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Next shows
June 30th, [AEW x NJPW] "Forbidden Door 2024", UBS Arena, Long Island NY, 6:30PM ET (July 1, 7:30AM JST)
>AEW Women's World Championship Match: Toni Storm (AEW) vs Mina Shirakawa (STARDOM/EXV)
>Zero Hour: Willow Nightingale (AEW) & Tam Nakano (STARDOM/COSMIC ANGELS) vs Kris Statlander (AEW) & Momo Watanabe (STARDOM/Oedo Tai)
>rest of card https://www.allelitewrestling.com/aew-event/aew-forbidden-door-2024

July 3rd, [WAVE] "ReAL NAMI NO HI '24", Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo, 6:45PM JST
>Risa Sera (PROMINENCE) vs Saya Kamitani (STARDOM/Queen's Quest)
>Ranna Yagami (STARDOM/God's Eye) vs Chi Chi (Evolution)
>rest of card https://pro-w-wave.com/schedule.html

July 4th, "STARDOM NIGHTER in KORAKUEN", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 6:30PM JST (LIVE)
>Mika Iwata & Manami (Sendai Girls Pro Wrestling) vs Saori Anou & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS)
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240704_korakuen/?mc_id=1041

July 6th, [Produced by Nao Kakuta] "CROSS", Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo, 12:00PM JST
>Nao Kakuta (Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling) & Tae Honma vs Saori Anou & Natsupoi (STARDOM/COSMIC ANGELS)
>*Special ring announcer: Aiba Aina
>Maika Ozaki vs HIMAWARI (Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling)
>Graduation commemoration Battle Royale: Mizuki, Suzume, Arisu Endo, Pom Harajuku, Yuki Arai (Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling)
>Cherry vs Kakeru Sekiguchi
>*Special referee: Himeka

July 7th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Jul.", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240707_korakuen/?mc_id=1024

Previous >>15084569
battle kitto
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Hazuki's latest victim
Nice boobs, Kitto!
I need Macho Gori-SAN’s gorilla grip vagina on my penis
nigga looks like a thumb
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Bad Skin Hanan, give her oxypads
So the Tsujischizo makes these threads? Stardombros, you're fucked.
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wow ari made the thread this time, guess xir's shift ended
keep your melty to one thread weirdo
I feel blessed not to know who the fuck you’re talking about
Please let me watch when you go visit Despy
Cute Ace
Schizo, you're the one tard who uses that word. You sad, shut-in, terminally online reject.
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Yall are some strange little dudes
Take a foot to calm your nerves
that is his gimmick, every poster is the same person, I will be accused of being you for replying
saya iida is having an amazing career
Yeah, that's how you work, schizo. You've been outed as a samefagging retard in every Marigold thread. Tap open on PC, browser in your phone. Boring and predictable autism.
pixelated as fuck
I swear I've seen that same technique used in other threads a lot, but I can't seem to remember which ones. hmmm
Lmao wtf
Yeah, I get that this is a new thread and people in here don't know what you do, so you're pretending to be someone else again, but you're a shut-in and a retard.
>comments posted around the same time, usually in agreement
Keep seethin' schizo.
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amasaki miyu
Well this sucks
Why does Miyu almost never look happy?
Very thread cleansing photo
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This one is better
He'll get bored and go back to the schizo general soon enough
An entire Ram foot in my mouth
And you keep going because you want the last word.
Classic schizo.
Any poisonous shit in these threads? It's this autistic cunt who's behind it.
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…is it over now
quick get saori a big white cock asap
saya needs me
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Yup. This is what he does and has done for over two years. Samefagging and spamming autistic shit every fucking day on here. Literally 24/7.
He pisses and shits himself whenever anyone; talks about players he doesn't like, asses, or posts .webms. He'll spam and samefag shit constantly and astroturf engagement.
He's also the pube who posts "joshipedo" and stirs up shit in threads for attention and engagement.
Just letting you know Stardombros. Don't let him ruin your general like he did every other one.
I'll go back to lurking now.
the new saori anou character is somehow worse than thekla idol kiiller character
>The management bears a heavy responsibility for allowing Kamiya, who lacks the mentality of a champion, to hold the Wonder title for such a long period of time.

