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>Battle of Buffalo: Daniel Garcia vs. The Butcher
>Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament Match: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Hikaru Shida
>Open Challenge: Serena Deeb vs. TBA
>Stephanie Vaquer vs. Lady Frost
>Tomohiro Ishii & Orange Cassidy vs. Shane Haste & Robbie Eagles
>Hechicero vs. TBA
>Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay weigh in for AEW Forbidden Door
coomer card
This is for the based sickos
Jesus, that's gotta be one of the worst cards I've ever seen for Collision.
>El Phantasmo
i WILL be watching your show now
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Not a bad card desu
holy stacked card, what a go-home for Forbidden Door LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
>Stephanie Vaquer vs. Lady Frost
>Deonna Purrazzo vs. Hikaru Shida

Bin the rest
For the sickos who think they're women

*Stop putting that Ishii fucker on AEW television.
*Garcia squashing another bigger guy who actually lifts.
*Deonna jobbing to Shida
*Dimes Briscoe partnering with Dante Farting.
*Lady Frost's character still hasn't been introduced to people yet.

They must be scared to injure anyone.
but enough about your e'cord sistxers
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*Ahem* Kill yourselves, AEW trannies
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seethe harder E-wipe
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Only one more day and the tranny door will be closed
It should be closed forever
Fuck you disgusting trannies
Kill yourselves
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holy comfy
Tsuji is on the pre show btw
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>seething this hard
lol, lmao
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sickos only brudda
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>heckin' mexican in action
I like Hechicero but his match with MJF does seem shoehorned.
With a card like this for tonight and tomorrow I just might
Love ELP
kek you E-drone fags are so laughably pathetic, just fucking end it
switchblade got mad rhythm bruh
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CM Punk won

