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The latest from Riho-chan's Instagram stories!
>views from Kenny's basement
Why is she wearing WIRED ear buds??
groomed bitch
Ganbatte, Riho-chan!
That's Kenneth's house confirming again that Kenneth is spearing that tight little coin slot
she knows
they're vintage Calvin Klein earbuds from 1992, word has it you can still hear Nash screaming if you wear them
bitch making $400k and using poverty iphone
I've seen quite a lot of people recently who look like they could have wireless earbuds if they wanted but chosing wired instead. A lot of Asian girls and zoomers for some reason.
Some people never stopped using them
too small for wrestling
>asian obsessed with luxury brands
wow i'm shocked.

they are free, you don't lose just one and they have a mic on the cord that you can hold to your mouth vs talking loudly for an earbud. there's no reason to have earbuds unless you are being active
Because they are based and aren't prone to being lost if one earbud goes missing
Easy to keep track of and you don't fry your brain with bluetooth
That's what they said about Rey Mysterio too.
File: 1702598359500374.webm (3.84 MB, 784x484)
3.84 MB
3.84 MB WEBM
She's saving her money for her old age.
He's been doing that since she was 9, anon.
What's funny is riho is taller than mysterio
>there's no reason to have earbuds unless you are being active

or own a phone made in the last 6 years
They are not romantically involved. If that were the case, it would spell the end for Tyson Smith's professional and personal life.

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