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no wonder his knees are fucked up
doing a roll after a jump negates fall damage, everyone knows this
Has he ever actually landed that move properly?
This reminds me of something Maven said in a recent video of his, asking how many times you've actually seen a moonsault connect. When you think about it, these moves don't hit that often
did he ever hit that move?
Has he ever hit it?

One of the things I fucking hate about Seth is how he'll sell his knee then hit a superplex, in to a falcon arrow, in to a dive, in to a running stomp or some shit. I feel like he has a fraction of Balor's in ring psychology but has the height so he gets infinite chances despite being kind of shit.
If Sethetty didn't fuck his knees up, and learned some psychology and storytelling, he legitimately could have been better than Shawn Micheals.
He's not cool like Shawn Michaels unfortunately.
Yeah I think once. Rumble championship match. It was a 3 way with Brock, him, and someone else.
is that a shooting star press? i forgot what that flippy is
what's the point of an indie callback super finisher if you never hit it?
Damn I have to give seth credit, I had no idea he was still doing this fucking spot. I thought he stopped doing this shit in like 2017-2018
It's a phoenix splash, also known as the corkscrew moonsault
Rollins has never hit a Phoenix splash. The purpose of the spot is that he always misses. It’s really fucking stupid and short sided to have a spot where you purposefully miss a move 100% time. Kayfabe wise, why still try this move if everyone rolls out of the way? It’s really dumb. Similar to how Charlotte can only land a moonsault to opponents outside of the ring. I don’t think she’s ever landed it in the ring.
I always hate these "land on your feet and roll through" spots because normally you wouldn't do that unless you were doing a double stomp so why are you suddenly under rotating? Did you psychically know your oponnent was going to move out of the way? If so, why do the move in the first place?
It's an Eddie Guerrero spot though
Yeah, actually. A decade ago that is

He's hit a couple of em
It's supposed to seem like the giver noticed that the receiver was moving out of the way while in midair, so they adjust midair to avoid crashing on their stomach. But that's physically impossible so it never makes sense.

There are lots of wrestlers who do this. Everybody needs a transition spot of some kind, and it's an easy habit to just use the same one over and over.
how Finn doesn't have knee problems
He also landed it on HHH at mania in 2017
>heres my spot
>i do flippy flips in the air but dont land anything BUT its cool because like I roll and recover
literally what

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