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It's official! Nash is ridin' Biden!
Many rape victims find comfort in progressive policies.
I'm glad Kevin was able to share his truth
lol, he needs to kill himself
Nash does like hard cock in his ass.
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>i'll take the truth

he is such a midwit
he shoved a wine bottle in his ass
kek based
Based Nash, working the MIGA marks
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this is my president
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Say it ain't so, Joe.
Anyone with a brain is.
Based Kev
>I’ll take the truth
So he’s against Biden, who lied about getting the Border Patrol Union’s endorsement.
more like ridin' BBC
I'd expect nothing less of a man who was raped (and gaped) left his best friend pissing and shitting himself dying on the ground, and told his son to quit drinking cold turkey resulting in his death.
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People who think Biden is somehow "truthful" are the same retards who think Obama told the truth and had a "scandal free" presidency. The actual Truth is that there's a fleet of carny journalists fact-checking and deboonking every little thing Trump says, and not Biden. If you put any other president under that microscope, it wouldn't be good.
I actually watched some of that duhbate today and it was unwatchable. Biden just stands there, oblivious to life itself while Trump just looks aggravated because Joe can't even stay on topic for more than five seconds before staring at the curtains or saying Jesus endorsed him or whatever. Lol this is such a humiliation ritual, but I don't know who for. America I guess.
Also lying about the inflation rate when he took office. He said it was at 9%, when it was at 1.4%
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>Yo Raz, it's me Big Kev. Well, it happened. Turns out I was raped.
ummm raped much?
The only time they honestly engaged each other was when they argued about their golf game.
Rich nigger shit I do a lot of.
Metro groomin wants some kids nigga.
Stay raped, Kevin.
That says he's voting for Trump though
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oh no... it's happening again
Wolfcoon got murked so fast didnt make it to archive
I feel like if Biden even attempted Putt-Putt golf he'd end up in some sort of Final Destination scenario.
That exchange about handicaps felt like a parallel reality
If your conclusion after the debate is you only have two choices on the matter then you were a lost cause anyway.
Yeah Joe Biden doesn't lie about being a professor, graduating top of his class, his wife being killed by a drunk driver, his son being called in action, his uncle being killed and eaten by cannibals, having a 6 handicap. He lies about shit he doesn't need to lie about.
I used to work with civilly committed sex offenders. These were people who caused so much chaos the liberal state of Minnesota decided they needed to be locked up for life after their prison sentence was over. Most were were raped and that is why they didn't realize how to have normal sex lives. They all voted D
Well, he's right. Both of them are retards but Trump is an incredibly dishonest retard, even by the standards of American politicians.
>haha both are heckin bad, everyone please love me!
>lololol i guess I'll just support the democrat though because you get slightly more internet points
>love me please!
>He lies about shit he doesn't need to lie about
Just described Trump too. Lying is his default position.
trump lies when the left lies first. dont say january 6th was worse than 9/11 and he wouldnt lie and say he didnt encourage it lmao
>trump lies when the left lies first
come on, anon
>habitual liar
so he isn't voting biden then
Lying about what?
No shit I just don't get why people act like Trump is the only habitual liar. Biden is literally one of the most extreme cases of it in modern politics.
>the vaccine killed my son
>but i will still vote democrat because they tell the truth
goodness gracious!
Nash should be raped again
Dear! Dear! Dear!
Because Drumpf lies lead to fascism and pogroms, whereas Biden lies lead to cotton candy clouds and gum drops. Something along those lines. Personally my life has never changed based on who is President, but it's look like Trump is about to go over clean on Biden after that debate. But who knows what promo the Dems will pull out of their ass before the election. Last time they did Covid and BLM riots to terrorize the public into voting for them. Feels too late to draw that kind of heat this time. Fool me once, won't get fooled again and all that.
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Truth is
Nash was RAPED
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Biden wont fuck you Nash
Many such cases!
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meltzer knew
Id take that action
So not mumbles? I watched that shit, dude was grasping most times he answered. Now, when he did get on track it sounded fine, but i legit just got reminded of a great grandparent. I just sat there while he put together his thoughts while mumbling.