Fucking autistic retard has all the puzzle pieces, and he and the creative he's hired can't figure out how to make money.
Is it true that they keep deeb around so they can get Marty a paycheck
Why is ELP with the heels?
He hasent won a match this year
Deeb probably helps with training if we are being honest on why she is still around
we colliding
She also produces matches.
She's the drizzling shits on screen but she'd actually make a decent trainer. Those who can't do, teach.
Takeshita is in the G1 this year. How is he going to do that and participate?
He basically already won the feud of the year when the WOR awards come out
KWAB of the year for sure
Which match is supposed to appeal to le sickos ?
nah that's still Vince
>Deonna Purazzo
Lol she's been on TV more than some people who are somehow still signed
>OC opener
fucking based
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bases choppa man
need that Italian fupa
I predict two gamethreads
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I believe its been mentioned before but Choppaman looks like hes on the verge of death at all times up until the match starts and thats based
only watching for shida. unironically btw
love ishii
simple as
Ishii sucking on Jane's titties
ZSJ needs his own music, I got excited for a second and then I saw these two shitters
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I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
BASED slapjack
who are these fuckin jobbers
I'm walking on sunshine!
Not that I give a fuck about him but where's Mikey Nicholls?
love me some choppakino
why are aew matches like this
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we're close to the gang getting back together
Better than anyone on Slopdown
How do I get a torso straight to skull combination like Ishii?
this is more neck than he actually has
Butcherbros… Does the push start now?
You must master the choppa and slowly increase your density until your neck starts to descend into the black hole created by your gravitation pull
I miss monocle Butcher
what, good? because Tony lets the wrestlers wrestle and cut their own promos, instead of just handing them a script.
Cassidy caught that leg whip hard
Honest to god havent watch WWE since Mania do they still run the matches like when Vince was there? Like everyone has like 4 moves and 2 or signitures they are allowed to use to differenciate each other?
he lost a lot of magic with the skullet, it's a damn shame
AEW crowds keep getting worse each week.
They are jobbing out Butcher to a tiny jobber. This card sucks ass. At least Briscoe is on it. No wonders why no one watches this shit.
he's one of the best sellers of all time, the gimmick makes a lot of people overlook just how good he is fundamentally
>maybe if I give Daniel Garcia a bunch of wins where he shouldn’t win, he’ll get over and not kill the ratings. Haha 8788th push for him. Surely it’ll work this time.
Fuck you tony. Had to watch Brody lose to this fag.
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>more matches
what does tmdk stand for
>Monocle Butcher
>Waist sash Butcher
>All white Butcher
>Apron Butcher
All those looks are better than what he has now
Great show tonight! AEW firing on all cylinders like always. Looking forward to watching AEW Forbidden Door with my friends on my yacht.
Butcher and Blade were always honest about being midcarders
no, i mean they do these guys expose the business so hard
Could Ishii choppa Kyle's autism away?
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goddamn, this is gonna be a 4hr motherfucker
the marks dont know
Hangman bros
holy kino hanger promo
We didnt enter choppa phase 2 so the people in the front row werent killed by the shockwaves
holy fucking kino Hangman package
went and took a shower because i hate this faggot so much
Hangerbros, I think we're back
Calm down peepfag
Why do you hate me?
>went and took a shower
we all know that's a lie
Remember when Stevie Ray use to carry a slapjack around?
I demand psycho Hangman or no Hangman at all
Where's Shane?
Time to sit under the Learning Tree, boys.
I always find something new from the Learning Tree
Autistic Jericho is over with me
Hangman should win the world title again. It doesnt matter how heel or face by hook or by crook transitional or not but he desevres it fter having his title reign cut short for a skinnyfat never-was
>black guy steals something
>make sure you loop it around the wrists 3 times
this is unironically true and important
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finna coom bros
what the fuck is jericho doing man. this shit is depressing
If its not marked red its not stealing
always a fan of pale women
Stephanie VaQueen of Spades
Genuinely the best shit he's done in years
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Me when I saw how Jeff Cobb is booked instead of getting a singles match at FD
His showbiz idol is Meatloaf, it explains a lot about everything he does.
Hes doing a Joe Biden gimmick
She has no aura
Lady Frost, more like Lady fake boob fat ass
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Holy no pop
>stinky hoe
I hate her so much bros
I aggresively dislike Mone.
Give Lady Frost the surpise win to match Aminata winning on Rampage and build some new people up for the future
our ceo is so cute bros
holy yumola
lol we can hear Mercedes because the crowd was dead fucking silent.
fancy looking computer chair there
I would brown nose Mercedes if she was my CEO
>the girls who lose a lot are the best girls
That fucking kick
Fauk dude
Stephanie being competitive with this jobber when she's supposed to be a threat to Sasha is peak AEW booking
Frost got tattooed
TNA niggers like you will never convince me that she's any good. Frost Harley and Aminata are fun to watch. although the crowd is brutally silent right now.
the best girls are the joshi
Anna is my favorite jobber
she just basically didn't sell that boot scrape I think Frost is fucked up off the kick.
Frost barely had any offense so far
Aminata won on rampage
>Sasha Banks commercial
Tony is really going all in on her, wonder how much he’s paying for her
based jobber stacies
I like when Mercedes shows her rat face smile
AEW Collision running more full-screen breaks instead of PIP breaks, a good sign for their TV deal. Need to show the higher-ups you can sell more ads for a premium price.
Qween beat Skye Blue? Please say it was so!
Why do taped shows always feel more miserable than live?
whatever it is it is too much
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>Will Ospreay
>Jack Perry
>Daniel Garcia
Tony should not let any outside player get one win during Forbidden Door tomorrow. Just imagine the seethe.
>lady frost chant breaks out
Good for her
Aminata and Skye should get a Stardom excursion
wow frost hit that spin perfectly
Frost is really getting over this past month
I would lick Lady Frost
when is shida showing up
Lady Frost has a good look and in ring is pretty solid. I wouldnt mind seeing more of her especially over some of the lower ranked performers out there
>video goes down
>wait several minutes to refresh
>these bitches are still going
god damn it
I want to know when Riho and her pipe are coming back
is stephanie a goth?
these hoes are garbage
>doors open about an hour before show time+dark matches
>2 hours for dynamite
>bout another 30 minutes to switch shit to collision presentation
>another two hours of wrestling
They're fucking tired man.
>in ring is pretty solid
I wish she'd take a pretty solid dump in my mouth.
mmmm Mercedes barefoot
Caramel nalgas
Would it come out as ice?
based Jumbo Mexican with the sneak attack
Dam look at that pawg go
Aubrey could really learn a thing from bryce
Not the TBS Women's championship! ESP isn't even turned on!
Where are their pants?!??!?!
That's the best part
Dios Mio!

