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[Tremendous News]
Iyo Sky(34) is....
>#1 player in the universe
>supreme talent
>an emoji
>superior to Taylor Swift in every way imaginable
>winner of the Joshi Civil War
>a draw
>the GOAT
>cat enthusiast
>hard working
>hates aOSU
>great butt
>3 million viewer woman
>the main attraction
>ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS!!! Will risk copping a career ending and potentially life threatening injury to send the Iyomaniacs home happy
>a worthy obsession
>bigger draw than all AEW wrestlers COMBINED
>never starts fights with her co-workers and is the true embodiment of a locker-room leader
and most importantly
no title?
stop spamming this shit
I don't put one on the OP because it distracts people from seeing the facts. Thank you for the concern though Iyobro!
Based I fucking love the daily news
Hello newfag
>tanks ratings
She consistently has the highest rated segs. Nice try though homo
No she doesn't
Riveting journalism
You really need to have your head checked. Posting this shit everyday, without fail, can't be a sign of a well adjusted person.
Anon.... you really need to go back
You say that but here you are seething just like you do in every joshi thread like clockwork. Go outside and get some sun. Being so angry isn't healthy.
but does she have a title

mental illness
She is the leader of Damage CTRL
Yes you are mentally ill and extremely worked over an innocent Iyo thread
>skyrockets ratings

These threads are always the best of the board at any given time.
but does the leader of Damage CTRL have a title
says the guy who starts literal gay porn threads. We get it.... you antis are homosexuals
Title of what?
Thanks for proving my point. Keep thinking only one person is tired of your shit, it only makes you look more pathetic.
lmao worked
We love Iyo here!
I like Iyo, but I shit on her to make OP seethe. Too easy
Based Iyochad making the cord seethe
All true
(((They))) trying to slide this.
The antis are all third worlders lmfao
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No Tokyo Dome?
I would go to Disney World with Iyo and hold her hand as we stroll through the park. I'll even carry her while waiting in the long lines for Tiana's Bayou Adventure so her feet don't do get sore.
Yeah I am worked, make sure you tell everyone how worked I am. I would absolutely hate if you let everyone know how worked Hennimore is.
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Love Iyo
Hate Mirai
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Kek it's the Peruvian
The iyocord runs /pw/, don't make me sick iyonanny on you.
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Antis do be like that when they see Iyo winning kek
you have mental illness
AEW fans be doing that a lot
Hola Hector! Hopefully you don't fall off a cliff while tending to your Llamas
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I'll never understand why a cute female upsets them so much
>waifu faggot cant understand why everyone hates them
>three mentally ill dudes
It's quite literally just you Miguel. You are in every thread being a loser 24/7
>muh boogymen
>three mentally ill dudes
but enough about you
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Buenos días señor!
so when did this mexican character emerge in your head as a tormentor
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>so when did this mexican character emerge in your head as a tormentor
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Stay on your side of the isle tranny
Iyo Hate? This is anti-Skymetism
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Many are saying this! IYO really is all of that and more.
>make fun of his ugly dogshit waifu
>starts samefagging to bump the thread
again, your lack of self-awareness is astounding
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Hector seething. You better get some sleep that fucking lettuce ain't gonna pick itself amigo!
>this guy this worked over a news thread
what is it with "people" who watch WWE and making up tormentors for the voices in their head
>what is it with "people" who watch WWE and making up tormentors for the voices in their head
>hes an AEWtist too
LMAO he's literally a tranny from the 3rd world
>crying over a thread about a wrestler on an obscure japanese cartoon image board
look at your life
obvious samefag
>defending mentally ill trannies on an obscure japanese cartoon image board
goes both ways retard-sama
i think spammers are pathetic too. i just like IYO
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Go walk your llama tranny
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The ones getting mad are the real losers. Imagine being a grown fucking man and getting mad over bullshit on 4chan kek IYO is laughing at your life
>I have no convictions
you are as much of a shitstain as them
>babbies first edit
>waifu faggot thinks they are better than anyone
lol, lmao even
Buenos días, señor
Based Iyo making (((them))) seethe.
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>IYOs face when this anon thinks anyone on this planet cares about him
Why is the time displayed is the same?
Also go to sleep already, its 12am and you are trolling 4chan.
genuinely curious to why you think im peruvian. did you stock pile these photos or are you googling these for each post?
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Bro you are so mad rn. Just stop
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I think IYO haters are actually just closeted IYO fanatics!!
lol your ugly subhuman cunt waifu thinks about me but will never know you exist.

