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Paul offers you 2 milly to turn this guy into a main eventer, how do you do it?
Book him in the main event of the show
should have also said you have to get him over too, also Satan trips
Beat Cody, dominant heel champion reign. It doesn't matter anymore who holds the belt or how much the fans complain
I give him a cuck gimmick where the fan who chants the loudest gets to fuck Scarlet
Take him off tv. Drop the dead weight. Have Scarlett go back to being a fireball ho. Bring him back. Burn everyone. Beat everyone. Win the ic belt. Beat everyone. Do a jealous bf thing. Burn Scarlett. Ruthless. Edit his promos so he’s dimes and if he’s still not over, just throw him off a bridge irl
Okay, I book him strong in the main event.
Have him fake a cancer diagnosis so people pretend to like him
Let him film demented 10 minute vignettes (not spooky shit) where he can do weird psycho stuff, then beat good opponents, simple really
He takes a DNA test and finds out his is tony d's brother. Starts doing an offensive italian stereotype gimmick and kills all the jobbers
Let him start doing his Jesse Ventura impression on tv and book him to win MITB
do you think he will actually win MITB this July?
Book him to wrestle in the last match of the show, easy
lol retards really think there is more to it than this and that they don't like whoever the show tells them to like
they need to book him strong because I'm tired of him being a jobber
tattoo removal
wins a squash match every week. Look at how many mouth breathers on here still love Ryback.
Make him a high school bully type character who bullies the Alpha Academy for being a bunch of lame nerds,
send him to TNA and they'll put him in the main event
Babyface Roman says what?
Copy what TNA was doing with him, have him do extreme shit like waterboarding people and torturing them. Have him put someone on tacks. Let him cut his wannabe David Lynch promos you can find on his YouTube.
You act as if Roman as a face and Roman as a heel isn't the same person lol
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I'd put him in a Shun Skywalker style mask. There's something about his eyes that doesn't seem believable to me. Everything else is fine. He just needs a unique selling point.
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Do what WWE always does and see how he was booked in TNA and shamelessly copy that.
I let him win a feud
Sup Goldberg
will he beat Xavier on Raw?
have scarlett turn on him and then make him some crazy babyface character that will stop at nothing to disrupt wwe shows until he gets what he wants

maybe have cm punk confront him in the crowd and they have a promo segment amongst the fans where punk says he appreciates the lengths he's going to to get what he wants and have kross just tell him to fuck off
Turn it down, as that would be impossible.
Have the Final Testament target Judgment Day after Summerslam and destroy them at Survior Series. He gets eliminated by Finn in the Royal Rumble which leads to a Wrestlemania match. He beats Finn decisively and then enters the King of the Ring Tournament where he wins it all. Afterwards his faction transforms into a WH40K inspired medievel royal court gimmick where he is the King, Scarlett is the Queen, Ellering is the Steward and AOP are the Knights. JD Mcdonaugh later joins them as their court jester. Wrestlers that are leaving WWE are kayfabe kidnapped and executed by the Final Testament. He then beats Cody for the undisputed title at Summerslam.
okay this is actually dimes
Make him say yeet, change his name to Anoa'i, join the Bloodline, destroy it from within.
KEK no
This and no spooky '13 year old just started reading books and thinks deeply' promos
I've seen tons of people say get rid of the AOP, and just make him and Scarlett a far more fucked up version of Edge and Lita just 100x more sadistic
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Give him a Sukuna gimmick and copy whatever Gay Gay is doing in the manga.
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>t. paul
Jesse ventura impersonation gimmick
Once Raw goes to Netflix, have him go on a winning streak, where after every win Scarlett gives him a foot job in the ring to completion.
Split the money between the crowd because the only way you'd get them to be excited about this absolute shitter is to pay them.
They should have kept that time traveller gimmick or whatever he had with the wrist watch. Have him come out with smoke like he's just stepped out of a time machine and starts spoiling the finishes of all the matches, including subtle allusions to title changes happening in PLE's the next year.

We also find out Scarlett is actually his Mom, who he went back in time to bring her back to the present so he could fuck her in her prime. We also find out she makes all his food and does his laundry.
Already pitched this before
>new gimmick
Southern roughneck, handlebar stache with a walk n brawl shoot style
>new finisher
Running big boot, named Grim Reaper's Sprint
Secondary finisher would be a hangman's sleeperhold, just lift them while applying it, opponent's legs will kick until they give out
>new entrance
Not sure on this one. Don't know shit about country music and it all sounds the same to me. Maybe a motorcycle?
>scarlett now wears daisy dukes to the ring
???????? meds
college professor that fucks his students gimmick
He's a lot less directly scripted and has the tribal chief catchphrases to fall back on now, as well his massive wins are a lot more believable when he has an entire stable running interference for him than when he was the guy to beat Brock because... ?
Make him a babyface and get rid of the dark gimmick. He comes across as really likable in his shoot interviews. He can talk like a normal guy very well. Keep it simple.
Literally make his shave his head again. That look was giga dîmes.
saw someone say that he and Scarlett could be a good babyface couple, like the next Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth
Sup shayna
>Paul offers you 2 milly to turn this guy into a main eventer, how do you do it?
I loan him to TNA for six months where he dominates and becomes their champion, main eventing every one of their shows.
honestly the WWE partnerships could be extremely beneficial for this, basically gives them tons of places that can be used for soft developmental
You can't, Adam Smol permanently buried Karen Kross.
Like old ECW.
Booking him strong for once a start, hes like Bray where they make him look like a huge threat but dude is just a big jobber, he needed help to beat Kofi all people
they seem to be doing some good work with the New Day feud but if he jobs to Xavier then that momentum is crushed
gives me another reason to hate the fucker
Problem is the reason you said: it would be using developmental and then yoinking them when WWE feels like they've done enough. It would feel uneven of a deal, and putting THAT much money into one wrestler is explicitly why they had such a damaging blow when Lashley left and decided to not do that again, unless it was one of Vince's pet projects.
disband the final judgement and make karrion into the van helsing character from the 2004 movie where he goes after wrestlers that have supernatural gimmicks such as the wyatt six, scarlett is his sidekick that speaks in a romanian accent and wears a corset

Or something like Hansel and Gretel
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Change his name back to Killer Cross. It's literally that simple.
endless heatless matches with midcarders?
Turn him gay and give him a storyline where he's constantly trying to bum Dominic
We're reaching levels of kino that the real world literally cannot provide.
dancing gimmick
put him in a Kane mask and call him Son of Kane. Goes on a rampage through the middle card, Kane comes back to stop him, he retires Kane and becomes Kane. In an inferno match with extra pyro. This lines up weeks ahead of him winning the rumble with 15 eliminations, then he beats Cody clean at mania
That's easy.
Have him win a feud.
So far he has lost every single feud he's had since returning.
He was supposed to go over Drew, but then they had a stinker of a strap match.
I'd have him start small, probably a feud with Rey then Knight then Owens then Orton then eventually give him the WWE title.

But this would take a lot of doing.
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can he handle snakes?

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