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Kek it do be like that
I watch tna now because Joe hendy showed up nxt so it worked
These people don't watch NXT or TNA and are seething that everyone involved is fine with the deal
>NXT got Jordynne Grace their women's champion
>TNA got.......Tatum Paxley
I mean, folks....
TNA are the dumb ugly whore swooning at her chance to get fucked and chucked by a popular boy if it means the 2nd hottest chick is annoyed for 2 seconds about it.
I only watch TNA and am not fine with the deal. Literally whos wasting tv time that was already being wasted by fucking dolph ziggler and his brother after it was wasted by useless naomi after it was wasted by useless mickie james after it was...
They have a talented roster to push instead of these fucking retards.
At least Regal's son seems ok? The hair is a bit retarded.
True Owlchads aren't happy with this
remember when nL was actually good and not a tranny rodeo?
yeah why don't they send cena or orton to job to someone no one has ever heard of in front of a crowd smaller than an aew show on a tuesday
nL was never good they were always fags and you were a fag back then too
Thats been more than a decade at least.
>These people don't watch NXT or TNA
Prove it
because wwe is all one big movie and not real like triple h said. logically, then, tna is a different movie. so why not? they're actors right? actors play different roles.
Ok you guys can have DIY and new catch repulsive and we can get joe hedry and moose
TNA is canon in the WWE universe
they've been trannies for at least 8 years now
Trannies relentlessly seething over wrestling school is so funny
Jordynne Grace is literally having a big PPV match with Dana Brooke and they are mad about Tatum Paxley.
>a big PPV match
Ass by smellagain is awful. The only saving grace is Iceman trying his fucking best to get her over as a heel. Grace's 800th title run has been awfully boring and her weakest work since she got an ego. This match is another snoozefest waiting to happen. At least it won't be the main event.
no one wants to see that disgusting roided pig
>mfw the NXTNA partnership leads to NXT wrestlers showing up in TNA (I am shocked)
Sadly there isn't really anyone in nxt worth showing up on TNA. Tatum was a treat because at least she's white.
The point is WWE is getting TNA's biggest names and in return they are getting nobodies. It's not even like they are sending the top names in NXT to TNA, let alone major WWE talent.
'Soundwave' has some kind of nL connection? I watched tons of their stuff back in the day and I've never heard of the fucker in my life
He did stuff with them back in the early days but hasn't be active within the content in like a decade
All going to be worth it when AJ Styles fights Josh Alexander at Bound For Glory
(this is never happening)
Didn't this faggot used to be in nL? What a faggot.
trust me you'd rather have the smaller nxt names than like shawn spears or gallus
Charlie Dempsey is someone I've paid attention to since I started watching NXT and he's pretty good. Not sure what, if anything, the NXT stuff will build to in TNA though. I can't see any TNA guys WWE don't want going over anyone decent

