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There are no innocent palestinians and there are no innocent jews. End of.
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>the palestinian genocide

Also there's nothing wrong with "both siding" it if both sides have legitimate grievances, and both sides are killing innocent people, and innocent people on both sides are being killed.
been going on 50 years, still not anywhere near all gone, if they called it "the palestinian displacement" id give them it, but they run into bombs and be all "WTF WE DIED".
The world would wake up more peaceful if both sides removed themselves from the planet.
>if both sides have legitimate grievances
Jews unironically think we should all be slaves to them.
It's so idiotic because if they didn't use that word, if they just said "I want all the innocent Palestinians to stop being killed" then nobody could argue with them. Instead they have to call it a genocide, and now people just argue about what is or isn't a genocide. I get the sense that most people who speak out on the side of Palestine are actually working for Israel because they're so annoying and stupid.
there are no “innocent people” in the gay pedophile satanic colony known as israel
nothing makes me laugh more than /pol/tards defending israel now when before all they did was bitch about "the joos" 24/7 lmao
Hes a girl
/pol/ has been a fed honeypot filled with heebs, bots and glowies for like 9 years now. The only people stupid enough to engage with that board is ifunny zoomers who are too stupid to realize they aren't talking to real people.
for me its that cancel culture crowd going from "alt right talking points bad" to literally spewing their entire anti-jew alt right memoirs.
Never cede control to anyone who wants you to parrot anything

Not even once. Shit like this will happen and they'll never want to give up their control over you. It's like "say trans rights, please (or we'll completely ruin you)!"
that’s just election tourist culture war retards who think just because college kids are protesting against israel they have to suck jew dick 24/7

that’s based though
why the fuck is he replying to a (white?) woman that uses twitter
He’s not lying though
Alright someone unironically redpill me on this palestine shit, literally what is going on
I seem to be running into it every single day no matter where I go
All I hear is "Gaza" this and "genocide" that and people are up in arms about two middle eastern ethnicities having a big nigga moment of a war between each other. What's the reason and why is it still going?
You will be able to determine the truth, until you study all of it - all of it - yourself. Too many people have ulterior motives when it comes to that topic, and even the ones who'll give you some truth will pepper in their nazi LARP, which ironically, is also part of Zionism. I'm gonna give you a fact: Zionism cannot be defeated by the current state of the human psyche. It is too corrupt. Too powerful. Too embedded into everything from religion to race wars to humanitarianism. That doesn't mean fear it or be apathetic. Just know the a lot of the people who claim to be anti are helping it. Be very careful who you listen to and double check everything.
Israel's been treating these people like shit for a long time. There's a group within Palestine, Hamas, that is super radical and legit evil and last year they killed a bunch of innocent Israelis in a terrorist attack, and since then Israel has been killing a bunch of Palestinians. And they're saying that they're only doing it because the Palestinians use human shields (and they do) but the fact is when I can see videos of little kids suffocating to death under piles of rubble, it's quite hard to view you as the good guy. Basically these two groups of people are locked in an endless cycle of violence, and you can understand the mindsets of the people on both sides who simply want blood, but it's just a repulsive situation all around. And lots of your money is being stolen from you to fund it.
MJF is pretending to give a fuck. Nobody with his personality cares about Gaza killings. Why did he leak the screencap? Exactly.
^see what I mean.
Jews want land, will falseflag and kill civilians to get it, there is also a terrorist group in Gaza called hamas that are fucking evil, even though fighting against the IDF can be seen as a noble cause by most average Palestinian civilian (because the Jews consider them second class citizens)

It should be noted Gaza is an extremely small part of what’s left, most actual of what people say “genocide” (killing innocent civilians) actually happens in the West Bank.

