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>references to texts and gifts on raw
>nxt girls talking about shit
The vince scandal is a work isn't it
>Roxxie is a known lover of eating white male ass
>Keeps talking about poop and eating poop
i also can't wait to see roxanne eat shit live on television
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>two foids fighting over whos more latinx
Has Roxanne ever once screamed I'M A LATINA in the ring? Thought not.
this. I like it better when it's two white men fighting over who sucks off more BBC on pw instead.
Roxanne only screams in ring when she's pretending to be some midget badass and no selling everyone's offense Ultimate Warrior style. Hope she remains in her containment cell for the foreseeable future.
If they're trying to prove who is more tribal and native shouldn't they be using whatever form of language that existed locally where they were from? Not something given to them by others? I get the dirty secret is the majority of these places and cultures didn't have written language and most of them barely had spoken language, but still they should try.
this. we need women on NXT and black men on the main roster because white men love BBC such as ourselves on pw!
Sorry that your fantasy is some flat faced flip midget who ironically can't flip and refuses to sell.
the only way to prove your "Latina-ass" is to see who rides the bwc better. I'll abide, but I do so in protest!
this is an ideological battle. the thot newcomer Lola who does this with ease vs. the indieshitter gatekeeper Roxanne
Roxanne by DEFINITION is not latina. She is Filipino. Fake stupid bitch thanks that is latina.
She's Mexican.
Roxanne unironically got fucking buried here
and puerto rican
>get up, shake ass
>get dressed, shake ass
>shakes her ass while eating cheerios
>goes out to get the mail, resists temptation to shake her ass
>sees neighbor walking his dog, dog is about to poop in her yard, shakes her ass aggressively telling them to back off
>trains, ass shaking to training is at least a 3:1 ratio
>shakes ass inquisitively while reading the run down sheet for the night's show
>has match, does heel things, shakes ass evilly
>showers, heads home for the night, ass shaking the whole time
>changes into her sleepwear, says a small prayer, shakes ass for Jesus and goes to sleep so she's refreshed and ready for another day of ass shaking tomorrow
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yeah, we need more Kevin Nash threads to compensate this blasphemy of thread.
I agree. fuck this stupid ass thread. this is now a BBC nash thread
Imagine two wrestlers going full /pol/ and acting like this only accusing each other of not being really white?
Shut up, bitch. I'm English, you're Italian. I'm clearly whiter.
>Roxanne exposed as an ass eater
So, was it enofe who leak that here?
Shut up, bitch. I'm French, you're Slavic. I'm clearly whiter.
Lola and Roxy will never be real latinas
Gatekeeping heritage is bad actually Lola is the heel here
Her ass is fatter and she shakes it regularly, she’s the face.
Buried. Imagine getting out promo'ed by Lola fucking Vice
wtf I don't want this I don't speak espan yol
thats a massive burial kek
Hey did you guys know Kevin Nash was raped in 1992? I know people think he was willing, but thats not the rape I'm talking about.
After those zesty african american males had their way with him and he made it back to his hotel room he was assaulted by a blonde woman who tried to....
....touch his genitals.
NOW NOW I KNOW THATS CRAZY WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING? But this woman wasn't having any such declarations. She took Kevin's innocence that night. He will never be the same.
Women can't rape men.
They can and they did. Nash was raped by a woman in 1992.
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fraid not
The people who make threads about roxannes ass aren’t gonna like this
very transphobic
women with penises are just as physically able as cis men, chud
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a big ole dumper is more latina than being fluent in food truck. jennifer lopez can't speak spanish for shit, but that ass is over with me. same goes for hayek and those big ass titties of hers.
Uh obviously he would say that, having been raped by a woman.
there is literally nothing wrong with Roxanne’s ass
just a reminder Puff Daddy was fucking this and passing it around to all his nigger friends

you can have dat
Also remember she hid a gun for that pedo faggot.
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Imagine if this is real and Lola is getting payback on the bully crew Roxanne and Cora
It's flat and ugly. Based fat ass latina mommy Lola confirmed.
what proof is there that roxanne eats white male ass?
based. pervs love to stick together.
First hand accounts.
she ate mine when I didn't ask her to it was really weird.
from whom
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>roxanne has no ass
I'd lay on top of her for 30-40 mins ngl
I wonder if Vince ever shit on J-lo's head
In reality all Lola has is her ass. She's mediocre in the ring, has an ugly goblina face and an even uglier and borderline incomprehensible ESL accent because Miami is practically a foreign country.
>She's mediocre in the ring
Thats being kind. 99% of women wrestlers don't even get anywhere near mediocre.
Cope incel
I really hope this ass eating thing is a farce, but law of averages comes into play and at some point one of the female wrestlers would be into scat for real life
I want a fat booty latina gf so bad bros
They aren't super common in Australia
I love the banter 10/10 will watch the rivalry
That's just not true. Roxie has an ass it's just not the size of a truck like Lola's
I mean ok there is a little but there, but it resembles ziploc bags that are filled with water
Mexican American here

