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>Single handedly revives a dead crowd

But size queens told me he wasn't over with the crowds?
Manlets always revive crowds.

Hell even cucky did during the Malakai match he had on raw.
When have the obese anti smark faggots of /pw/ ever been right about anything
Kek gotta love the Dragunovmeister, mad dragon baby!
>anti smark
you mean… a normal person?
No, an antismark is something different. It's someone who has a kneejerk reaction to something that a smark might enjoy. They automatically hate anyone who doesn't have the kind of body that Vince would like. They'd sooner defend the Great Khali than Ilja.
Anti-Smarks are basically just contrarians & no regular person is a smark. They're the type of mutants who love Von Wagner
Oh hold the fuck on, I love Von Wagner. I love Ilja and Gunther and all those guys, but Von was based.
Great match. All 3 were on fire.
normal people don't know what a smark is
an anti-smark is an even fatter and smellier version of a smark
>normal people don't know what a smark is
>an anti-smark is an even fatter and smellier version of a smark
This is what people who pay Meltzer $15 a month think.
it's almost like selling works. weird.
Grug was amazing, when I found out he was a shoot retard he became kino incarnate
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>you get me, stone
Benoit reborn is dimes, only AEWtist trannies that are jealous they don't have him falseflag here
Someone give this guy some small knee pads, fucking europeans refusing to wear knee pads is fucking stupid
Fuck off you let your government ban forks
Size queens are possibly bigger out of touch retards than GayEWtists.
Liking Von Wagner was because his promos and segments were tardkino. He was a bad wrestler though.
That's not true at all, purely mentally ill smark cope.
Some of it is deliberate, sure, but that's because the $11.99 golem and the rest of the creatures are so insufferable they need correction.
It's like popping and correcting a dog that misbehaves or hasn't been properly socialized.
Why do you guys change the definition of anti smark every thread
He's pretty good but I think his cap is at intercontinental title.
Classic smark behavior, they need to have a bogeyman to rail against in order to feel justified in their lashing out at anyone who comes within range.
which is perfect for him, not everyone needs to be world champion
Pretty sure he's Russian
You ask any person on the street if they know who Great Khali is and then do the same for the midget.
You think anyone would know who the fuck the midget is? Even if you were dishonest and refer to him as Dragunov people would think it's the Tekken character and not some 5'4 "adult" that looks like an oversized baby in diapers.
Khali had a monster aura. Don't ever put him and this vanilla midget in the same sentence ever again.
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Based , fuck smarks
This is definitely PW in a nutshell
he's actually not a charisma vacuum that's why
I've seen 11 Ilja Fagunov matches so far and this was the only one where he was tolerable, mostly because he had like a minute and a half worth of offense. Stop pretending that Sheamus and McIntyre weren't the only reason anyone gave a shit about that match and sea kelp.
Pretty much every Euro or Russian wrestler in WWE and NXT that wears trunks refuses to wear knee pads

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