I agree with >>15084539
here on you should really look into this yourself double checking and fact checking history, but luckily it’s been going on since Israel was established in the ‘40s so currently there’s enough historical text to analyze and not have it be absolute bullshit propaganda

Obviously, I am biased and think Israel does want to wipe Palestine out and expand Israel, and want to do it with US money and weapons, but to be fair Israel officials have called what they do “mowing the lawn” so I’m too far at this point to be able to go backwards
Ill give you as quick a history as I care to remember and it's not really anything but my own schizo ramblings so take with pinch of salt.
post ww2 nobody wants jews in europe because its their fault that it started always fucking meddling so the UK had some land they had taken from the Ottoman Empire crumbling and they decided with that Balfour shit, Jews historically lived here lets let them go there, and with the help of the USA they were installed in the region because USA were smart enough to see they needed a base for their next series of wars, from the start the Palestinians have been resisting occupation, wouldn't come to the table, and when they eventually did, felt that both the international "impartial" community and the Jewish becoming Zionist governments just couldn't be trusted and even if they could the deal will always essentially be "heres how much were LETTING you keep" and how often can they just change that? Israel has expanded massively and war is in their interest if they want to get bigger, at this point I'm not entirely convinced Hamas isn't led by Israel anymore, false flag attacks are only a step up from letting attacks happen which Netanyahu government has been proven to have done. I don't think it's as clear cut as, good guy bad guy, but the effects of Israel as a nation on the middle east has been death and destruction by product of protecting them if nothing else. I think that was always the idea though. The Ottoman empire, the Islamics states etc were dirty unreasonable end downright evil, Americans had never done anything as a nation to them and when you had good leaders they went to them and asked "why do you do this to us, were a new nation never have we enslaved or attacked you" and basically got a "because we can" response and I think America as a country remembered that and took it to heart.
I'm sure everybody was waiting on fucking MJF to make up their minds regarding the Israel Palestine conflict
pretty accurate but it’s important to remember as americans we need to see israel destroyed asap. i know euros love israel because they kill muzzies which arr a huge problem over there but they don’t understand that israel’s presence in the region has been the biggest destabilizing force and driver of mass migration than any other factor this century.

also worth noting despite being a first world country with a strong economy they receive the most foreign aid out of any country on earth from us. they’ve also been exposed to have been spying on us and blackmailing our politicians using underage sex rings, real vile shit. they need to be stopped.
Has MJF ever spoken out against the Palestinian genocide or is he making that up? Because I'm pretty sure he's making it up
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No Palestinian ever sunk my life raft
Pareto principle about covers it. Leftists and Israel-haters They are OK with Palestinians having an 80% civilian death rate. They scream genocide when Israel has a 20% civilian death rate. They do not hold both sides to the same standard, or anywhere close, because doing so would leave the average person zero choice but to conclude the obvious.

I like many others am tired of explaining to people why it's not possible for Israel to have a .5% or other ridiculously low collateral death rate, it doesn't and cannot happen like that in the real world when you are dealing with what amounts to a terrorist cult of death.

The US should be providing Israel $0 worth of weapons/defense, they can afford to pay for everything out of pocket, the same way Europe can afford to pay for everything. But it's clear which side are the terrorists and murderers, and which side just wants to protect their homeland.
I fully accept your first point about middle eastern wars and immigration, but I'm just of the opinion these dirty ass fucks have just lost an empire and were gonna immigrate from their stagnating desert dumpsters anyway. Agree 100% on Israel though.
Israel basically created and propped up Hamas in order to delegitimize Palestine in the eyes of the world. But unfortunately they lost control of their Golem and it's coming to bite them in the ass. And also they could've simply not treated these people like shit for decades and maybe it wouldn't have gotten to this point.

