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>nashposting on /pw/
Boring, safe, played out
>nashposting on other boards
Hilarious, pops the boys from the homeboard, works the marks
it always pops me to be scrolling pol at random and then a dozen people just start posting KWAB out of nowhere in relation to the thread
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>mfw I drop a "we don't use that word here" on /pol/ and draw massive heat
KWASSWM (kek what a successful site wide meme)
What word?
yeah I'm in that /v/ thread too
I think making nash threads is played out too, I'm all about taking another thread and converting it INTO a nash thread by getting a devastating 92 accompanied with a lil nashposting.
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Nashposting is mainstream. Even boomer sjw videogame journalists are joking about Nash getting raped by blacks on their livestreams.
Nash posting Renaissance incoming

I can't even so much as sneeze without catching a ban on other boards.
You can actually get some of those irate pol weirdos to engage you doing nothing but pw speak
I got banned for two days for posting Rikishi's ass in a thread about Israel
What sad lives you people live.
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Nothing is funnier than to me than getting a couple dozen (You)s from anons in Brazil and India calling me a nigger.
How very antisemitic of you.
can you explain the difference between OP and you making 10s of 502k live threads etc? You dislike AEW so you spam your memes, he dislikes Nashposting so he does his.
I honestly wonder how many mass suicides there would be if this site ever went down.
best one I ever got was after asking one for "so redpill me on the the conflict then" he gave like 2 long paragraphs of text that I didn't read and responded "so you don't know" and he wrote like 6 more.
Get someone to post a paragraph long response then shoot on them with "huh what u mean?"

creates long term storytelling
You're welcome.
kek yeah the marks are on /pol/ brother, work them with a "You tell me" and watch them regurgitate autistic brainrot for hours on end
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Only two days? 99% of the time I catch the standard 3 day all boards ban. I've only been banned on /pw/ a few times, though. Couple times for Nashposting and once for making a /feet/ general.
You spend your entire day forcing a dead meme. How on earth can you claim superiority over anyone else?
You tell me.
Don't care, still gonna post Nash threads LOL
Sup Wolfston
So whats the plan when your parents die and can't take care of you anymore?
So you don't know.
so you don't know
You tell me.
Why don't you use your trip anymore?
Why don't you tell us?
Actually it was probably standard 3 days I didn't really pay attention, just found it funny that Rikishi's ass was somehow more offense than half a dozen threads of Russians getting blown into beef stew
Hey Robert
So they didn't tell ya, huh?
Once your parents die who is going to pay to support you?
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said no one ever LOL Still gonna post Nash threads!
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nashposting on other boards is an organic joke that only happens once in a while so it's still funny
nashposting here has 30 forced tryhard threads a day and everybody except the BBCcord just scrolls straight past the spam
Your tax dollars kek
the truth makes wolfcoon seethe lol
Any idea what the R stands for in Kevin R Nash?
You can't be a NEET forever since your parents won't live forever. You have a plan for when they die......right?
Do I have a plan?
He's low key asking for advice. I guess his parents are sick or getting up there in age
Don't care, still gonna post more Nash threads and you'll do absolutely nothing about it, besides cry, because you're a powerless bitch LOL
You're talking to four different niggas right now
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afraid so
wolfcoon lost again...
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it do be like that
So you don't know?
I am just saying one day your parents are going to die then life is going to hit you fast since you refuse to get a job.
get a clue
get new parents
I'm gonna have your mother adopt me so she can finally have a son that doesn't cry over a meme lol
Just another manic Lundy
many are saying this
Hey I'm the one poster about just repeating you tell me and so you dont know but im gonna break Kayfabe and ask how much you earn working? I see you on here alot im not ashamed of being jobless like most i make 1k in neetbux a month and get a free house paid for rent and rates. Have a girlfriend and am generally pretty happy. How much do you make and are you happy?
You do realize your parents will die one day right all memes aside?
Of course he isn't happy, he spends all day crying about a meme and taking a 4chan board seriously
for fuck sake I wanted to genuinely interact with him and got a fucking 92.
They are already dead, still gonna feed the Nash threads.
I'll join Christian's stable
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There is no point attempting to have a genuine interaction, Piggy is one of the biggest faggots that uses this board. Reminder that he abandoned his trip because he got caught posting on /lgbt/
Yes of course I do, my parents are both late 50s. They have lived full lives already, they know im happy with my girlfriend and don't have to work because where I'm from the mentally ill are taken care of so they don't become dangerously angry, shame wherever you are isn't the same, hope if you do work a job, because you never answered my question, that you don't lose it become jobless and become a danger to others because like above poster said you seem worse of mentally than me.
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Once they die you have to take care of yourself. You should really start thinking about that now.
lol Hey man, you really shouldn't take a 4chan board this seriously. It can't be healthy for you to spend all day seething because people are managing to have fun.
I already take care of myself you keep ignoring the honest attempts from me to interact, I live on my own, have the government paying me to do nothing but what I want to do that day, and I still probably spend less time on this board than you, I go to the gym monday to friday, I eat well and have a good sex life. You talk about peoples parents in an attempt to evoke emotion, i'd do the same but you'd probably grieve more for the loss of this board.
Tristen D Nash life status?
Why are you even bothering replying? He's said nothing but the same shit and he's not going to actually reply with anything different.
Can't you read? They are already dead.
Still gonna feed Nash threads.
So i can screencap it for his next inevitable "why cant i get a genuine interaction on this board mods step it up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" thread.
So whats stopping you from finding a job now?
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It's pretty funny watching someone have a mental breakdown in the thread while accusing others of not having their life together lol
Because it's fun.
If I find a job I have to pay my own rent and work, if I claim neetbux they pay me rent and I don't have to work. My neetbux probably outearn what you have left to spend but you won't post what you make because its likely a pittance.
kek don't do it anon, he's already fuming
I look forward to him screenshotting all of your replies and then for the next 6 months posting it while screaming "SEE NASH POSTERS ARE NEETS" while also completely ignoring that you're genuine and likely in a better place both financially and mentally than he is
There are websites that help you find jobs easily.
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>"Razor, you've just been told the unfortunate news about Diesel. We know this is a tough time. Do you have a response?"
What do you do for a living anon?
Which one? Been trying to find an entry level online job because construction keeps laying me off.
Already have one, why don't you have one?
Also still gonna feed Nash thread.
lol this thread did not go how seething anon planned whatsoever
Why not use the sites and stop being a disappointment to your parents?
Oh okay. Which sites?
Nash was raped
Funniest thing is yesterday in that thread about Nash taking shots at Bryan for eating curried goat, got another accidental 92 and someone posted a 3 year old 92 of mine also, I don't even intend to do this to wolfcoon. I barely browse /pw/ tried to watch AEW when it started lost interest tried to get back into new era WWE couldn't. I browse for the memes mostly but never make a thread, hes a genuine mental case and I'm often found in threads trying to talk to him about how hes just as much responsible for rape threads as the nashposters because a flame needs oxygen to burn and he is the hot air behind the fires of rape.
Maybe because they are already dead?
Still gonna feed Nash threads.
Big box retailers all have sites you can use to try to find a job.
That's what is so funny about Lundy and Piggy getting so upset. They've been worked into thinking there is some secretive group and the reality is that it's just random anons posting the threads.

