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here's your money in the bank bro
Sex with Tiffy, Chelsea, and Iyo
Gable and Tiffany are the only ones who deserve it
damn, that's stacked
Most to least likely:
Knight > Jey > Drew > Andrade > Melo > Gable
Tiffy > Chelsea > Naomi > Lyra > Zoey > Iyo
top one is the only one that matters
chelsea must win
Kek what an absolutely stacked card
Melo is such a DEI-esque push. He’s garbage and looks like shit.
Zoey Stark ruins the women's match. It would've been perfect if Dakota qualified.
I can see them letting Drew win & losing because Punk costs him. I just gave up on Knight being pushed, Logan’s costing him so it’s realistically only Gable or Drew
This, she wants to bring back the divas belt
Hey Dakota, go cry some more on twitch and maybe that will get a push
>Naomi and Zoey over Iyo
Lyra Valkyria ruins the women's match. It would've been perfect if Kairi qualified.
how the hell do you have gable as least and knight as most. it should be the opposite. logan is costing knight the match
Not that anon but no one on RAW is winning it anyway, that belt is occupied with the Liv and Rhea feud. Meanwhile Bayley is spinning her wheels on Smackdown
Paul does not care the the japonés
I want Knight to win. But Logan is sending him through a table. When he reaches the top of the ladder.
>knight almost grabs the briefcase
>logan paul comes from nowhere and throws him through a table
>drew almost grabs the briefcase
>punks music hits and drew gets distracted leading to him losing
>gable actually grabs the briefcase
>wyatt family uses their meta magic and reverses time
>jey wins
Paul loves the Japs. They get TV time every week.
Yeetman and Chelsea will be the winners
Drew is winning and cashing in on Damian the same night, you dumbasses, they couldn't have made it more clear.
I think Melo and Andrade are the ones that are most likely to win purely because the rest have people with vendettas: Knight has Paul, Jey has the New Bloodline, Drew has CM Punk, and Gable has the Wyatts. Meanwhile, Melo has nobody that has a vendetta toward him, and Andrade is a midcarder, but I think the two of them are the only legitimate options to win the MitB. Melo also has the heel bonus, and heels do better with the briefcase.
honestly... fuck you're right. melo with his cocky first round draft pick gimmick pissing off the vets while holding mitb sounds like what they are gonna do
this is the most likely scenario, except they are giving it to Melo
They’re not doing Gunther vs Drew at Summerslam. Seth is getting his belt back after priest kept it warm
Smackdown won the womens case the past two years tho.
People like Melo don't get to hold briefcases, not on Paul Levesque's program.
Knowing Paul, he’ll give the briefcase to Melo but make him one of the few to fail his cash-in

Big dimes Iyo finna repeat
Melo > Andrade > Jey > Drew > Gable > LA Knight
Chelsea > Tiffany > Lyra > Naomi > Zoey > Iyo
this but in the complete opposite order
melo will win mitb and bron will win the ic on the same night keeping them tied by the red string of fate
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chelsea wins but cashes in for piper to get a match then acts like she's the champion
LA knight wins mens after Punk screws Drew again, hopefully Iyo wins
Two really excellent lineups. I'm super hyped.
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>pedophiles are still seething about Lyra
na boogeyman aside lyra should be in a tag team in aew or something. fact she's implied to win the match is grim .
if she wins over tiffy or chelsea i'm actually going to start watching AEW instead
i would accept naomi or IYO, hell even zoey, just not her
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I hope Chelsea wins. The karen gimmick turning into Beautiful People 2.0 is dimes.
I hope Lyra wins just so autistic pedophiles will commit suicide
They need a new brown flippy midget after Ricochet left to be with his gay lover Will Asspray
Sup Iyofaggot, please stream your suicide
Its has to be Drew for the men's
Then Punk costs him his cash-in
>deserve it
For what?
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>black woman has Ns all over her gear
triple K is not beating these racism accusations
not your boogeyman, lyra is an indyshitter
based same for me
great lineup.
but ladder matches in modern WWE are too safe and feel like regular matches.
just me uce
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Better than AEW
Females: only 3 credible Ms. Money In The Banks
Males: Only Drew not a credible Mr. Money In The Bank
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Drew 50%
Jey 20%
Gable 20%
Knight 10%
Andrade 0%
Melo 0%

Tiffy 50%
Chelsea 45%
Naomi 5%
IYO 0%
lyra 0%
Zoey 0%
naomi tiffy iyo?
and how's drew not credible over the likes of melo and andrade?
Male looks good, and Womens decent on paper. LA and IYO win. YEAH
No. Tiffany obviously, however.

