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Moment I saw him.
when he teamed up with kane and was getting carried both in segments/promos and in the ring
Around 2011
wolfie gonna segway your thread into a rape one since its about danielson
He's the GOAT
he wrestles good, it was fun to chant yes, his actual mic skills are mid.
i predict he’s coming back and they’re putting him with the wyatts again.
they’re literally repeating 2008-2011. AJ’s coming back too btw Paul just texted me
He drew more than Nash though.
He and Semen Spunk were the reason WWE ratings never recovered.
I never thought he was overrated. He was insanely over in 2014. The pops he got when he turned on the Wyatts and when he won the title at Wrestlemania were legit. His problem since he came back is he didn't want to be a top guy. Pretty strange.
When he went to aew and moved at half the speed of everyone around him, kept doing his soft as shit kicks and none of his submissions looked good still
He's isn't even bad but he truly is just a B+ player. HHH carried him to his only good match.
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Never. He's a solid talker and phenomenal wrestler. Only contrarian asshats think otherwise.
Ratings were in the shitter long before them. The truth is that the PG era was a disaster and Super Cena killed the WWE
He's lost several steps, but he was a legitimately great wrestler about 10 years ago. He's below average on the mic, but he has a natural charisma and understands how to tell a story in the ring. Even though he's not the worker he once was, he still could have been a great signing for AEW, but Tony has wasted him.
You sound like you have sex with black men
Lol, Cena's merch sales paid for everyone's wages.
Nah if I did I’d pledge alliance to the Wolfpack
>no sells finisher
>sells chop like death
What a fucking pussy.
2014 when he got into a feud with Kane lmao and then got injured.

Batista should've gone over, not vanilla smarklets like Bryan.
last time ratings reached a 3.0 was during bryan's 2014 run
I wasn't watching when he debuted, but when I watched the rumble and then WM 30 and saw the "face of WWE was either between boring ass corn pop Cena or this 5'8 neckbeard I quickly stopped watching again. I don't think it's a coincidence as soon as all the dimeless midgets left or became midcarders WWE got watchable again
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This is your hero? Have you told your parents you’re gay?
And then everyone stopped watching because all the normal people were driven away and didn't come back.
they stopped watching when they dropped it and eventually started pushing shitters like the shieldetties
Seeing that picture makes me wonder how many times has Batista been 92ed since going to Hollywood?
Shieldetties they might be, wrestling would be a bunch of fags in spandex underpants flipping and kickslapping each other in bingo halls without them right now.
Cena and the PG era chased away all the fans that had been built by the Attitude Era. PG era is the black hole of wrestling and nearly killed the industry.
you just described dimes black hole seethe tarpins though
DEAN/moxetty and babyface roman were total shit too
So you tacitly admit Semen Spunk and the kicky goat weren't appealing to the Attitude Era fans?
Yes I did. You got exactly what you thought you wanted when Semen Spunk dropped his pipebomb in AEW and guess what. It doesn't draw a dime.
nice failed get!
not only did that reply have fuck all to do with what my post said, but le 0-2 man was the only draw AEW ever had
you're not gonna make it with the wolves here kid
He's one of the best wrestlers of the 21st century. Set himself apart from the pack of grapple fuck indie dudes as early as 2001 just by having incredible emotion and intensity. Great at selling and telling a story in the ring. Can work well with anyone. Not a Hollywood level talker but still comes across as a natural on the mic. Unfortunately he's too giving of a performer and he only has himself to blame for his AEW run underperforming because he never let Tony put a fucking belt on him
>furry Philettyfag
Yeah, I know you're a bunch of freaks.
based newfag fresh out of reddit failing to recognize basic /asp/ lingo
>muh oldfag street cred
You mongoloids are why /pw/ was created to contain your brand of retardation in a single board.
Batista drew more dimes in 2005 than all of Bryan's career
a little zest never hurt nobody
If he was a shitter then why did he have the best merch sales? Also explain why the Yes movement was good?
That's false and you know it. Try to prove me wrong.
He had the second best WWE match of all time with Brock. He has never been overrated.
>If he was a shitter then why did he have the best merch sales?
same reason jey uso does
>Also explain why the Yes movement was good?
it wasn't, you were just underage and easily impressed by worked shoots
he was raped in 2010 i hear
I never liked him to begin with. Don't hate him or anything but he's not the kind of guy I'd pay to see
As soon as he left WWE. Once he left WWE he wasn't good and he never was
I tuned out when he was all but squashing Kane seemingly every other week
He was only ever good for a bit in roh when his body could keep up with the violent style but he's a brittle old manlet now who hasn't been able to make a single thing look convincing for ten years at least.
when people started sucking him for "le best lesnar match ever" when it was just a worse version of the far superior styles/lesnar match
never, but his segment of joining the wyatts and that gay takeover of raw to get the wrestlemania shot was so gay.
After he KWAB’d himself winning the fucking IC strap. Like dude come on.
Outside of the true hardcores, the vast majority of Attitude era fans, as in casuals, had already stopped watching. Ratings started dipping in the summer of 2000 and only continued. 2009 was the only year post-90s boom that saw ratings go up.
Fans like chanting along to shit.
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I mean, he was always just a generic fag, but he had that groundswell of support from shindie fans as well as WWE shilling the underdog story and on top of that making the le yes movement seem like some larger than life thing so he wasn't very easy to dislike unless you were a mega anti smark back then and the truth is those people hadn't reached the peak of their annoyance at that point so I don't think many people were anti smarks.
I don't really remember much of Daniel Bryan, as it's been 10 years since his first run and I largely skipped his second, but as far as the shindie wrestlers go his in ring stuff was very inoffensive and the same thing can be said about the rest of the early-mid 2000s indie guys, lots of moves you didn't usually see on WWE TV but they knew damn well how to work a real match unlike the sissies nowadays. Promo and character wise he was just bland and nothing special but, like I said, WWE knew how to sell it to you really well. From what I can remember, he was much improved in that department during his 2nd run. I don't really think that there's a need to revise history this much purely for the sake of console war points. Like I said, a lot of the early post WCW collapse indies guys were genuinely as good as they could be. Hell, CM Punk even made wrestling cool again for a couple of weeks and he remains one of the only real needle movers to come out of the 2010s.
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The real, true GOAT and A+ player. You can name as many legends as you want, but not many if any have been so consistently great in so many different styles and promotions for so long. Danielson's been called the greatest wrestler in the world since fucking 2004 when most of you were still little jimmies.
>anti-smarks were the annoying one
Antismarks wanted a Batista that didn't exist anymore and "the other side" wanted work rate to be king
>2009 was the only year post-90s boom that saw ratings go up.
Wrong, 2005/2006 did
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I stopped watching wrestling around 2002. I came back to it when he was teaming with Kane I couldn't comprehend why this ugly vegan midget was on television. I still can't.
when they fired him 14 seconds after he debuted lmao

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