It is true that a lot of progressives don't know much besides Palestinians are brown and so they're the good guys, but Israel is responsible for a lot.
One side is terrorists and murderers because you took their homeland, the other are terrorists and murderers because they wanted their old homeland back and once they got it didn't want to give it up.
>their old homeland
and here I though the khazars came from the steppes of eurasia
Basically..everyone hates Jews and Palestinians and tried to fit them in on big containment zone. It failed as Palestinians literally fucked up most of the middle east and Jews started influencing the europe/US by Trojan horsing Christianity with a ideal known of Zionism. Anyone who claims to support palestine really just hates jews or hates the west while anyone who hates palestine really just hates muslims (despite palestinians being multi-religious) or hates anti-western forces. There is no correct side as basically the everyone except i think the chinese and the native americans have claimed the holy lands as their ancestral homeland at some point.
tl;dr Heebs and Palestinians hate each other hut Heebs have always had the upper hand because Palestinians have caveman-tier technology. But then one day the Pallies actually managed to kind of sort of do some real damage and the Heebs were like "alright fuck it we're genociding you". And leftists were like "hey wait a minute you can't use your overwhelmingly superior military technology to genocide impoverished brown cavemen holy shit are you actually the badguys?". Hilarity ensued
This is a very valid point, I meant in sense of "jews historically lived here" and I did preface it all with "nobody wanted them in europe" which sorta does let you know thats they're originally area of origin.
What a fucking jew.
Ok this is the dumbest one yet
>Jew trying to out-jew a jew gets out-jewed themselves into zionist posting
Israel fucking up their invasion of Gaza by taking too long and being obvious that they were taking over as been a boon for memes
this is your brain on /pol/
there's a good two part pbs docu on the whole thing
carving up the ottoman empire ruined everything tbqh
>they’ve also been exposed to have been spying on us and blackmailing our politicians using underage sex rings, real vile shit. they need to be stopped.
So they use this as levarage against the politicians or force them to participate?
Whats the matter was my summary of events too accurate for ya?
When did the pallies ever "do real damage" if you mean the 7th, they knew that attack was coming and let it happen, could have been stopped therefore never truly a threat. Shoulda just shot them outta their hanggliders.
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My feelings on Israel/Palestine
>When did the pallies ever "do real damage"
Ret got a huge buff in WotLK
I'v not been on /pol/ since 2016 which mindbroke most there and stopped stuff like china/women/nigger hate threads from being the common norm and became stuff like what it is now, but last I saw Israel was getting hit with bottle rockets that made potholes and retaliating by leveling city blocks.
I'm glad you read my post
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Its just an old fashioned land grab. Zionists put Hamas in power back in the 90s so they wouldn't be forced into a 2-State peace deal with the PLO. Now Israel false-flagged itself as an excuse to genocide the Palestinians and steal even more of their land.

Unfortunately the IDF is the shittiest modern military in the world and they have taken so many casualties that its slowly turning the Israeli public against them.
hey man dont spew fucking abbreviations at me and expect me to know, idc bout jews or muslims
why did you reply when you didn't even know what the post was about lol
leverage but I wouldn’t be surprised if they forced politicians to do more and more depraved shit while threatening to release the previous crime, making them dig their own hole of blackmail. When you realize Epstein was a Mossad agent and who flew on his plane you begin to connect the dots.
How is the IDF so shit but Mossad is so elite?
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Remember when he wrote the long rambling article about Palestine the day before losing at world's end?
He knows he cooked his career with this stuff
>they lost control of their Golem
>everything going exactly as planned.
It cannot be stopped. Even Jews can't stop other Jews from doing it. They would Samson Option the entire planet.
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>He knows he cooked his career with this stuff
Not at all, just like Muslims Jews have a religious mandate to lie to infidels/goyim if doing so is in their group's interests or it would protect a fellow Muslim/Jew.

