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>“He is a miserable human being and he hasn’t been able to move on. He’s like a giant rain cloud that just mopes around and will b***h and whine and moan and blame anybody he can blame to who is ever willing to listen.”

>“He’s done things that very few people in the world will get an opportunity to even imagine, more or less actually do. He’s made a fortune. There’s no reason for this guy to be as dark and miserable as he is.”

very self aware eric, you do this exact same thing with Tony Khan by the way buddy. Bret bitter about the past, you bitter about the present.
People like to hear that stuff. He'll be in some QnA answering twenty questions and he'll talk about how much he loved working with Steve Austin but then they'll have to run a Goldberg question by him and put his answer on twitter. He doesn't even strike me as bitter when he speaks about that stuff, just too honest.
Bret does come off as a dour guy, but in fairness to the Shitman, he had a lot of depressing shit happen to him: brother dying, close friend Bulldog dying, getting divorced raped. Shit can take a toll on a man.
Bischoff doesn't understand l having a passion outside of acquiring money? What a shock to me. I'm shocked.
Anyone who defends Bret on this kind of shit should read his book. Hes an insane narcissist. He finally saw Vince for the first time since the screwjob during Owen's funeral and goes off on him about ruining Bret Harts legacy and reputation. He was more upset about Owen's wife pissing Vince off during Owen's funeral than he was about Owen actually dying.
Fuck off Brett is based
>There’s no reason for this guy to be as dark and miserable as he is.
there certainly are reasons, but after a certain point he should stop being such a bitch, at least publicly
I mean

where's the lie?
Bret is miserable though.
He has heat with Stevie Richards over Stevie's video analyzing Hart/Goldberg, because it shows that Goldberg's kick was not the sole reason Hart had to retire. Greenberg was a sloppy bitch and concussed him, but Bret had a long history of concussions and Stevie notices that Bret is already kinda groggy going in to the match.
And in Bret's nine matches after, one was a fucking hardcore match with Terry Funk. His last 4 matches were him getting powerbombed by Sid in 3 matches and then powerbombed by "Big Zesty" Kevin Nash. And yes, he had a Goldberg rematch after getting kicked.
The Goldberg injury is a work he has to upkeep so that Lloyd's of London doesn't sue his ass into oblivion for lying.
I love Bret but this is true. If Goldberg wasn't a certified retard he would bring the above up in his defence more often.
Bischoff don't miss.
The cult of shitman in tears
Isnt his whole family dead? That shit wears you down
Goldberg doesn't care and refers to Bret as "that idiot I kicked in the head"
The cancer and concussions can't have done him any favours. We should just be grateful the Shitman didn't go full Benoit and let him be grumpy about gay magazines.
not really
to be honest i'd be bitter if I had the screwjob, owen's death, forced retirement, bulldog's death, then a stroke, within a 5 year span. I'd start thinking i was cursed or something. but I'd also be a millionaire who had a great career so I wouldn't be that bitter
Bitchoff is the last person that should be calling someone out for being bitter. What a fucking faggot
>it shows that Goldberg's kick was not the sole reason Hart had to retire. Greenberg was a sloppy bitch and concussed him, but Bret had a long history of concussions and Stevie notices that Bret is already kinda groggy going in to the match.
The ring post figure four spot was what concussed him
Goldberg ended my career, just ignore the 10 matches I worked in 21 days following this "career ending" concussion.
fuck woodditards and their idol pedophile bret the shitman fart
eric be speakin nun but fax
eric > bret
Eric bitches all the time on twitter. He’s just as washed up too. At least Bret was a world champion. Eric shouldn’t even really be online. Go be a grandpa and give less of a shit ffs
Boo fucking hoo
Loses its punch when the one saying it is best friends with Hogan, Nash, etc. Just comes off as playground bullshit. If it was Undertaker saying it, then it's different.
He is correct.
Karma for his bitch ass brother who almost crippled the GOAT.
holy projection
Owen almost crippled Hogan?
Get real
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He just doesn't understand Canadians, particularly people from Calgary

This is just the Canadian mentality.

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