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The finger poke of doom of AEW
two more weeks
Phil wasn't moving the needle half as much as you think.
what was so bad about it?
Phil's feefees got hurt by a shoot promo and he started punching vanilla midgets in the locker room.
>The finger poke of doom of AEW
More like the finger poke of doom to Phil's psyche
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nah, airing the punk-perry "fight" footage was the finger poke of doom. ratings have tanked ever since
It started a chain reaction of things going bad for the company month after month
This didn't start it though. It was just the first piece everyone saw play out. Clearly shit was already going on for Page to even have a need to say it
I hate Phil as much as the next guy, but this shit really showed how fucking pussified AEW's roster is.
>how fucking pussified AEW's roster is
Not enough video game consoles around?
Bucks are anti-draws
Getting injured walking into the ring is an anti-draw
Phil was keeping AEW alive. If you want to know how important he was then just look at how badly everything fell apart after he left.

>what was so bad about it?
Hangma'am went off script like a hysterical pussy because he thought worthless shitter Colt Cabana got fired, which wasn't even true. His woman moment set the death of AEW in motion.
It was one of the first signs that Tony didn't have any control over the talent and was basically running a kindergarten of crazy professional liars
Compared to Phil who wouldn’t shit talk hangman to his face backstage & his behind lawyers unless it was twinks like the young bucks or Perry?
>Phil was keeping AEW alive
Nice fanfic
The Cucks are anti-draws and there's nothing you can do about it.
Wasn't he the first one that made them a seven digests gate?
I don't care about the cucks, I just think the statement that Phil was somehow responsible for AEW's success, when he clearly only ever managed to accelerate it coming apart over backstage grievances when he didn't get his way, is a ridiculously homossexual lie.
Think you're making it all a bit deeper than it actually is. Shit happens. Michaels with Hogan. Hell, McMahon himself with Bret. What has Page done since to say he wasn't reprimanded or that Tony has no control over him? In fact I'm pretty sure the only one who continued to make public outbursts following that instance was Punk. From the media scrum to that Collision tirade about Hangman figures. He's the only one who said anything publicly beyond that. I'm in no way saying AEW is without problems but acting like Punk was some victim is wild
He might have been, and only you and Phil know about it, because for the rest of the world a "seven digests gate" doesn't exist.
It's true no matter how much you deny it. Look at AEW when Punk was there and now look at AEW without him. He was their final hope. Now things are so fucked Dynamite is doing between 500k and 600k.
If he was the first he didn't do it alone and he wouldn't be the last
AEW is still alive and Punk has been fired for nearly a year. It's not true no matter how many ways you try and convince yourself it is
>he clearly only ever managed to accelerate it coming apart over backstage grievances
some ex-aew wrestlers liked having punk as their vet. it seems to me that a certain group within aew’s locker room took real offense towards his presence and derailed the company because of it.
That's not how this works, Philfag. Did the show's ratings spike significantly compared to BEFORE he was in it? No. Did the show's ratings suffer from the bullshit he spearheaded? Yes. Therefore his presence in AEW was a net negative for all involved and he's a cancer when he doesn't have a WWE-style production committee steering him towards dimes.
MJF's title run would have been better or at least hotter if he won it from Phil instead of mox
>some ex-aew wrestlers liked having punk as their vet
And a lot more people were fucking tired of his fragile body, fragile ego, weak mind and weak spirit.
For the record Anon, the abuser not speaking about his poor actions toward a victim has nothing to do with the validity of said victimhood. If I run over someone on "accident", no criminal charges, cleared by criminal and civil procedure, and I move on with my life and never mention it again......it doesn't mean there wasn't a victim. And that victim still can and should speak out about what caused the accident (bad lighting, buildings too close to street corner, improper zoning, etc)

Hangman developed a massive ego, then he fucked up and his fuck-up has ultimately and eventually cost AEW a shitton of momentum. The fact Hangman refuses to go on any podcasts and give his apologia (not apology, but apologia) speaks volumes about how much of a massive puss he actually is. He doesn't care, as long as he's getting paid millions, and that attitude among a dozen major stars is why AEW is in the position its in.
Are you really comparing a fucking promo to vehicular manslaughter?
Hangma'am is so mentally ill there was no point in even trying to talk to him. He thought it was appropriate to sabotage an angle on live TV over a backstage issue without checking if the issue was real(which it wasn't), what meaningful discussion could you even have with an unhinged retard like that?
>Phil was keeping AEW alive. If you want to know how important he was then just look at how badly everything fell apart after he left.