Based filter going over this jabroni!
East coast time US is a very common time.
>genuinely curious to why you think im peruvian. did you stock pile these photos or are you googling these for each post?
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I don't know about being Iyo fanatics but they're definitely closeted!
Antis took another L this thread as they always do.
Good job IDF chads.
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It's always a pleasure taking out the trash with you gentlemen
quick samefag the thread
you really think you won something here? lmao
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>you really think you won something here? lmao
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IDF never loses!
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still no explanation?
>still no explanation?
Iyochads are chillin' and you are seethin'.
That's called a win.
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lol ya seethe
>if you make fun of me you are seething
by your own logic you are seething and im winning
really starting to think this shitskin accusation is projection now
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Feels good
Bro you exposed yourself in the /sp/ thread as a gay fan fiction writer and an Iyo-anti. Now you have exposed yourself as a tranny ITT too. Log off, take a brisk walk and get ready to tend to your llamas in the morning amigo
>Bro you exposed yourself in the /sp/ thread
lol wut?
link please, I want to see who you think I am. this is how mentally ill you are, thinking that only one person could hate your moonfaced retarded fat waifu and the people who spam these pathetic samefaggot threads.
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>>Bro you exposed yourself in the /sp/ thread
>lol wut?
>link please, I want to see who you think I am. this is how mentally ill you are, thinking that only one person could hate your moonfaced retarded fat waifu and the people who spam these pathetic samefaggot threads
I'm not seething I'm laughing that you're so worked up over an innocent thread and you're still posting kwab. What do I even have to seethe about? You've done nothing.
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kek he doesn't deny being a tranny or a bbc rape enthusiast
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No no anon you don't get it. We're supposedly seething because he doesn't like IYO. Or so he says.
>I'm not seething
if you deny that your seething then you are in fact seething. 'fraid so!
>an innocent thread
>You've done nothing.
said the guy seething ;)
got em!
So this thread confirms that Iyoschizo is Lundy? Same enemies. Same repetitive arguing style. Same pic spamming
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This is quite literally the definition of seething. This thread happens everyday. You cannot stop it and now you've exposed yourself as a bbc loving tranny ITT. This is a legendary mental breakdown.
seems like whoever it is they most likely also spam nash threads, they seem to be obsessed with BBC and asians.
>This thread happens everyday.
>bragging about this
>>This thread happens everyday.
>>bragging about this
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The Iyoschizo is in my walls! The Iyocord rules /pw/ from the shadows!
Dude is having a serious breakdown over maybe the nicest thread you'll see on /pw/
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Yep. This is a Lundy style post
He's weird
I hope everytime it's posted it kills an pro-AEW thread.
>over maybe the nicest thread you'll see on /pw/
some seriously queer energy in this post
Go spam your kabuki waifu in your gay general.
Absolutely seething. Go back to being a redditor
theres that tribalism again. let it go.
The reason they're mad is because this thread probably takes up a spot the discord could be using to spam whatever unfunny forced meme they want to push that day.
>get called out on your faggy post style over wanting a nice thread
>cry reddit where all you can do is have nice threads
now THIS is schitzoposting
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Did a quick fact check and this is a true!
Nah it's the rape cord. They are upset because it was revealed earlier they are all litterally south american shitskins and now they are trying to accuse everyone else of being Peruvian lmao.
>now THIS is schitzoposting
Good morning, sir.
What's with the schizo that claims every other poster on this board is Wolfcuck/Lundy? I see him in every thread
Says the guy who post bbc fan fiction and literal gay porn all day.
or maybe you have a whole general to worship the yellow women of your choice in, you simp? Did the other girls bully you out of /kabuki/ or what?
it's an easy way to discredit people calling him out for posting gay rape shit.
We do what we want. Iyo threads are as much a part of Pro wrestling as console wars or your gay rape threads
>boogyman fan fiction
oh man you are so gotten too lmao
>>boogyman fan fiction
>oh man you are so gotten too lmao
Hey Robert
Unironically, go back
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Iyo board I'm afraid.
How is it a boogeyman if there are 20 rape threads going right now? Boogeymen are fake.
you forgot to attach an image
The antis got insecure about me calling them out for taking an L so they're going for round 2 and they're still taking Ls!
Kek Lundy jobs to Hennimore every day
That sounds like the work of a very gay man
what do I have to do with those threads?
>he whispered under his breath, too afraid to directly reply
It's kinda sad. If they wouldn't have started seething this thread would have died after 20 posts like usual.
>desperately seeking a (You)
Nice try, anti!
You aren't in your gay rape thread anymore anon
redpill me on hennimore
At least you had the balls to directly reply
Just another anti jobber who gets squashed by Iyochads daily. Not sure what xe has to do with this thread.
how is it sad? im drowning in (you)s from you fucking losers. im just having fun kicking you people. as soon as someone disagrees with you people you start really throwing a fit and its fun to work you.
They get really defensive over their pretend girlfriends.
Why wouldn't I? You just keep taking L's. Worked into a shoot because anons post a Japanese women's wrestler on a pro wrestling board where it belongs
who are lundy and robert?
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>if I say you're the one losing then I win
sorry, meant for >>15107113
I actually have zero idea who those people are.
So you're proud of getting replies on an anonymous message board? This is beyond sad
This was actually meant for >>15107109