It's just a 2min explanation "I was just working the goyim bc reasons Rabbi" and everything stays kosher for him.
You VILL post about it for the rest of your life
You VILL give up all your money for people you've never seen
You VILL do more than feel bad and say bad thing is bad
You VILL enjoy it
One MJF promo and they would lay down the weapons
Libs have truly become the Jews golem and it's quite fun to see
And muslims want all non-muslims dead. What's your point?
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Something not really mentioned yet is that this Palestine vs Israel shit is another chapter in the American culture wars. Leftists see the Palestinians as brown/black people suffering under a colonial power of white or white-adjacent people. The right sees that Israel is an American “ally” and wants to support them against Islamist terrorists. It is another manifestation of the white vs nonwhite racial tension in the US. That is why you see these college students and faggots (liberals) protesting for Palestine/Hamas like they did for BLM or whatever else. But ironically they don’t realize Hamas is like the Taliban in that they want Sharia law and to limit women’s rights and kill fags (not that there’s anything wrong with that). It isn’t about making sense it’s just another way that anti-white racism is allowed to proliferate.
>hamas acting up just as bibi was getting his shit rocked in court
There is nothing subtle about Mossad.
Israel have air superiority, if the kikes wanted to genocide the Islamic terrorist shits they'd carpet bomb Palestine into the fucking ground. This is in no way an actual genocide is just shitslam twats starting shit and playing the victim as usual.
/thread no such thing as innocent jews.
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If it were ANY other country doing this they'd be universally condemned. BTW Israel is only able to do this with American support and approval. Your politicians sold out your future to kill innocent people in Palestine, Ukraine and other "shitholes."

Enjoy your bugs! THE NWO IS HERE!
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>If it were ANY other country doing this they'd be universally condemned
But they are universally condemned....then the US steps in and vetos it.
fuck both sides
i don't care for the palejerkians
they were an enemy when i deployed
i don't care for their locs either
refugees are the rudest immigrants ever and that even includes immigrants from sudaca
women screenshot EVERYTHING
In awe of what a cunt this is.
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>islam is cancer
>Israel is curing it
>too bad, israel is only curing a tiny part of that cancer
>Jews bad
>Muslims bad
>Jews kick out Muslims from Palestine because muh holohoax
>Jews claim the Muslims are horrible savage monsters, which is why we, The West, must embrace diversity and accept them as refugees while Israel becomes even more of an ethnostate
Basically it's a heel vs heel spotfest

Ah yes, "curing cancer" by injecting it into every European and American nation
Good morning sir.
>cuz the twist my words
somewhere in the future a soviet like government needs to takeover the world and get rid of religion we've had enough with this shit
Because military (IDF) is about fighting, Mossad is about trickery. You draw your own conclusions.
Capitalism is undeniably hurtling society and all of the institutions that uphold it into total annihilation, that said, I think it is basically impossible for gommunism to make a come back at this point. Things are too far gone. Even if it did though, banning religion was one of the big mistakes of the USSR as it created a lot of unnecessary resentment amongst its citizens and so in the event Communism did somehow rise from the ashes, it is doubtful any Communist party would seek to ban religion in the same way the USSR did.
well something needs to be done about this crap, i'm an exmuslim i don't give a shit about palestine, islam is a danger to society going forward it needs to be eliminated
redeem deez nuts bitch
anon, people hate what is happening to Palestine. I just find it funny when Americans go the extreme, like setting themselves on fire. That guy did it and literally nothing changed.
I hate Jews so much, but holy shit lel
We need a fascist zen buddhist theocrcacy to give trannies lile you an actual reason to hate religion.
>If it were ANY other country doing this they'd be universally condemned.
there are plenty and people aren't screeching about it like they are palestine. people just want to larp with their oriental ass racism shit, fuck off
Glass the entire region. Of course, this is impossible, since every western nation has a ZOG. But it would solve most of the world's problems.
>unnecessary resentment
How so? Did they immediately become doomers?
She seems a crazy cunt
>Glass the entire region
Attack Israel and you'll get your wish.
There are some good jewtube videos on the Israel/Palestine conflict that just go through the history of the land and movements and let you make up your own mind.
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>uh, so what if people twist your words and take them out of context to justify the genocide of israelis
lmao death to all brownoids.
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all this proves is israel only has supporters because cuckservatives are retarded and just pick the opposite stance of libtards even if it’s against their own interests
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>creating millions of refugees is the cure
sloppy JIDF post or Europoor retard
>cuz the twist my words to push their own agenda
The what Max?
You want the red pill?
Same as racist in the early 2000s the 90s the 80s etc.
Nuke em all off the face of the earth.
Both sides.
Greentext the general gist i aint readin
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>the “holocaust”
Smartest post so far.
I mean that with sincerity
>there are plenty
name 10
newfag doesn’t know how good morning sir meme works
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bbuuuue hhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeee you havent cried about it enough on twaater and thats the only thing that will end world hunger, racism and nascar
So tired of leftists and their hysterical nonsense. Collateral damage is not genocide. Keeping sick men out of the women's restroom is not genocide.
>tired of leftists
They're the ones defending Biden giving Israel bombs. Take your time and think before farting.
>start war
>call it "genocide" when the people you attacked fight back
cuckservative kike worshipping schizobabble
>people you attacked fight back
Please stop defending Palestinians.
sorry achmed you dont get to murder hundreds of innocents at a music festival and then claim genocide when you get btfo
agreed, kikes calling the oct 7 act of resistance against israeli occupation a “genocide” are retarded
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agreed the idf needs to stop crying
I hate savage brown smelly psychopaths who would behead me for not kowtowing their bullshit as much as I do jews though.
>you dont get to murder hundreds of innocents
Please stop justifying Hamas.
I dont care about jews or palifuckystan. I'm more interested in removing the flood of immigrants in my country
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/pol/ is 100% zionist. When you realize the nazi larping on there is keep "antisemitism" meme going, which is what zionism thrives on, it all starts to make sense. For the knowing, it's a LARP. For the unknowing, it's a containment/whining board. If /pol/ was a threat, it would've been shut down long ago. Same with the Jewfront site back in the day. They are tools of Zionism, as are the leaders of the WN movements. That's why they talk big about "being taken over" and Jews and all the rest, but as soon as a line gets drawn and it's Israel or Not, EVERY SINGLE NATIONALIST INFLUENCER defends Israel. They are there to sow division among the goyim and give antisemitism memes power.