>The guy who yelled at Kamitani is bad, but Okataro is also bad for making a character like this appear at a signing event. Didn't anyone expect this to happen? It's a common problem in the film industry.
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cumming on dash's mole
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Comomo lives like this?
Are you a retarded person
Not diagnosed.
reliable sources are reporting that sayas dog ate her out last night and it didn't cure her depression
she's too far gone
The ring is connected to the mirror
Don’t be sick
rhythm should be recruited to join the cosmic angels
Her and Lady C swapped tips while in Queens Quest.
Never mind, i see elevator button, this is clearly not Comomo's apartments.
Dogs aren’t like that
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Lmao you retard she’s at the meet and greeto
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this is now a Shiki thread post Shikis
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As a depressed person myself I find this unfunny and uncool
shiki shibusawa would have been in the cosmic angels
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She hasn't had a good dicking since college in the UK, if ever. However I would like to attempt to fill that void and hopefully put a smile on her face.
go give more money to the girls who wouldn't spit on you to save your life That will help
When did she come back from her home planet?
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Me asking Big Hanako for uppies
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i doubt that miyu amasaki and starlight kid ever talked to each other
lmao can't unsee it now
Forbidden Door soon brothers, I hope Momo gets a good pop
What did she mean by this?
There will be no pop, 99% of the audience haven't heard of her yet. It took Mina 3 appearances before the crowd started reacting to her
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Miss this Alien Head player like you wouldn't believe
come on baby i am ranna
They can make up for lost time now that they're in the same unit by spending all day finger blasting each other
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I wonder how this all ended. Why is everything that is good doomed to tragedy?
The good old days....
I miss Utami getting shitfaced drunk so she could make it through these segments
harada's fault
>[Stardom] "One-person QQ" Saya Kamitani considers "opening the door" to long-established unit

>Saya Kamitani (27), the high-speed champion of the women's professional wrestling group "Stardom," is considering a plan to rebuild the long-established unit. "Queen's Quest (QQ)," which lost in the final battle against "Oedo Tai" at the Yoyogi tournament on June 22, had AZM, Hina, Lady C, and Miyu Amasaki expelled. What is Kamitani thinking now that she is "the only QQ member"?

>In the final battle against Oedo Tai, which was held as an "elimination match in which the unit other than the final loser would be expelled", Kamitani was defeated in the end. She apologized to the members who were forced to leave in tears, and fell into the depths of despair.

>However, her mood seems to be improving with each passing day, and on June 29th at Korakuen Hall she defeated Oedo Tai's Fukigen Death in her second defense for the High Speed Championship. Kamitani revealed her current state of mind, saying, "I was thinking about my members, I couldn't leave the house, I had no appetite, and I couldn't sleep. But when I heard the cheers of the crowd at Korakuen Hall, I realized that everyone was supporting me. So I think I need to keep moving forward, even if it's just a little at a time."

>The messages from my rivals also touched my heart. World champion Maika suggested, "If QQ and its members are important, then you can let the expelled people back into QQ." She even went so far as to say, "You can come to E-Nexus V."

>Kamitani expressed her gratitude by saying, "I was honestly happy that they reached out to me when I was in a pinch," but added firmly, "But I can't do that suggestion because it's a competitive world. I think it would be embarrassing, and the other members are starting to look in different directions. I can't hold them back." She has resolved to continue to carry the name of QQ on her own.
>So they are exploring how to rebuild this long-established unit. Kamitani is currently competing in "CATCH THE WAVE", a league match for "WAVE". She got a hint from her first appearance in another organization. "There was a wrestler who I thought was great when I was fighting and communicating with her. At first I was thinking of limiting it to home-grown wrestlers, but considering the current situation, I thought it might be good to take advantage of the opportunity I have now in WAVE," she said, and is also considering "opening up" QQ.

