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Dijak confirmed to have been talking to dirtsheets.

All the PWG geeks do
So what? Flair and Rock used to talk to dirtsheets
Fucking leaker with his crocodile tears
this is so gay
Only talked to Meltzers because the kike paid off his bar tab.
Gerwitz was the one leaking shit and using Dwaynes name.
Gee whiz I wonder what they had in common.
I hate snitches
imagine being one of the less than 300 pro wrestlers who make subsistence wages and are viewable on any type of platform and THEN also needing to validate yourself to GEEK LOSERS who write about you online. unbelievable. I can't think of a reason to leak shit in 2024. especially if you are in WWE already. played himself unfortuantely.
Dijak is with Mansoor and Mace and they are all online smarks basically
>exposing your sources for social media clout
And the dirtsheets pretend they’re actual media
it's spelled Trans rights-BAR
So DiKWAB lost his well paying job because he wanted clout with fake journalists?

These guys are in line to make millions over time and instead they have to feel "big" by talking to fake journos and surfing pw. Die-jak has almost as many brain cells as Ryback.
>Dirtsheet fags get: quasi-accurate gossip
>Dijak gets:
kek. what are these GEEKS going to help him with? good press? I can understand sucking up to Meltzer in 1994 or even 2004 but what are these losers going to help you with? you're already in WWE you stupid self mark fuck. listen to the boss and hold on to your spot.
I bet he comes to /PeeDub/ to get mad as well
Ah so they canned him for being a traitor
Explains why he was so overly defensive when initially called out
All other companies steer clear of this guy
Honestly, I don't think he's on here too often. Especially not compared to Manny and Dio.
>BasedJak is still going on Xitter
This dude is gonna kill himself instead he
its absolutely him defending himself in most of these threads, nobody else gives a flying fuck about dijak. SRS does the same shit funnily enough.
>Isn't he
GMS to myself.
holy shit dijak is a fuckin LOSER lmao KWAB what a dumbass
Teenage girl dijack is too soft
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The funny thing is, this was only posted because he tried denying it earlier.
>And the dirtsheets pretend they’re actual media
Actual media generally reveals their sources unless it's to protect someone that could be in danger or has some legal passage for it, dumbass. Dirtsheets are so far removed from that because they want to roleplay as gossiping high school females.
This. He's been on here making threads about being free. If this was 5 years ago this faggot would have released a video on his social media of him escaping out of a jail cell and breaking his handcuffs. So tired of these delusional faggots. A small percentage can even be in the industry making a great living. An even smaller amount are capable of becoming actual draws. HBK gave this guy a lifetime gimmick and he instead is going to make a quarter of the cash doing it on the indies because he needed SRS to move his hand up his leather pants slowly. BTW Bijak, great way to dispel rumors of leaking to SRS by going on his show immediately and dishing dirt.
Dijak is uppity cause he doesn't get a cut anymore from the dirtsheets cause he's a fired ass bitch kek
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kek based
hahahaha lol no
>I'm going to reveal this source so he can't get a job
yes, this is what all real reporters do
Flair and Rock? They were main eventers who drew dimes.
>nobody else gives a flying fuck about dijak.
someone clearly got worked about that stream he was in, there's been damn near hourly threads whining about him
he got what he deserved
faggot troon
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Just leaving this here…
>censoring texts
Nah, bullshit
not really surprising, makes me wonder if the top brass even care what the dirtsheets say if they're not actively fucking with them
Wow thanks for the update Twitter tranny
And Jericho. And Punk
kek based piggies btfo
You’re welcome homo
So they're just trying to root out the dirtsheets? Fine by me.
>yes, this is what all real reporters do
you don't know anything about real journalism, just dirtsheetism which is the complete opposite of it
you have generally three reasons that identity is protected
>life in possible danger
no dirtsheet "leaker" is actually qualified under any of these enumerated circumstances especially since their own actions would put them under legal jeopardy themselves, and two wrongs only make a left libcuck
you screwing your own job up when you are contractually obligated to not "leak" that kind of shit is your own undoing, not real journalists' fault that you took that risk
when you have a real issue to "leak" then you can qualify, but otherwise you're a bitch, bitch
B-but anon, Vince is a literal Irish mob guy with connections with every other racial gangs in New York and New England, surely a leaker's life would be in danger if he found out.
If this were true SRS might actually get shit right from time to time.
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>Actual media generally reveals their sources unless it's to protect someone that could be in danger
This isn't true. Literally all you have to do is ask to keep something off the record or ask you be anonymous and a real journalist will respect that. It happens all the fucking time, and it's so others who may wish to remain anonymous will trust them. Now, a good journalist will go through extra channels to verify the source's information, especially if they're anonymous so you don't have to just take their word for it. But that's it.
yes it happens in that case "all the time" but that's because that generally falls within statutory, legal, or some guy playin the whistleblower and journalists report on things that matter such as violations of law committed by those in charge, and even then the limits of reporter's privilege can be overriden by the guvs if the criteria are met to force the hand of a reporter that can be held in contempt but that's another discussion

but one thing that sure isn't in that classification is rasslin insider info and that's often shit public needs to know about, dijak knowingly talking to people about things he shouldn't be revealing is his own undoing and he can fuck off to gayewland for all any faggot tranno cares
rasslin insider info is closer to trade secrets even if we have already exposed the business 100x over, but it's the same with vidya and smash bros character roster bullshit, it's not something we as the public need to know about and leaking such can be a violation of law in itself as can be demonstrated and dijak is lucky he was only fired
>and that's often shit public needs to know about
whoops that wasn't supposed to be there
every top wrestler in history has leaked to dirtsheets
Why would they let his contract run out instead of fire him if this were true? Triple H personally called SRS to apologize after shitting on Fightful.
I don't think he got fired for leaking, but those two are not the same thing.
so Dijak talked to a dirtsheet in 2020 and they decided to punish him by letting him go 4 years later? Are drones this retarded?

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