uuhhh....el ass-o is muay.....buengo
>something you've never seen before
a crowd at an AEW show?
I need Zeuxis vs Anna Jay or Skye Blue
for a split second I thought the asian dude was Dalton Castle
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>Hiromu en español
Strong boys
We have the finnerman
why is this promo airing????????????? Why did AEW spoil this match before the promo aired? Hiromu should have just looked online and he wouldn't be shocked, I mean the match was announced before this was even taped.
native Spanish speakers speaking to a native Japanese speaker in English is dimes
the fuck is that seaweed on that guy's back
lmao based hiromu
I want to chew on Deeb's leathery clit
I wish Cornette watched Collision just to see that promo get reviewed.
Leathery grandma bros its our time
Pre taped promos. Especially for those who don't look on twitter
>"She has asked for top shelf competition"
>local talent provided
cute jobber
Hold on Serena im going to save your eggs!
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>advertises putting Toni's striptease flag up for auction
>still hasn't done it, probably never will
I will never support the Deebster until this is corrected.
I love this leathery skeleton like you wouldn't believe
yes but like, don't even tell the niggas like me who do look on Twitter, I would have enjoyed being excited with Hiromu. If they were gonna reveal the match in a promo then reveal it in that promo.
Deep looking smoother. Guess she got the new medicare plan offering botox
I would eat Deeb's pancake butt with butter and syrup
Thing is, you are on pw. Unlike most people who watch collision.
AEW is one of the best companies ever at putting people in purgatory. Mother fuckers just disappear constantly.
No wtf are you doing it was perfect
Where's the pipe?
RIGOAT BAC!!!!!!!!!!!
Riho and Shida at the same venue at the same time, it's a Japanese miracle
>"I refuse to be put into AEW wrestling purgatory"
bro there's like 8 people who watch Collison, they are all online.
Serena should be a heel. She has an ugly face and has an annoying voice.
Are my eyes deceiving me?
Is it a.........AN ANGEL I'M SEEING???
Actual riho chants in Buffalo...
>Mutha fucker Trump I hate him so bad
>How dare he not cut dicks off kids and fuck ym wife
>He doesnt have the integrity of Bidun
>Thats a real man right there just like me
>Ant dick mother fucker Kenny Omega not coming to my ninja turtle mudshow memorial show
>Hate him so fucking bad
holy brutal mogging
gives her 5 fake inches in height
This is one of my favorite women's matches in AEW history from one of the 2021 buy in shows. I am very excited to see this match for the third time I believe.
nice of riho to job out again to the prof
>Jericho reminding a young boy to wash his hands