August 5, 2023: 417,000 viewers
August 12, 2023: 476,000 viewers
August 19, 2023: 482,000 viewers
August 26, 2023: 552,000 viewers
September 2, 2023: 345,000 viewers <--- Punk fired
September 9, 2023: 476,000 viewers
September 16, 2023: 467,000 viewers
September 23, 2023: 562,000 viewers
September 30, 2023: 327,000 viewers
October 7, 2023: 353,000 viewers
October 14, 2023: 504,000 viewers
October 21, 2023: 518,000 viewers
October 28, 2023: 472,000 viewers

April 6, 2024: 463,000 viewers
April 13, 2024: 468,000 viewers
April 20, 2024: 461,000 viewers
April 27, 2024: 621,000 viewers
May 11, 2024: 378,000 viewers
May 18, 2024: 523,000 viewers
May 25, 2024: 415,000 viewers
June 1, 2024: 378,000 viewers
June 8, 2024: 388,000 viewers
June 15, 2024: 431,000 viewers
June 22, 2024: 429,000 viewers
You can be hit by a vehicle and not die, champ. Break a few ribs, shatter a tibia and never walk normally again, get a TBI and develop slurred speech -- there's a range of injuries you could get and still live for plenty of decades after the fact.
>AEW is still alive
Afraid not.
And if Phil was a pro, he would've worked that into the angle and treated Hangman as a delusional and hysterical bitch. Instead he started chimping out when he didn't get Page's head on a platter or whatever he wanted.
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You tell em my 45 year old sister!
6 month gap of no shows? Weird. Almost like you cut that part out with all the record low ratings -- at the point the Dynamite double-down portion of the audience stopped pretending they enjoy Collision -- because it didn't comport with your argument.
So what's being hit by a car got to do with a shoot promo?
LoL now post the numbers without that massive time jump
So AEW is bouncing back without Phil? Good to know.
lol. Imagine calling Phil a cancer when AEW was getting 900k to a million viewers when he was on the roster. Now Phil is off the roster and Dynamite just did 680k. No, it's obvious that he wasn't the cancer at all. The Young Cucks, Hangma'am, Jungle Bitch, and all their friends are the cancer. That's why things got orders of magnitude worse when they "won" and drove out Phil.
Were they getting significantly less viewers BEFORE he was on the roster? Yes or no?
Yes, I know dimeless shitters didn't like Phil. And they all should have been fired. If Phil was still with AEW and all the indie shitter cancer was gone then Dynamite would likely be averaging a million viewers by now.
You'll notice that you can't find a dozen other instances of Punk calling someone a dumbfuck, because Page really is that much of an air-headed space cadet. For someone to reach peak levels of master manipulation, it's absolutely imperative they tell the truth on factual matters and only exploit shades-of-grey areas with their own spin. It takes an infinitely longer time to build that foundation, but once it's built its nearly impossible to destroy.

You see how impulsive people are on social media, you can easily write off their insults as "Everyone who disagrees with me is an X" (Hitler, fascist, tranny, groomer, etc). This is what AEW fan will never understand about Punk, and why they'll continue to seethe over not being able to knock him down a peg.
It's almost a year later and the ratings for Punk's show are the same without him. Even before he left, MJF and Cole were drawing bigger quarters. In the same time period, you have yet to convince a woman to enter your bedroom.
something stopping you from posting them?
>You'll notice that you can't find a dozen other instances of Punk calling someone a dumbfuck
Oh my god, you really are delusional. Oh wait, he didn't use the exact term "dumbfuck" so it doesn't count, right? Fuck off.
Who cares about Collision ratings? That show was doomed from the start just like Phil said it would be. Take a look at Dynamite's ratings. See how well it did back when Phil was signed with AEW versus now. But you won't make that comparison, will you?
>ratings have plummeted since Punk left
>actually they're the same
Philfags everybody
Phil wanted to turn the beef between him and the Elite into an angle but the cowards refused. And of course Tony was too dickless to order them to do it. So it didn't happen.
Punk wasn't on Dynamite anymore, fat
>In the same time period, you have yet to convince a woman to enter your bedroom.
Bro, i don't care what your mother chooses to identify as, that ass was fat so I smashed. Simple as.
>So AEW is bouncing back without Phil?
No, AEW is currently in the worst shape its ever been in. This is what Phil was trying to prevent.
Then the next order of business would've been to clear the air of any misconceptions and move on, instead of bitching about the tough life of dealing with promos during a feud in a press conference that had nothing to do with it.
That's what happens when you let the inmates run the asylum
They went from circling the wagons to circling the drain. Sad, but well deserved.

