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How the hell does anyone watch all this live?
It was fine when they were running only 4 PPVs a year but now they're doing over double that, they don't need to shove everyone onto the card.
>IWGP buried beneath the women's championship
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Meanwhile WWE PPVs are 5 matches long
Yeah, WWE PPVs have too few matches but it's preferable over a bloated card.
5 matches stressed across 3 hours, so they fill the gaps with stupid vignettes about already well established Wrestlers and repetitive advertisements (courtesy of Nick Khanman). Meanwhile, AEW overflows their pay-per-views with tons of bullshit matches. Why can't either just fucking split it down the MIDDLE? Have 7 - 8 matches in total, maybe 9, depending on the pay-per-view. Smfh, Professional Wrestling is an embarrassment these days and it has been for at least 10 years, even the early 2010's weren't THIS bad (they were bad).
Stop trying to get that over, that's modernist goyslop bullshit language exclusively made for gays, especially brown gays. They're pay-per-views. They were pay-per-views, they are pay-per-views, and they will always be pay-per-views.
I haven't bought a ppv in over a decade
The future is now tranny
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>Scissor Ace
>losers self-reporting they absolutely have nothing to do and must watch at start of zero hour and are still complaining about it
a PLE - a term only used by WWE - is a live event available with a streaming network subscription. A PPV is not the same thing
I've been watching Professional Wrestling longer than you've been alive. When I went to school, we bullied queers (which were few and far in-between). Meanwhile, you've been watching Wrestling for 7 years (AT BEST) and your teachers give you homework about tranny nigger buttsex. Cope, seethe, dilate, and join the 40%, zoomcel.
Still a homosexual goyslop term. They'll always be pay-per-views. You pay for the streaming service subscription, that's the only way to view it (besides pirating it). So, PAY-PER-VIEW. Also, fun fact: Tripshit is a terrible booker and his pay-per-views have less matches than an ordinary Raw and have the predictability of a House Show.
Shoot convinced no one actually watches this shit fully.
Extremely funny to have random matches of the owen cup on a PLE
Yep, it's too much. The last AEW PPV went like like 7 hours total with the pre-show.

Trying to review it is even worse. I think I've only maybe done 1-2 AEW PPV's total in one sitting due to how long they are
>pay for wrestling show
>Oh gee there's alot of wrestling on this show
Jay White nowhere to be found
He lost the right to compete in new Japan you false fan
I just found your blog and you should rename it to prowresrecap because that's all you do
I've purchased the show and will watch every last second. I will be watching this show in my den on my 85 inch tv surrounded by my library of knowledge, collegiate degrees mounted on my wall, and counting my stacks upon stacks of money as I actually participate in the economy.
Based sicko
I don't know how anyone watches all this live.

I do know how I watch none of this though, because I am not a gay homosexual like AEWTISTS.

The difference is selling a $50-60 actual ppv versus giving people an event to go along with their $5 monthly subscription. If I'm doing the former I have zero problem whatsoever with the card being that big and actually getting my money's worth. Their ppvs usually run until 12 and are paced really well if past ones this year are anything to go off of. Out of all the thing you can go after AEW for this feels like complaining just to complain. No one's forcing you to buy it and no one's sure as hell forcing you to pirate it online for free
tony can't resist playing with as much of his toys as possible, and paul can't resist trying to turn wwe into nxt
I love Forbidden Door as a concept. Wrestling should really be about variety and that's why Forbidden Door has always been a fan favorite. I really think AEW should pivot to a model where every PPV is like Forbidden Door.
>5 or 6 matches.
>2 and half hours max

there, I solved wrestling
because it’s a 50 dollar wrestling ppv
ideally it should be like this
>six man ladder match for tnt championship
>toni storm vs mina shirakawa
>mjf vs hechicero
>moxley vs naito
>young bucks vs acclaimed
>mone vs vaquer
>danielson vs takagi
>swerve vs ospreay
less is more, nigga
TNA always has decent cards
If this was food you wouldn't complain about getting too much you fat fucking faggot. Fuck sakes.
I unironically just watch the highlights these days

TK said in a recent interview that he's aiming for a 90 minute pre show on the PPVs to catch late buyers. Seems overkill. 10 matches (including 1 pre show match) is the ideal length.
I thought Suzuki was wrestling Jericho on this show

What the fuck was the point of that segment on Wednesday
This show looks like it's designed to get as many people on the show as possible.