thank you learning tree
Don't talk about my leathery grandma like that
KEK thanks Jerigoat
Based Jericho fighting the spread of germs
>shida is literally on the show and owen cup
>yuka was put on tv and storyline once her visa issues were fixed but then soon got injured right after
Based Jericho ensuring the filhty fucks wash their god damn hands
Good for you, anon
I think it's fair to say that the Zeuxis outfit is the MVP of this show so far.
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Both matches so far got 4 stars there's a lot to live up to for Riho and Deeb.
I'm controlling my narrative from my JAV cave brother
I fucking love this version of Jericho
For me, to was CE-butthole
Was probably going to be yuka before she injured her ankle
not with Riho back. Nobody will ever be MVP of a show she is on other then her.
The knowledge of roots runs deep on the Learning Tree
All In
I love the joe, hook, and shibata trio
Mercedes hoping she's a fan
Well I forgot to use Kennys nickname so semi-perfect
Wrestling needs more zamboni spots
bad apple is a pretty cool nick name
>Jeff KWAB
>Joe vs Cobb
fucking based, please let them have a full singles match
so do they change it to Jericho and bill vs hook and shibata and Joe vs Cobb or do they just say not one human on earth wanted to answer Cobbs open challenge?
Great episode so far
>holy shit chants for that
It's Samover Joever...
Fucking A man book it TK
Based Corn on the Cobb
Joe vs Cobb is definitely happening on Dynamite next week
Based matanza
wait isnt suzuki supposed to be part of jerichos team?
there's the answer, his open challenge is being forgotten lol.
Should do a TV title match and make it a 15 minute draw. Cobb could get the win at the Tokyo Dome.
cobb went into business for himself with this open challenge shit
Cobb and Hobbs should form a tag team that uses spinebusters
No he told him to go fuck himself. Which is totally NOT respecting Chris Jericho
No. He rejected their offer and instead wants a match with Jericho
I've got 12 packs of pocky for forbidden door bros what else do I need
it could have literally happened on PPV. the TV title has a built in 15 minute time limit so neither would have had to lose.
Jeff Cobb teaming with Jericho instead of getting a singles match? kill yourself Tony Khan
Some natto with mustard
Lexi hnnggg
I can see Joe vs Cobb in new japan
a girlfriend
two bags of grass, 75 pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers...and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls
OC getting mind fucked, sad.

Hechicero my nigga!
Blackwood has this in the bag
excellent choice I got a bottle of Wild Turkey 101
based mexican pyromancer
onions el hechicero
Me, eating them all
Hechicero needs better music. It has good energy but still sounds like CAW music.
They need to give hechicero his fire entrance. So glad I saw collision live
hechicero is mexican wario
WWE is better than this tranny shit
Out of all those shit tattoos putting Prince on your thigh is a choice
Christian is a good father
Hechicero’s theme is so based
not enough zoomer negroes having a stand-off for ya?
Killshot lost his boob armor and now I see tiddy
Where my Peeps at yo?
this is a white mans thread
Get the impression that TK sort of has a handshake deal to bring Hechi in full time
fetal alcohol syndrome bros we getting exposed.
Whats gonna happen to WWE when SD is off the air and all the filthy browns that watch on regular TV cant follow it anymore?
Nick bros….did Momma Wayne really drink during the pregnancy?
You just described your champion

This is a tranny thread clearly with all this estrogen
there's gotta be a reason he's MJF's first match back, even though he's jobbing it's still a huge rub
So...who's the face in this random ass trios feud?
That was Jay's best promo ever in America.
Heel vs Heel

NXT is the show for poor negros that cant afford cable once it moves to CW
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jose, jamal, pajeet - please leave
if garcia isn't going to change his ring name or try to not wear the most generic gear of all time can he at least spend more than $20 on a haircut
Has more upside in AEW, and Danielson is where he is
what's a face? we want bangers
Tony is actually gonna work me into a shoot if he does put Shida on soon. She’s the only reason Im here tonight
She's on after this.
based shidder
>jose, jamal, pajeet
but enough about your stepdads
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>Tony put Shida on near the end to make you specifically watch the whole show
meant doesn’t *
Tony Khan is the type of dude to think Daniel Garcia is a better young talent than Kyle Fletcher
they're on roughly the same level, Kyle probably slightly edges him out
the fed made a play for fletch so i know he paid up for him, you're right but it's not far off
>Butcher did the dance
10/10, no notes
kek I thought faggot door was tonight never mind
Butcher is beating the fuck out of Garcia this is great. This is as much fun as when Rush beat the life out of Jungle Boy last year
technically every door you go through is a faggot door
explains this thread then

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