Always have been. People were trying to expose this in the 2000s.
than you should support the destruction of israel
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why are (((they))) so ugly
Fuck Jews. Fuck the desert people. Simple as.
you already said fuck jews
Many centuries of miscegenation and inbreeding, the two worst forms of procreation.
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The most dysgenic gaggle of demonic monkeys that have ever been shat out of Baphomet's bunghole
urmmm urrr the urrr sudan and urrrrrrrrrrr ukraine? and maybe.... burma. can't forget those Uyghurs or something. like i said, plenty
the difference is we aren’t funding the other ones with our tax money retarded kike worshipper
Slowest genocide ever.
this is actually true
israel knew there was an attack but didnt know its scale. and even if they did know it, the goal of eradicating hamas is just enough to justify everything else they're doing
i'll add though that it's not a genocide and there's zero proof that one is happening. israel is giving warnings to civilians before they bomb them
what part of "im never commenting on it again" did she not understand?
>israel is giving warnings to civilians before they bomb them
so if hitler told the kikes he was gassing them beforehand it wouldn't have been a genocide?
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>dies for Israel to own the libs
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>gimmick is a smarmy, greedy, evil kike
>get over as heel kike
>real life jews ramp up their evil nature and kill a bunch of little kids
>get called out for not being more vocal about dead kids
>weasel your way out of it and blame the media
If Israel wanted to actually genocide and take over Palestine they would have by now. The US is getting worked by the Israelis to give them more and more money each year.
what compels someone to DM a wrestler about their political positions of all things?
kike detected
or worse, cuckservative goyslave
not true, israel’s army is not the same as the one in the 40s-60s. they can’t even beat hezbollah, they got btfo by 1000 ragheads in caves in 2006
ben netenyahu, current israeli PM from Philadelphia. he was pm for like 8 years in the 90s too
>so if hitler told the kikes he was gassing them beforehand it wouldn't have been a genocide?
/pol/tard iq on display. they're warning the civilians so they get out of the way of the bombs
reminder that your side is losing on every front :)
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based!!! lets give the jews more money to bomb civilians! this really helps america!
people had the same logic in afghanistan, didn't work out
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lol you pedo retards literally couldn’t govern your own country for 100 years before imploding
>at this point I'm not entirely convinced Hamas isn't led by Israel anymore
israel initially funded hamas to destabilize and destroy the more moderate PLO, it's more than likely that they still have a hand in keeping that operation afloat. and that's why hamas will never be defeated. if they were to actually go away, they would have no scapegoat to point to for their actions.
damn kikes are smart
wtf MFJ actually based? i saw that he had the 6 pointed star on his gear or a tattoo or something and assumed the worst.
his match with the spic sucked
Why did you link the archive? It's still up on the source site, unedited.
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>sorry achmed you dont get to murder hundreds of innocents at a music festival
Literally the IDF killed all those people, just like they killed hundreds of hostages to inflate the death toll for Israel in an attempt to legitimize their scorched earth policy in Gaza.

