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they really need to do a lot of recovery work on him Wednesday. he needs to firmly leave the Callis Family and have Mark Davis return with Kyle and they either side with him or jump him. if they side with him at least they can fight the Callis Family after the split so Ospreay can work his way back up
Not only that, but him losing obviously means he going to WWE
Well he’s in aew
>leaves the callis family, reclaims the title, gets a title match against takeshita with oldschool heelwork from don
i would pop
Lol why would they want him
His stock is significantly lower than it was before he came to the company, what reason would there be to hire him now?
Dumbest board on 4chan
he does have a point though, the roster is stacked at the moment
>no rebuttal
I accept your concession and tacit apology
It never ceases to amaze me just how stupid the people who post here are
opsreay fucking sucks. he is terrible in the ring, like worse than the miz bad, he is foreign and doesn't know how to speak english and sounds like a retarded faggot with that accent and he is ugly
Still no argument. Sorry lil tranny bro, Ospreay is buried and his push is gone.
>still no rebuttal
Wow the show must really have sucked. Why are you scared of answering the question? Is it because you know you won't like the answer?
ospreay is good but why would the fed hire someone expensive if they draw enough with their current lineup?
>The Miz is bad in ring
Holy moly grandpa, you getting senile. He doesn't have frosted tips anymore either.
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>make a joke about a guy losing on PPV means he's leaving (like retards here always say)
>retards take it seriously and proceed to console war
LMAO, dumbest fucking board on 4chan
Not enough faggy rollins dances for ya?
Shitspreay can't be fixed. He's been an anti-draw from the start. Flippy gymnasts who can't wrestle are going out of style thank fucking god and he's the king of flippy gymnasts who can't wrestle. He's a failed experiment and he'll never be a star no matter which way Tony books him.

There's literally no reason for WWE to sign Shitspreay after he's been exposed this badly. He can't even handle the grind. They just got rid of one Ricochet and they don't need to replace him with a lazier, British version.
Go watch Seth rollins wear another female suit to calm you down
>spoonfeeds retards
Thirdies need to be banned from uaing the world wide web
Watching a fan cam vid. The fuckimg hardcam side was empty even for this PPV?
Seth Rollins is a better pro wrestler than Shitspreay could ever hope to be and he draws more dimes just walking to the ring dressed in a womens suit than Shitspreay will ever draw in his entire career.
Afraid so. The 10k attendance was a blatant lie.
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>posting a pic of a WWE event from 2019
Uh oh the tranny's mind is breaking again

But enough about you
Retard WWE fan lmfao imagine defending that pg shit
I'm not a WWE fan(WWF for life though) and I'm not talking about the 2019 era. But it's pretty funny how AEW 2024 is doing even worse than WWE 2019, huh?
Good. Fuck this shitter.
Damn, AEW is really at WWE 2019 levels of awful and dead? That's really concerning.
We don't want him sadly. No refunds.
Nobody will care either way. You are a nerdy faggot for even typing all that.
Dumbest poster on 4chan
You have yet to make an actual point. You are just crying like a bitch. You contribute nothing to the conversation. Faggots like you are the problem.
Incredible bait, please keep going
As soon as he arrived ratings plummeted
Dave Meltzer hyped up Flopspreay as the greatest wrestler in the world but once he got to AEW even a lot of AEWtists were like "wait a minute this guy kind of sucks". I fucking love seeing Dave get exposed like this kek. Now tons of people realize his opinions are wrong and the things he claims are good are actually shit. Maybe wrestling can finally begin to heal.
So was there a reason Tony booked his most over talent to lose a title match when he didn't really need to as he just won a midcard title and hadn't lost a match yet? Surely there was some logic in this, rignt?
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The logic is that it would be racist for Swerve to lose the title, regardless of how much he sucks.
>most over talent
Ospreay is over like a wet fart. Nigga did 617k in Dynamite's main event last week. This headcanon that he's over is hilarious, it's like smarks can't accept reality so they just hallucinate that Ospreay is a big deal.

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