It will never not be infinitely based that Zaslav chose to humiliate Tony by airing Black Panther instead of Big Bang Theory while AEW and WBD are still in discussions. WBD is worth tens of billions, they can get any subscriber data they want. They knew exactly what they were doing by changing the lead in programming - it's a signal to WBD investors to say "See? This is why we aren't giving the bag to that dogshit company."
>Were they getting significantly less viewers BEFORE he was on the roster? Yes or no?
Yes. After Phil signed AEW went on their hottest streak ever.
Lol why did you leave out the first two months of shows?

June 17, 2023: 816,000 viewers
June 24, 2023: 595,000 viewers
July 1, 2023: 452,000 viewers
July 8, 2023: 580,000 viewers
July 15, 2023: 579,000 viewers
July 22, 2023: 618,000 viewers
July 29, 2023: 739,000 viewers
August 5, 2023: 417,000 viewers
August 12, 2023: 476,000 viewers
August 19, 2023: 482,000 viewers
August 26, 2023: 552,000 viewers

>Average: 573k

April 6, 2024: 463,000 viewers
April 13, 2024: 468,000 viewers
April 20, 2024: 461,000 viewers
April 27, 2024: 621,000 viewers
May 11, 2024: 378,000 viewers
May 18, 2024: 523,000 viewers
May 25, 2024: 415,000 viewers
June 1, 2024: 378,000 viewers
June 8, 2024: 388,000 viewers
June 15, 2024: 431,000 viewers
June 22, 2024: 429,000 viewers

>Average: 450k
Didn't they air black panther because it was the black people's holiday?
>hottest streak
Post ratings during his segments or it didn't happen because of Phil, if it ever did.
They used him terribly.
>muh just happy to be here
>muh just want to help the youngsters
And when he finally drew some eyes to the product by cutting an "edgy" promo on the midget shitters while eating brownies, Tony had a anxiety attack, had to be rushed to his therapist and tried to sweep it under the rug instead of playing into it and letting Punk cook.
He's copy-pasting from the shill-notes.pdf, cut him some slack
you realize the highest number in that set, outside of the debut, is for Cole-MJF vs FTR right?
>They used him terribly.
Punk booked himself, slob.

WBD could have aired Black Panther on TNT instead of TBS and nobody would have blamed them. The reason you aren't seeing SRS or WON report this is because they know how badly Tony got played and they don't want to embarrass him
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>If you take out the highest 2 numbers, then the average isn't as high
>Don't take out any numbers from the post-Punk data set though
This is your actual argument?
>Punk booked himself
Yea and whose fault is that? Isn't Tony supposed to be in charge?
>Lol dude just book yourself bro. Give me a hug!
Both of which had 0 to little to do with Punk
Yes, including the premiere is disingenuous as fuck, but you're bum and a Punkcel, so that's that
>Punk leaves AEW
>Dynamite's ratings plunge
>this proves Punk was crucial to AEW
>PDS sufferer keeps deflecting to Collision because he doesn't want to accept reality
Punk wasn't on Dynamite anymore. Are you OK?
Phil's mere presence on the roster boosted Dynamite's ratings because there was always the possibility that he'd show up on it. Once he was gone people started dropping Dynamite in droves because there was no longer even the possibility of Phil appearing.
>there was always the possibility that he'd show up on it.
no there wasn't
Phil had to roast the empty headed children killing AEW because it was his last ditch effort to see it. Also it was based as fuck. I bet the Elite will never stop seething about being exposed as the cancer in AEW
Actually this PREVENTED the finger poke of doom from happening in AEW, since it was leaked that Page was only champion because Omega knew he would never get the belt again if he dropped it to someone people actually LIKED and that Page was going to hold the belt hostage for Omega until he recovered fully from his injuries (which was going to be a year or two original, as Omega ended up having to rush back once he saw Punk had replaced him and was actually bringing in ratings).