Its not working though.
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>israel initially funded hamas to destabilize and destroy the more moderate PLO, it's more than likely that they still have a hand in keeping that operation afloat. and that's why hamas will never be defeated. if they were to actually go away, they would have no scapegoat to point to for their actions.
Anon won the pony.
their ideology was just borne of contrarianism
Eh, even Mossad have lost their edge these days. They used to psy-op with the best of them, but everyone sees through their bullshit these days.
You could make it make sense if you look at it from a game recognize game angle. Idk who cares though.
who is the best of them then?
can't be the CIA either everyone and their dog is onto them
Max is in the right here and this Abbi bitch sounds retarded. If you give those people an inch, they will take a mile, and it will never be good enough for them either unless you totally submit to thier agenda. It's best to just be quiet and stay out of these types of conversations for the average public person, because your words are bound to get twisted.
WWE must be breathing a sigh of relief they dodged this bullet. Same with KWABspreay.
Bro that quote is about allowing aid to get into Gaza so they allowed funding from Qatar. The quote also was never recorded, just one person claims that he said that.
is this true. seems like a lie though
>What's the reason and why is it still going?
As one anon pointed out, you should do your own research, but I would add that you don't be retarded and just listen to only one side. The partisans on both sides don't give the full context or they simply have no idea of the actual history and just go on vibes. If you're serious about learning this conflict and not trying to larp, there's going to be a lot of history to cover with tons of back-and-forth over the various events. Here is an example of a deep dive into one event from a content creator I trust on this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WutCQj6-NrQ
IDF shot up Jews for a shoot at a rave in Israel near the border with the Palestinian concentration country.
The gouvernment of Israel cut a working promo and blamed the babyfaces for it.
Then they organised a promotional invasion using paragliders, which for some mysterious reason weren't used after taping the show. Makes it look like the paragliders are a work too, from the heels in this programme.
The heels have been attacking the babyfaces ever since.
Heel media celebrates the heels and calls supporting the babyfaces antisemitism.

I answered this in a wrestling way since it's a /pol/ question but on /pw/.
Kinda disturbing just how accurate this give is.
Brain rot post. Even the UN report that claims the Hannibal Directive was initiated says at most 14 civilians were killed after Hamas took them hostage. Why would the paragliders still be in use? You can't carry a hostage on it and it makes more sense to continue on foot until you secure a vehicle. Also, Hamas literally has footage of themselves launching the gliders.
Tbh, israel shoot knows about the paraglider attack and let it happen to justify the counterattack
It's like an AEW comeback segment where the heel goes "look at those terrorists attacking me" and somehow gets over as the babyface with the crowd.

>even the (((UN))) report
Wow that says so much
>at most 14 civilians were killed after being taken hostage
And at least 72 civilians were killed by the IDF at the rave, don't strawman me brother I'm smart to the business.
>why would the paragliders still be in use?
Paramilitary operation of course, striking targets within Israel without using missiles from afar.
Everyone yelled the ballyhoo about it only for that tactic to be used just once. Why surrender the advantage? Because Hamas isn't a rogue organisation, it's actually part of the heel faction.
It was a work all along. All of it.
I think it hilarious how both Israel and those critical of Israel all dismiss the UN, just for different reasons. Whenever some retard says Israel killed dozens of their own people, they always refer to some twitter retard that either made the number up or got it from another retard.

