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>/tv/ film buffs can like artistic indie shit without being made fun of
>I can't like wrestling shows that don't draw without being made fun of on /pw/
sup Meltzer
a hot crowd won't change a movie like it can a match
People make fun of pretentious film fans just as much as we make fun of pretentious wrestling fans
a24 fag kys
Thats why I like cozy little shindies, most promoters know how to work the few venues that take them in. not gcw though, every crowd sounds like they're in a tunnel in a different time zone lmao
We hate everything, no promotion on here is universally praised. Get a clue
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Wrestling isn't a movie. It is also not a comic book, music or video games. All of these medias' indie/unpopular products are actually good, unlike wrestling.
>/tv/ film buffs can like artistic indie shit without being made fun of
Imagine believing this. That board is literally just them seething about woke shit in capeslop
that’s what you get for not watching the WWE
My stance is that it's chill to be an autist about some shit like Big Japan or ZERO1 but if you watch GCW or British indies you deserve to be made fun of
This. /tv/ fucking loves Hulk and WWE.
film buffs are f*gs, the best movie of all time is Avatar 2
You actually gain credibility in music circles if you like obscure shit that's never drawn a dime. I'll keep enjoying what I like meanwhile, others will slurp their slop and pretend it's good because it drew money. As if appealing to the lowest common denominator is an accomplishment. Fuck all you homosexuals, blacks, kids and third worlders.
Cred with trannys
>/tv/ film buffs can like artistic indie shit without being made fun of
lol What? There's a lot of dumb indie shit you can get made fun of for liking.
>You actually gain credibility in music circles if you like obscure shit that's never drawn a dime
That's because music circles are thr original breeding ground for contrarian hipster retards and they, like you, all deserve to be murdered. That thing you love is obscure because it fucking sucks.
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>All of these medias' indie/unpopular products are actually good, unlike wrestling.
I'd actually wager this isn't true. 90% of all media is bad, and at least the popular shit has some sort of machine behind it to make it at least accessible. But we live in an age where any retard can pick up a camera or program beats--and they do. So maybe those respective mediums have a lot of great shit on the indie scene, if you examine whatever subgenre you want, most of it will be typical or lacking or inaccessible to most.
Keep enjoying your slop.
>You actually gain credibility in music circles if you like obscure shit that's never drawn a dime
That's always been the worst part of those scenes. I remember being a lil jimmy on YouTube listening to whatever shit I wanted, and all the comments would be fucking rent-free seething over shit like Justin Beiber. It's pathetic, and all they can do is cut "pop bad" promos. It's a close-minded approach, even if a lot pop is slop. But a lot of your favorite genre is slop too. The truth is that art is only truly furthered by a minority of a minority of artists. Everything beyond that is, on some level, conventional.
Just like what you like. You shouldn't care what a bunch of anonymous people think.
>enjoying slop
That's what you do
the equivalent to being a music hipster is actually watching shit like nxt level up and remembering the names of the rookie wrestlers like uhh.. trey bearhill
Imagine thinking those “u say Justin Bieber, I say Queen” YouTube comments are actual music fans.

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