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take this shit to /x/
Would it fly or would it took down?
He's right about the first part.
He's right about 9/11
Based he believes the same things I do.
Based, hope he cuts a promo about this shit
Damn, I was about to post the same thing. Also the NASA thing is intriguing as fuck and i never thought about it that way. The reptile people and giant cannibal shit seems off the wall though
This chud should be fired right now
On YouTube 15 years ago they called these subjects "Woke" videos
Yeah this is the shit he admits, he's probably also an anti vaxxer and Q Retard but doesn't want to get fired
>Liv had no problem dating someone this retarded
Is Liv just as retarded or was Bo's dick game just that good?
Oh damn
>an anti vaxxer

80% of Americans do not have an up to date covid booster.
My friend was in the forest of Peru and learned a lot of things. He found a skeleton of a giant in some ruins and said he brokedown and cried because he realized we really were lied to.
I wish I could be a schizo
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Hell Yeah! You Know He's Gotta Be MAGA!
imagine being pro vax in the current year. you'd have to be really retarded.
more or less retarded than not giving a shit either way?
Literally all of this is common sense
Then he fired up the computer to spam nash threads from Peru?
She liked a 9/11 truth tweet a while back so she probably believes a lot of that stuff too.
Why do you assume that she's a smart person to begin with? Most women are retarded and Liv looks like a special kind of retarded.
Oh no he has thoughts and beliefs that arent mine.
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Decent edit
You are really overestimating wrestlers' intelligence. It's still a southern gig, hombre.
That said, the most believable thing is the 9/11 one, but no one will ever know. Not one of us civvies anyway.
Also, doesn't Nasa constantly show live footage of the moon with rovers and shit?
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Certainly the US government would never consider an attack on their own citizens to justify war against another country.
The bible is the first comic book.
Pure fiction
The Epic of Gilgamesh is older than the Bible, mister retard
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lol this is literally the same shit that danica patrick was on her podcast talking about, what causes seemingly intelligent people to go off the deep end like this?
Yes, the United States government attacked its own people on 9/11 so that they could go to war with Iraq. Which is why they said all the hijackers were Iraqi, right?
He’s 70% right
We’ve never been to the moon because the earth is under the firmament and we can’t pierce through it

Dude I fucking love uncle dallas now.
Ok so I didn't like this guy, but I agree with almost all of that. He's alright, he's ok.
Based Big Bible Bo
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Dangerously based. Israel did 9-11 and George Washington talked about fighting the Illuminati by name. They've absolutely re-written history as well. Even normies know about the book of Enoch now, and its kind of a given that Judas had his shit removed.

Some of the shit is silly, like hollow earth and reptoids. But they have found Giant burial mounds in the US.
The highjackers were all Saudi, and George Bush's family own an oil company with the Bin Laden family, the Bin Laden's were over for dinner with Bush the day before 9/11 (the more you know)
America did 9/11
>In 1978, George Bush and Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas. Several bin Laden family members invested millions in The Carlyle Group, a private global equity firm based in Washington, DC. The company's senior advisor was Bush's father, former President George H.W.

This is an example of why "woke" videos were suppressed by the government
Based Bo and Danica are /ourschizos/
reptilians out in force trying to slide this thread.
This board really is Planet Retard
You’re the president
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>America did 9/11
I wonder what it is exactly that gets libshits so fired up about sandy hook questioning
how tf a man can be this based?
>an american pro wrestler and a race car driver
anon, i....
>giant cannibal shit seems off the wall though
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He's not wrong.
They at least allowed it to happen.
>we missed out on a Bo/Kendrick conspiracy team
I never stopped Bolieving. He's 100% right.
Ummm these are things that he can only be cancelled for when he leaves the Fed, anon.
some of these are true especially 9/11
>lizard people censored the Bible
This is absolutely insane behavior
"lizard people" is code for (((Brazilians)))
Now I want MJF to feud with him
Schizo thread
Bray was like this too. Probably IRS as well. Looney family.
This got the shills malding
>The triangle people
Bray named them, based
I'm not Sandy Hook denier, nor a Holocaust denier, or really anything like that, but I feel like it's fair to be skeptical. It's not like there aren't histories of false flags or media manipulation or whatever. Taking such a hardline stance against being able to sets an awful close-minded precedent for when that shit does happen.
They love the attention Sandy Hook got for their gun control propaganda.
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>Don't let the Reptilians or the Triangle Men in, they'll take over your home, they'll take over your business
Bray tried to warn Vince, he didn't listen.
The Wyatt “massacre” a couple weeks ago was fake. All the corpses were paid actors pretending to be dead. Chad Gable is in on the whole thing.
I see you understand that most conspiracy theories and theorists are antisemitic. Yet you still fall for their crap.

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