>striking targets within Israel without using missiles from afar
Nigga. The gliders are for transporting the soldiers in. Once they land I'm not even sure if they'll have enough time to set up a direct path to get back in the air. Also how the fuck is Hamas going to continue to use the gliders now when they're completely surrounded in Gaza with the most amount of scrutiny the region has ever experienced in its history? The tactic was only used once because it took a shit ton of time to set up and coordinate. This wasn't something they thought up overnight, they had to plan this attack with Iran.
weak hasbara
the definition on the wiki page may give answers as to why the numbers change
>the wiki page
you mean the wiki that israel trains people to edit putting them in a good light?
>90~ years ago jews in europe decide to move to modern Israel
>get the UK to cede them some territory there and many jews move there en masse
>this really goes into overdrive in lead up to and aftermath of WW2
>original plan was 2 states, but jews wanted an ethnostate
>jews displace ~1/2 of the population by basically bulldozing old villages, rest of them either leave or live only in certain designated areas
>entire arab world spergs out
>numerous wars against israel in the first few decades of it existence, israel wins because most western countries are overwhelmingly on their side
>during all these nonstop wars, two distinct Palestinian sections of israel are developed, the West bank and Gaza (both in the late 60s)
>from that point on, jews and palestinians both develop super strong ethnic hatred
>Israel continually pushes more palestinians into specific areas while settling jews on the land, especially in the west bank
>both israel and the palestinians are pretty blase about murdering civilians
>in gaza specifically, a group called hamas came to power through the last election which iirc was like 20 years ago and their central ideology is hating israel
>roughly around the same time iirc a hyperzionist ultranationalist party comes to power in israel led by Netanyahu
>things keep getting worse and worse, both sides get more radical
>Hamas attacks EDM festival
>kills multiple people, takes hostages as well
>Israel spergs out, mobilizes entire military into Gaza
>mission statement is rescuing the hostages, but there's proof israel actually killed some of them with air strikes unknowingly
>no ceasefire or treaty can be agreed on
>israel starts going over the top, demolishing entire cities and killing tons of civilians. most of their politicians either don't care or are actively supporting this
>lots of people in the US are deeply invested in this for some reason
Jews have essentially administered Apartheid in Israel for decades. Capped amount of non-jews in the city are allowed, in designated places with proper forms and ID. Can't live in the city though so they have to travel back and forth and their families have to worry about them never coming back or being fired etc. Arabs ask for a separate Arab state next to Israel to do the same. Told no. I get it because Israel is already surrounded and adding another organized border they have to protect would not help. Both sides should bomb themselves into dust. They're both the same people that's why they hate each other so much. If Israel didn't have US and Western support it would be looked at as the extremist religious state it is.
also just to answer your original question, the main reason it's still going is that both sides hate each other to the point that anything other than victory would be humiliating.
completely agree tbqh, israel only gets a pass because "muh greatest ally" but it's really not all that different from countries like iran or syria that we clutch pearls over
Or North Korea. They're waging a genocidal war, both sides are, but the Jews hide behind being "persecuted". Maybe at one time. Now they have the most sophisticated military this side of the US. That's what makes them worse to me. Arabs don't hide that they are trying to blow and kill jews and that its holy war for them. Jews claim fucking self defense and that they're threatened.
Cos the US has been funding it for decades. Not some crazy game changing amount but in a way that makes it worse
The US funds Israel because we want the Middle East to stay in turmoil and decentralized. The last thing any Western power wants is ONE nation in control of all that oil. That is becoming less of a priority as time goes on, and the Middle East serves strategic military purposes as well, but the main issue was not wanting any one nation being able to dictate oil prices for the rest of the planet. This is why we play the game of pitting people against each other down there, and only mobilize when one entity makes a power move to sweep across the region. Israel would never try that because it is surrounded by enemies and knows it would become a ground zero for an international world war despite it's military strength.

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