That was a five star rape according to him
I dont blame Biden for the middle one
So tell trump to hire a new team. Laptop, ukraine, laptop, crimes crimes crimes. Like how the fuck am i gonna vote when faggot begging for my vote says the shit is rigged already? If its rigged then how did you win the first time?
#fuck em both
This is the shit the numbers agency guys are going with now. They cant lie and say "No everything is fine inflation was always this high and so was unemployment" as you saw during the debate. Now the point is to convicne you to sit at home and let them vote themselves into office
biden retarded but good hearted compared to the pants-on-head retarded cult of personality grifter, so rare w for nashetty
I know right? Tump us such an alley cat. And families are just gonna rape their children anyway, according to Pedo Joe, so letting Mexicans rapists through an open border doesn't make any difference. Ah yes. Joe Biden. The thinking man's president.
>digesting it for a day and coming to any conclusion other than they're both puppets and the system is a sham, just ones a lolcow and the other too old and tired
Biden lied more than Trump though
>Hyperinflation, a shit economy, high gas prices, skyrocketing housing prices, and a retarded Alzheimer's patient as a Presient is a good thing.
The absolutely state of the American Left. I guess it makes sense that retards would vote for a fellow retard.
is this true?
>Biden lied more than Trump though
Reality doesn't matter to retards. Anyone that watched that debate and is still defending a man who shits his pants in public and rambles incohetently is beyond help.
I don’t listen to rape victims
>good hearted
When he was part of the Obama administration, we started several wars, destabilized countries, and facilitated a genocide in Yemen that saw thousands of literal infants shitting and vomiting themselves to death due to a lack of access to basic drinking water. He and every member of that cabinet should be tried for war crimes, and treason (literally gave al-Qaeda weapons and money).
no murks?
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That poor man's anus.
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not again
I would rather somebody who is lying that knows he is lying over somebody who is lying because he thinks it is 1987.
C’mon man
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He could be talking about any candidate unless he is retarded enough to think Biden is not a habitual liar. (Spoiler: he is.)
Buddy still think it’s real what a mark
Did the bbc penetrate his brain?
Good gravy!
It's never not funny.
Did you forget last election we had fake covid shit and mail-in ballots? I like how middle of the road people conveniently leave out massive gaps in details that effected their lives just to say "both sides."
Another win for the good guys! We are like the avengers! Trump is like Thanos! But stinky and orange!
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Holy shit
This always pops me
>biden shits himself on stage
>liberals: but muh dumpf
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sadly, biden will not survive another 4 years in office
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Are they gonna hot shot WW3 before Trump can prevent it?
I'd be surprised if he makes it another 3 months
Nash status?
Long time secret service agent would be the coolest job ever and that's a shoot.
They'll try to wrangle it some way to only draft and send citizens so they can just pile the 6 gorillion illegals in the homes they leave behind

sounds ridiculous but that's just my feeling on it
think of all the used diapers you could sell
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>R: 92 / I: 19
>the numbers nash, what do they mean?
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cryanxirs, our response?
Interesting to say the least
>burgers once again have to choose a demented old coot or a fascist felon
>both have a high chance of dying in office
Truly and utterly grim. Finished country desu.
nashsissys, not like this
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How does the party/ideology of traditional and religious values rationalize worshiping a guy who cheats on his wife multiple times, is a convicted felon, sexually-assaults women, etcetera? I know there won't be an actual response to this and just deflection, but all it will really show is how right-wingers have no actual morals.
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Somehow a guy whose brain is mush but insists he's sharp as a tack is NOT a habitual liar
uh, raped much?
this chart is so misleading because the entire time the dollar was getting irreparably fucked but they try to spin it like oh look the "economy is almost back to normal again gee thanks Biden", like the captain of the Titanic bragging he got the ship to sink slower after it's already cracked in half

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