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Yeah I'm thinking AEW is the promotion for me
not enough black men for me
Sup, Nash?
It's funny that in evil WWE, women are presented as actual characters having compelling matches, and in woke AEW, the entire women's division revolves around tits and ass and lesbianism
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Why didn't tongue come out?
So you're saying AEW is for red-blooded heterosexual men.
toni's hair blocking the kiss is pure evil
The only based thing about TK is he knows what womeme wrestling should be.
many women lives revolve around their tits and ass anon, its just the way some women are, men couldnt do these spots
can't see shit so who cares
How to make three woman making out look not hot
a three way kiss isn't particularly sexy. it just looks weird. it would be hotter if she made out with them back to back like moving her head from side to side so she can tonguefuck both of them
aew isnt like that kiddy wwe shit
Nah, just a loyal NXT viewer
Where the big girls each other!
its just like the commie perspective. they inherently see what they criticize the world as, as its base. the amount of sexual favors, nepotism, ingrouping, hysteria and paranoia
this, but I wouldn't expect the tranny company to do something like this properly
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just customary expression for affection between Stardom athletes who appreciate each other
I have literally no reason to watch this weak shit when BBAN-376 exists
Nothing wrong with nepotism. (((they))) make us hate it and never do it, while (((they))) continually partke in it
Safe horny is as good as you're going to get I'm afraid
It's a well known fact that women are stupid
i'm sure nothing is wrong with spreading blatant misinformation because the ends justify the means, okay crypto. have fun crossdressing while talking about how slavs arent white or something
but they had liv morgan basically raping dom with her tongue like a month ago in wwe and aew is generally far edgier
can't make the trannies too uncomfortable, 502k is all tiny has left - if they go then it's over
Management have to overcompensate with the sterilized no sexy allowed shit in WWE because for the past 20 years all the women working there were getting raped and shit on backstage.
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joshi players basically do softcore porn, anon
imagine putting in more effort to see these haggard failed strippers unenthusiastically fake lesbianism when there’s hundreds and thousands of hours of free real porn available

you autistic shitbrains really are hopeless
Girl on girl is always considered more taboo. Nobody has the balls in current year to pull a torrie/dawn.
you link me to a threesome lesbian make out session with two blonds and a busty asian girl then
I'll start watching AEW if they get slimed.
>haggard failed strippers unenthusiastically fake lesbianism
>thousands of hours of free real porn
of haggard failed strippers unenthusiastically doing fake lesbianism
But that's because they're THESE whores
No, hot girls doing genuine lesbian acts are a real thing. I'll never understand why you retards simp for 3/10 female wrestlers when actual porn exists.
These girls are way hotter than pornstars. Most pornstars look like meth addicts.
She looks like she smells bad
Funny you'd say that because they actually are as ugly as porn stars. Except for the jap who looks like a mid-tier AV actress.
turn on your monitor
Yeah, the mad hotties of GirlsOutWest are all stunning.
And edrones wonder why their womens wrestling isn't a draw
and they’re actually naked and fucking and having orgasms, do you want whores actually fucking or do you want to keep simping for 30 year old whores who demand you take their athleticism seriously?
WWE is too PC for me desu
whats it like to kiss a japanese woman??
> women are presented as actual characters.
Being some kind of mystery meat nigger isn’t a character.
she's just horny. she's not a slut anon
Holy yum
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AEW isn't afraid to have sexy women
Joshis are prostitutes controlled by the Yakuza
No hes right, Jewish business hire Jewish people but if you were to say "no im hiring Christians only" you'd get sued for discriminatory hiring practices.
Toni turning around ruined this for me.
well she's a gook so...
itd be weird if it was just footage of the cameraman following them around at a low angle without them knowing
nah it'd be based
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People legitimately calling this storyline of the year. Beyond parody.

When the best story your company can come up with is basically a less misogynistic version of HLA. Grim
Cope this is women's empowerment
AEW is run a by a 14 yo virgin who just discovered you can google "girls kissing".
Yeah lmao. I can't believe anyone considers this trashy lesbian angle the storyline of the year when the far superior Elite angle is going on.
nigga that's all womeme, you think your dad hooked up with your mom because of her personality? lmfaoooooo
oy vey nigga
The template for this spot was already there
Aew has been reduced to HLA
It really is over KWAPC
Toni's ass works me into a shoot brother
No thanks ill just stick to JAV and avoid all the shitty wrestling
not bad
Literally what ass?
Idk what you fags are seeing, must be in another dimension of reality as me
Maybe she's an acquired taste but that is the ideal female body in my eyes
This isn't even foreplay in actual porn. In wrestling context, voyeurism is all that gets people off. Overt sexuality is ironically a turn off.