Mr. Money In The Bank is an ethos defined by Edge which Drew doesn't fit. Everyone else embodies it in some permutation or another to some degree.
Nah, LA Knight is already pigeonholed into winning the US title at Summerslam and that seems to be the ceiling they're letting him stay at
i honestly think he fits the us title division a lot more. its sort of the "hollywood" title now
But that's the point, that he isn't a conniving bastard, since if he wins he'll cash in on the same night
Drew/Jey and Tiffy/Chelsea
>i honestly think he fits the us title division a lot more
no shit
did you just travel here straight from the beginning of 2023
>But that's the point, that he isn't a conniving bastard
that is boring and leads to boring storylines like Damien's
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For men's, either Gable or Knight will win, my money on Gable because Logan will get involved to stop Knight from winning to continue their feud til SummerSlam.
For women's, either Chelsea or Tiffy. Both 50/50
Only heels should be able to compete for MITB.
i like how every anon in here is completely confident in their prediction yet everyone in here is predicting something completely different
WWE will NEVER let Chad Gable hold a world title, be serious with yourself. He hasn't even held a singles title like the shitty US one everyone won
IYO and gable
>disgraced former champion stable leaders
>abuse their stablemates
>do not accept failure
>both stables about to go through significant changes
>biggest draws on raw right now
>same height
they will win and launch the mixed tag team division in the process
every prediction poster are in agreement either Chelsea or Tiff will win the women's mitb, which makes sense both are red hot atm
It's more than likely Tiffany, Chelsea is a comedy jobber and WWE is trying to distance itself from Carmella type wrestlers
Jey is winning this

Jey and Cody are former Tag Team Champions. The entire storyline is how Cody is gonna hold this belt for maybe a year and then drop it to The Rock so they can finally have that stupid Rock vs Reigns match only this time Reigns is gonna go Babyface and you're gonna sit thru Coconut autism all over again only this time Roman will be cutting Cena promos again.

It's like how back in 98-99 Hogan's solution to the NWO was to just turn them Babyface but for whatever reason Russo kept them as heels all because Russo hated Hogan.
>the Wyatts kill everyone in the main event
>a sixth shadowy figure passes the others, calmly climbs the ladder and grabs the briefcase
>Bray's death was a work
How hard would you mark
The plans are clearly Cody vs Rock at mania though
Its just my prediction, you seeuhhh
Knight is feuding with Logan for the US title, no way he'll win just to cash in on the US title. Unless they'll have a plan for him to win the US title without having to cash in. Saving the mitb for potential world title cash in.
Melo lol
Jey doesnt need the mitb
Andrade lol
Drew is feuding with Damien
Put Drew to the bottom, the Punk tulpa will certainly be lurking.

Cody is dropping the belt to Rock and Rock is dropping the belt to Reigns

The Cenaification of Reigns has long since been finished. The Coconut autism is the dawn of the ESG era when WWE gets put on Netflix

