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Why is Hogan not as respected as the other greats like Austin, Rock, Flair, Sting, Foley, and Taker?
They’re jealous of him and disguise it as MUH HECKIN RACISM!!!!
Because Hogan wouldn't waste his time with a dead and cancelled tranny promotion like STINK would
In this particular instance, it was likely due to his role in screwing over the retiring man at the peak of their feud.
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Remember when Tony Khan had endless overruns where nothing ever happens, but the one time it was needed (Sting's retirement speech), Tony had to end the show... KWAB!
I'd guess he has no respect among peers because he fucked over all of his peers to get where he is
because he said the word
Hogan gets massive respect from his peers. All the greats praise Hogan, and that includes Sting, Flair, Austin, and Rock. It's only the indie smarks that hate Hogan, along with zoomers who get triggered by a word (for context, that word is "nigger," and we do say that here).
Booker T called Hogan "nigger" first. That's basically an N-Word Pass.
There's a video of him calling his daughters boyfriend a nigger, and to cap it off he literally says "I'm racist to a point, you know, fuck niggers". It's probably one of the worst things a wrestler has ever been caught on camera saying. The fact that he's back in WWE is a bit mental
Was he casually using it while eating Pizza Hut? This is important
I don't get what you're referring to but he was in a bedroom
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Can't explain. I cannot hate the Hulkster, just can't, brother
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I respect Hulk Hogan because he stands up for what is right and has no problem using the word even if it gets him massive heat for the rest of his life
This type of shit should have been expected after the powers that be almost ruined time management on the pre-AEW All In show. I remember them rushing the 6 man tag main event
Said the n word.
Hulkamania is wasn’t even that big of a deal.
NWO stuff never got a good conclusion due to his ego.
Considering AEW fans are massive tranny faggot nigger lovers led by a dog wanking virgin paki, I'd take it as a compliment.
The new media tried to destroy Hogan. It was supposed to be an easy takedown on a guy who was a dinosaur and had been relegated from top wrestler in the world to Hogan Knows Best.

Instead he rebuked them so hard he destroyed the outlet that went after him. He has been a marked man ever since.
It's 20 years from his final run. The fan turnover since he was the top guy ever has left a shattered husk of casual/normie/marks, Joshi weirdos and Meltzer tier smarks. He's legitimately the greatest wrestler of all-time.
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Hogan said that he wanted his daughter to date rich black guys, not a nigger. Hogan knows the difference, as does everyone else. Even black guys don't want their daughters dating niggers. And everyone (black and white) is racist "to a point." Based Hulkster is just being honest about.
It's almost like the aew audience are the fat smark types. These people are the first eat up dirtsheets and narratives.
>and we do say that here
Thanks for clarifying that, Dog The Bounty Hunter.
He raped Gawker so hard the media tried to make a documentary spinning it in their favor.
I mean...
This. NWO didn't end with some massive bang. It ended when Vincent joined the West Texas Rednecks as Curly Bill.
because he won the game. all of them are selfish, lying carnies, and he got to the top. simple and plain.
Everyone will celebrate when this chud faggot dies lmao
They are jealous none of them will ever be paid as much as Hogan was in 1998.
Impact is selling out, AEW isn't
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I don't know how you faggots can respect Hogan after the Gawker leaks.

And it's not about the fact that he said "nigger," who cares.
What REALLY is disgusting about that leak is that Hogan says he's fine with his blonde, white daughter being fucked by niggers as long as they're rich ("a rapper or something," he says).

So all of these /pol/fags coming out of their way to defend a greedy race traitor that would sell out his own flesh and blood to niggers for money has always been amusing to me.
He's SCUM.
I always took it as on of those Dick Envy things, where Hulk had enough money and popularity and status to get just about anything in the world he ever wanted......except a big dick. Can't buy it, can't get it in the gym, can't earn it through respect or status or prestige or anything else. Pure genetics. If it were Arabs who had the biggest dicks, I think he'd be saying Fuck Arabs instead.
>he stands up for what is right
Not always. I like Hulk but he did his fellow wrestlers dirty back in the old days when he ratted on Jess Ventura for trying to form a union of wrestlers. Hulk screwed over a lot of people just to protect his own career and was richly rewarded for it.
The biggest mistake the AEW fans made was booing Hulk Hogan's name. It's no coincidence what has happened to their beloved wrestling company since that fateful day
Only smarks hate him
Why does Flair get a pass for being racist? Is it the recency of Hogan's crap? Do black people not know Flair is a massive racist?
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Ultimately, The Hulkster always goes over brother.
Anyone with half a brain is racist
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You have half a brain and that's why you're a retarded racist
He is. Gayew niggers don’t count as people.
Hulk Hogan is american culture
Cause all your accomplishments and all the good stuff you did is automatically voided if you dare say nigger
People this gullible shouldn’t be allowed in the internet
>Why is Hogan not as respected
Hulk Hogan is beloved by all the people whose opinions matter
Media types tried to bury the Hulkster because those Florida beach gangbangers Hogan was talking about are the ones who sell them drugs and shit.
They're just heaping coals on their own heads.
Hulk's last big significant run was in the early 00s and before that in the mid 90s with nWo. Most fans today are too young to really remember him. Then factor in smark brainrot and that to them, Hogan "can't wrestle" and is also a politicker who sabotage or tried to sabotage everyone. Lastly there is the agenda side of things, he is disliked by a lot of fans simply because he said one word, even in the privacy of his own home.
You need to go back
You need to go back to the 19th century, chud
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>cutting name off
He is the most of his time wrestler ever, the gap between his popularity at his peak and how well he'd translate to a modern audience is the widest of all of the other all-timers. Of those you listed, the only one that would have close to as much trouble getting over would be Taker, and he has enough skill in the ring and a good enough look/gimmick to make up for it. Hogan was middling in the ring in a time where work rate is valued a lot more, and he could be pretty fucking awful on the mic at his worst despite having natural charisma. Of Austin, Rock, Sting, Foley, Taker, Bret Hart, etc, Hogan is the only all-timer that I can't see getting over today without being near unrecognizably repackaged.

New audiences can't really look back fondly on his in-ring stuff, so what you're left with to reminisce on if you're below the age of 40 is Hogan-era TNA, the NWO petering out horribly due to Hogan's creative control, the Gawker tape, the weird constant lying, and burying, politicking, or otherwise screwing over a lot of talent in his heyday, including many other peoples' all-time favorites like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Taker, Sting, Randy Orton, et cetera. There's just not a lot to remember fondly, as his work shows its age and younger and younger waves of fans get into wrestling.
racist piece of shit
No what he said was "if it has to be one of them, why can't it be a basketball player" he would rather it was a white man, but if his daughter is gonna be a niggers whore, couldn't she atleast choose a good one?
he said the nigger word
Terry's a known liar. has been since the 80s. he's spent 43 years in Professional Wrestling trying desperately to cling onto what little remained of Hulkamania after 1989. Certainly after Survivor Series 1992 when The Undertaker put the figurative final nail in the coffin of Hulkamania.

Terry has buried performer after performer, and ruined or attempted to ruin multiple careers for decades on end because he's a spoiled, selfish asshole who wants to be eternal champion in absolutely every single wrestling promotion around the world, when he didn't even deserve to be in AWA, WCW or The WWF.

He's a liar, a thief, a fraud, and a fucking jabroni.
anyone would sell out when only 200 people can buy tickets, anon
that's 200 more costumers than AEW

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