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Paul offers you 2 milly to turn this guy into a main eventer, how do you do it?
Just go all out with a tranny chaser gimmick
Remember the Robot Chicken gag where the robot would see a washing machine and he'd hump the shit out of it? Do that but with random trannies in the crowd
I respectfully decline.
Boss Baby gimmick
how is this a main event gimmick?
So you don't know.
Pay his girlfriend to stab him and see if we can ride the media wave to stardom.
Make him dress like a pilgrim and give him a gimmick where he always thinks its Thanksgiving so every time he cuts a promo he always talmbout how he needs to defrost the turkey and get those yams in the oven. Instant dimes.
Sorry. Wrong video.
I don't watch NXT so I have no clue who this is but I'd say you don't need to do much, he looks like he has "it." In just that short clip I could see he has charisma and a personality that the crowd can enjoy and he has that kinda Ryan Dunn look to him that's going to get him over with the ladies.
Beat GUNTHER for the title in 30 seconds and give him a reign of terror.
Paul didn't say he had to be a successful main eventer :')
Easy. Give him a stuttering gimmick and watch the cash flow in.
Give him a giant baby gimmick, in a diaper, a bib, a pacifier, baby bottle, the lot. And have chads like LA Knight, Cody, or Roman or whoever fight for custody of him.

Every once in a while, there's a "kick the baby" spot, where the giant baby accidentally gets kicked, and he sells it by crying really loud like a baby.

The main event heel can get heat by cutting a promo on the baby, and kicking the baby to sell the main event for the PLE.
idk what happened with him. He literally debuted in wwe as a fucking 19yo prodigy, instant world champion title holder, a mother fucking generational legend, and then has slowly gone downhill ever since. I can't even blame bad booking because what the fuck is wrong with his looks now? He used to have everything
why dont guys like you have billionaire daddies?
Book him in the main event, easy
I don't know if his current look is his idea but it is absolutely fucking dimeless, the white trunks and the white short boots just look disgusting with his shitty long hair also
Bong genes are so fucking brutal man
at first I thought they were making him worse on purpose so he can have another world title reign around his 30s without wearing out his welcome. Spend a few years training as a midcarder and then build up again. but god damn it just keeps getting worse and worse without any end in sight
>Give him a giant baby gimmick, in a diaper
wont need to change his ring gear then
At the very minimum someone needs to tie him down and cut his hair back to what it was in 2017. And the beard, he doesn’t even have the fucking slick moustache anymore! This is a 10 minute solvable problem
british "'"men""" lmao
I'm giving this guy the 2 million Paul gave me. I have faith in this gimmick
Tell him he needs to gain height
its a vince style thing where you openly force others to participate in your fetish until it normalises. fucking freaks.
>Keep your money Paul. I don't have the strength.
He's the tranny chaser not me. Not my fault he's a fuckin weirdo.
Get him leg lengthening surgery. Might need a couple rounds of it.
I never thought that they might be cooling him off intentionally but yeah he's just looking worse and worse, maybe we'll see a Gable style re-invigoration once they have an idea of a good gimmick for him beyond "he wrestles good"
>Paul offers you 2 milly to turn this guy into a main eventer, how do you do it?
I give him the 1-2-3 Kid treatment, where he pulls off the surprise win against the heel champ in a non-title match,
The next two weeks the heel champ shines him up big time, ranting about how he's a big loser and there's no way he could actually beat him, making every excuse in the book.
We run a few sympathetic video packages over the next few weeks to coincide and contrast against the heel champ constantly burying him.
He starts the Rumble at 9 or 10, coming close to being eliminated a few times but staying in, and ultimately winning.
Now it's just a matter of putting him in main event matches while building up to his match with heel champ.
him and a partner vs heel champ and a partner, him vs heel champ's friend, heel champ vs his friend, standard build up stuff.
>Put him in NXT for a year against the best the brand has to offer
>Bring in guys from Japan and Mexico for special attraction matches and have him go over
>Draft him to the main roster and build to his debut for a month
>Finally bring him out and give him a dancing gimmick
>Book him against the same guys he faced in NXT and have each match have a hope spot where he acts the way that got him over but the ultimately bury him
>Then start having him go out visably unhappy and have him talk to dirtsheets about how bad it really is
>Send out a press release stating that he's asked to be released from his contract
>Next major event ends with him returning in his old persona and demolishing the main eventers
>He grabs a mic and says "(Original Gimmick) is back
I have him attack Will Ospreay immediately after his All In match in Wembley with his rough lads from East London with canes and bowler hats to give him a proper English welcome. He grabs the mic, says something like "Oi, mate, what's all this then? You've wandered into the wrong stadium haven't ya? Think you're proper hard, do ya?" and then I just have them beat him into a coma, building up a big return while Tyler climbs the ranks and takes Will's International title while he's out.
someone needs this gimmick

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