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>this is what nxtrannies watch
Aw look how happy she is
Yeah, NXT is genuinely garbage these days. This image pretty much tells the whole tale:
>jewess with her black golem tag team
Just imagine the smell of that room:
You have two sweaty blacks (they already smell bad whether or not they're sweaty), and a jewess (jews are known for neglecting their hygiene).
>these days
Idris and Malik have been on since the 2.0 relaunch, where they worked coomer gimmicks over Toxic Attraction.
502 lol
>implying anyone, especially me, actually gave enough of a shit to watch 2.0
You're ngmi
>hating NXT means you like AEW
You're a fucking faggot lol, which means AEW is right up your alley.
>Hit dog hollers
Then don't comment like you've been watching it, retard.
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jews aren't White, faggot. But I get it, you were born brown, meaning you aren't human. Guess whose fault and problem that is? Not mine, but yours. Enjoy hell
for real though I wish WWE and pro-wrestling in general would drop this dimeless and pointless DEI nigger shit. Not even black wrestling fans want to watch black wrestlers. At least black wrestlers used to be interesting and have personality. Every single nigger on AEW or WWE's roster is essentially
>I smile really big
>I shuck and jive
>I'm black
>zero pop
except for that one tranny AEW had, I guess "tranny" is a defining feature
Dont they bathe in milk?
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You're going back. First, to reddit. Then, whichever turd world shit hole you crawled out of.
Take a walk through an orthodox community, especially one in Brooklyn, and then try and tell me they understand the concept of bathing lol.
So you don't watch it at all then? Most of the roster is white.
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you seem awfully ruffled for someone on a dead wrestling imageboard
Edris and Malik are based because their gimmick is that they're losers and Malik's trying to buy into Brin's positivity while Edris slips further into blackpilled doomerism. Not as esoteric as Ridge's but it's a gimmick that says something about the state humanity and the problems they face today.
You're brown and dumb lol, NXT is filled with negroes and mutts. But whatever, you've wasted enough of my time. You're brown (better you than me), so go dilate and then join the 40%, not before enjoying your slop of the nigger variety.
isn't /pw/ BBC board?
Do you like KObese because he looks like you? I'll bet.
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So you're admitting you've never actually watched NXT? Got it.
nigger I don't even like KO but I ain't babbling about on saturday evening.
>you've wasted enough of my time
Translated from FAG:
"I have no rebuttal to your posts so I will now spam some words and abandon the thread for a short time, hoping you will leave it and then I can return and not be bullied here. The photos I send to the janny can only prison protect me so much"
the Glorious Black Rod Krew has been dormant, but they are still around. No doubt tuckered out from smashing pristine pink cottontail pussy
Decided to comeback and see the brown seethe lol. You got to love how all of them think it's an insult to say 'LUL, YOU NEVER WATCH NXT x)' as if that's a bad thing. NXT is literally WWE's Dynamite lmao, and anyone who says otherwise is a coping nigger faggot. You're all fucking gay, retarded, and black for enjoying NXT niggerslop.
>>hating NXT means you like AEW
Not enough yeet chants for ya?
can you elaborate on what wwe's dynamite means? what wrestlers, angles, matches, presentation flourishes etc are similar?
It's a Saturday night and you're having a meltdown about wrestling
Holy fucking beebeesea
>sees black guys and a white girl in the context of a normal TV show
>immediate thoughts go to black dick
Porn, /pol/ and AEW completely rots brains.
Still more brown seethe. Hilarious how it's a Saturday and all of them are defending their nigger goyslop NXT. I can't relate because I won the genetic lottery by being born White.
She's a jew, jews aren't White.
>She's a jew
>I can't relate because I won the genetic lottery by being born White.
genetics of being a sexlet?
Jews are European and are therefore white.
you should all know this by now but anybody who prides themselves off of their race (like all /pol/cels) is a dysgenic loser in pretty much every other area of life. also, given the way this poster talks im 95% certain he's mexican
God I fucking hate NXT with every fibre of my being. Every screencap I see of that show just makes my blood boil
Meds aren't white.
These are the two least threatening niggas on earth.
Shawn is the BBC poster
jews are from israel. israel is in the middle east
Shawn is a GBRkrew CHAD
One used to wrestle in a sweater vest
It’s so on the nose that it makes me kek (no pun intended)
This is why normal people are repulsed by NXT. Similar to AEW
People love NXT actually, it's the third most popular weekly wrestling show behind Raw and Smackdown :)

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