What the everloving fuck is that preshow?
Nah, the women's match is the pissbreak between Elite Kino and Danielson Kino.
They're PLEs, boomer. I bet you called PPVs closed-circuit television like a retard too.
I wouldn't watch this shit even if I still liked AEW. Too long. Too many matches. The actual buy rate for this thing is going to suck.
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>4 of the matches are on the pre-show that only lasts an hour

It's almost like all they have to do is book shorter matches, make the entrances quick and cut any fluff like the pre-match packages. A lot of the matches here are just straight up matches without any storylines. If you need every match to have some deep storyline behind it go watch a fucking movie!

Do they need a storyline for Danielson vs Takagi? No. The selling point is Dragon vs Dragon. That's good enough. AEW has been pretty good lately too. It's going to take time, but I think their ratings will be back near 1 milly by the end of the year. They seem inspired by WWE. Both promotions are doing new shit every week and the industry feels fresh all of a sudden.
Preshow starts at 6:30 eastern, buddy. "Zero Hour" will be 1 1/2 hours long.

The main event will probably start somewhere just before 12am, 5 1/2 hours into the show.
Mr. PreShow ain't even that anymore
Unbelievable card. To those who complain about the number of matches:

- You don't have to watch the Zero Hour if you don't want to.

- WrestleMania X7 is considered by many as the best American PPV ever. It had 11 matches on the main show (one more than this one).

- Just because WWE now has to have ads between all matches and therefore have fewer matches on PPV, don't be tricked into thinking this is the norm.

- AEW are asking their fans to pay 50 bucks almost every month on PPV. They're not free or 5 bucks on Peacock. They have to build these cards to justify the price and satisfy their fanbase.

Enjoy the show everyone!
If I hear anyone unironically use the phrase trios match in real life, they're getting powerbombed through a table.
Damn Tony, try to be a little less obvious with your shilling bro.
I prefer this because I like to treat most PPVs as day of drinks, weed and junk food. It's very rare I work on a Monday too so I like to make a day of it and watch a movie and play some vidya too

With most WWE shows I can't do that as much because they're usually on a Saturday when I'm often busy and they're not long enough to really satisfy me. There's nearly always at least 2 matches I can skip too so they don't feel like events that justify a day of pigging out and getting blasted. Today I've already smoked some hash, had some breakfast and caught up on some wrestling. Gonna order some Chinese after the match and put a film on
not enough islander soap opera for ya?
>zoomcel using homosexual nigger goyslop terms
Nope, they're pay-per-views. I know you were born in 2008 and your first ever WrestleMania watched was Performance CenterMania (36 in 2020), but they're pay-per-views. They were pay-per-views, they are pay-per-views, and they'll always be pay-per-views. I know your zoomcel brain can't understand this, so I have a solution: Cope, seethe, and if absolutely necessary, dilate and then join the 40%. Thanks
>- WrestleMania X7 is considered by many as the best American PPV ever. It had 11 matches on the main show (one more than this one).

It had a gimmick battle royal that went 4 minutes, a women's match that went 3 minutes and a tag match that went 4. It also had special attraction matches like the TLC match and McMahon vs McMahon.
All this served to break the show up and provide different things for fans to engage with. It's not the same as an AEW PPV, which we know will just be match after match of "bangers" that go 20+ minutes with little differentiating them. That's what makes the PPV a slog to get through. It's too much of the same stuff for too long.
Honestly the best summary of WWE and AEW pay-per-views. Both are garbage either way, one is overcooked (AEW) and the other is undercooked (WWE).
I wouldn't mind doing some other types of content someday.
Weed, beer, and an enjoyment of wrestling.
Also costs $5 vs $50. Guess those extra 8 matches costs 10x as much.
That's fucking miserable. I'm happy to stick to my three hour, five match shows.
This. Couldn't put it better
hella piggies squealing in this thread

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