Maybe they could do Styles vs Hendry at BFG. Rumours it might be in London. Him going over AJ would be a pretty big rub and would give him some cred when he signs with WWE. They'll probably do something similar with Grace and Natalya or something
>Charlie Dempsey
He looks like an angry roided out Chris Sabin.
Styles vs Hendry would be a waste. Josh Alexander is the match there.
TNA fans might honestly be the most delusional wrestling fans in existence, even more than AEW troons. They basically still think it's 2005 and that TNA is still (or ever was) some kind of threat to WWE or any wrestling compay despite the fact they're basically a high level indie now.
Tatum is better
Or maybe people who watch impact/tna just like better wrestling? Crazy thought I know.
the formation of AEW was like the Trump election for wrestling fans - You could instantly tell who the faggots were after it was formed. nL exposed themselves pretty fast after that
When TNA or AEW wrestlers sign with WWE they normally go to NXT first, it's not that weird
And Grace already jobbed out to the nxt women's champion
...this is actually kind of accurate well done anon
huge pop
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luv tatum
>Doesn't appreciate Tatum or big snusnu Izzi over bogged goblin muscle woman.
Jesus christ mang. Get a grip Gresham.
do people on twitter think that tna is on the same level as WWE?
>Hendry going over styles
That is stupid AF I don't want them facing each other nor aj taking the pin from that faggot
Yeah AJ Styles barely winning against Josh Alexander is dimes incarnate.
I don't think WWE want Josh so don't think they'll do it. He's not really their top guy right now either. It would be the better match but TNA should try and capitalise on some of the Hendry buzz
Have you seen Jordynne Grace? They won in that deal
It doesn't matter about wanting talent in WWE its about what is the money match. Hendry is better with someone like the samoans, cody, etc. than AJ Styles who is a TNA legend. Hendry may be a solid hand outside the ring but he didn't carry TNA on his back for years like Josh did.
Basically you put Hendry on WWE TV and AJ on TNA tv is what I'm saying though
Literally why should TNA be presented as an equal to WWE? They know their place. They're a smaller company and nobody wants to be there forever. But getting some wrestlers who are seen by 600k-700k people every week is a good thing for them.
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TNA's top guys like Joe Hendry and Frankie Kazarian lmao
To be fair, I was the crab man on the left during the AEW/TNA shit and that was fucking awful so I can see TNA viewers being apprehensive. Of course aew and wwe trannies are going to make it even worse because they are children.
No, they're seething AEW fans who hate WWE with all their heart and soul, and are doing anything they can to create a narrative that WWE is the bad guy.
>Thanks for letting your champ job to our midcarders, here Miran Kalaidscopen! Make sure xhe looks good when she wins her match tonight!
I'm sorry, but I don't think it's out of pocket to say guys who wrestle on the USA network are more famous than the TNA guys.
How does he know TNA is sending their best talent if he doesn't watch the show? If he wanted NXT, he would know who Paxley is and he would know who NQCC is.
Hello, TNA fan here, I'm not watching wwe or aew no matter what stupid crossover bullshit they do. Thanks and have a nice day.
It was a storyline started in NXT then paid off in TNA. Sounds like a good idea to me.
A main roster midcarder in NXT is a main eventer. A NXT midcarder in TNA is a main eventer. A TNA main eventer in NXT is a midcarder.

Like it or not, there's levels.
I'd rather have pale white tatum than about half the current knockouts no question.
An AEW midcarder is WWE's top champion

Levels, like you said
An NXT dropout is AEW's top champion and he's barely drawing 600k in the ratings.

There are levels to this.
That is true

But so is mine lol
That has never been the case with TNA for 99% of its existence. Like I said, you fucks are delusional.
The x-division alone has been some of the best wrestling on tv every year since tna existed even in its worst times. The knockouts while garbage now for the most part were leaps and bounds above a lot of feds and the feds never caught up, tna regressed.
The only delusional one is faggots like you that pay people online to tell them what to think. You never watched TNA nor do I expect you to. I do expect you to shut you faggot mouth though and stick to things you do know. Sucking cocks, wwe, and aew.
TNA regularly pulls under 100k and doesn't even make it onto ratings list anymores. NXT, peaks and valleys aside, does like 600k on average. They're orders of magnitudes better known than most of TNA's wrestlers.
And you regularly pull no bitches but TNA is still the best weekly wrestling program on tv or streaming.
>TNA regularly pulls under 100k and doesn't even make it onto ratings list anymores.
That's true but a lot of people are probably watching on YouTube, so that wouldn't be included in the ratings.
Chances are pretty damn high I've never heard of TNA's "biggest talents" either.
And they ran a bunch of people that watch youtube to TNA+ recently.
Honestly I think that all wrestling gets higher tv viewership than people think because the reporting is busted and inaccurate as fuck, also that the streaming numbers are pretty decent, especially for shit like TNA and WWE's other shows, AEW, etc.
That said, fuck wwe and aew kek
Giga cope, more people aren't paying to watch TNA on youtube.
No, you are quite fucking retarded
"more people" than what? I'm just saying a lot of people are watching wrestling both on tv and online. More than the ratings show. I'm not saying TNA beats any company or anything. Thats weird console war shit for niggers and faggots.
Wow, a small time network gets small time ratings. Look at the big brain on this faggot
Why does TNA make you faggots seethe for over 20 years now?
Whats interesting is how TNA is generally the best thing on that network ratingswise by a longshot and it was the same thing I think back in the Destination America days. Shows at least it does have an audience that goes to that network just for TNA.
Who is to send? The issue is any top tna talent is gonna go to wwe
Send Barood.
Thread is rich after tonight.

LFI - lost
Kidd/Ishiiii - lost
Hechicero - buried
Tanahashi - lost
Shingo - lost
Mina is about to lose
Vaquer will lose

NJPW/CMLL have only won tonight if they have AEW on their team

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