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This is Poi
[Citation Needed]
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this is poi-man
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This is Poi and her friend who is also the brains of the operation
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I want to breed with this retard
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This is a stupid ass senshu!
flush nastypoo down the toilet
anon I'm getting real tired of you posting this bitch fr
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A former friend of mine, a tiny blonde, wore glitter covered heels one day. That was like 15 years ago. I haven’t seen her in forever. I still fap to the memory. Unlike poi, she was not a racist retard
this is pound for pound the gayest board on 4chan
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She's a wrestler anon. Call gookmoot and tell him to make a joshi board or get over it
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We're trying to end that so please stop posting here
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natsupoi thread / natsumi thread
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I taught my Poipet a new command: "assume the position"!
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I love Poi but I enjoy watching her get beaten....
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>Unlike poi, she was not a racist retard
Its ok anon
nobody's perfect unlike Poi
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is she /ourgirl/?
this board is quite brown, I'm afraid
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Speak for yourself, Nigeru
This is what the guy who shits up every joshi thread looks like
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Miki threads, Mayu threads, Syuri threads, Saya threads, Poi threads... are we back, bros?
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Major draws
all slow and almost always bumped one post at a time, like so
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Joshiposters run this fucking board
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another ugly jap no knows: a thread
Show her shitter
It seemed like just a few years ago every girl was posting Leeds’s constantly, what happened? Fucking Biden and Covid.
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Well a good morning to you sir
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She knows not to relax
she's smarter than most people think
poi a cute!
Love this adorable racist
Bumpola for this retarded player
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Did she spot a Nigeru???
she seems very concerned
Fucking kek, I have a new finisher.
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How could Mayu do that to sweet lil Poi
what an evil bitch

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