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her makeup weighs more than she does
sashit will die alone cause mommy DMD says so
her pussy ain't
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I am curious... did she actually do anything? Or just stand there doing nothing.

Tony needs to take some booking lessons, pronto!
You should get that shit checked out
sick body but those abs are painted on so it’s deceptive
I can’t get hard for girls wearing basketball sneakers, not only does it remind me of BBC but it reminds me of white f*gs like Sam Roberts and SRS
Why she stealing IYO fit?
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Where's the other one? The one that people actually like.
nah she’s hella fit now
Did you post her?
Britt "BBC" Taker sucks so bad
Yawn. Call me when she gets her feet out.
Nah, she's always had an insane midriff.
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not true, Britt's tummy game is just next level
I want to shoot thick, warm, gooey, sticky, ropey, YELLOWY, cum in her abs and watch it drip down
You should try DDP yoga as well, fattie
same bro
Iv been unironically considering it
Nah, Britt always had abs definition. Now she's reached her top though.
good lord every time i see this bitch my balls literally rise up and tighten and my manhood starts quivering.

might have to let out a quick, pulsating, groaning, YELLOWY load to her now.
Too ripped, she's gonna end up tearing something
Nah, if she is really ripped, it will show on her back and arms. Abs are mostly aesthetic. You don't even need to exercise that hard to get them. Mostly diet.
Predicting that an AEW talent is going to suffer an injury is like predicting that the sun will rise in the morning.
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but enough about blunder rosa
maybe on planet retard
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Ay dios mio
>comes out with boo boo face
she finna do the job to creative control
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Stood there and did the taunt, made Monke seethe.
BCC, or, as Cucknette calls it, the BBC
>I'm here to do the job, I'm here to do the job!
Bet she pisses like a laser
I audibly kekked to this live
Fuck off, Dax
thought that was jeff hardy from the 'log
dax only likes boys
>soya schizo
>shitt schizo
gain taste asap
wat u mean?
I didn’t give a shit about that ugly gook bitch, you empty headed dumbfuck. You’d know that if you had actually bothered to keep up with the posts. The pajeet refused to concede on his grammar errors so I acted accordingly

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