>However, she is not in a hurry. "Right now, I think we should broaden our horizons rather than immediately increase the number of members," she said, and it seems that for the time being, she will stick to being a one-man QQ.

>At the Korakuen Hall event on the 4th, it is certain that she will form a Golden Generation trio with Maika and Saya Iida. Kamitani said, "QQ is an important place for me as a teammate, and the Golden Generation is an important place for me as a rival. I think that by teaming up, I will feel something new." The phoenix that has separated from the flock continues to spread its wings.
honoka is someone that they should bring in to be saya kamitani's friend
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>The phoenix that has separated from the flock continues to spread its wings
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Dancing Kitto
If Kamitani made it to AKB48 no way she'd survive. Millions of idol fans worse than a couple thousand Stardom fans.
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tam time countdown?
Aren't you a sexy twink? It'd be weird if you were as muscular as her
Tam and Momo are in the third match of the preshow so after the current one. There will be 4 or 5k people in the arena during their match, it's still pretty empty.
Tam and Momo won't even come out to their own music
Okay how you know
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because Tony gets off on big leaguing New Japan by not giving them the big entrance and he's got 4 or 5 or something matches to cram into the preshow too
I don't even know what momoetty music is since she is in nothing oturkla tai tag matches every stardom show so it isn't a big deal to not have it in a nothing match on a tranny pre-show
Does Momo rikes black people?
>4 pre-show matches
>10 actual show matches
he's such a retard
Momo currently live in front of 48K on youtube and 24k on twitter
It’s Tam Time
more like just tolerates them till they try and get rapey then its a bat across the face
>tam nakano
>very speedy
tam bigger kwab than momo
Trying to convince somebody, anybody to fuck Mayu. There were no takers.
Statlander senshu's bottom and thighs are making me feel some sort of way
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at least try to look enthused, Momo
>arrive in america
>immediately put next to a subsaharan
I'm sure she's just thrilled
Ugly fuka
momo means peach
Momo got a helluva kickout
momo means kwab
momo means jobber
Tam gets her theme
Momo got over brother
momo beat tam
momo beat tam
momo beat tam
Tam and Momo did great
congratulations momo you got to job because turkla couldn't get a visa
she hit the driver on Willow that's all I wanted to see
Yeah normally I'd seethe but they intentionally went out of their way to make her look strong so can't be that mad
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Based Tamu-chan
Tam jobbed in Japan in order to hear her theme in America
I expected the Momo pin, didn't really expect it to be Tam doing the pinning
tony throwing stardom a bone
Lmao Toni Storm is wearing her old Stardom tracksuit
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who was more over, tam or momo?
I think Momo impressed more. Especially when she was able to show her physical strength against Willow
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toni 5star
tam was over to start because she looks cute and was teaming with willow but momo won them over more with her work. both were good
this sucks though
defeats the point of the unit
no one wants to join her
could momo do a b-driver on yuu?
>oh my gosh the heckin' pre show match what an honor, they were so over
Momo and Tam are trendsetters and boundary breakers. AEW gave them an opportunity as an in-between match on the preshow and those two girls went to war. AEW and Stardom bring out the best in each other and I can't wait to see what else blooms from this partnership.

>I thought Momo's belly was huge as usual, but it was actually Tamu
which twitter slurper was this?
Keep on thinking of Saya hearing Fenix
Was ever revealed why Mayu was gangraped?
Shes kinda ugly and planky...
Mayu was gang raped as a prank.
insane amount of slurp for what at best could be described as fine
its called X now
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mentioning mayu just reminded me of her movie, what a flop that was kwab
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Scott when he's thinking of his next stardom tweet
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This is my pudding
>tfw rossy lowers the age limit from 13
her skin looks like the same texture as the wall behind her lol
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Me in the corner when I see a player crotch
Willow is fat and disgusting. She makes Momo look svelte in comparison.
Wholesome https://x.com/AEW/status/1807570816957096191
Gori chan is the most perfect creature on god's earth
if that's the case then why does she never get a push? Having the baby tag team belts doesn't count
EXCLUSIVE: After scoring a victory during #ForbiddenDoor ZERO HOUR, @WillowWrestles
and tag team partner @tmtmtmx
are now... friends?
>Wholesome https://x.com/AEW/status/1807570816957096191
>Tam's face and eye contact whilst she's listening to Willow
Nuclear-tier cute. Literally looks like a real life Gelfling.
Tam the moneymaker
Willow is fat and disgusting. She almost makes fatmike look svelte