Had their plan succeeded, Page would have let Omega beat him with a literal finger poke when they finally had their rematch so as to restore what the Elite felt was the "natural order" of Kenny having the world title.

That's why Page went bitter incel on Punk as Page had fucked up so badly as placeholder champion after only a couple of months, that Tony called an audible and put the belt on Punk. And the "I can not allow CM Punk to become champion for the sake of AEW" line was all about how Page only cared about the Elite and the idea that the Elite must always be on top and that an AEW without them on top was "doomed".
I didn’t say talk to him now did I. If Hangman sins were that unforgivable and extreme, surely Phil would’ve had no problem slapping him around backstage. He did as much with 3 other people. Why didn’t he do it with hangman? It may have even helped matters since this beef was initially between just those two that then spread to Phil against the entire management
> You see how impulsive people are on social media, you can easily write off their insults as "Everyone who disagrees with me is an X" (Hitler, fascist, tranny, groomer, etc).
This is what Phil does to anyone not a liberal while he’s wearing pro abortion & tranny shirts on tv. I’m sure that’s completely different tho to you.
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Look at all these dimes on display, surely AEW lost a breadwinner in Punk.
Nobody believed Punk would never show up on Dynamite again. The was always the expectation that he would. Why do you think the ratings started going down so fast once he quit?
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It's real in your head, we get it.
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>once he quit?
oh god, seek help
>Why do you think the ratings started going down so fast
August 16, 2023: 874,000 viewers
August 23, 2023: 870,000 viewers
August 30, 2023: 871,000 viewers
(Punk fired)
September 6, 2023: 887,000 viewers
September 13, 2023: 888,000 viewers
September 20, 2023: 984,000 viewers
September 27, 2023: 855,000 viewers
October 4, 2023: 800,000 viewers
October 10, 2023: 609,000 viewers
October 18, 2023: 901,000 viewers

therapy, meds, sunlight. Get them
Reverse PDS is a thing
If Hangma'am had tried to start a physical altercation with Phil like the Cucks did then he would've gotten some too.
>no argument
>refuses to explain why Dynamite's ratings started to collapse after Phil left AEW
So I'm right
Yes, it's hard to believe but the Cucks are such weak bitches they actually got ethered by that guy.
See >>15081218
>only showing the first two months after Phil left
Now show the rest of the months
There's always going to be a rally period after a major happening like Bucks/Kenny firing CM Punk, which is why the tranny up above only includes 8 weeks after he left. He did it multiple times for the same reason. Die-hards kept tuning in hoping AEW would make Punk references, break the 4th wall some more, etc, but they didn't. There was no drama. They just moved on and the show continued to be a boring slog.

When AEW aired the Wembley footage, it wasn't so much a Fingerpoke moment as a plate of piss moment.
>ratings started going down so fast
Meeting friends for dinner now. Enjoy the board
It's this.
This. Every AEW fan wanted to believe it was either a work or it would lead to some sort of angle and be incorporated. Nothing happened. Then their worse nightmare happened with Phil showing up in the fed. The Wembley airing was literally them yanking on these same fans one last time.
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Phil is such a bitch he belongs in that faggy tranny fed
he sucks enough tranny cock
he should have stayed there to rot
Hangman bears some of the blame for cutting that promo unprompted.
>but there was no script
All the more reason he shouldn't have done that. When there is no script it's important that both parties are on the same page and can trust each other. Hangman broke that trust by blindsiding Punk.

Having said that, Punk is even more to blame for not stopping at the first receipt (which he was within his rights to give) and letting it go on and on and on and on.
Punk was also the one leaking shit to the dirtsheets constantly.
Yeah he wasn't innocent in that matter either.
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can't believe he did this twice, and Page still kayfabed it when asked, but Punk wouldn't be reasonable. Such a scumbag
I feel like collision was something Tony made so he can throw punks buddies on there and focus on dynamite. FTR(betrayed punk with edge) Joe, HOB, Starks etc.
That's literally what it was.
Turning hangman's psychotic behaviour into an angle would've given hangman some relevancy. Something he really doesn't deserve and an angle would just encourage that psychotic behaviour, maybe shooting on Punk in the ring or spreading more bullshit rumours on live TV.