People don't track down nip slips because they want to see a tit, they do it for the thrill of seeing what isn't supposed to be seen.
Toni is so much uglier than she was in WWE. Dafuq happened to her face. Weight loss? Or is it just the hair?
>AEW is run a by a 14 yo virgin who just discovered you can google "girls kissing".
that's most of this board considering the amount of Coomer threads
Tell me any matches where any of them peed themselves please
Toni's body is so insane. Works me into a shoot with that pear shape.
kek same. gross piggy
sorry black culture ruined you
Lmao hillarious
>WWE women act like men and shove feminism down our throats
>AEW women are barely existent and usually just act like sluts
>Japanese women are strictly for japanese men to stalk and american/british freaks and slobs to jerk off to.
Now NXT... that is where peak womens wrestling is. Never have i ever been moved or impressed by womens segments or matches as the times whefe i can witness the pure genius of the Heartbreak Kid (female at heart)
Tonis the only draw on dynamite
Tonis ass is flabby and has bad shape. Mariah ass mogs her and he's isn't huge so your cope argument is just retarded anon. Just cause you like Toni doesn't mean everyone else has to.
>Tonis ass is flabby and has bad shape
We all know you'd have sex with her. Your gimmick isn't going over. kek.
does the joshi do porn?
Yeah I'd still fuck her for sure, Im not gonna lie. But if I was given the choice between Toni or almost anyone else in the womens division, Im probably not picking Toni.
>Mariah ass
doesn't exist
Maybe on planet nigger
>Yeah I'd still fuck her for sure, Im not gonna lie
There you go, then.
spoonfeed me brother
I accept your concession
>go to joshi general
>find one you like
>go to Google
>type joshi name JAV
>click videos
thank you brother
Lol no.
I need this angle but with Kamille and Megan Bayne fighting over Leyla Hirsch
Zoomer brainrot
a true man of taste this anon
>Lesbian three way angle
>No Bunny
Gay company
we don't post our test result here
You get to watch people kissing and live through them since it's never gonna happen for you. Could you be a bigger beta incel virgin?
The vast majority of AEW's audience are gay men so no.
you need to stop scaring bitches
better than liv and dom
We don't have a team of Hollywood writers, its Tony Khan asking the women involved to think of stuff they want to do and this is what they come up with.
This is what women's wrestling should be. Fun, wild, sexy, and lewd stories. Look at the last women's angles that drew/draw in WWE. The lewd Liv stuff now and before it the lewd Rhea stuff. The Becky "The Man" shit was only a "draw". Cause WWE was so dogshit that year.
porNXT bros... we're getting mogged
It really comes down to this. Creative freedom is dimes. Problem is Tony barely rewards it when it works, and pushes it when it doesn't. Leave women to their own devices, and you'll get bra and panties back eventually. Not that it will happen.
And yet I'm sure you'll turn around and talk about how amazing Liv and the Judgment Day doing nothing again tonight for 3 hours will be
>still trying to use this as a trump card
Already been explained to you that it’s different, lol
>AEW isn't afraid to have sexy women
>sexy women
i see women, but i'm not seeing the sexy
>that little spank
fap time
Where are they going, Dredd's apartment?
It’s crazy to me that the AEW fanbase is enjoying this, because they’re the same people that screamed about half naked chicks in WWE, and how women’s wrestling should be taken seriously
>Dredd's apartment?
I'd rather see them at Jason's
>pear shape.
A woman at my old office had that exact figure, small tits as well. Se was always complaining (ie: stealth promoing) to me about her hips making it hard to buy clothes. Watching her walk around was fucking torture, anon. She wanted me to fuck, but I couldn't cause reasons. Top tier body type after hour glass.
>i-it's different because it's wwe and i like it
Toni Storm complained that WWE wanted her to get her shirt ripped open and now she’s in aew kissing other girls
Why is it only bad in wwe?
>Why is it bad when a woman is forced and pressured into doing something sexual that she doesn't want to but okay when it's her decision and done by her own choice?
World Weinstein Entertainment
They literally don't like the half naked chicks part, they like that it's surface level faggotry and gay shit
Except the crowd popped like crazy when Toni did a literal striptease one week. But whatever keeps your fantasies alive anon
She works in the entertainment industry where the agreement is that the bosses give you creative things to do in order to put on a show for an audience. Getting uppity about creative just because it's coming from a man is childish and you should find a new industry to work in.
>They literally don't like the half naked chicks part,
They popped. Everyone knows they got a pop.
This. Happens in the movies and games world too. Sexual content is completely fine as long as it's gay in some way.
Because Toni was doing and is still doing the virtue signaling "fed bad" gimmick. She just didn't do the "breaking out of prison" video that was the rage. She thinks she is some great artist and actress and since she came up with this awful gimmick she has no problem doing shit like this. The other clue might have been her selling photos of her ass on OF immediately after complaining about the shirt thing too. That's women's empowerment for low IQ women like this. They can be whores if THEY say so and you pay.
Sexual harassment disguised as "creative" is still sexual harassment. She didn't just up and walk out of the company without even waiting to get released first without reason anon
this. it doesn't help that it's widely known that if you refuse creative in wwe you get punished for it as well. it's essentially 'do this or your career will suffer' and when the 'this' in question is sexually exploitative then it's nothing more than professional coercion. there's a reason vince is gone and the feds are going after the company
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This is just a half-assed dick tease, why do something like that if they're not going to go all the way?
>you sign up to be a wrestler knowing what that entails
>you also happen to have the personal belief that sex work is work and don't mind showing off to men for money
>in fact if it's up to YOU, you want to do sexual type storylines
>male booker comes to you and offers you this opportunity
It just doesn't make sense anon
>why do strip clubs exist?
Because marks.
Why do hot women kissing make e-drones so furious? Is it because there are no black men involved?
WWE used to be way better with women, Sable got more pops than Belair, Rhea, Becky, or any other modern trash can dream of
>>you sign up to be a wrestler knowing what that entails
Yeah. Wrestling. It's one thing if ideas are pitched but if the environment is as this anon describes >>15099307 which we all know for a fact that WWE is or at the very least used to be with Vince then any pitch or idea or suggestion is about as loaded as they come and isn't really any of those things as much as it's a request from your boss that you better do unless you want to deal with the consequences. I'm not even saying I'm opposed to those sort of stories or characters or angles. The Liv stuff is entertaining. Everything happening with Toni and Mariah is the best stuff AEW has going. But the difference is the freedom and comfortability of the workers. There's a reason Trish barking like a dog and the live sex celebration aged as poorly as they have and it's not the characters or stories behind those moments
And this is why this garbage is at 502k
>Getting uppity about creative just because it's coming from a man is childish and you should find a new industry to work in.
Modern women want to be whores, but they don't want to be whores enjoyed by men.
Strip club marks are the worst of all.
Nah, that's Cole, MJF, and the twinks. The women in AEW are more interesting than the men right now. They can't wrestle for shit, but the characters are funny.
>Yeah. Wrestling.
Only AEW tards believe this
The Liv stuff is complete garbage though
>console warring to defend vince and deflect predatory behavior
even edrones are better than this
You signed up to work for a company that has a history of being pro male gaze and then cried when you got confronted with such. Imagine if I wanted to be a pornstar and then had a melty when I showed up to set and saw that the director was male.
>There's a reason Trish barking like a dog and the live sex celebration aged as poorly as they have and it's not the characters or stories behind those moments
It's funny how Trish has never come out and said she had a problem with this. Isn't it strange how only the wrestlers who never made it have these sob stories about being "exploited" and "sexually harassed" and doing things they didn't want to do? I only ever hear Brian Zane tier faggots on YouTube having a problem with this sort of thing.