Kogoomah is still Queen Lard of the Blob Kingdom though.
Big Dimes Tamu
Fatsuko is still by far the fattest in Stardom. That's just an objective fact.
tam's face during this appearance on the preshow is going to inspire countless game devs to usher in a new wave of analog horror
Mina Shirakawa vs Toni Storm is live
mina's gear is very lewd from the bottom
koguma's fatter and more disgusting
spoiler: Mina loses and the match is mediocre
Kill yourself, scamschizo.
you're wrong
That is a lot of Mina ass
amazing. mina go the #wewantmina hashtag over
She's doesn't even look like the same person
Will Mina bring this gear back to Japan or will it be US exclusive
I wish someone with a bigger ass was wearing that gear but I'll take what I can get and still coom to Mina in it
Mina making herself a star and Bushiroad BTFO yet again

But hey keep making Momo a joke & letting fatmike politick the hot charismatic draws out of the company, that's working out so well
Too lewd for the bald uncles
Thanks for the info Nigel.
>Mina making herself a star
that's being awfully generous
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Thats what they pay for
respectful american crowd
Did Tam redo the stars on her gear to look more like a an old west sheriffs badge than the Star of David because MJF saw her usual gear and made sure it didn't cut in to his gimmick in any way?
>"But I can't do that suggestion because it's a competitive world. I think it would be embarrassing, and the other members are starting to look in different directions. I can't hold them back."
lamo, Maika's toothless attitude btfo yet again.
I tried, fuck this shit, it's just depressing watching the beginning of the end
they probably told Tam about the psychotic Hamas supporters running around and it wasn't safe to be wearing the Star of David
mina was over and we got a triple kiss
based storyline
Tam is the only one who defend the honor of World Wonder Ring Stardom at this event
nah you are
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I would like if joshi came to America with exclusive gear that is only worn there.
fun match too
I didn't watch but I'm going to pretend it was great and that Stardom will gain thousands of new fans from it
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Right > Left
I felt completely empty watching the game
Taro Okada's Stardom has no honor
based gear
will be interesting to see who from stardom gets the main storyline next year but i guess it depends on who is aew womens champ next year.
Stardom is corporate slop and nothing more
Mina owes me sex
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>Tam won
>Momo hit an impressive B-Driver on Willow
>Mina got over on TV and had a good match tonight
Overall, Forbidden Door season was a success for Stardom and they didn't even send their absolute best workers.
nobody cares about pre-show matches, you dork
and Mina is the only one to benefit from her AEW appearances. Stardom isn't getting shit out of it.
>tam isnt good
>moomoo isnt good
>midka hold reddo hostage
>midcard mina gets over for going full slut
>whitto being held by a charismasless outsider after another charismasless outsider
absolute state of it
>they didn't even send their absolute best workers
Momo is Stardom's absolute best worker
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>Tam will never tell you she loves you and kisses you on the cheek.
Now that NJPW has direct control they will probably work Stardom's schedule around Forbidden Door better. At the very least not scheduling a show the same day allowing more players to appear.
like aew lasts another year lmao
Across twitter and youtube, 70k people watched Momo wrestle. Plus whoever else was watching on Triller or wherever else.
who would you qualify as Stardom's best workers? Momo is definitely among the best, top 5 for sure
i would like too see stardom players in the women's owen hart tournament next year
You may be right, but that has me worried that there will be an NJPW card Mania week and only have a handful of Stardom wrestlers on the card instead of a full Stardom show like they did this year and in 2019.
anon if you really think every digit in the viewcount was someone actually watching intently with interest in learning who these random wrestlers are on a preshow then I have an exe you should download
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need these 2 at FD4
I would like the pain to end and AEW have no involvement with the World Wonder Ring
yo does Mina wear what she did tonight in japan?
No, this was a Mina from an alternative dimension
Only the gaijins are allowed to show ass in Stardom
Willow said that Tam is the best
jesus christ someone needs to get the man a short rope and a long drop
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Momo isn't even the best worker on OT.

