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Miki Motoi
>mikifags don't even have a containment thread anymore
Miki must be particularly excited about FD this year with the addition of CMLL
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No doubt
did tony buy her yet?
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Tony put the Lucha Bros on Forbidden Door this year in an attempt at seducing Miki
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My dream 3p
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I hope Miki will be part of Wrestle Dynasty
finally a good thread
she cute
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I love the Mockey channel !!
>starts becoming an AEW commentator
>stock / interest immediately drops
Poor woman
gtfo of Miki threads with console war faggotry, this is a Miki & friends thread so post cute pics/webms or leave you jabroni
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Love me some Eriko
She's total bijin.
there was some interesting unapon content on youtube but sadly I had to drop her after her unfortunate announcement so I shan't be watching
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But her YouTube channel is FINALLY blowing up!
Miki is now corrupted
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She hangs out with Mexicans tho? What makes Steph different?
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The new reporter is super cute.
I agree, I like her a lot and she has nice feet
How can one woman be so based?
Strumming my pain with her fingers
I'm gonna need a name pls
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池田穂乃花(Ikeda Honoka)
She's the young Chinese restaurant owner who got popular on the youtube thanks to her beauty and now got signed by Centforce.
She moonlight as field reporter on The Time now, and probably will be hired as announcer once she graduated from college.
Me on the left
>She's the young Chinese restaurant owner
That's amazing
I detect cheap double lids
She inherited the restaurant from her grandfather.
The restaurant got popular thanks to her looks and then got featured on TV and youtube.
She even amassed plenty foreign patrons, especially since she kinda looks like a popular kpop idol.
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sounds like she has a nice gig going on for her.
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