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When your world champ is shorter than your secondary female champ
I think Sashit is in heels here because Swerve isn't that short, he's just skinny as fuck. He's not like Adam Cole who is legitimately like 5'5". Swerve is around the same size as Christian
does her necklace say monke? wtf
kek Swerve wearing eye shadow
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Why is he looking so far upward he looks retarded
Its a pose niggers like to do in photos. Look up and grab your dick.
Two whitewashed coons
kek you do be illiterate
Post the pic of Mama Wayne mogging him
that zestful nigger swerve(as in swerved sexuality) is sincerely wearing purple eyeliner kek
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The secondary female chump is gonna die alone because Lexi said so
Ponder the intercourse
Why is Swerve wearing more make-up than Sasha
they look better than every wwe champion ever
What are platform boots/heels?
I'm 6'1 so I wouldn't know, lil homie
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not my tbs champ
both are overrated
you look retarded
Mariah is such a lesbo slut

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