It will not put any new eyes on the product. All it does it give Tony an in to pick and choose which of Stardom talent he wants to sign.
the difference between heaven and hell
>Momo isn't even the best worker on OT.
bait or retarded
>Momo isn't even the best worker on OT
Based retard
Also good morning sir
Coom https://x.com/AEW/status/1807596306417807687
No lies detected
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>Momo isn't even the best worker on OT.
I hate Momo Wattafatte but this just isn't true.
Wtf I think I like aew now
Toni has always had a great ass, but fuck. I thought Mina had nothing back there
she doesn't
She utilized the straps well
Who Framed Roger Rabbit esque
worked by gear, you blind retard
it's akai
no lies detected
The World Wonder Ring will be part of Wrestle Dynasty on January 5th at the Tokyo Dome
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Mercedes vs who on this show?
fuck if only the likes tab was still there. i would like to see ayzoomer like multiple posts about it.
excited for Mone vs Saya Kamitani
lol Mercedes is winning the red belt
I hate that you're right
shida, riho vs whomstve?
You know they did
imagine them all spreading their assholes
-RIHO/Yuka vs AZM/SLK.
-Shida vs Mayu.
tongue wrestling
Lip lock with theatrics
>Storm pinned Shirakawa. Excellent match. All three kissed when it was over. All you no story people looking like fools right now.
5 stars from Meltzer incoming. He might as well have said he jerked off watching, it would have been less embarrassing than this level of slurping.
I’ll take em both I’m hardcore
Momo vs dash will be a hardcore match
of course
How does this moron not know the name of Tam's finisher is the Twilight Dream? Why did Okada hire him?
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kitto is ready for the dome
Nice tracking link. Not clicking that shit
So is Despy iykwim
Mina was at the Forbidden Door Media Scrum
He doesn't watch the product, just posts the results
The allure of a 20k max attendance
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this gear is nuts lol
its like a joshi's first instinct is too lewd it up more in america
i hope others take notes
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imagine how much she will cream herself if kenny is there
mina shirakawa is a slutty valet in her essence
poop comes out of there
Mina Hart
are you saying dave wrote this
he tweeted it out
Zack Gabre Jr. doesn't do intergender matches
koguma should be given the chance of jump off a ladder on aew programming
soya is doing an anti-bullying instagram live in 5 hours
Honestly sad
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the thekla thread being up for almost a week is worrying
this sounds like a joke
what about the midka thread for way longer than that, necrobumped solely by the maikek spic?
The 'one chick who doesn't know the dance' pops me brother, but only when they're hot.
She's Toni's next feud
her and SLK hung out, maybe for the Strong championship
Mercedes is winning every belt she can, so expect her to beat Mayu for the IWGP title, Toni for the AEW title then whoever has the red belt for that, too
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What did they mean by this
Nicotine addicted player
Waka is a thinking-man's hottie, so I get you.
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Stardrones I think we’re in big trouble
Anxiety and Autism vs Depression and BPD
This is wrestling (clap clap clapclapclap)
first to cry loses
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Come on, no matter how this goes it won’t be boring
this is actually the only match I'm interested in
Mercedes vs Mayu obviously
Good thing Saya didn't join Jobedo Tai if she can deal with shitty fans because the bald uncles are always seething and abusing them

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