Your continent's most famous celebrity is literally named Mbappe
No clue what the fuck you are talking about
ooga booga
Obama's name is Barry not mbappe.
the reason why there’s a vacuum in star power in the nba is because the league/media/fans still like to clutch lebron and steph so close to their heart that they aren’t willing to give any new blood a chance to flourish in the league. it’s no wonder why they’re dickriding lebron’s son getting drafted into the league instead of the celtics (the vanilla midgets of the nba) winning the championship.
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Only Eurofags hate basketball this much. You're not fooling anybody. You guys go into any thread anywhere on the internet that has any mention of basketball to hate on it. Sorry that soccer will always be considered a 3rd world sport. My condolences.
No white people actually like NBA its a rib on "people" like you anon I don't know how to tell you this.
>I'm american!
KEK Live the lies brainlet.
then what are the celtics’ fanbase? albinos?
Whites are the most uncool and unpopular people on earth right now

Why are you so weak and pathetic, white people?
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>No white people like NBA
>entire crowd is white
you just don't get it
you learn to accept it
your mind is COPE-setic
The bumps in NBA are fake, notice how they always slide backwards. You can cope and say sports are not predetermined but modern day athletes are expected to sell injuries for all possible foul, a carryover from Eurofag sports like soccer.
Not a Eurocuck, sorry to burst your bubble. I'm American and don't give a shit about monkey ball. I'm not sorry that makes you so upset. Deal with it
Celtics haven't been white for 20+ years anon why are you bothering doing this?
No people in boston are not white, also.
NBA is one of the most rigged sports unironically. The refs control the entire game flow.
You are really using "white" loosely.
most white fans just love their city and want it to win games
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I've already talked earlier itt about how LeBron watered down the game. Flopping is huge problem and Brunson is one of the worst offenders actually.
> that outfit
> that celebration dance
Everyone in the NBA is now gay, huh?
it’s ok to admit that you’ve never set foot in boston before, anon.
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Everybody in England looks like Maise Williams.
I live in Boston, can confirm it's very brown. Have you been to Dorchester? The Seaport is all illegals working there now. Chelsea is brown. The only places that are "white" have black people sleeping outside of.
Thats different. Sports fans are a thing. People in the thread trying to suggest genuine interest in nba as if it was a white trait. Its not and everyone knows it.
8/10 in bongistan
and Thank God for that.
t. got picked last in gym class
>t. got picked last in gym class
>Not a Eurocuck,
>sorry to burst your bubble.
KEK Keep larping brainlet.
anon, I'm sorry, you unironically cannot say this, you fucking watch wrestling.
the normalfags are here, we need to watch AEW only. Its for the sickos
the sickos are also tuning out of aew.
>wwe and aew are both normie tier
>tna lost its tranny loving ceo and is just normie shit too now
>japan and mexico are peak normiecore now
god dammit wtf
I don't watch with the sound on
they were in new york MSG you fucking retard and that guy is the star of the NY Knicks team that plays at MSG. that other guy is the star of the team that knocked the knicks out the playoffs this year. how fucking dense you are smark faggots? nothing revolves around you
>>wwe and aew are both normie tier
Ratings would say otherwise.
>how can you not follow le heckin monkey ball
Calm down faggot
Asians? Wtf. So out of 100 blacks, 99 of them watch basketball?
Listen man I'm okay with you Indian people coming over here, I like you guys, you're chill, your food's great, but you need to stop getting viscerally upset that Americans and Canadians like sports that aren't cricket. These are two all-stars.
>ape hoop melty
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>The fucking NBA isn't black zoomer culture you fat fuck
Yes it is, my African American friend.
>Stop watching anime, it's destroying you
This we can agree on
I will never take the opinion of a fucking loser who sits to watch anime serious
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top kek the vast majority of the people who use this board are reddit basement dwelling obese neckbeards with no life that watch and jerk off to anime all day long
>your food's great,
lets not get ahead of ourselves
>tendie eater can't handle spices
Sooo, this started with endeavor? Think how old guys felt seeing cyndi lauper around wm 1.
She was a star though
theyre as much celebrities as the WM eagles players that helped Mysterio.
I have no idea who are these people I only watch real sports like AEW
i dont browse reddit
I always found it silly to mix real sports with pro wrestling, they really have nothing to do with each other outside of the physicality. Triple H seems to desperately want this to happen. You will never get UFC fans to care about wrestling that didn't already. Even the ones that like it probably just have nostalgia from childhood.
AEW is unironically the white man's promotion given that you barely see any blacks in the audience. It's like half whites, half hispanics, and the rest are miscellaneous races
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>I'll never understand why WWE wants wrestling to be relevant in a wider pop culture context
>why don't they just do more technical wrestling that puts everybody to sleep??
>that's what me and my 2 autistic friends enjoy!
Go to bed, Meltzer
Always knew trannies were a White phenomenon.
It never was you fucking racist. We told y'all to get the "F" out back in 2002
Yep, they got Cyndi Lauper for WM1. But the equivalent would be getting Taylor Swift, not some people nobody cares about.
If that image is real, then it only proves that Neilsen ratings were ALWAYS just an Eric Bischoff cope.

Reminder that during muh 83 weeks of muh ratings, WCW was only drawing around 5k people to their live ppv events while WWF was getting around 17k to theirs. The NBA would not exist if white people weren't watching it. Black people are not a large enough demographic to sustain multi billion dollar companies. All you need to do is like at NBA crowds. Even in libtard cities the crowds are 95% white
>inb4 Irish and Italians aren't white!
yea I'm inb4'ing that total cope
If you're a huge fan of McGregor, Sonnen, Nate Diaz and other washed former UFC stars, you would absolutely tune in to WWE to see them make appearances and possibly have a match. There's value in having fighters with a legit fighting background be able to transition their career into pretend-fighting, and not have to risk the same concussions, broken bones and other injuries that could have (or did) derail their UFC/Bellator/Affliction/Strikeforce careers.
>Sean Ross Simp
>nobody cares about.
The thing is, you don't care about them. This is a (You) problem, dude. That's what we've been trying to tell you itt. You don't know this because you don't know anything.
>muh Taylor Swift
See what I mean? This is all you know. Shit for little girls. Go goon yourself to death over your little girl anime.
blacks get priced out of the good seats, but they're still a good enough advertising demo. more susceptible.
>and the rest are miscellaneous races
is that how empty seats identify?

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