Just an awful wrestler all-round, CM Punk is pretty awful but he has alot of fans to make up for it.
I've started to prefer Collision. Can't stand looking at Dynamite's aesthetic any more.
Collision has been pretty bad these past few months tbf
if he was such a draw they would've started going down instantly. 2 months is a long time. he was never much of a draw and I tried to tell the redditor punk fans that the whole time he was in aew. he added 80k viewers max whenever he was on. the arenas were still half empty
I know. That's what makes it even worse.
80k is right, considering that's about the same as the average dropped. Philettyfags seem to think he's some transcendental dimes magnet when he's no different from any wrestler, and it's not even counting the guys who retired, got injured or were just not doing anything during the months after Phil got quitfired.
It all started with Colt Cabana's firing and Ace Steel, Punk's guy, getting his job as Punk was coming in. This rubbed a lot of guys backstage the wrong way and started the dirtsheet rumors. Punk was following these rumors for a good while and then Page cut the promo. He, Tony and Page sat down after the promo and talked it out, supposedly everything was smoothed over. Despite that, he felt threatened for their match, believing that Page would work sloppy deliberately to injure Punk. Things went completely fine, Page was a pro and put Punk over clean with no issues. Punk got injured three days later and this was the real problem. It was here that Punk started getting his own stories out there in the dirtsheets, when he would follow the accounts and interviews. It during his time out that Hangman gave an interview where he said he doesn't take advice. Punk would come back and shoot on Hangman which just added more fire to the dirtsheet rumors and made Punk look worse. It just kept getting worse from there.

Tony is ultimately at fault but a lot of guys in the back, Page and Punk were stupid as well.
Funny how you didn’t mention Jungle Gay because you know Phil started that fight by grabbing him. Yet there’s no report on him ever trying to apply a half a headlock on hangman oddly
>Phil started that fight
Punk is a bitch is only a matter of time he quits WWE again
Knowing him it would be ugly
He literally started shoving him the moment he was adjusting his gay ass hair clip, like a rat.
Fuck chris hero got so fat
Good thing Samoa Joe was there, really solved that situation.
Who is the man in red who joined in separating them? He's bigger than most of the roster, get him in the ring!
Tony khan is a money smark and really bad at every aspect of pro wrestling. Aew’s finger poke of doom happened the second he got involved. It never stood a chance
>Tony khan is a money smark and really bad at every aspect of pro wrestling. Aew’s finger poke of doom happened the second he got involved. It never stood a chance
Chris Hero
Chris hero was there learning the ropes for a potential backstage spot
aew was a desperately needed new alternative at the time in 2019 with wwe being at an all time shitty state and no Matter what he did the company would be successful either way and the 2019-2021 years were the honeymoon period and tiny con let it go to his head that everything was successful because of him and not because of circumstances
Physically yes, he did start the fight at All In. Whereas all he did with Hanger was mald about it until brawl out months later. Theres not enough knots punkfags can twist themselves into explaining why that is besides he knew getting physical with hangman got him heemed
>Phil's mere presence on the roster boosted Dynamite's ratings
>Page was going to hold the belt hostage for Omega until he recovered fully from his injuries
That was never going to happen FTRschizo
Seeing how things turned out and the behavior of the cucks and friends I won't be surprised if it was actually considered
Two things, AEW was doing just fine without Phil and the house was built without him. He also brought a lot of negativity. Secondly, even most Phil fans would admit they'd rather he was still in AEW and he was a much better fit there
>Hangman developed a massive ego
What, unlike Phil?
Just let this shit thread die.
He always had one the first six months were the honeymoon phase
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I think the storyline he did with Samoa Joe was originally supposed to be with Punk.

Everyday that passes, I become more and more convinced that this was a work bro. The only punch thrown was a sloppy one by Punk as Ace Steel and Joe pulled both of them apart. Perry didn't get his ass beat nor was Tony Khan's life in danger. They worked you niggas into a shoot.

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