They both have to spend multiples hours a day to combat it. Most of the people they bitch about just chime in to fuck with them.
Nothing says "I am mad" more than having to make post after post claiming you aren't mad.
theres an increasing number of threads that are anti-nash that people spam for 92s in and they are directly his fault and yeah, they talk about their group dedicating to merking threads etc, the idea they coordinate and think nashposters do the same is fucking wild.
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I just got a job and it sucked so I quit and I'm back here to post with you
Fast food chains have them too
Is that where you work?
You would know.
Nashposting will literally never stop so seethe about it, wolfbitch
We all just got jobs and quit so we could post with you
It's not Wolfbitch, he never breaks gimmick. This reeks of Fair Troon's uncreative trolling attempts.
Wanna know something fucked, wolfcucks kids travelled back in time and did it.
Just to make that one faggot mad.
Nash was raped in the summer of 92.
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Good God...
Drugstores have them too.
two more 92s to extend nashposting for a few days courtesy of a thread you made, don't you get it yet, both were accidental attempts at conversation.
>this autism is how you beat Nash rape threads
I never realized it was this easy. Look how many people that autist has seething now
Yeah until you look at the catalogue and realized four threads just sprang up to spite this tard.
Don't care, still gonna post Nash threads lol
You ain't foolin' nobody, wolfbitch.
I know, Ric uses it to make his alimony payments
You NEET incels don't want job advice anymore? Already burned out?
You're not really being interesting enough, as per usual. Creativity never was your strong suit Piggy
Sporting goods stores also have websites you could use.
Nash was raped lol
Also home improvement stores
Nash was raped in a home improvement store
But there are also aggregate sites as well.
I thought it was an alley?
Nash was raped on a aggregate site
You don't want rape advice anymore? Already burned out?
Sites that contain listings from different companies.
Nash was raped on a site that contained listings from different companies.
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a back alley
Nash was raped
Oh dear
Nash went to a drugstore for pain medicine after, well, you know
Like linkedin
oh no no no
Nash got linkedin to the black community
A group of hard pipe hittin niggas Linkedin Kevin's asshole back in 92
OR so I've heard
WHICH ONE OF YOU WAS THIS? >>>/sp/142223435
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>Yo Raz, it's me Big Kev. Well, it happened. Turns out I was raped.
lol Piggy is crying on /sp/ now from his US flag
kek 92posting is now a worldwide phenomenon
waves WERE, in fact, made.
Why are all Americans pathetic? Nash rape threads make them seethe? Why can't they handle any banter?
You NEET incels don't want job advice anymore? Already burned out?
Ok you all ran away looks like. That was easy. I will take my W. Never seen so much seething in a thread by discord incels before.
Uh, friend. You might wanna take a look at this... >>>/sp/142223435
We're in here retard >>>/sp/142223435
nash was raped
The jannies there don't play around
wonder if they banned me kek
Maybe anon, it didn't have enough pictures of Kevin R. Nash getting his chocolate monkeys pushed in
They didn't. At least not board wide. I don't use /sp/ anyway
Were any of the mahogany assailants that hard R'd Nash offside?
Did they have VAR back in 92?
/pw/ jannies know to ignreo wolfie's report spam

but other board jannies usually murk the R threads

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