It's the only social interaction xe ever has.
lundy is something they call you if you don't like spam. robert was the guy from the /kabuki/ facebook leak, i think.
it really is fascinating.
>he said with a folder full of some fat moonfaced jobber
whoa wh0a, >>15107116
was actually meant for >>15107113
sorry, long day ; )
And you are desperate for attention from an anon with a folder full of Iyos. Another common anti L
you have no self awareness. you think im working hard at working you like this?
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>I-I'm totally working you!
>please be worked!!!!
Is this really all antis have?
'fraid so
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>now hes afraid you (you) me
i win
>Iyofag so desperate for bumps he samefags an argument
seek help, rob
I hope not because you are doing a terrible job. You are having the worst meltdown I've seen since the /asp/ days.
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Good morning sir!
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>he (you)d me after getting called out
i own you kek
Kek it's been said many times but it's shocking how many times they expose themselves as third world freaks.
who is "they"? Another boogeyman?
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>now hes afraid to (you) Iyochads
Easy victory for the IDF.
I wasn't kidding when I said the antis exposed themselves as 3rd world browns in the /sp/ thread. It was wild
You worship a dumpy asian woman who will never know you exist. I don't. I win by default.
link it
Not surprising. Usually when I see Iyo posted on other boards there's not ant negativity and people from many flags say she's based. Must be the pajeets that spam otherwise.

You don't have your cock anymore. That makes you lose by default, AEWtist.
Yeah, I've heard a lot of talk about 92sissies exposing themselves as peruvian goat fuckers, but this is the first I've heard of "antis" being exposed. link it
all this meta shit is getting cringe. i just like iyo
It was a nash rape thread on /sp/ the softest board on here. That shit is long gone anon. We aren't just posting Peruvian Llama farmers out of the blue. We had Peruvians, Chileans, Brazilians, a fucking algerian and Argentinans. I really want flags here now
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>when another random anon joins in to kick waifu faggots around
>AEW out of nowhere. Make sure you save some room for Iyo up there cause it seems like the tranny fed is living RENT FREE
Yeah make it more obvious you support the 502k fed.
Clearly both of us could use some polish on our grammar and typing, but I attribute that to not being online 24/7.
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We never do the job brotherjack
>we never job
Antis do be jobbing kek
I thought you gave up and ran away until the bad men left.
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worked, yet again
>worked, yet again
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Its almost 1am. im sure this will happen again because i know you will keep making this gay ass thread and the jannies wont do anything about spam. im not this supposed peruvian you think I am, but please let me live rent free in your head. ;) later faggot.
>I'm not this person but let ME live rent free
Kek Peruvian confirmed
The fact that it's confirmed there's one peruvian monkey posting on this board is hilarious
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In my home country of Peru we have a saying

He who enters the alley at night is sure to pay the price.

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We have an Algerian too
Too busy alpaca herding and nash posting pls understand
It's not spam if it's 1 thread. Spam is what you see all day with nash and bryan posting. Tell gookmoot to make a joshi board if it bothers you that much because at the moment this is the place to post about Joshi Wrestling
If you post that "1 thread" every single day it absolutely is spam.

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