Speaking on behalf of women isn't very male feminist of you. Be a better ally. Do better. Sit down. Be humble.
>"Stephanie wanted me to crawl on Torrie. I said I'd kiss her on the cheek, but Stephanie didn't think that [was] sexy enough. She wanted me to kiss her on the lips. I didn't feel like I was in a position to say no, so I kept saying I'd do it, but just not with a sexy kiss on the lips. That didn't go so well, and Stacy ended up doing it instead. That was just too risqué for me."
>"This segment was filmed on a Tuesday for SmackDown. I was the champion, so I went home, came to the next show on Monday, and I lost the title clean to Jazz. So, was I being punished? Who knows? I was never told that's why I lost, but it was a little strange that WrestleMania in my hometown of Toronto was coming up, and all of a sudden, I wasn't going in as champion. Eventually, I got the title back, so it was all good, but I still stand by my decision at the time."
Literally fucking who?
You know exactly what I’m talking about
kek 15099711bros what's our response
>told my boss no and got punished
I'm proud both anon and Trish learned how a job works
Vince won't shit on you
Based Steph
Wow I like AEW now
Yes, he will. I'll sneak laxatives in his chicory.
>Girls consensually kissing makes WWE fans irrationally angry
Really says a lot
No I’m just calling out leftist smark and Tony Storms hypocrisy
>AEW girls give each other small pecke
>WWE girls give each other sloppy makeouts and fuck each other
AEW doing safe lesbianism to boost ratings
For it's faults, AEW is improving.
It's fantastic you fag
What about it is fantastic?
It's entertaining, it advances from week to week, the storyline is constantly developing, it's funny, it's building anticipation for Rhea's return
>it advances from week to week
it doesn't though. i watch raw. you can't just lie to me like that. tonight will be 5 weeks since she kissed dominik. what 5 things happened across those weeks?
Who is Dredd and who is Jason
She helped Judgement Day get back the tag titles, and she may be fucking Finn
and the other three weeks?
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She cooked tendies
>because they’re the same people
how do you know that? seems to me like the same group of people complaining about women in WWE being half naked are WWE fans
Oh yeah, that's the angle I needed.
>a completely different scenario
>doesn't claim she was sexually harassed
>has worked with the company since
Go to bed, Zane. Your wife is ugly.
Does this confirm Steph is bi?
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>Yeah I'm thinking AEW is the promotion for me
>booking Bischoff "forcing" her to make out with the Miller Lite chicks
I'd say so. And Hunter was too square to take advantage of it. Every bi Diva would have been in our bed on a rotation.
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oh no

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