I’ve had plenty. The best ones are mixed Salvador and Honduras. It’s been 10 years and I still think about her even though we were just fuck buddys for 5 months. She ended up going back with her ex.
Twerk off.
That's the only way to solve it
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>She ended up going back with her ex.
Ahhh his dick was bigger
Don't you have a war to fight?
Most of the women fucked in interracial porn are Jewish.
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>women can't rape men
Nash is wrong. Boys get raped by girls all the time, we just don't report it. And if a girl is underage, then she could go to jail for "statutory rape" especially if they lie about their age.
what would roxanne twerk with?
I don't think that's how that works
fuck off reddit
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it's always funny seeing these life long wrestling nerds get btfo by the actually charismatic and entertaining people wwe hires now
you know a smark geek like roxanne has a thousand comebacks for someone questioning her match quality but has no response to something personal like this. And whenever something like this happened to her in high school instead of standing up for herself she'd go home, put on episodes of raw and cry to herself
I’d go for either one on on the sides
2 big assed latinas in a bounce their asses on my dick match with me going over
Wrestling gimmick idea.

Wrestler called El Latino, but only talks in Latin
It’s simple just learn Spanish
tear what?
Her O-Ring.
The woman in your image combined have a double digit IQ
Reminds me of the booklet of Sublimes self titled album, for Caress Me Down when he starts singing in Spanish it just says "Learn Spanish"
You really don't. The whole "spicy latina" thing is just a polite way of saying they're insane mega-cunts. Also they don't just wall at 30, the metamorphose into goblinas.
kek p gay dawg ngl
This is like Bayley pretending to be Mexican every time they tour Mexico or South America.

If somebody identifies themselves as Latino, 99% of chance they are not, as they actually use their nationalities first
Homie that’s AI
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locw rhwaw rqqo
rhwy EW RHW BWA RIKrjbn in QQW
Yeah there's no way Roxy retains.
what i meant to say was that i love both these girls and they're both hot as fuck
ausfag here, i see loads of south american girls on datings apps
Give it up Roxy, it's over
Roxy's only losing to one person and she's Japanese
bro i think roxanne might be here
lola sounds based
Only Shotzi and Kayden Carter are Filipinas
I recently learned that I have a lust for Cholas/Chongas and it deeply saddens me that I will never meet one because they don't exist in my area and I will not tolerate their music.
I think it was humiliation ritual DESU.
There is, my cock isn't inside it yet.
the only charismatic thing is lola's BBL
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I wouldn’t be completely shocked if they give Lola a transitional run between Rox and Giulia. They’ve been building Lola as a legit mma badass for a while which would make her the perfect person to put over Giulia in a match where they stiff the hell out of each other. Then Rox could go to the main roster after Money In the Bank. I’m not saying it’s likely or even probable but it could happen.

Cheerleader effect. None of them are above 5/10.
way too much ego
>Cheerleader effect. None of them are above 5/10.
Kek fuck no she isnt, flips wished they could look like her
>Valerie Loureda was born on on July 19, 1998 in Miami, Florida. She is of Cuban descent
Kek Cubans arent even real latinos
I would wife any of these women they are literally perfect
Latrinos aren't even actually Latin lol, they're goblins with a hand-me-down culture. Cope and seethe, while you're at it, dilate.
This is the 'I was made for and want BWC ONLY' phenotype and body type.
Latrinos aren't Latin. As stated above, they're goblins with a hand-me-down culture.
>This is the 'I was made for and want BWC ONLY' phenotype and body type.
on planet retard
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>he keeps repeating himself and no one cares
Cope and seethe, Jaquarius, you aren't human. Besides, it's commonly known that latrinas prefer White men, they literally will pay top dollar just to get the sperm of White men with blonde hair, brown hair, blue eyes, and/or green eyes.
you read too much /pol/ go out and have sex
If you don't believe that latinas prefer white men then you don't go outside
now this is a feud im interested in
He's right, you cuck.
i mostly flirted with Hispanic women in school you're lying
The zoomer ones don’t like white guys only blacks and other Hispanics
roxy only wins if she does the "i'm a latina" stink face on lola before lola stinkfaces her
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Whos does this appeal to? the blacks?
Anon, WMLF is the second most popular interracial marriage pairing in the US (only second to WMAF).
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Can confirm. They're pushing so many Black and Hispanic talent because of demographics. Whites are at best 55% percent of the population under 30. Plus, all those big niggas they have in NXT are gonna draw dimes bro.
You read that from tinder?
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>second most popular interracial marriage pairing in the US
No it's the most popular
Fallon is too pretty for wrestling.
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There are way more Hispanics in the US than Asians.
But who has the more brownish asshole? Lola or Roxxie
me, a white man, after a brown man done nut in my asshole.
it's latinx retards
spanish is the easiest language in the world to learn
Yeah, nice try, jew tranny. Not White
Lola for sure. That thing is usually brown.
that would be modern English, blud.
Meant to say unusually brown
Let's just say that she uh... SALOOMA.
nice failed get!
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