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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


7.6 Nao Kakuta Produce Show "CROSS" @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:00 JST]
7.7 Up! Up! TJPW (2) Tanabata Festival with Niki-chan @ Ueno Park Outdoor Stage, Tokyo (VOD)[14:00 JST]
7.13 Just Before TJPW SSP24 @ Itabashi Green Hall, Tokyo (VOD)[12:00 JST]
7.20 Summer Sun Princess '24 @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:00 JST]
7.25 Nao Kakuta Graduation Commemorative Performance ~You are our treasures~ @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[18:30 JST]
7.28 11th Tokyo Princess Cup 1st Round @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:30 JST]

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1st for VENY!
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Has she learned how to use her new washer yet?
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NEO Bii-gun bros... WE BACK
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This is your champion, Miu Watanabe. Say something nice about her
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never seen it but Sakisama's theme was based. anyone remember Misao's theme?
Raku's fat tits
She has good form on her squat
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she's a draw
the protagonist
her gravure gets my dick hard. i love her flat, pancake ass
thats not it
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Bandai Namco?
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Premium Bandai?
Dies Irae, right?

bara wa bara wa
Effortlessly badass and cool.
okubo runa enjoys getting attention from older men
>>15102379 #

Arai wrestles once a month at best? lol

She can wrestle more than once a month as evident on her last few years but somehow this year she only appear on 2 special shows since post-Grand Princess 3 prior to July. She's no Juria Nagano.
Why does that one anon have it in for Morinaga but not Tasomi who's also obsessed with a JK
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She draws a cute quadroped
Tasomi doesn't constantly post about how she wants to marry Haru, nor does she ask Haru's peers for advice about wooing high schoolers
Yeah, she’s been really busy with SKE the past few months. But she still did a wrestling themed meet-and-greet with Oshirin, so that was cool.
Unironically looks the same with that on lmao
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Riho is getting in on Wang Mania too!
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yes thanks. i wonder if Misao picked it for her theme.
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Her smug aura mocks me
who will inheirt shiden kai?
Riho Doc Martens feet
Its a venue that they own, like how EDION Osaka used to be Bodymaker Coliseum
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No, at best she's there all the time. She's making the trips to Tokyo and random Japanese cities. She's just super busy this year because the SKE stuff seems to be picking up. They already announced she's doing every show in the TPC whether she's eliminated or not.

Juria only ever showed up for big shows even she was healthy and not busy. She quit because her heart wasn't in it.
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*doesnt help set up the ring*
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Yeah but those SKE stuff, nothing major than late February - March. Could've have at least 1 house show appearance rather than suddenly committed to Kakuta's Cross cos of Saori Anou.

If Arai showed up on one of those house shows, see that their numbers are up rather than over-relying on special and big shows to pull their numbers. That's the chunk of 2% gain.
ass to ass
it's honestly impressive how you're so obsessed with her but you know absolutely nothing about what she does outside of wrestling. you actually think she decided to do nao's show because saori anou is on it? do you also think that she gets to decide her schedule? jesus christ, stop posting you clueless retard
Go away Akki.
Do you want TJPW to maintain it's relevance or keep things the same?

Up to you cos given of how Arai's mainstream presence was, you know that if she leaves and join a top promotion, everyone will be talking more in the mainstream.
what "mainstream presence"? how many fucking times do you need to be told that she isn't a celebrity before it gets through your retarded skull? she's known outside of wrestling by the steadily shrinking number of ske48 fans and that's it. wakana isn't a celebrity either, nor juria. no celebrity has ever worked for tjpw, and none ever will

Yeah, you're trying to say you want things to remain the same and nothing changes in TJPW.

Just like Koda said last year, keep running even if they're no longer relevant, right?
arai fans are annoying. stop shitting up the thread..
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nigga what? where the fuck did I say or imply anything like that? you actually are a genuine retard, I almost feel bad for you. get off the internet, it's clearly beyond your intellectual ability to engage in even the most basic discussion
I've been a whoki truther since the beginning
Keep deflecting.
TJPW Precious Time - 262

Same as Max Heart day 1 numbers just minus 1 from the total.
you don't even know what the words you use actually mean. just stop
She's doing Cross because Nao said she asked for her specifically. Maybe it's because of Saori Anou too, but it's not like they're booked in the same match together. It's almost like Nao is a respected veteran who everyone loves and will make time for.

Also my understanding is that Arai got picked for the main SKE group or something for the new song, where she has more responsibility right now. That's why she hasn't shown up as much lately.
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Holy shit, they've got Big Sam AND The Slam on this show?
did anyone ever get scans of the SKE48 book?
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
Yuki Arai is boring as fuck
Yuki Arai is not boring to fuck
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Toga's togas
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(VOD) is up
It's up!
>[Graduation commemoration] 3 memories of Naho Tsunoda!! Her best matches, behind-the-scenes stories with players, stories from when she first joined TJPW, etc...|July 25, 2024 ~ Kimitachi Haishou no Takara Mono ~
Naho Tsunoda o7
when are we getting more shoko twitch kino
>Most memorable match: vs Mizuki for the PoP
>Most emotional memory: Suzume being the first person in TJPW to befriend her
>Most shocking memory: Misao's "retirement"
>Tomorrow at 18:00, TJPW online store will start selling cheki of players for the first time in a while.
>You can choose from two patterns for each player: costume or plain clothes.
>If you prefer cheki to portraits, this is the perfect opportunity for you!
Poor Noso
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sweet jesus
daikon leg bitch is dangerously ambitious
Miss Chunky with the daikon legs
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will the Up Up Girls (2) girls be in bikinis for the Nikichan Water Lumberjack Death Match?
Force meme
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is anyone else looking forward to this battle of the menheras?
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They are also selling graduation portraits of Nao. I didn’t buy the four person portrait because it was too expensive for me, but I think I’ll get this one

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