It wouldn't surprise me at all if they skipped a step, made it a 3-way and Reigns pinned Cody. Believe me Cody and Reigns is gonna be this generations version of Lesnar/Reigns, Cena/Orton or Owens/Zayn.
nah the title doesn't matter as much with liv and rhea because the prize is dom now and there's a story there that doesn't really need a belt to drive it. Dropping it to someone else would be the best decision.
At the same time? What would each of them be doing?
Except that's not happening because WWE is not booking women's feuds that aren't about titles
Also to add to this, the feud is about Liv taking EVERYTHING from Rhea, which includes her title belt, so yeah it's important too
is improvising banned in aew?
Nah, Dom is an ultimately replaceable fucktoy, the title was Rhea's most prized possession.
Los Angeles Knight is never winnig
read this as "women's feuds that aren't about titties", we need more HBK hornybooking
Any of them have a chance of winning outside of Caramello and Andrade
Tiffy and the Irish girl have a chance of winning. It's about 90% chance of Tiffy though
>the Irish girl have a chance of winning
luv the birb but she aint winning this one, id mark out if she did
I'm really hoping Gable wins, he's got one of the most compelling stories going right now and nobody else on the mitb card really needs it like him other than Knight who you could argue needs it the most considering where he is in his career
I need to cum inside Chelsea every day for an entire week until I successfully get her pregnant with my seed
>Knight at first
For as much as you people tout yourselves as real wrestling fans, some of you can’t understand basic storytelling for shit
That would be Knight and Chelsea, reddit.
Chelsea just got the better of Bianca in a triple threat.
what would jey do with it? who would he challenge and for what?
jey is in a weird place right now where he's gotten extremely over recently as a solo act, and i think bringing him back into the coconut scene, tying him up with auraless jimmy and overpowering aura roman would kill the current niche he's built for himself.
Drew should win but it's going to be Phil slop instead, I'm afraid.
Punk Derangment Syndrome, trannies and gentlemen
Nigga he isn't even a wrestlers, Drew has been locked in with a non-wrestler for months and it's boring, Drew should have won the title at Clash at the Castle
Call me an AEW tranny though, of course
To win the brief case.
>t. rannies
>Naomi and Stark added
>mens MITB
Drew is fairly obvious for the men's side
I want Chelsea to win the women's briefcase
It's good because there are at least 3 people from both matches I wouldn't mind winning. Usually there is only 1 or 2 at the most, now we at least get a 50/50 shot at a good result
Yup. I feel like Jey getting back into the Bloodline is inevitable, but then he'll just be taking a backseat to Roman again just as a face, which would make the last year pointless for his Singles run.

I don't think he should win MiTB, but it's incredibly weird how he's booked as a top guy on RAW, but never wins any major matches.
Brings the match down HARD desu.

Who gives a shit about the Women’s MITB
>the 3 stooges of wrestling
>It wouldn't surprise me at all if they skipped a step, made it a 3-way and Reigns pinned Cody.

This would just piss off the autists that want Rock vs. Roman to exclusively be about their coconut autism. They're still pissed at Cody for "ruining" it for them.

I genuinely don't know how they'd do it. I can't see Dwayne doing more than one match next year; he was in the tag team match, but you can tell they had to heavily protect him. This isn't 2013, and he's gonna be pushing 53 by next year.

So he either works with Roman or Cody for one Mania match.
Needs 1 face 1 heel
Drew and Timothy Stratton
I care, nigger
Stacked but I wish Ilja was there
if priest retains he could have a feud against jey
>quotes a guy not even talking about punk
>Should be Knight
But it's probably Jey
>Should be Tiffy
But it's probably Naomi
I love Ilja but Drew makes sense for the storyline. And the match needed another person who could potentially be the winner. The match has a great lineup otherwise too so it's fine that Ilja wasn't in this one.
They shoulda put Bálor in it
I just feel like Ilja needs to win something already before the fans just start seeing him as a jobber. He hasn't won a single feud yet
they might have brought him up just to job. they're doing that with carmelo. the win on orton is the only bone he'll be thrown.
Melo is so small though. Gable is small but he has some good muscle on him and he has that olympic background in the ring, most importantly he can portray an entertaining character, convincingly so it seems like the character is him irl.
Seriously fuck Melo his acting is atrocious and he's too small, no catchy chant, boring entrance.
So they're really having Drew on a losing streak
lost after lost after lost after lost
Haitch is banking on his boyish good looks. I see nothing else of value other than the smark praise he gets.
WWE over scripts promos. AEW over scripts match sequences. Sloppy
his titantron is cool
>iyo is yellow
>naomi covered in n's
>chelsea green is green
HHH is so clever

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